1.隐藏 Selenium 加上stealth.min.js
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | import time from selenium.webdriver import Chrome from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options chrome_options = Options() chrome_options.add_argument( "--headless" ) chrome_options.add_argument( 'user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36' ) driver = Chrome( './chromedriver' , options = chrome_options) with open ( './stealth.min.js' ) as f: js = f.read() driver.execute_cdp_cmd( "Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument" , { "source" : js }) driver.get( 'https://bot.sannysoft.com/' ) time.sleep( 5 ) driver.save_screenshot( 'walkaround.png' ) # 你可以保存源代码为 html 再双击打开,查看完整结果 source = driver.page_source with open ( 'result.html' , 'w' ) as f: f.write(source) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 | /*! * Note: Auto-generated, do not update manually. * Generated by: https://github.com/berstend/puppeteer-extra/tree/master/packages/extract-stealth-evasions * Generated on: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 07:21:38 GMT * License: MIT */ var opts; (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: 'utils => {\n if (!window.chrome) {\n // Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome\n // fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, \'chrome\')`\n Object.defineProperty(window, \'chrome\', {\n writable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false, // note!\n value: {} // We\'ll extend that later\n })\n }\n\n // That means we\'re running headful and don\'t need to mock anything\n if (\'app\' in window.chrome) {\n return // Nothing to do here\n }\n\n const makeError = {\n ErrorInInvocation: fn => {\n const err = new TypeError(`Error in invocation of app.${fn}()`)\n return utils.stripErrorWithAnchor(\n err,\n `at ${fn} (eval at <anonymous>`\n )\n }\n }\n\n // There\'s a some static data in that property which doesn\'t seem to change,\n // we should periodically check for updates: `JSON.stringify(window.app, null, 2)`\n const STATIC_DATA = JSON.parse(\n `\n{\n "isInstalled": false,\n "InstallState": {\n "DISABLED": "disabled",\n "INSTALLED": "installed",\n "NOT_INSTALLED": "not_installed"\n },\n "RunningState": {\n "CANNOT_RUN": "cannot_run",\n "READY_TO_RUN": "ready_to_run",\n "RUNNING": "running"\n }\n}\n `.trim()\n )\n\n window.chrome.app = {\n ...STATIC_DATA,\n\n get isInstalled() {\n return false\n },\n\n getDetails: function getDetails() {\n if (arguments.length) {\n throw makeError.ErrorInInvocation(`getDetails`)\n }\n return null\n },\n getIsInstalled: function getDetails() {\n if (arguments.length) {\n throw makeError.ErrorInInvocation(`getIsInstalled`)\n }\n return false\n },\n runningState: function getDetails() {\n if (arguments.length) {\n throw makeError.ErrorInInvocation(`runningState`)\n }\n return \'cannot_run\'\n }\n }\n utils.patchToStringNested(window.chrome.app)\n }' , _args: [] }), (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: "utils => {\n if (!window.chrome) {\n // Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome\n // fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'chrome')`\n Object.defineProperty(window, 'chrome', {\n writable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false, // note!\n value: {} // We'll extend that later\n })\n }\n\n // That means we're running headful and don't need to mock anything\n if ('csi' in window.chrome) {\n return // Nothing to do here\n }\n\n // Check that the Navigation Timing API v1 is available, we need that\n if (!window.performance || !window.performance.timing) {\n return\n }\n\n const { timing } = window.performance\n\n window.chrome.csi = function() {\n return {\n onloadT: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd,\n startE: timing.navigationStart,\n pageT: Date.now() - timing.navigationStart,\n tran: 15 // Transition type or something\n }\n }\n utils.patchToString(window.chrome.csi)\n }" , _args: [] }), (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, { opts }) => {\n if (!window.chrome) {\n // Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome\n // fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'chrome')`\n Object.defineProperty(window, 'chrome', {\n writable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false, // note!\n value: {} // We'll extend that later\n })\n }\n\n // That means we're running headful and don't need to mock anything\n if ('loadTimes' in window.chrome) {\n return // Nothing to do here\n }\n\n // Check that the Navigation Timing API v1 + v2 is available, we need that\n if (\n !window.performance ||\n !window.performance.timing ||\n !window.PerformancePaintTiming\n ) {\n return\n }\n\n const { performance } = window\n\n // Some stuff is not available on about:blank as it requires a navigation to occur,\n // let's harden the code to not fail then:\n const ntEntryFallback = {\n nextHopProtocol: 'h2',\n type: 'other'\n }\n\n // The API exposes some funky info regarding the connection\n const protocolInfo = {\n get connectionInfo() {\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ntEntry.nextHopProtocol\n },\n get npnNegotiatedProtocol() {\n // NPN is deprecated in favor of ALPN, but this implementation returns the\n // HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 requests negotiated via ALPN.\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol)\n ? ntEntry.nextHopProtocol\n : 'unknown'\n },\n get navigationType() {\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ntEntry.type\n },\n get wasAlternateProtocolAvailable() {\n // The Alternate-Protocol header is deprecated in favor of Alt-Svc\n // (https://www.mnot.net/blog/2016/03/09/alt-svc), so technically this\n // should always return false.\n return false\n },\n get wasFetchedViaSpdy() {\n // SPDY is deprecated in favor of HTTP/2, but this implementation returns\n // true for HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 as well.\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol)\n },\n get wasNpnNegotiated() {\n // NPN is deprecated in favor of ALPN, but this implementation returns true\n // for HTTP/2 or HTTP2+QUIC/39 requests negotiated via ALPN.\n const ntEntry =\n performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0] || ntEntryFallback\n return ['h2', 'hq'].includes(ntEntry.nextHopProtocol)\n }\n }\n\n const { timing } = window.performance\n\n // Truncate number to specific number of decimals, most of the `loadTimes` stuff has 3\n function toFixed(num, fixed) {\n var re = new RegExp('^-?\\\\d+(?:.\\\\d{0,' + (fixed || -1) + '})?')\n return num.toString().match(re)[0]\n }\n\n const timingInfo = {\n get firstPaintAfterLoadTime() {\n // This was never actually implemented and always returns 0.\n return 0\n },\n get requestTime() {\n return timing.navigationStart / 1000\n },\n get startLoadTime() {\n return timing.navigationStart / 1000\n },\n get commitLoadTime() {\n return timing.responseStart / 1000\n },\n get finishDocumentLoadTime() {\n return timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd / 1000\n },\n get finishLoadTime() {\n return timing.loadEventEnd / 1000\n },\n get firstPaintTime() {\n const fpEntry = performance.getEntriesByType('paint')[0] || {\n startTime: timing.loadEventEnd / 1000 // Fallback if no navigation occured (`about:blank`)\n }\n return toFixed(\n (fpEntry.startTime + performance.timeOrigin) / 1000,\n 3\n )\n }\n }\n\n window.chrome.loadTimes = function() {\n return {\n ...protocolInfo,\n ...timingInfo\n }\n }\n utils.patchToString(window.chrome.loadTimes)\n }" , _args: [{opts: {}}] }), (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, { opts, STATIC_DATA }) => {\n if (!window.chrome) {\n // Use the exact property descriptor found in headful Chrome\n // fetch it via `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'chrome')`\n Object.defineProperty(window, 'chrome', {\n writable: true,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false, // note!\n value: {} // We'll extend that later\n })\n }\n\n // That means we're running headful and don't need to mock anything\n const existsAlready = 'runtime' in window.chrome\n // `chrome.runtime` is only exposed on secure origins\n const isNotSecure = !window.location.protocol.startsWith('https')\n if (existsAlready || (isNotSecure && !opts.runOnInsecureOrigins)) {\n return // Nothing to do here\n }\n\n window.chrome.runtime = {\n // There's a bunch of static data in that property which doesn't seem to change,\n // we should periodically check for updates: `JSON.stringify(window.chrome.runtime, null, 2)`\n ...STATIC_DATA,\n // `chrome.runtime.id` is extension related and returns undefined in Chrome\n get id() {\n return undefined\n },\n // These two require more sophisticated mocks\n connect: null,\n sendMessage: null\n }\n\n const makeCustomRuntimeErrors = (preamble, method, extensionId) => ({\n NoMatchingSignature: new TypeError(\n preamble + `No matching signature.`\n ),\n MustSpecifyExtensionID: new TypeError(\n preamble +\n `${method} called from a webpage must specify an Extension ID (string) for its first argument.`\n ),\n InvalidExtensionID: new TypeError(\n preamble + `Invalid extension id: '${extensionId}'`\n )\n })\n\n // Valid Extension IDs are 32 characters in length and use the letter `a` to `p`:\n // https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/master:components/crx_file/id_util.cc;drc=14a055ccb17e8c8d5d437fe080faba4c6f07beac;l=90\n const isValidExtensionID = str =>\n str.length === 32 && str.toLowerCase().match(/^[a-p]+$/)\n\n /** Mock `chrome.runtime.sendMessage` */\n const sendMessageHandler = {\n apply: function(target, ctx, args) {\n const [extensionId, options, responseCallback] = args || []\n\n // Define custom errors\n const errorPreamble = `Error in invocation of runtime.sendMessage(optional string extensionId, any message, optional object options, optional function responseCallback): `\n const Errors = makeCustomRuntimeErrors(\n errorPreamble,\n `chrome.runtime.sendMessage()`,\n extensionId\n )\n\n // Check if the call signature looks ok\n const noArguments = args.length === 0\n const tooManyArguments = args.length > 4\n const incorrectOptions = options && typeof options !== 'object'\n const incorrectResponseCallback =\n responseCallback && typeof responseCallback !== 'function'\n if (\n noArguments ||\n tooManyArguments ||\n incorrectOptions ||\n incorrectResponseCallback\n ) {\n throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature\n }\n\n // At least 2 arguments are required before we even validate the extension ID\n if (args.length < 2) {\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n\n // Now let's make sure we got a string as extension ID\n if (typeof extensionId !== 'string') {\n throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature\n }\n\n if (!isValidExtensionID(extensionId)) {\n throw Errors.InvalidExtensionID\n }\n\n return undefined // Normal behavior\n }\n }\n utils.mockWithProxy(\n window.chrome.runtime,\n 'sendMessage',\n function sendMessage() {},\n sendMessageHandler\n )\n\n /**\n * Mock `chrome.runtime.connect`\n *\n * @see https://developer.chrome.com/apps/runtime#method-connect\n */\n const connectHandler = {\n apply: function(target, ctx, args) {\n const [extensionId, connectInfo] = args || []\n\n // Define custom errors\n const errorPreamble = `Error in invocation of runtime.connect(optional string extensionId, optional object connectInfo): `\n const Errors = makeCustomRuntimeErrors(\n errorPreamble,\n `chrome.runtime.connect()`,\n extensionId\n )\n\n // Behavior differs a bit from sendMessage:\n const noArguments = args.length === 0\n const emptyStringArgument = args.length === 1 && extensionId === ''\n if (noArguments || emptyStringArgument) {\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n\n const tooManyArguments = args.length > 2\n const incorrectConnectInfoType =\n connectInfo && typeof connectInfo !== 'object'\n\n if (tooManyArguments || incorrectConnectInfoType) {\n throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature\n }\n\n const extensionIdIsString = typeof extensionId === 'string'\n if (extensionIdIsString && extensionId === '') {\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n if (extensionIdIsString && !isValidExtensionID(extensionId)) {\n throw Errors.InvalidExtensionID\n }\n\n // There's another edge-case here: extensionId is optional so we might find a connectInfo object as first param, which we need to validate\n const validateConnectInfo = ci => {\n // More than a first param connectInfo as been provided\n if (args.length > 1) {\n throw Errors.NoMatchingSignature\n }\n // An empty connectInfo has been provided\n if (Object.keys(ci).length === 0) {\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n // Loop over all connectInfo props an check them\n Object.entries(ci).forEach(([k, v]) => {\n const isExpected = ['name', 'includeTlsChannelId'].includes(k)\n if (!isExpected) {\n throw new TypeError(\n errorPreamble + `Unexpected property: '${k}'.`\n )\n }\n const MismatchError = (propName, expected, found) =>\n TypeError(\n errorPreamble +\n `Error at property '${propName}': Invalid type: expected ${expected}, found ${found}.`\n )\n if (k === 'name' && typeof v !== 'string') {\n throw MismatchError(k, 'string', typeof v)\n }\n if (k === 'includeTlsChannelId' && typeof v !== 'boolean') {\n throw MismatchError(k, 'boolean', typeof v)\n }\n })\n }\n if (typeof extensionId === 'object') {\n validateConnectInfo(extensionId)\n throw Errors.MustSpecifyExtensionID\n }\n\n // Unfortunately even when the connect fails Chrome will return an object with methods we need to mock as well\n return utils.patchToStringNested(makeConnectResponse())\n }\n }\n utils.mockWithProxy(\n window.chrome.runtime,\n 'connect',\n function connect() {},\n connectHandler\n )\n\n function makeConnectResponse() {\n const onSomething = () => ({\n addListener: function addListener() {},\n dispatch: function dispatch() {},\n hasListener: function hasListener() {},\n hasListeners: function hasListeners() {\n return false\n },\n removeListener: function removeListener() {}\n })\n\n const response = {\n name: '',\n sender: undefined,\n disconnect: function disconnect() {},\n onDisconnect: onSomething(),\n onMessage: onSomething(),\n postMessage: function postMessage() {\n if (!arguments.length) {\n throw new TypeError(`Insufficient number of arguments.`)\n }\n throw new Error(`Attempting to use a disconnected port object`)\n }\n }\n return response\n }\n }" , _args: [{ opts: {runOnInsecureOrigins: !1}, STATIC_DATA: { OnInstalledReason: { CHROME_UPDATE: "chrome_update" , INSTALL: "install" , SHARED_MODULE_UPDATE: "shared_module_update" , UPDATE: "update" }, OnRestartRequiredReason: {APP_UPDATE: "app_update" , OS_UPDATE: "os_update" , PERIODIC: "periodic" }, PlatformArch: { ARM: "arm" , ARM64: "arm64" , MIPS: "mips" , MIPS64: "mips64" , X86_32: "x86-32" , X86_64: "x86-64" }, PlatformNaclArch: {ARM: "arm" , MIPS: "mips" , MIPS64: "mips64" , X86_32: "x86-32" , X86_64: "x86-64" }, PlatformOs: {ANDROID: "android" , CROS: "cros" , LINUX: "linux" , MAC: "mac" , OPENBSD: "openbsd" , WIN: "win" }, RequestUpdateCheckStatus: { NO_UPDATE: "no_update" , THROTTLED: "throttled" , UPDATE_AVAILABLE: "update_available" } } }] }), (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: "utils => {\n /**\n * Input might look funky, we need to normalize it so e.g. whitespace isn't an issue for our spoofing.\n *\n * @example\n * video/webm; codecs=\"vp8, vorbis\"\n * video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1.42E01E\"\n * audio/x-m4a;\n * audio/ogg; codecs=\"vorbis\"\n * @param {String} arg\n */\n const parseInput = arg => {\n const [mime, codecStr] = arg.trim().split(';')\n let codecs = []\n if (codecStr && codecStr.includes('codecs=\"')) {\n codecs = codecStr\n .trim()\n .replace(`codecs=\"`, '')\n .replace(`\"`, '')\n .trim()\n .split(',')\n .filter(x => !!x)\n .map(x => x.trim())\n }\n return {\n mime,\n codecStr,\n codecs\n }\n }\n\n const canPlayType = {\n // Intercept certain requests\n apply: function(target, ctx, args) {\n if (!args || !args.length) {\n return target.apply(ctx, args)\n }\n const { mime, codecs } = parseInput(args[0])\n // This specific mp4 codec is missing in Chromium\n if (mime === 'video/mp4') {\n if (codecs.includes('avc1.42E01E')) {\n return 'probably'\n }\n }\n // This mimetype is only supported if no codecs are specified\n if (mime === 'audio/x-m4a' && !codecs.length) {\n return 'maybe'\n }\n\n // This mimetype is only supported if no codecs are specified\n if (mime === 'audio/aac' && !codecs.length) {\n return 'probably'\n }\n // Everything else as usual\n return target.apply(ctx, args)\n }\n }\n\n /* global HTMLMediaElement */\n utils.replaceWithProxy(\n HTMLMediaElement.prototype,\n 'canPlayType',\n canPlayType\n )\n }" , _args: [] }), (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, opts) => {\n const patchNavigator = (name, value) =>\n utils.replaceProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator), name, {\n get() {\n return value\n }\n })\n\n patchNavigator('hardwareConcurrency', opts.hardwareConcurrency || 4)\n }" , _args: [{}] }), opts = {}, Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator), "languages" , {get: () => opts.languages || [ "en-US" , "en" ]}), (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, opts) => {\n const handler = {\n apply: function(target, ctx, args) {\n const param = (args || [])[0]\n\n if (param && param.name && param.name === 'notifications') {\n const result = { state: Notification.permission }\n Object.setPrototypeOf(result, PermissionStatus.prototype)\n return Promise.resolve(result)\n }\n\n return utils.cache.Reflect.apply(...arguments)\n }\n }\n\n utils.replaceWithProxy(\n window.navigator.permissions.__proto__, // eslint-disable-line no-proto\n 'query',\n handler\n )\n }" , _args: [{}] }), (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, { fns, data }) => {\n fns = utils.materializeFns(fns)\n\n // That means we're running headful\n const hasPlugins = 'plugins' in navigator && navigator.plugins.length\n if (hasPlugins) {\n return // nothing to do here\n }\n\n const mimeTypes = fns.generateMimeTypeArray(utils, fns)(data.mimeTypes)\n const plugins = fns.generatePluginArray(utils, fns)(data.plugins)\n\n // Plugin and MimeType cross-reference each other, let's do that now\n // Note: We're looping through `data.plugins` here, not the generated `plugins`\n for (const pluginData of data.plugins) {\n pluginData.__mimeTypes.forEach((type, index) => {\n plugins[pluginData.name][index] = mimeTypes[type]\n\n Object.defineProperty(plugins[pluginData.name], type, {\n value: mimeTypes[type],\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false, // Not enumerable\n configurable: true\n })\n Object.defineProperty(mimeTypes[type], 'enabledPlugin', {\n value: new Proxy(plugins[pluginData.name], {}), // Prevent circular references\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false, // Important: `JSON.stringify(navigator.plugins)`\n configurable: true\n })\n })\n }\n\n const patchNavigator = (name, value) =>\n utils.replaceProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator), name, {\n get() {\n return value\n }\n })\n\n patchNavigator('mimeTypes', mimeTypes)\n patchNavigator('plugins', plugins)\n\n // All done\n }" , _args: [{ fns: { generateMimeTypeArray: "(utils, fns) => mimeTypesData => {\n return fns.generateMagicArray(utils, fns)(\n mimeTypesData,\n MimeTypeArray.prototype,\n MimeType.prototype,\n 'type'\n )\n}" , generatePluginArray: "(utils, fns) => pluginsData => {\n return fns.generateMagicArray(utils, fns)(\n pluginsData,\n PluginArray.prototype,\n Plugin.prototype,\n 'name'\n )\n}" , generateMagicArray: "(utils, fns) =>\n function(\n dataArray = [],\n proto = MimeTypeArray.prototype,\n itemProto = MimeType.prototype,\n itemMainProp = 'type'\n ) {\n // Quick helper to set props with the same descriptors vanilla is using\n const defineProp = (obj, prop, value) =>\n Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {\n value,\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false, // Important for mimeTypes & plugins: `JSON.stringify(navigator.mimeTypes)`\n configurable: true\n })\n\n // Loop over our fake data and construct items\n const makeItem = data => {\n const item = {}\n for (const prop of Object.keys(data)) {\n if (prop.startsWith('__')) {\n continue\n }\n defineProp(item, prop, data[prop])\n }\n return patchItem(item, data)\n }\n\n const patchItem = (item, data) => {\n let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(item)\n\n // Special case: Plugins have a magic length property which is not enumerable\n // e.g. `navigator.plugins[i].length` should always be the length of the assigned mimeTypes\n if (itemProto === Plugin.prototype) {\n descriptor = {\n ...descriptor,\n length: {\n value: data.__mimeTypes.length,\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true // Important to be able to use the ownKeys trap in a Proxy to strip `length`\n }\n }\n }\n\n // We need to spoof a specific `MimeType` or `Plugin` object\n const obj = Object.create(itemProto, descriptor)\n\n // Virtually all property keys are not enumerable in vanilla\n const blacklist = [...Object.keys(data), 'length', 'enabledPlugin']\n return new Proxy(obj, {\n ownKeys(target) {\n return Reflect.ownKeys(target).filter(k => !blacklist.includes(k))\n },\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {\n if (blacklist.includes(prop)) {\n return undefined\n }\n return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop)\n }\n })\n }\n\n const magicArray = []\n\n // Loop through our fake data and use that to create convincing entities\n dataArray.forEach(data => {\n magicArray.push(makeItem(data))\n })\n\n // Add direct property access based on types (e.g. `obj['application/pdf']`) afterwards\n magicArray.forEach(entry => {\n defineProp(magicArray, entry[itemMainProp], entry)\n })\n\n // This is the best way to fake the type to make sure this is false: `Array.isArray(navigator.mimeTypes)`\n const magicArrayObj = Object.create(proto, {\n ...Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(magicArray),\n\n // There's one ugly quirk we unfortunately need to take care of:\n // The `MimeTypeArray` prototype has an enumerable `length` property,\n // but headful Chrome will still skip it when running `Object.getOwnPropertyNames(navigator.mimeTypes)`.\n // To strip it we need to make it first `configurable` and can then overlay a Proxy with an `ownKeys` trap.\n length: {\n value: magicArray.length,\n writable: false,\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true // Important to be able to use the ownKeys trap in a Proxy to strip `length`\n }\n })\n\n // Generate our functional function mocks :-)\n const functionMocks = fns.generateFunctionMocks(utils)(\n proto,\n itemMainProp,\n magicArray\n )\n\n // We need to overlay our custom object with a JS Proxy\n const magicArrayObjProxy = new Proxy(magicArrayObj, {\n get(target, key = '') {\n // Redirect function calls to our custom proxied versions mocking the vanilla behavior\n if (key === 'item') {\n return functionMocks.item\n }\n if (key === 'namedItem') {\n return functionMocks.namedItem\n }\n if (proto === PluginArray.prototype && key === 'refresh') {\n return functionMocks.refresh\n }\n // Everything else can pass through as normal\n return utils.cache.Reflect.get(...arguments)\n },\n ownKeys(target) {\n // There are a couple of quirks where the original property demonstrates \"magical\" behavior that makes no sense\n // This can be witnessed when calling `Object.getOwnPropertyNames(navigator.mimeTypes)` and the absense of `length`\n // My guess is that it has to do with the recent change of not allowing data enumeration and this being implemented weirdly\n // For that reason we just completely fake the available property names based on our data to match what regular Chrome is doing\n // Specific issues when not patching this: `length` property is available, direct `types` props (e.g. `obj['application/pdf']`) are missing\n const keys = []\n const typeProps = magicArray.map(mt => mt[itemMainProp])\n typeProps.forEach((_, i) => keys.push(`${i}`))\n typeProps.forEach(propName => keys.push(propName))\n return keys\n },\n getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {\n if (prop === 'length') {\n return undefined\n }\n return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop)\n }\n })\n\n return magicArrayObjProxy\n }" , generateFunctionMocks: "utils => (\n proto,\n itemMainProp,\n dataArray\n) => ({\n /** Returns the MimeType object with the specified index. */\n item: utils.createProxy(proto.item, {\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n if (!args.length) {\n throw new TypeError(\n `Failed to execute 'item' on '${\n proto[Symbol.toStringTag]\n }': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.`\n )\n }\n // Special behavior alert:\n // - Vanilla tries to cast strings to Numbers (only integers!) and use them as property index lookup\n // - If anything else than an integer (including as string) is provided it will return the first entry\n const isInteger = args[0] && Number.isInteger(Number(args[0])) // Cast potential string to number first, then check for integer\n // Note: Vanilla never returns `undefined`\n return (isInteger ? dataArray[Number(args[0])] : dataArray[0]) || null\n }\n }),\n /** Returns the MimeType object with the specified name. */\n namedItem: utils.createProxy(proto.namedItem, {\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n if (!args.length) {\n throw new TypeError(\n `Failed to execute 'namedItem' on '${\n proto[Symbol.toStringTag]\n }': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.`\n )\n }\n return dataArray.find(mt => mt[itemMainProp] === args[0]) || null // Not `undefined`!\n }\n }),\n /** Does nothing and shall return nothing */\n refresh: proto.refresh\n ? utils.createProxy(proto.refresh, {\n apply(target, ctx, args) {\n return undefined\n }\n })\n : undefined\n})" }, data: { mimeTypes: [{ type: "application/pdf" , suffixes: "pdf" , description: "" , __pluginName: "Chrome PDF Viewer" }, { type: "application/x-google-chrome-pdf" , suffixes: "pdf" , description: "Portable Document Format" , __pluginName: "Chrome PDF Plugin" }, { type: "application/x-nacl" , suffixes: "" , description: "Native Client Executable" , __pluginName: "Native Client" }, { type: "application/x-pnacl" , suffixes: "" , description: "Portable Native Client Executable" , __pluginName: "Native Client" }], plugins: [{ name: "Chrome PDF Plugin" , filename: "internal-pdf-viewer" , description: "Portable Document Format" , __mimeTypes: [ "application/x-google-chrome-pdf" ] }, { name: "Chrome PDF Viewer" , filename: "mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai" , description: "" , __mimeTypes: [ "application/pdf" ] }, { name: "Native Client" , filename: "internal-nacl-plugin" , description: "" , __mimeTypes: [ "application/x-nacl" , "application/x-pnacl" ] }] } }] }), delete Object.getPrototypeOf(navigator).webdriver, (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, opts) => {\n const getParameterProxyHandler = {\n apply: function(target, ctx, args) {\n const param = (args || [])[0]\n // UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL\n if (param === 37445) {\n return opts.vendor || 'Intel Inc.' // default in headless: Google Inc.\n }\n // UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL\n if (param === 37446) {\n return opts.renderer || 'Intel Iris OpenGL Engine' // default in headless: Google SwiftShader\n }\n return utils.cache.Reflect.apply(target, ctx, args)\n }\n }\n\n // There's more than one WebGL rendering context\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebGL2RenderingContext#Browser_compatibility\n // To find out the original values here: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.getParameter)\n const addProxy = (obj, propName) => {\n utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, getParameterProxyHandler)\n }\n // For whatever weird reason loops don't play nice with Object.defineProperty, here's the next best thing:\n addProxy(WebGLRenderingContext.prototype, 'getParameter')\n addProxy(WebGL2RenderingContext.prototype, 'getParameter')\n }" , _args: [{}] }), (() => { try { if (window.outerWidth && window.outerHeight) return ; const n = 85; window.outerWidth = window.innerWidth, window.outerHeight = window.innerHeight + n } catch (n) { } })(), (({_utilsFns: _utilsFns, _mainFunction: _mainFunction, _args: _args}) => { const utils = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(_utilsFns).map((([key, value]) => [key, eval(value)]))); utils.preloadCache(), eval(_mainFunction)(utils, ..._args) })({ _utilsFns: { stripProxyFromErrors: "(handler = {}) => {\n const newHandler = {}\n // We wrap each trap in the handler in a try/catch and modify the error stack if they throw\n const traps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(handler)\n traps.forEach(trap => {\n newHandler[trap] = function() {\n try {\n // Forward the call to the defined proxy handler\n return handler[trap].apply(this, arguments || [])\n } catch (err) {\n // Stack traces differ per browser, we only support chromium based ones currently\n if (!err || !err.stack || !err.stack.includes(`at `)) {\n throw err\n }\n\n // When something throws within one of our traps the Proxy will show up in error stacks\n // An earlier implementation of this code would simply strip lines with a blacklist,\n // but it makes sense to be more surgical here and only remove lines related to our Proxy.\n // We try to use a known \"anchor\" line for that and strip it with everything above it.\n // If the anchor line cannot be found for some reason we fall back to our blacklist approach.\n\n const stripWithBlacklist = stack => {\n const blacklist = [\n `at Reflect.${trap} `, // e.g. Reflect.get or Reflect.apply\n `at Object.${trap} `, // e.g. Object.get or Object.apply\n `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // caused by this very wrapper :-)\n ]\n return (\n err.stack\n .split('\\n')\n // Always remove the first (file) line in the stack (guaranteed to be our proxy)\n .filter((line, index) => index !== 1)\n // Check if the line starts with one of our blacklisted strings\n .filter(line => !blacklist.some(bl => line.trim().startsWith(bl)))\n .join('\\n')\n )\n }\n\n const stripWithAnchor = stack => {\n const stackArr = stack.split('\\n')\n const anchor = `at Object.newHandler.<computed> [as ${trap}] ` // Known first Proxy line in chromium\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line =>\n line.trim().startsWith(anchor)\n )\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return false // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n return stackArr.join('\\n')\n }\n\n // Try using the anchor method, fallback to blacklist if necessary\n err.stack = stripWithAnchor(err.stack) || stripWithBlacklist(err.stack)\n\n throw err // Re-throw our now sanitized error\n }\n }\n })\n return newHandler\n}" , stripErrorWithAnchor: "(err, anchor) => {\n const stackArr = err.stack.split('\\n')\n const anchorIndex = stackArr.findIndex(line => line.trim().startsWith(anchor))\n if (anchorIndex === -1) {\n return err // 404, anchor not found\n }\n // Strip everything from the top until we reach the anchor line (remove anchor line as well)\n // Note: We're keeping the 1st line (zero index) as it's unrelated (e.g. `TypeError`)\n stackArr.splice(1, anchorIndex)\n err.stack = stackArr.join('\\n')\n return err\n}" , replaceProperty: "(obj, propName, descriptorOverrides = {}) => {\n return Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, {\n // Copy over the existing descriptors (writable, enumerable, configurable, etc)\n ...(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName) || {}),\n // Add our overrides (e.g. value, get())\n ...descriptorOverrides\n })\n}" , preloadCache: "() => {\n if (utils.cache) {\n return\n }\n utils.cache = {\n // Used in our proxies\n Reflect: {\n get: Reflect.get.bind(Reflect),\n apply: Reflect.apply.bind(Reflect)\n },\n // Used in `makeNativeString`\n nativeToStringStr: Function.toString + '' // => `function toString() { [native code] }`\n }\n}" , makeNativeString: "(name = '') => {\n // Cache (per-window) the original native toString or use that if available\n utils.preloadCache()\n return utils.cache.nativeToStringStr.replace('toString', name || '')\n}" , patchToString: "(obj, str = '') => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === obj) {\n // We either return the optional string verbatim or derive the most desired result automatically\n return str || utils.makeNativeString(obj.name)\n }\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , patchToStringNested: "(obj = {}) => {\n return utils.execRecursively(obj, ['function'], utils.patchToString)\n}" , redirectToString: "(proxyObj, originalObj) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n\n const toStringProxy = new Proxy(Function.prototype.toString, {\n apply: function(target, ctx) {\n // This fixes e.g. `HTMLMediaElement.prototype.canPlayType.toString + \"\"`\n if (ctx === Function.prototype.toString) {\n return utils.makeNativeString('toString')\n }\n\n // `toString` targeted at our proxied Object detected\n if (ctx === proxyObj) {\n const fallback = () =>\n originalObj && originalObj.name\n ? utils.makeNativeString(originalObj.name)\n : utils.makeNativeString(proxyObj.name)\n\n // Return the toString representation of our original object if possible\n return originalObj + '' || fallback()\n }\n\n // Check if the toString protype of the context is the same as the global prototype,\n // if not indicates that we are doing a check across different windows., e.g. the iframeWithdirect` test case\n const hasSameProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(\n Function.prototype.toString\n ).isPrototypeOf(ctx.toString) // eslint-disable-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (!hasSameProto) {\n // Pass the call on to the local Function.prototype.toString instead\n return ctx.toString()\n }\n\n return target.call(ctx)\n }\n })\n utils.replaceProperty(Function.prototype, 'toString', {\n value: toStringProxy\n })\n}" , replaceWithProxy: "(obj, propName, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const originalObj = obj[propName]\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(obj[propName], utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.redirectToString(proxyObj, originalObj)\n\n return true\n}" , mockWithProxy: "(obj, propName, pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n\n utils.replaceProperty(obj, propName, { value: proxyObj })\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return true\n}" , createProxy: "(pseudoTarget, handler) => {\n utils.preloadCache()\n const proxyObj = new Proxy(pseudoTarget, utils.stripProxyFromErrors(handler))\n utils.patchToString(proxyObj)\n\n return proxyObj\n}" , splitObjPath: "objPath => ({\n // Remove last dot entry (property) ==> `HTMLMediaElement.prototype`\n objName: objPath\n .split('.')\n .slice(0, -1)\n .join('.'),\n // Extract last dot entry ==> `canPlayType`\n propName: objPath.split('.').slice(-1)[0]\n})" , replaceObjPathWithProxy: "(objPath, handler) => {\n const { objName, propName } = utils.splitObjPath(objPath)\n const obj = eval(objName) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n return utils.replaceWithProxy(obj, propName, handler)\n}" , execRecursively: "(obj = {}, typeFilter = [], fn) => {\n function recurse(obj) {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === undefined) {\n continue\n }\n if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {\n recurse(obj[key])\n } else {\n if (obj[key] && typeFilter.includes(typeof obj[key])) {\n fn.call(this, obj[key])\n }\n }\n }\n }\n recurse(obj)\n return obj\n}" , stringifyFns: "(fnObj = { hello: () => 'world' }) => {\n // Object.fromEntries() ponyfill (in 6 lines) - supported only in Node v12+, modern browsers are fine\n // https://github.com/feross/fromentries\n function fromEntries(iterable) {\n return [...iterable].reduce((obj, [key, val]) => {\n obj[key] = val\n return obj\n }, {})\n }\n return (Object.fromEntries || fromEntries)(\n Object.entries(fnObj)\n .filter(([key, value]) => typeof value === 'function')\n .map(([key, value]) => [key, value.toString()]) // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n )\n}" , materializeFns: "(fnStrObj = { hello: \"() => 'world'\" }) => {\n return Object.fromEntries(\n Object.entries(fnStrObj).map(([key, value]) => {\n if (value.startsWith('function')) {\n // some trickery is needed to make oldschool functions work :-)\n return [key, eval(`() => ${value}`)()] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n } else {\n // arrow functions just work\n return [key, eval(value)] // eslint-disable-line no-eval\n }\n })\n )\n}" }, _mainFunction: "(utils, opts) => {\n try {\n // Adds a contentWindow proxy to the provided iframe element\n const addContentWindowProxy = iframe => {\n const contentWindowProxy = {\n get(target, key) {\n // Now to the interesting part:\n // We actually make this thing behave like a regular iframe window,\n // by intercepting calls to e.g. `.self` and redirect it to the correct thing. :)\n // That makes it possible for these assertions to be correct:\n // iframe.contentWindow.self === window.top // must be false\n if (key === 'self') {\n return this\n }\n // iframe.contentWindow.frameElement === iframe // must be true\n if (key === 'frameElement') {\n return iframe\n }\n return Reflect.get(target, key)\n }\n }\n\n if (!iframe.contentWindow) {\n const proxy = new Proxy(window, contentWindowProxy)\n Object.defineProperty(iframe, 'contentWindow', {\n get() {\n return proxy\n },\n set(newValue) {\n return newValue // contentWindow is immutable\n },\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: false\n })\n }\n }\n\n // Handles iframe element creation, augments `srcdoc` property so we can intercept further\n const handleIframeCreation = (target, thisArg, args) => {\n const iframe = target.apply(thisArg, args)\n\n // We need to keep the originals around\n const _iframe = iframe\n const _srcdoc = _iframe.srcdoc\n\n // Add hook for the srcdoc property\n // We need to be very surgical here to not break other iframes by accident\n Object.defineProperty(iframe, 'srcdoc', {\n configurable: true, // Important, so we can reset this later\n get: function() {\n return _iframe.srcdoc\n },\n set: function(newValue) {\n addContentWindowProxy(this)\n // Reset property, the hook is only needed once\n Object.defineProperty(iframe, 'srcdoc', {\n configurable: false,\n writable: false,\n value: _srcdoc\n })\n _iframe.srcdoc = newValue\n }\n })\n return iframe\n }\n\n // Adds a hook to intercept iframe creation events\n const addIframeCreationSniffer = () => {\n /* global document */\n const createElementHandler = {\n // Make toString() native\n get(target, key) {\n return Reflect.get(target, key)\n },\n apply: function(target, thisArg, args) {\n const isIframe =\n args && args.length && `${args[0]}`.toLowerCase() === 'iframe'\n if (!isIframe) {\n // Everything as usual\n return target.apply(thisArg, args)\n } else {\n return handleIframeCreation(target, thisArg, args)\n }\n }\n }\n // All this just due to iframes with srcdoc bug\n utils.replaceWithProxy(\n document,\n 'createElement',\n createElementHandler\n )\n }\n\n // Let's go\n addIframeCreationSniffer()\n } catch (err) {\n // console.warn(err)\n }\n }" , _args: [] }); |
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2020-01-06 filezilla 认证失败 Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server