

1: Access Scopes

We can access any scope (even isolated ones!) on the page with a simple JS one-liner:

> angular.element(targetNode).scope()
-> ChildScope {$id: "005", this: ChildScope, $$listeners: Object, $$listenerCount: Object, $parent: Scope}

Or for isolated scopes:

> angular.element(targetNode).isolateScope()
-> Scope {$id: "009", $$childTail: ChildScope, $$childHead: ChildScope, $$prevSibling: ChildScope, $$nextSibling: Scope}

Where targetNode is a reference to an HTML Node. You can grab one easily using document.querySelector().

posted on 2014-07-02 13:27  yoyo002  阅读(4814)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报