--1表空间 CREATE TABLESPACE newjw DATAFILE 'E:\oracle_data\newjw.DBF' size 200M AUTOEXTEND on next 50M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL ; --2.建用户 create user newjw identified by newjw default tablespace newjw; --3.赋权 grant connect,resource,dba to newjw; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO newjw; GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO newjw; grant create any sequence to newjw; grant create any table to newjw; grant delete any table to newjw; grant insert any table to newjw; grant select any table to newjw; grant unlimited tablespace to newjw; grant execute any procedure to newjw; grant update any table to newjw; grant create any view to newjw; --4、导入数据 imp newjw/newjw file=e:\newjwup\newjwup.dmp fromuser=导出用户名 touser=newjw
imp newjw/newjw file=e:\newjwup\newjwup.dmp fromuser=导出用户名 touser=newjw INDEXES=N(先不要索引) Feedback=1000000(100万行提示一次) COMMIT=Y(提交) buffer=104857600(缓存)log=E:/newjwup/