Why we have to use epsg:900913 in OpenLayers


epsg:900913 is spicfy the Soherical Mercator which used by google bing and some other commercial map API, and there is another important reason is the image which request from  gis server can't by reprojection in client side. So if you want to add your WMS or WCS layer to a map which use one the commercial maps as the base layer, you must use epsg:900913 as your map's projection. By openlayers code is laye.sphericalMercator=true. I have tried that if you doesn't set  laye.sphericalMercator=true the map's default projection will be "epsg:4326", and then  the base layer will distortion and can't set right location.



posted on 2013-08-06 09:50  yoyo002  阅读(575)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报