摘要:所有翻译,一方面是自己初学,可以督促自己;另一方面,也希望能帮到和我一样的初学者(不想看英文的)翻译说明:1.每段英文后面的中文,是直接根据英文翻译的2.根据原文翻译,难免拗口,所以【】里面为自己根据原文用简单的语言组织后描述,可以直接跳过其他所有内容直接看【】里的3.有什么想法建议可以随便提Chapter 1Hello, Windows Phone 7Sometimes it becomes apparent that previous approaches to a problem haven’t quite worked the way you anticipated. Perhaps
文章分类 - 【Windows Phone 7】
摘要:Part I The Basics1 Hello, Windows Phone 7Targeting Windows Phone 7The Hardware ChassisSensors and ServicesFile | New | ProjectA First Silverlight Phone ProgramThe Standard Silverlight FilesColor ThemesPoints and PixelsThe XAP is a ZIPAn XNA Program for the Phone2 Getting Oriented3 An Introduction to