import httpx import random import asyncio import ddddocr from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from loguru import logger from playwright.async_api import Page, Response, async_playwright class AwemeBrowser: def __init__(self, session: str, headless: bool = False): self.x = 0 self.y = "" self.url1 = "" self.url2 = "" self.tag = False self._session = session self._headless = headless self.ocr = ddddocr.DdddOcr(det=False, ocr=False, show_ad=False) async def login(self, page: Page, username) -> None: page.on("response", self.on_response) await page.goto('') await page.wait_for_timeout(self.wait_random) if "扫码登录" not in await page.content():"账号={}, 正常在线".format(username)) else: await'li:has-text("验证码登录")') # 清空输入框 await page.evaluate('document.querySelector(".web-login-normal-input__input").value=""') await page.evaluate('document.querySelector(".web-login-button-input__input").value=""') # 账号密码登录 await page.wait_for_timeout(self.wait_random) await page.type(selector=".web-login-normal-input__input", text=username, delay=100) # await page.type(selector=".web-login-button-input__input", text=password, delay=100) await page.wait_for_timeout(self.wait_random) await'span:has-text("获取验证码")') await page.wait_for_timeout(self.wait_random) num = 1 while True: logger.warning("当前滑动次数: {}".format(num)) distance = await self.get_distance() tracks = self.get_tracks(distance) new_frame = page.frame_locator('#captcha_container > iframe') slide = new_frame.locator('.captcha-slider-btn') box = await slide.bounding_box() await page.mouse.move(box["x"] + box["width"] / 2, box["y"] + box["height"] / 2) await page.mouse.down() x = box["x"] + box["width"] / 2 for track in tracks: x += track await page.mouse.move(x, box["y"]) await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(0.005, 0.02)) await page.mouse.up() await page.wait_for_timeout(self.wait_random) num = num + 1 if num > 5 or self.tag: break await page.wait_for_timeout(self.wait_random) @property def wait_random(self): return random.randint(1000, 3000) async def on_response(self, response: Response): if "" in response.url: result = await response.json() data = result.get("data") picture = data.get("question") self.y = picture.get("tip_y") self.url1 = picture.get("url1") self.url2 = picture.get("url2") if "" in response.url: result = await response.json() if result.get("code") == 200: logger.success("滑块通过, res={}".format(result)) self.tag = True async def get_distance(self): async with httpx.AsyncClient() as session: response_1 = await session.get(self.url1) response_2 = await session.get(self.url2) image = width, height = image.size sub_images = [] for i in range(6): left = (i * width) // 6 right = ((i + 1) * width) // 6 sub_image = image.crop((left, 0, right, height)) sub_images.append(sub_image) order = [1, 5, 4, 2, 0, 3] new_images = [None] * 6 for i in range(6): new_images[order[i]] = sub_images[i] merged_image ='RGB', (width, height)) for i in range(6): left = (i * width) // 6 right = ((i + 1) * width) // 6 merged_image.paste(new_images[i], (left, 0)) # 保存图片'logs/images/captcha_restored.png') img_byte = BytesIO(), format='JPEG') url1_content = img_byte.getvalue() ocr_response = self.ocr.slide_match(response_2.content, url1_content) x = ocr_response['target'][0]"滑动的距离为: {x}, 高度为: {self.y}") return int(int(x) / 550 * 340) - 5 def get_tracks(self, distance): track = [] current = 0 mid = distance * 4 / 5 t = 0.2 v = 1 while current < distance: if current < mid: a = 4 else: a = -3 v0 = v v = v0 + a * t move = v0 * t + 1 / 2 * a * t * t current += move track.append(round(move)) return track async def start(self, username): async with async_playwright() as pwt: browser = await pwt.chromium.launch_persistent_context( headless=self._headless, user_data_dir=self._session, args=["--start-maximized", '--disable-blink-features=AutomationControlled'], no_viewport=True # 窗口最大化 ) await browser.add_init_script(path="logs/js/stealth.min.js") page = await browser.new_page() await self.login(page=page, username=username) async def main(username): b = AwemeBrowser(session=f"logs/session/{username}") await b.start(username)"17682303516"))