[Tess Lab 记录] Go Through -> .NET Debugging Demos Lab 1: Hang

Go through Tess Lab: .NET Debugging Demos Lab 1: Hang

1. 运行”adplus -hang -pn w3wp.exe -quiet“命令的时候,出现An '_NT_SYMBOL_PATH' Environment variable is not set 的警告.

>> Start -> Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System settings-> Environment Variables.

     In the User variables for admin, New 一个环境变量。

     Name: _NT_SYMBOL_PATH   Path: \symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols


2.  继续运行指令。 C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)>adplus -hang -pn w3wp.exe -quiet

出现新的错误: *.cfg Path not found.

Attaching the debugger to: W3WP.EXE_-BuggyBits-_-v_-v2.0-_-l_-webengine4.dll-_-a_-.-pipe-iisipm61f0d517-1fa0-4ed0-a50a-f37bbfb9986f_-h_-C-inetpub-temp-apppools-BuggyBits-BuggyBits.config-_-w_--_-m_0_-t_20 

(Process ID: 6164)
Error creating file: C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\Hang_Mode__Date_11-05-2013__Time_17-25-44PM\CDBScripts\PID-6164__W3WP.EXE_-BuggyBits-_-v_-v2.0-_-l_-webengine4.dll-_-a_-.-pipe-iisipm61f0d517-1fa0-4ed0-a50a-f37bbfb9986f_-h_-C-inetpub-temp-apppools-BuggyBits-BuggyBits.config-_-w_--_-m_0_-t_20.cfg Error: 76 - Path not found


Solution: 参考这一篇博客,修改了adplus.vbs. 注意黄色部分代码。

' if we didn't get a package name, check if it is IIS 6
if g_CurrentProcesses(PCount).Name = "W3WP.EXE" Then
' read the next line
  if not objTextFile.AtEndofStream Then
    strAux = objTextFile.ReadLine
    ' check the command line for the -ap parameter
    If InStr(strAux, "-ap") Then
      arrAux = split(strAux, "-ap", -1, 1)
      strPackageName = trim(arrAux(1))
      ' modifications start (http://blogs.msdn.com/stuartleeks/archive/2009/07/22/adplus-windows-7-and-asp-net.aspx)
      If Mid(strPackageName, 1, 1) = """" Then
        strPackagename = Mid(strPackageName, 2, InStr(2,strPackageName, """") - 2)
      End If
      ' modifications end
    End If
  End If
End If


C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)>adplus -hang -pn w3wp.exe -quiet
Attaching the debugger to: W3WP.EXE_BuggyBits (Process ID: 6164)
Attaching the debugger to: W3WP.EXE_DefaultAppPool (Process ID: 7512)


3. Tinyget 压网站的时候,我本地用的是90端口号。所以命令变成:tinyget -srv:localhost -port:90 -uri:/FeaturedProducts.aspx -threads:30 -loop:50

posted @ 2013-11-06 22:39  悠哉游哉  阅读(344)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报