FastReport VCL报表创建样式集教程
FastReport VCL是用于 Delphi、C++ Builder、RAD Studio 和 Lazarus 的报告和文档创建 VCL 库。它提供了可视化模板设计器,可以访问 30 多种格式,并可以部署到云、网站、电子邮件和打印中。
立即点击下载FastReport VCL v6.9最新版【慧都网】
var Style: TfrxStyleItem; Styles: TfrxStyles; Styles := TfrxStyles.Create(nil); { the first style } Style := Styles.Add; Style.Name := 'Style1'; Style.Font.Name := 'Courier New'; { the second style } Style := Styles.Add; Style.Name := 'Style2'; Style.Font.Name := 'Times New Roman'; Style.Frame.Typ := [ftLeft, ftRight]; { apply a set to the report } frxReport1.Styles := Styles;
TfrxStyleItem * Style; TfrxStyles * Styles; Styles = new TfrxStyles(NULL); // the first style Style = Styles->Add(); Style->Name = "Style1"; Style->Font->Name = "Courier New"; // the second style Style = Styles->Add(); Style->Name = "Style2"; Style->Font->Name = "Times New Roman"; Style->Frame->Typ << ftLeft << ftRight; // apply a set to the report frxReport1->Styles = Styles;
var Style: TfrxStyleItem; Styles: TfrxStyles; Styles := frxReport1.Styles; Styles.Clear; { the first style } Style := Styles.Add; Style.Name := 'Style1'; Style.Font.Name := 'Courier New'; { the second style } Style := Styles.Add; Style.Name := 'Style2'; Style.Font.Name := 'Times New Roman'; Style.Frame.Typ := [ftLeft, ftRight]; { apply a set to the report } frxReport1.Styles.Apply;
TfrxStyleItem * Style; TfrxStyles * Styles; Styles = frxReport1->Styles; Styles->Clear(); // the first style Style = Styles->Add(); Style->Name = "Style1"; Style->Font->Name = "Courier New"; // the second style Style = Styles->Add(); Style->Name = "Style2"; Style->Font->Name = "Times New Roman"; Style->Frame->Typ << ftLeft << ftRight; // apply a set to the report frxReport1->Styles->Apply();