代理 mitmproxy config.yaml 模板 使用笔记(二)

代理 mitmproxy config.yaml 模板 使用笔记(二)

mitmproxy config.yaml 模板

使用 mitmproxy 可能需要用到 config.yaml来批量配置参数


  1. config.yaml 文件所在位置
  2. config.yaml 命令行加载
  3. config.yaml 常用的选项
  4. config.yaml 全部配置项


配置文件默认读取路径:~/.mitmproxy/config.yaml,见配置项:confdir: '~/.mitmproxy'

  1. linux 系统,如/root/.mitmproxy/config.yaml,没有则需要新建config.yaml
  2. windows 系统,如:C:\Users\Admin\.mitmproxy\config.yaml,用户名:Admin,没有则需要新建config.yaml


请注意,配置文件中 confdir: '~/.mitmproxy',与命令行中参数值保持一致,或注释掉配置文件中的confdir

# 启动WEB GUI页面
mitmweb --set confdir='~/.mitmproxy'

# 启动非GUI
mitmproxy --set confdir='~/.mitmproxy'


# File   : config_template.yaml
# Author : yqbao
%YAML 1.2
# Opposite of --ignore-hosts.
# Default: []
  - ''

# Block connections from public IP addresses.
# Default: True
block_global: false

# Ignore host and forward all traffic without processing it. In transparent mode,
# it is recommended to use an IP address (range), not the hostname. In regular mode,
# only SSL traffic is ignored and the hostname should be used. The supplied value
# is interpreted as a regular expression and matched on the ip or the hostname.
# Default: []
# ignore_hosts: [ ]

# Address to bind proxy server(s) to (may be overridden for individual modes, see `mode`).
# Default:

# Port to bind proxy server(s) to (may be overridden for individual modes, see `mode`).
# By default, the port is mode-specific. The default regular HTTP proxy spawns on port 8080.
# Default: 8080
listen_port: 8080



# File   : config_template.yaml
# Author : yqbao
%YAML 1.2
add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain: false

allow_hosts: [ ]

anticache: false

anticomp: false

# Block connections from public IP addresses.
# Default: True
block_global: true

block_list: [ ]

block_private: false

body_size_limit: null

cert_passphrase: null

certs: [ ]

ciphers_client: null

ciphers_server: null

client_certs: null

client_replay: [ ]

client_replay_concurrency: 1

command_history: true

confdir: '~/.mitmproxy'

connect_addr: null

connection_strategy: 'eager'

console_default_contentview: 'auto'

console_eventlog_verbosity: 'info'

console_flowlist_layout: 'default'

console_focus_follow: false

console_layout: 'single'

console_layout_headers: true

console_mouse: true

console_palette: 'solarized_dark'

console_palette_transparent: true

console_strip_trailing_newlines: false

content_view_lines_cutoff: 512

dumper_default_contentview: 'auto'

dumper_filter: null

export_preserve_original_ip: false

flow_detail: 1

# Save a HAR file with all flows on exit. You may select particular flows by setting save_stream_filter. For mitmdump, enabling this option will mean that flows are kept in memory.
# Default:
hardump: ''

http2: true

http2_ping_keepalive: 58

http3: true

ignore_hosts: [ ]

intercept: null

intercept_active: false

keep_host_header: false

keepserving: false

key_size: 2048

# Address to bind proxy server(s) to (may be overridden for individual modes, see `mode`).
# Default:

# Port to bind proxy server(s) to (may be overridden for individual modes, see `mode`).
# By default, the port is mode-specific. The default regular HTTP proxy spawns on port 8080.
# Default: 8080
listen_port: 8080

map_local: [ ]

map_remote: [ ]

  - 'regular'

modify_body: [ ]

modify_headers: [ ]

normalize_outbound_headers: true

onboarding: true

onboarding_host: 'mitm.it'

proxy_debug: false

proxyauth: null

rawtcp: true

readfile_filter: null

rfile: null

save_stream_file: null

save_stream_filter: null

scripts: [ ]

server: true

server_replay: [ ]

server_replay_extra: 'forward'

server_replay_ignore_content: false

server_replay_ignore_host: false

server_replay_ignore_params: [ ]

server_replay_ignore_payload_params: [ ]

server_replay_ignore_port: false

server_replay_kill_extra: false

server_replay_nopop: false

server_replay_refresh: true

server_replay_reuse: false

server_replay_use_headers: [ ]

showhost: false

ssl_insecure: false

ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca: null

ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_confdir: null

stickyauth: null

stickycookie: null

stream_large_bodies: null

tcp_hosts: [ ]

termlog_verbosity: 'info'

tls_ecdh_curve_client: null

tls_ecdh_curve_server: null

tls_version_client_max: 'UNBOUNDED'

tls_version_client_min: 'TLS1_2'

tls_version_server_max: 'UNBOUNDED'

tls_version_server_min: 'TLS1_2'

udp_hosts: [ ]

upstream_auth: null

upstream_cert: true

validate_inbound_headers: true

view_filter: null

view_order: 'time'

view_order_reversed: false

  - 'tls'
  - 'icon'
  - 'path'
  - 'method'
  - 'status'
  - 'size'
  - 'time'

web_debug: false


web_open_browser: true

web_port: 8081

web_static_viewer: null

websocket: true

mitmproxy 官方文档
Appium 2.0 官方文档

posted @ 2024-05-06 20:12  星尘的博客  阅读(406)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报