SQL Prompt是一款实用的SQL语法提示工具。SQL Prompt根据数据库的对象名称、语法和代码片段自动进行检索,为用户提供合适的代码选择。自动脚本设置使代码简单易读--当开发者不大熟悉脚本时尤其有用。SQL Prompt安装即可使用,能大幅提高编码效率。此外,用户还可根据需要进行自定义,使之以预想的方式工作。
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标量UDF作为全局数据库常量的错误使用是一个主要的性能问题,每当SQL Prompt在任何生产代码中发现此错误时,都应进行调查。除非您需要在计算列或约束中使用这些全局常量,否则通常将值存储在内联表值函数中或使用视图会更安全,更方便。
开发人员倾向于期望能够在数据库中设置全局值,以提供诸如Pi的值之类的常量,或诸如税率,语言,文件URN或URL之类的变量。用户定义的标量函数返回单个值,因此似乎提供了理想的方法。这对于不经常执行的功能以及处理相对较小的数据集是很好的,但是在其他情况下,它可能会导致严重的查询性能问题。出现问题是因为SQL Server不相信未经模式验证的标量函数是精确的和确定性的,因此在执行它们时会选择最安全(尽管最慢)的选项。
调用具有BEGIN…END块的任何SQL Server函数都会产生开销,因为除非允许SQL Server通过使用架构绑定创建该函数来验证其输出,否则它将在过滤数据之前重新为每一行执行该函数。 ,即使您很明显每次都会返回相同的值。这是一个比较隐蔽的问题,尽管扩展事件会话将揭示实际发生的情况,但是它并没有真正显示其在执行计划中的全部意义。
简而言之,请勿在JOIN条件,WHERE搜索条件或SELECT列表中使用标量用户定义函数(UDF),除非该函数是架构绑定的。SQL Prompt实现了静态代码分析规则PE017,该规则专门用于帮助您检测和纠正此问题。除非您对模式绑定及其对数据库更改的后果有信心,否则最好使用将值传输到变量,或者使用诸如视图或内联表值函数之类的模块。
如果SQL Prompt检测到您的代码出现PE017,该怎么办?
最后,它创建了第三个版本,该版本仅返回其参数值,仅用于检查这是否是SQL Server验证过程中的一个因素。
IF Object_Id('dbo.Wordcount') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.Wordcount GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Wordcount() /** Summary: > A simple scalar multi-statement function without schemabinding that returns a constant Author: PhilFactor Date: 01/02/2018 Returns: > the integer value 5 **/ RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN 5 END GO /* we now test it to see whether SQL Server trusts it */ SELECT ObjectPropertyEx( Object_Id('dbo.Wordcount'), N'IsDeterministic') AS deterministic; --Is a precise number returned? Whenever floating point operations are used in resolving --expressions, the results are not precise, by the very nature of the way that the datatype is stored. SELECT ObjectPropertyEx(Object_Id('dbo.Wordcount'), N'IsPrecise') AS precise; --Can SQL Server verify that the function is precise and deterministic? SELECT ObjectPropertyEx( Object_Id('dbo.Wordcount'), N'IsSystemVerified') AS verified; GO IF Object_Id('dbo.WordcountSchemaBound') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.WordcountSchemaBound GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.WordcountSchemaBound() /** Summary: > A second version of a simple scalar multi-statement function with schemabinding that returns a constant Author: PhilFactor Date: 01/02/2018 Returns: > the integer value 5 **/ RETURNS INT WITH SCHEMABINDING AS BEGIN RETURN 5 END GO /* Repeat tests to see if SQL Server trusts dbo.WordcountSchemaBound*/ SELECT ObjectPropertyEx( Object_Id('dbo.WordcountSchemaBound'), N'IsDeterministic') AS deterministic; SELECT ObjectPropertyEx( Object_Id('dbo.WordcountSchemaBound'), N'IsPrecise') AS precise; SELECT ObjectPropertyEx( Object_Id('dbo.WordcountSchemaBound'), N'IsSystemVerified') AS verified; GO IF Object_Id('dbo.Wordcounter') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.Wordcounter GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Wordcounter /** Summary: > A third version of a simple scalar multi-statement function without schemabinding that merely returns its parameter To test whether the absense of any parameter is a determining Factor -- whether adding a parameter here gets round the problem Author: PhilFactor Returns: > the integer value passed to it **/ (@howMany INT) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN @howMany END GO /* Repeat tests to see if SQL Server trusts dbo.Wordcounter*/ SELECT ObjectPropertyEx( Object_Id('dbo.Wordcounter'), N'IsDeterministic') AS deterministic; SELECT ObjectPropertyEx(Object_Id('dbo.Wordcounter'), N'IsPrecise') AS precise; SELECT ObjectPropertyEx( Object_Id('dbo.Wordcounter'), N'IsSystemVerified') AS verified; GO
IF Object_Id('dbo.WordCountView') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW dbo.WordCountView GO CREATE VIEW dbo.WordCountView AS /** Summary: > A very simple view that returns a single row with one column Author: PhilFactor Date: 01/02/2018 Returns: > a single row with a column called 'wordcount' **/ SELECT 5 AS wordcount GO IF Object_Id('dbo.WordCountTVF') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION dbo.WordCountTVF GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.WordCountTVF() /** Summary: > A table valued function that returns a single row with a column called 'wordcount' Author: PhilFactor Date: 01/02/2018 Returns: > a single row with a column called 'wordcount' **/ RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN (SELECT 5 AS wordcount) GO
视图定义中引用的对象不能以使视图定义非法或强制SQL Server在视图上重新创建索引的方式进行更改。
排列所有候选解决方案后,让我们看看它们的性能如何。我将测试每个选项能多快找出英语中常用的五个字母的单词。这些测试要求我们创建一个简单Commonwords表,其中包含所有常见单词的单列(主键)。要填充它,您需要下载commonwords 文件,然后运行清单3,并使用正确的文件路径。
DECLARE @AllCommonWords XML = (SELECT * FROM OpenRowset(BULK 'C:\MyPath\commonwords.XML', SINGLE_BLOB) AS x ); IF Object_Id('commonwords', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE commonwords; CREATE TABLE commonwords (word VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO commonwords(word) SELECT word = word.value('@el', 'varchar(40)') FROM @AllCommonWords.nodes('/commonwords/row') AS CommonWords(word);
对于计时,我将使用我的文章如何使用SQL Prompt片段记录T-SQL执行时间中描述的简单测试工具。
-- create a temporary table variable to hold timings DECLARE @log TABLE ( TheOrder INT IDENTITY(1, 1), WhatHappened VARCHAR(200), WhenItDid DATETIME2 DEFAULT GetDate() ) ----start of timing INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Starting the test run'--place at the start --first we see how fast it is with a literal number, as a benchmark SELECT Count(*) FROM commonWords WHERE Len(word)=5 INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'simple Query with literal number'--place at the start --then see how long it takes if you transfer the 'constant' to a local variable DECLARE @NumberOfLetters INT=dbo.wordcount() SELECT Count(*) FROM commonWords WHERE Len(word)=@NumberOfLetters INSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Same query but with value transferred from UDF to variable ' --Now we see how long with the scalar UDF that just passes the value back SELECT Count(*) FROM commonWords WHERE Len(word)=dbo.wordcounter(5) iNSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Same but using a scalar function with parameter ' -- And now with the use of a scalar UDF function as a global constant SELECT Count(*) FROM commonWords WHERE Len(word)=dbo.wordcount() iNSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Same with a ''constant'' UD scalar function ' -- And now with the use of a schema-bound scalar UDF as a global constant SELECT Count(*) FROM commonWords WHERE Len(word)=dbo.wordcountSchemaBound() iNSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Same with schema-bound ''constant'' UD scalar function' --We'll now use a view to do the same thing SELECT Count(*) FROM commonWords INNER JOIN dbo.WordCountView ON Len(word)=wordcount iNSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Using a view containing a constant with inner join ' --We'll now use a view with a cross join to do the same thing SELECT Count(*) FROM commonWords CROSS JOIN dbo.WordCountView where Len(word)=wordcount iNSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Using a ''constant'' view with a cross join ' --and now with an inline table-valued function. Some functions are OK! SELECT Count(*) FROM commonWords INNER JOIN dbo.WordCountTVF() ON Len(word)=wordcount iNSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Using an inline TVF to provide a constant' --we see if a different syntax makes a difference SELECT Count(*) FROM commonWords cross JOIN dbo.WordCountTVF() WHERE Len(word)=wordcount iNSERT INTO @log(WhatHappened) SELECT 'Using an inline TVF and cross join to provide a constant' SELECT ending.whathappened AS test, DateDiff(ms, starting.whenItDid,ending.WhenItDid) [Time in ms] FROM @log starting INNER JOIN @log ending ON ending.theorder=starting.TheOrder+1 --list out all the timings GO /* this is the end of the test section */
几乎不需要图表来强调PE017的恐怖-const UDF的不正确使用。SQL Server执行不受架构限制的未经验证的标量UDF的方式非常谨慎(每行询问“是否仍返回5? ”),速度慢了五十倍。
IF Object_Id('dbo.Wordcount') IS NOT NULL DROP function dbo.Wordcount GO IF Object_Id('dbo.WordcountSchemaBound') IS NOT NULL DROP function dbo.WordcountSchemaBound GO IF Object_Id('dbo.Wordcounter') IS NOT NULL DROP function dbo.Wordcounter GO IF Object_Id('dbo.WordCountView') IS NOT NULL DROP view dbo.WordCountView GO IF Object_Id('dbo.WordCountTVF') IS NOT NULL DROP function dbo.WordCountTVF GO