
# 下载git上资源
git clone https://github.com/ipfs/py-ipfs-http-client.git
cd py-ipfs-http-client
# 将ipfs-api-client链接到你的Python路径
vim /etc/profile source /etc/profile
FLIT_ROOT_INSTALL=1   # 添加环境变量
python3.6 -m pip install flit  # 安装filt
flit install --pth-file  # 添加到Python路径路径中


import ipfshttpclient

api = ipfsapi.connect(/ip4/



返回的IPFS Python API接口信息如下:

模块 ipfsapi.client 对象的说明信息:

class Client(builtins.object)
 |  TCP client对象,与IPFS daemon进行交互。
 |  A :class:`~ipfsapi.Client` 实例并不会立即建立一个到daemon的连接,直到其中的方法被调用.
 |  Parameters,#参数
 |  ----------
 |  host : str,#主机名或IP地址,字符串
 |      Hostname or IP address of the computer running the ``ipfs daemon``
 |      node (defaults to the local system)
 |  port : int,#端口,通常是5001
 |      The API port of the IPFS deamon (usually 5001)
 |  base : str,API的路径,目前是``api/v0``
 |      Path of the deamon's API (currently always ``api/v0``)
 |  chunk_size : int,# 分割的chunks的大小
 |      The size of the chunks to break uploaded files and text content into
 |  Methods defined here: # 方法定义
 |  __init__(self, host='localhost', port=5001, base='api/v0', chunk_size=4096, **defaults)
 |      Connects to the API port of an IPFS node.
 #  添加文件
 |  add(self, files, recursive=False, pattern='**', *args, **kwargs)
 |      Add a file, or directory of files to IPFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> with io.open('nurseryrhyme.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
 |          ...     numbytes = f.write('Mary had a little lamb')
 |          >>> c.add('nurseryrhyme.txt')
 |          {'Hash': 'QmZfF6C9j4VtoCsTp4KSrhYH47QMd3DNXVZBKaxJdhaPab',
 |           'Name': 'nurseryrhyme.txt'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      files : str
 |          A filepath to either a file or directory
 |      recursive : bool
 |          Controls if files in subdirectories are added or not
 |      pattern : str | list
 |          Single `*glob* <https://docs.python.org/3/library/glob.html>`_
 |          pattern or list of *glob* patterns and compiled regular expressions
 |          to match the names of the filepaths to keep
 |      trickle : bool
 |          Use trickle-dag format (optimized for streaming) when generating
 |          the dag; see `the FAQ <https://github.com/ipfs/faq/issues/218>` for
 |          more information (Default: ``False``)
 |      only_hash : bool
 |          Only chunk and hash, but do not write to disk (Default: ``False``)
 |      wrap_with_directory : bool
 |          Wrap files with a directory object to preserve their filename
 |          (Default: ``False``)
 |      chunker : str
 |          The chunking algorithm to use
 |      pin : bool
 |          Pin this object when adding (Default: ``True``)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict: File name and hash of the added file node
 #  添加bytes数组到IPFS 
 |  add_bytes(self, data, **kwargs)
 |      Adds a set of bytes as a file to IPFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.add_bytes(b"Mary had a little lamb")
 |          'QmZfF6C9j4VtoCsTp4KSrhYH47QMd3DNXVZBKaxJdhaPab'
 |      Also accepts and will stream generator objects.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      data : bytes
 |          Content to be added as a file
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          str : Hash of the added IPFS object
 # 添加Json字符串到IPFS
 |  add_json(self, json_obj, **kwargs)
 |      Adds a json-serializable Python dict as a json file to IPFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.add_json({'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3})
 |          'QmVz9g7m5u3oHiNKHj2CJX1dbG1gtismRS3g9NaPBBLbob'
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      json_obj : dict
 |          A json-serializable Python dictionary
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          str : Hash of the added IPFS object
 #  添加python对象到IPFS。 
 |  add_pyobj(self, py_obj, **kwargs)
 |      Adds a picklable Python object as a file to IPFS.
 |      .. deprecated:: 0.4.2
 |         The ``*_pyobj`` APIs allow for arbitrary code execution if abused.
 |         Either switch to :meth:`~ipfsapi.Client.add_json` or use
 |         ``client.add_bytes(pickle.dumps(py_obj))`` instead.
 |      Please see :meth:`~ipfsapi.Client.get_pyobj` for the
 |      **security risks** of using these methods!
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.add_pyobj([0, 1.0, 2j, '3', 4e5])
 |          'QmWgXZSUTNNDD8LdkdJ8UXSn55KfFnNvTP1r7SyaQd74Ji'
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      py_obj : object
 |          A picklable Python object
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          str : Hash of the added IPFS object
 # 添加字符串对象到IPFS。  
 |  add_str(self, string, **kwargs)
 |      Adds a Python string as a file to IPFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.add_str(u"Mary had a little lamb")
 |          'QmZfF6C9j4VtoCsTp4KSrhYH47QMd3DNXVZBKaxJdhaPab'
 |      Also accepts and will stream generator objects.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      string : str
 |          Content to be added as a file
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          str : Hash of the added IPFS object
 #  传输状态统计。  
 |  bitswap_stat(self, **kwargs)
 |      Returns some diagnostic information from the bitswap agent.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.bitswap_stat()
 |          {'BlocksReceived': 96,
 |           'DupBlksReceived': 73,
 |           'DupDataReceived': 2560601,
 |           'ProviderBufLen': 0,
 |           'Peers': [
 |              'QmNZFQRxt9RMNm2VVtuV2Qx7q69bcMWRVXmr5CEkJEgJJP',
 |              'QmNfCubGpwYZAQxX8LQDsYgB48C4GbfZHuYdexpX9mbNyT',
 |              'QmNfnZ8SCs3jAtNPc8kf3WJqJqSoX7wsX7VqkLdEYMao4u',
 |              …
 |           ],
 |           'Wantlist': [
 |              'QmeV6C6XVt1wf7V7as7Yak3mxPma8jzpqyhtRtCvpKcfBb',
 |              'QmdCWFLDXqgdWQY9kVubbEHBbkieKd3uo7MtCm7nTZZE9K',
 |              'QmVQ1XvYGF19X4eJqz1s7FJYJqAxFC4oqh3vWJJEXn66cp'
 |           ]
 |          }
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Statistics, peers and wanted blocks
 # 移除指定的block。  
 |  bitswap_unwant(self, key, **kwargs)
 |      Remove a given block from wantlist.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      key : str
 |          Key to remove from wantlist.
 # 返回待传输块列表。   
 |  bitswap_wantlist(self, peer=None, **kwargs)
 |      Returns blocks currently on the bitswap wantlist.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.bitswap_wantlist()
 |          {'Keys': [
 |              'QmeV6C6XVt1wf7V7as7Yak3mxPma8jzpqyhtRtCvpKcfBb',
 |              'QmdCWFLDXqgdWQY9kVubbEHBbkieKd3uo7MtCm7nTZZE9K',
 |              'QmVQ1XvYGF19X4eJqz1s7FJYJqAxFC4oqh3vWJJEXn66cp'
 |          ]}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      peer : str
 |          Peer to show wantlist for.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of wanted blocks
 # 返回给定块的原始内容。   
 |  block_get(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Returns the raw contents of a block.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.block_get('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D')
 |          b'\x121\n"\x12 \xdaW>\x14\xe5\xc1\xf6\xe4\x92\xd1 … \n\x02\x08\x01'
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          The base58 multihash of an existing block to get
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          str : Value of the requested block
 # 将文件作为IPFS块放入。   
 |  block_put(self, file, **kwargs)
 |      Stores the contents of the given file object as an IPFS block.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.block_put(io.BytesIO(b'Mary had a little lamb'))
 |              {'Key':  'QmeV6C6XVt1wf7V7as7Yak3mxPma8jzpqyhtRtCvpKcfBb',
 |               'Size': 22}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      file : io.RawIOBase
 |          The data to be stored as an IPFS block
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Information about the new block
 |                 See :meth:`~ipfsapi.Client.block_stat`
 # 统计块信息。  
 |  block_stat(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Returns a dict with the size of the block with the given hash.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.block_stat('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D')
 |          {'Key':  'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D',
 |           'Size': 258}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          The base58 multihash of an existing block to stat
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Information about the requested block
 # 启动节点。   
 |  bootstrap(self, **kwargs)
 |      Compatiblity alias for :meth:`~ipfsapi.Client.bootstrap_list`.
 # 添加启动节点。  
 |  bootstrap_add(self, peer, *peers, **kwargs)
 |      Adds peers to the bootstrap list.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      peer : str
 |          IPFS MultiAddr of a peer to add to the list
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict
 # 返回启动节点列表。  
 |  bootstrap_list(self, **kwargs)
 |      Returns the addresses of peers used during initial discovery of the
 |      IPFS network.
 |      Peers are output in the format ``<multiaddr>/<peerID>``.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.bootstrap_list()
 |          {'Peers': [
 |              '/ip4/ … uvuJ',
 |              '/ip4/ … ca9z',
 |              '/ip4/ … KrGM',
 |              …
 |              '/ip4/ … QBU3']}
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of known bootstrap peers
 # 移除启动节点。  
 |  bootstrap_rm(self, peer, *peers, **kwargs)
 |      Removes peers from the bootstrap list.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      peer : str
 |          IPFS MultiAddr of a peer to remove from the list
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict
 # 根据Hash返回内容。 
 |  cat(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Retrieves the contents of a file identified by hash.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.cat('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D')
 |          Traceback (most recent call last):
 |            ...
 |          ipfsapi.exceptions.Error: this dag node is a directory
 |          >>> c.cat('QmeKozNssnkJ4NcyRidYgDY2jfRZqVEoRGfipkgath71bX')
 |          b'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n\n<head>\n<title>ipfs example viewer</…'
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          The path to the IPFS object(s) to be retrieved
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          str : File contents
 # 根据参数配置服务器环境。
 |  config(self, key, value=None, **kwargs)
 |      Controls configuration variables.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.config("Addresses.Gateway")
 |          {'Key': 'Addresses.Gateway', 'Value': '/ip4/'}
 |          >>> c.config("Addresses.Gateway", "/ip4/")
 |          {'Key': 'Addresses.Gateway', 'Value': '/ip4/'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      key : str
 |          The key of the configuration entry (e.g. "Addresses.API")
 |      value : dict
 |          The value to set the configuration entry to
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Requested/updated key and its (new) value
# 配置替换。  
 |  config_replace(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Replaces the existing config with a user-defined config.
 |      Make sure to back up the config file first if neccessary, as this
 |      operation can't be undone.
 |  config_show(self, **kwargs)
 |      Returns a dict containing the server's configuration.
 |      .. warning::
 |          The configuration file contains private key data that must be
 |          handled with care.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> config = c.config_show()
 |          >>> config['Addresses']
 |          {'API': '/ip4/',
 |           'Gateway': '/ip4/',
 |           'Swarm': ['/ip4/', '/ip6/::/tcp/4001']},
 |          >>> config['Discovery']
 |          {'MDNS': {'Enabled': True, 'Interval': 10}}
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : The entire IPFS daemon configuration
 # 查找对端。 
 |  dht_findpeer(self, peer_id, *peer_ids, **kwargs)
 |      Queries the DHT for all of the associated multiaddresses.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.dht_findpeer("QmaxqKpiYNr62uSFBhxJAMmEMkT6dvc3oHkrZN … MTLZ")
 |          [{'ID': 'QmfVGMFrwW6AV6fTWmD6eocaTybffqAvkVLXQEFrYdk6yc',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 6, 'Responses': None},
 |           {'ID': 'QmTKiUdjbRjeN9yPhNhG1X38YNuBdjeiV9JXYWzCAJ4mj5',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 6, 'Responses': None},
 |           {'ID': 'QmTGkgHSsULk8p3AKTAqKixxidZQXFyF7mCURcutPqrwjQ',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 6, 'Responses': None},
 |           …
 |           {'ID': '', 'Extra': '', 'Type': 2,
 |            'Responses': [
 |              {'ID': 'QmaxqKpiYNr62uSFBhxJAMmEMkT6dvc3oHkrZNpH2VMTLZ',
 |               'Addrs': [
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip6/::1/tcp/4001',
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip4/']}
 |            ]}]
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      peer_id : str
 |          The ID of the peer to search for
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of multiaddrs
 # 查找DHT中给定的值。  
 |  dht_findprovs(self, multihash, *multihashes, **kwargs)
 |      Finds peers in the DHT that can provide a specific value.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.dht_findprovs("QmNPXDC6wTXVmZ9Uoc8X1oqxRRJr4f1sDuyQu … mpW2")
 |          [{'ID': 'QmaxqKpiYNr62uSFBhxJAMmEMkT6dvc3oHkrZNpH2VMTLZ',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 6, 'Responses': None},
 |           {'ID': 'QmaK6Aj5WXkfnWGoWq7V8pGUYzcHPZp4jKQ5JtmRvSzQGk',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 6, 'Responses': None},
 |           {'ID': 'QmdUdLu8dNvr4MVW1iWXxKoQrbG6y1vAVWPdkeGK4xppds',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 6, 'Responses': None},
 |           …
 |           {'ID': '', 'Extra': '', 'Type': 4, 'Responses': [
 |              {'ID': 'QmVgNoP89mzpgEAAqK8owYoDEyB97Mk … E9Uc', 'Addrs': None}
 |            ]},
 |           {'ID': 'QmaxqKpiYNr62uSFBhxJAMmEMkT6dvc3oHkrZNpH2VMTLZ',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 1, 'Responses': [
 |              {'ID': 'QmSHXfsmN3ZduwFDjeqBn1C8b1tcLkxK6yd … waXw', 'Addrs': [
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip6/::1/tcp/4001',
 |                  '/ip4/'
 |                ]}
 |            ]}]
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          The DHT key to find providers for
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of provider Peer IDs
# 返回给定key的值。  
 |  dht_get(self, key, *keys, **kwargs)
 |      Queries the DHT for its best value related to given key.
 |      There may be several different values for a given key stored in the
 |      DHT; in this context *best* means the record that is most desirable.
 |      There is no one metric for *best*: it depends entirely on the key type.
 |      For IPNS, *best* is the record that is both valid and has the highest
 |      sequence number (freshest). Different key types may specify other rules
 |      for they consider to be the *best*.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      key : str
 |          One or more keys whose values should be looked up
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          str
 # 设置给定key的值。 
 |  dht_put(self, key, value, **kwargs)
 |      Writes a key/value pair to the DHT.
 |      Given a key of the form ``/foo/bar`` and a value of any form, this will
 |      write that value to the DHT with that key.
 |      Keys have two parts: a keytype (foo) and the key name (bar). IPNS uses
 |      the ``/ipns/`` keytype, and expects the key name to be a Peer ID. IPNS
 |      entries are formatted with a special strucutre.
 |      You may only use keytypes that are supported in your ``ipfs`` binary:
 |      ``go-ipfs`` currently only supports the ``/ipns/`` keytype. Unless you
 |      have a relatively deep understanding of the key's internal structure,
 |      you likely want to be using the :meth:`~ipfsapi.Client.name_publish`
 |      instead.
 |      Value is arbitrary text.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.dht_put("QmVgNoP89mzpgEAAqK8owYoDEyB97Mkc … E9Uc", "test123")
 |          [{'ID': 'QmfLy2aqbhU1RqZnGQyqHSovV8tDufLUaPfN1LNtg5CvDZ',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 5, 'Responses': None},
 |           {'ID': 'QmZ5qTkNvvZ5eFq9T4dcCEK7kX8L7iysYEpvQmij9vokGE',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 5, 'Responses': None},
 |           {'ID': 'QmYqa6QHCbe6eKiiW6YoThU5yBy8c3eQzpiuW22SgVWSB8',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 6, 'Responses': None},
 |           …
 |           {'ID': 'QmP6TAKVDCziLmx9NV8QGekwtf7ZMuJnmbeHMjcfoZbRMd',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 1, 'Responses': []}]
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      key : str
 |          A unique identifier
 |      value : str
 |          Abitrary text to associate with the input (2048 bytes or less)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          list
 # 查询DHT。 
 |  dht_query(self, peer_id, *peer_ids, **kwargs)
 |      Finds the closest Peer IDs to a given Peer ID by querying the DHT.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.dht_query("/ip4/ … uvuJ")
 |          [{'ID': 'QmPkFbxAQ7DeKD5VGSh9HQrdS574pyNzDmxJeGrRJxoucF',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 2, 'Responses': None},
 |           {'ID': 'QmR1MhHVLJSLt9ZthsNNhudb1ny1WdhY4FPW21ZYFWec4f',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 2, 'Responses': None},
 |           {'ID': 'Qmcwx1K5aVme45ab6NYWb52K2TFBeABgCLccC7ntUeDsAs',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 2, 'Responses': None},
 |           …
 |           {'ID': 'QmYYy8L3YD1nsF4xtt4xmsc14yqvAAnKksjo3F3iZs5jPv',
 |            'Extra': '', 'Type': 1, 'Responses': []}]
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      peer_id : str
 |          The peerID to run the query against
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of peers IDs
 # 解析给定对象的域名。 
 |  dns(self, domain_name, recursive=False, **kwargs)
 |      Resolves DNS links to the referenced object.
 |      Multihashes are hard to remember, but domain names are usually easy to
 |      remember. To create memorable aliases for multihashes, DNS TXT records
 |      can point to other DNS links, IPFS objects, IPNS keys, etc.
 |      This command resolves those links to the referenced object.
 |      For example, with this DNS TXT record::
 |          >>> import dns.resolver
 |          >>> a = dns.resolver.query("ipfs.io", "TXT")
 |          >>> a.response.answer[0].items[0].to_text()
 |          '"dnslink=/ipfs/QmTzQ1JRkWErjk39mryYw2WVaphAZNAREyMchXzYQ7c15n"'
 |      The resolver will give::
 |          >>> c.dns("ipfs.io")
 |          {'Path': '/ipfs/QmTzQ1JRkWErjk39mryYw2WVaphAZNAREyMchXzYQ7c15n'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      domain_name : str
 |         The domain-name name to resolve
 |      recursive : bool
 |          Resolve until the name is not a DNS link
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Resource were a DNS entry points to
 # 列出文件系统对象的目录内容。
 |  file_ls(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Lists directory contents for Unix filesystem objects.
 |      The result contains size information. For files, the child size is the
 |      total size of the file contents. For directories, the child size is the
 |      IPFS link size.
 |      The path can be a prefixless reference; in this case, it is assumed
 |      that it is an ``/ipfs/`` reference and not ``/ipns/``.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.file_ls('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D')
 |          {'Arguments': {'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D':
 |                         'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D'},
 |           'Objects': {
 |             'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D': {
 |               'Hash': 'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D',
 |               'Size': 0, 'Type': 'Directory',
 |               'Links': [
 |                 {'Hash': 'Qmd2xkBfEwEs9oMTk77A6jrsgurpF3ugXSg7dtPNFkcNMV',
 |                  'Name': 'Makefile', 'Size': 163,    'Type': 'File'},
 |                 {'Hash': 'QmeKozNssnkJ4NcyRidYgDY2jfRZqVEoRGfipkgath71bX',
 |                  'Name': 'example',  'Size': 1463,   'Type': 'File'},
 |                 {'Hash': 'QmZAL3oHMQYqsV61tGvoAVtQLs1WzRe1zkkamv9qxqnDuK',
 |                  'Name': 'home',     'Size': 3947,   'Type': 'Directory'},
 |                 {'Hash': 'QmZNPyKVriMsZwJSNXeQtVQSNU4v4KEKGUQaMT61LPahso',
 |                  'Name': 'lib',      'Size': 268261, 'Type': 'Directory'},
 |                 {'Hash': 'QmSY8RfVntt3VdxWppv9w5hWgNrE31uctgTiYwKir8eXJY',
 |                  'Name': 'published-version',
 |                  'Size': 47, 'Type': 'File'}
 |                 ]
 |             }
 |          }}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          The path to the object(s) to list links from
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict
 # 文件内容复制。
 |  files_cp(self, source, dest, **kwargs)
 |      Copies files within the MFS.
 |      Due to the nature of IPFS this will not actually involve any of the
 |      file's content being copied.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.files_ls("/")
 |          {'Entries': [
 |              {'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'Software', 'Type': 0},
 |              {'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'test', 'Type': 0}
 |          ]}
 |          >>> c.files_cp("/test", "/bla")
 |          ''
 |          >>> c.files_ls("/")
 |          {'Entries': [
 |              {'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'Software', 'Type': 0},
 |              {'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'bla', 'Type': 0},
 |              {'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'test', 'Type': 0}
 |          ]}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      source : str
 |          Filepath within the MFS to copy from
 |      dest : str
 |          Destination filepath with the MFS to which the file will be
 |          copied to
 # 列出MFS中目录的内容。 
 |  files_ls(self, path, **kwargs)
 |      Lists contents of a directory in the MFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.files_ls("/")
 |          {'Entries': [
 |              {'Size': 0, 'Hash': '', 'Name': 'Software', 'Type': 0}
 |          ]}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str
 |          Filepath within the MFS
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Directory entries
 # 创建目录。 
 |  files_mkdir(self, path, parents=False, **kwargs)
 |      Creates a directory within the MFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.files_mkdir("/test")
 |          b''
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str
 |          Filepath within the MFS
 |      parents : bool
 |          Create parent directories as needed and do not raise an exception
 |          if the requested directory already exists
 # 删除文件和目录。
 |  files_mv(self, source, dest, **kwargs)
 |      Moves files and directories within the MFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.files_mv("/test/file", "/bla/file")
 |          b''
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      source : str
 |          Existing filepath within the MFS
 |      dest : str
 |          Destination to which the file will be moved in the MFS
 # 文件读取。  
 |  files_read(self, path, offset=0, count=None, **kwargs)
 |      Reads a file stored in the MFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.files_read("/bla/file")
 |          b'hi'
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str
 |          Filepath within the MFS
 |      offset : int
 |          Byte offset at which to begin reading at
 |      count : int
 |          Maximum number of bytes to read
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          str : MFS file contents
 # 文件移除。 
 |  files_rm(self, path, recursive=False, **kwargs)
 |      Removes a file from the MFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.files_rm("/bla/file")
 |          b''
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str
 |          Filepath within the MFS
 |      recursive : bool
 |          Recursively remove directories?
 # 文件统计信息。   
 |  files_stat(self, path, **kwargs)
 |      Returns basic ``stat`` information for an MFS file
 |      (including its hash).
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.files_stat("/test")
 |          {'Hash': 'QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn',
 |           'Size': 0, 'CumulativeSize': 4, 'Type': 'directory', 'Blocks': 0}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str
 |          Filepath within the MFS
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : MFS file information
 # 文件写入。   
 |  files_write(self, path, file, offset=0, create=False, truncate=False, count=None, **kwargs)
 |      Writes to a mutable file in the MFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.files_write("/test/file", io.BytesIO(b"hi"), create=True)
 |          b''
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str
 |          Filepath within the MFS
 |      file : io.RawIOBase
 |          IO stream object with data that should be written
 |      offset : int
 |          Byte offset at which to begin writing at
 |      create : bool
 |          Create the file if it does not exist
 |      truncate : bool
 |          Truncate the file to size zero before writing
 |      count : int
 |          Maximum number of bytes to read from the source ``file``
 # 从IPFS系统中获取文件的内容。   
 |  get(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Downloads a file, or directory of files from IPFS.
 |      Files are placed in the current working directory.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          The path to the IPFS object(s) to be outputted
 # 从IPFS系统中获取json字符串对象的内容。   
 |  get_json(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Loads a json object from IPFS.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.get_json('QmVz9g7m5u3oHiNKHj2CJX1dbG1gtismRS3g9NaPBBLbob')
 |          {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |         Multihash of the IPFS object to load
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          object : Deserialized IPFS JSON object value
 # 从IPFS系统中获取pyobject对象的内容。
 |  get_pyobj(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Loads a pickled Python object from IPFS.
 |      .. deprecated:: 0.4.2
 |         The ``*_pyobj`` APIs allow for arbitrary code execution if abused.
 |         Either switch to :meth:`~ipfsapi.Client.get_json` or use
 |         ``pickle.loads(client.cat(multihash))`` instead.
 |      .. caution::
 |          The pickle module is not intended to be secure against erroneous or
 |          maliciously constructed data. Never unpickle data received from an
 |          untrusted or unauthenticated source.
 |          Please **read**
 |          `this article <https://www.cs.uic.edu/%7Es/musings/pickle/>`_ to
 |          understand the security risks of using this method!
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.get_pyobj('QmWgXZSUTNNDD8LdkdJ8UXSn55KfFnNvTP1r7SyaQd74Ji')
 |          [0, 1.0, 2j, '3', 400000.0]
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          Multihash of the IPFS object to load
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          object : Deserialized IPFS Python object
 # 获取IPFS节点的ID。  
 |  id(self, peer=None, **kwargs)
 |      Shows IPFS Node ID info.
 |      Returns the PublicKey, ProtocolVersion, ID, AgentVersion and
 |      Addresses of the connected daemon or some other node.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.id()
 |          {'ID': 'QmVgNoP89mzpgEAAqK8owYoDEyB97MkcGvoWZir8otE9Uc',
 |          'PublicKey': 'CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggE … BAAE=',
 |          'AgentVersion': 'go-libp2p/3.3.4',
 |          'ProtocolVersion': 'ipfs/0.1.0',
 |          'Addresses': [
 |              '/ip4/ … E9Uc',
 |              '/ip4/ … E9Uc',
 |              '/ip4/ … E9Uc',
 |              '/ip6/::1/tcp/4001/ipfs/QmVgNoP89mzpgEAAqK8owYoDEyB97 … E9Uc',
 |              '/ip6/fccc:7904:b05b:a579:957b:deef:f066:cad9/tcp/400 … E9Uc',
 |              '/ip6/fd56:1966:efd8::212/tcp/4001/ipfs/QmVgNoP89mzpg … E9Uc',
 |              '/ip6/fd56:1966:efd8:0:def1:34d0:773:48f/tcp/4001/ipf … E9Uc',
 |              '/ip6/2001:db8:1::1/tcp/4001/ipfs/QmVgNoP89mzpgEAAqK8 … E9Uc',
 |              '/ip4/ … E9Uc',
 |              '/ip4/ … E9Uc']}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      peer : str
 |          Peer.ID of the node to look up (local node if ``None``)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Information about the IPFS node
 # 添加一个可用于name_publish的public key。  
 |  key_gen(self, key_name, type, size=2048, **kwargs)
 |      Adds a new public key that can be used for name_publish.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.key_gen('example_key_name')
 |          {'Name': 'example_key_name',
 |           'Id': 'QmQLaT5ZrCfSkXTH6rUKtVidcxj8jrW3X2h75Lug1AV7g8'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      key_name : str
 |          Name of the new Key to be generated. Used to reference the Keys.
 |      type : str
 |          Type of key to generate. The current possible keys types are:
 |           * ``"rsa"``
 |           * ``"ed25519"``
 |      size : int
 |          Bitsize of key to generate
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Key name and Key Id
 # 用于name_publish的key的列表。  
 |  key_list(self, **kwargs)
 |      Returns a list of generated public keys that can be used with name_publish
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.key_list()
 |          [{'Name': 'self',
 |            'Id': 'QmQf22bZar3WKmojipms22PkXH1MZGmvsqzQtuSvQE3uhm'},
 |           {'Name': 'example_key_name',
 |            'Id': 'QmQLaT5ZrCfSkXTH6rUKtVidcxj8jrW3X2h75Lug1AV7g8'}
 |          ]
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          list : List of dictionaries with Names and Ids of public keys.
 # 重新命名key。  
 |  key_rename(self, key_name, new_key_name, **kwargs)
 |      Rename a keypair
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.key_rename("bla", "personal")
 |          {"Was": "bla",
 |           "Now": "personal",
 |           "Id": "QmeyrRNxXaasZaoDXcCZgryoBCga9shaHQ4suHAYXbNZF3",
 |           "Overwrite": False}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      key_name : str
 |          Current name of the key to rename
 |      new_key_name : str
 |          New name of the key
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of key names and IDs that have been removed
 # 移除key。  
 |  key_rm(self, key_name, *key_names, **kwargs)
 |      Remove a keypair
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.key_rm("bla")
 |          {"Keys": [
 |              {"Name": "bla",
 |               "Id": "QmfJpR6paB6h891y7SYXGe6gapyNgepBeAYMbyejWA4FWA"}
 |          ]}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      key_name : str
 |          Name of the key(s) to remove.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of key names and IDs that have been removed
 # Daemon日志的级别。  
 |  log_level(self, subsystem, level, **kwargs)
 |      Changes the logging output of a running daemon.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.log_level("path", "info")
 |          {'Message': "Changed log level of 'path' to 'info'\n"}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      subsystem : str
 |          The subsystem logging identifier (Use ``"all"`` for all subsystems)
 |      level : str
 |          The desired logging level. Must be one of:
 |           * ``"debug"``
 |           * ``"info"``
 |           * ``"warning"``
 |           * ``"error"``
 |           * ``"fatal"``
 |           * ``"panic"``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Status message
 # 列出Daemon日志的内容。  
 |  log_ls(self, **kwargs)
 |      Lists the logging subsystems of a running daemon.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.log_ls()
 |          {'Strings': [
 |              'github.com/ipfs/go-libp2p/p2p/host', 'net/identify',
 |              'merkledag', 'providers', 'routing/record', 'chunk', 'mfs',
 |              'ipns-repub', 'flatfs', 'ping', 'mockrouter', 'dagio',
 |              'cmds/files', 'blockset', 'engine', 'mocknet', 'config',
 |              'commands/http', 'cmd/ipfs', 'command', 'conn', 'gc',
 |              'peerstore', 'core', 'coreunix', 'fsrepo', 'core/server',
 |              'boguskey', 'github.com/ipfs/go-libp2p/p2p/host/routed',
 |              'diagnostics', 'namesys', 'fuse/ipfs', 'node', 'secio',
 |              'core/commands', 'supernode', 'mdns', 'path', 'table',
 |              'swarm2', 'peerqueue', 'mount', 'fuse/ipns', 'blockstore',
 |              'github.com/ipfs/go-libp2p/p2p/host/basic', 'lock', 'nat',
 |              'importer', 'corerepo', 'dht.pb', 'pin', 'bitswap_network',
 |              'github.com/ipfs/go-libp2p/p2p/protocol/relay', 'peer',
 |              'transport', 'dht', 'offlinerouting', 'tarfmt', 'eventlog',
 |              'ipfsaddr', 'github.com/ipfs/go-libp2p/p2p/net/swarm/addr',
 |              'bitswap', 'reprovider', 'supernode/proxy', 'crypto', 'tour',
 |              'commands/cli', 'blockservice']}
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of daemon logging subsystems
 # 读取日志的输出。  
 |  log_tail(self, **kwargs)
 |      Reads log outputs as they are written.
 |      This function returns an iterator needs to be closed using a context
 |      manager (``with``-statement) or using the ``.close()`` method.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> with c.log_tail() as log_tail_iter:
 |          ...     for item in log_tail_iter:
 |          ...         print(item)
 |          ...
 |          {"event":"updatePeer","system":"dht",
 |           "peerID":"QmepsDPxWtLDuKvEoafkpJxGij4kMax11uTH7WnKqD25Dq",
 |           "session":"7770b5e0-25ec-47cd-aa64-f42e65a10023",
 |           "time":"2016-08-22T13:25:27.43353297Z"}
 |          {"event":"handleAddProviderBegin","system":"dht",
 |           "peer":"QmepsDPxWtLDuKvEoafkpJxGij4kMax11uTH7WnKqD25Dq",
 |           "session":"7770b5e0-25ec-47cd-aa64-f42e65a10023",
 |           "time":"2016-08-22T13:25:27.433642581Z"}
 |          {"event":"handleAddProvider","system":"dht","duration":91704,
 |           "key":"QmNT9Tejg6t57Vs8XM2TVJXCwevWiGsZh3kB4HQXUZRK1o",
 |           "peer":"QmepsDPxWtLDuKvEoafkpJxGij4kMax11uTH7WnKqD25Dq",
 |           "session":"7770b5e0-25ec-47cd-aa64-f42e65a10023",
 |           "time":"2016-08-22T13:25:27.433747513Z"}
 |          {"event":"updatePeer","system":"dht",
 |           "peerID":"QmepsDPxWtLDuKvEoafkpJxGij4kMax11uTH7WnKqD25Dq",
 |           "session":"7770b5e0-25ec-47cd-aa64-f42e65a10023",
 |           "time":"2016-08-22T13:25:27.435843012Z"}
 |          …
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          iterable
 # 返回给定hash值的对象列表。
 |  ls(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Returns a list of objects linked to by the given hash.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.ls('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D')
 |          {'Objects': [
 |            {'Hash': 'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D',
 |             'Links': [
 |              {'Hash': 'Qmd2xkBfEwEs9oMTk77A6jrsgurpF3ugXSg7dtPNFkcNMV',
 |               'Name': 'Makefile',          'Size': 174, 'Type': 2},
 |               …
 |              {'Hash': 'QmSY8RfVntt3VdxWppv9w5hWgNrE31uctgTiYwKir8eXJY',
 |               'Name': 'published-version', 'Size': 55,  'Type': 2}
 |              ]}
 |            ]}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          The path to the IPFS object(s) to list links from
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Directory information and contents
 # 发布一个对象到IPNS系统。  
 |  name_publish(self, ipfs_path, resolve=True, lifetime='24h', ttl=None, key=None, **kwargs)
 |      Publishes an object to IPNS.
 |      IPNS is a PKI namespace, where names are the hashes of public keys, and
 |      the private key enables publishing new (signed) values. In publish, the
 |      default value of *name* is your own identity public key.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.name_publish('/ipfs/QmfZY61ukoQuCX8e5Pt7v8pRfhkyxwZK … GZ5d')
 |          {'Value': '/ipfs/QmfZY61ukoQuCX8e5Pt7v8pRfhkyxwZKZMTodAtmvyGZ5d',
 |           'Name': 'QmVgNoP89mzpgEAAqK8owYoDEyB97MkcGvoWZir8otE9Uc'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      ipfs_path : str
 |          IPFS path of the object to be published
 |      resolve : bool
 |          Resolve given path before publishing
 |      lifetime : str
 |          Time duration that the record will be valid for
 |          Accepts durations such as ``"300s"``, ``"1.5h"`` or ``"2h45m"``.
 |          Valid units are:
 |           * ``"ns"``
 |           * ``"us"`` (or ``"µs"``)
 |           * ``"ms"``
 |           * ``"s"``
 |           * ``"m"``
 |           * ``"h"``
 |      ttl : int
 |          Time duration this record should be cached for
 |      key : string
 |           Name of the key to be used, as listed by 'ipfs key list'.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : IPNS hash and the IPFS path it points at
 # 名称解析。  
 |  name_resolve(self, name=None, recursive=False, nocache=False, **kwargs)
 |      Gets the value currently published at an IPNS name.
 |      IPNS is a PKI namespace, where names are the hashes of public keys, and
 |      the private key enables publishing new (signed) values. In resolve, the
 |      default value of ``name`` is your own identity public key.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.name_resolve()
 |          {'Path': '/ipfs/QmfZY61ukoQuCX8e5Pt7v8pRfhkyxwZKZMTodAtmvyGZ5d'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      name : str
 |          The IPNS name to resolve (defaults to the connected node)
 |      recursive : bool
 |          Resolve until the result is not an IPFS name (default: false)
 |      nocache : bool
 |          Do not use cached entries (default: false)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : The IPFS path the IPNS hash points at
 # 获取IPFS对象的原始字节。  
 |  object_data(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Returns the raw bytes in an IPFS object.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_data('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D')
 |          b'\x08\x01'
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          Key of the object to retrieve, in base58-encoded multihash format
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          str : Raw object data
# 获取和序列化DAG节点。 
 |  object_get(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Get and serialize the DAG node named by multihash.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_get('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D')
 |          {'Data': ',
 |           'Links': [
 |              {'Hash': 'Qmd2xkBfEwEs9oMTk77A6jrsgurpF3ugXSg7dtPNFkcNMV',
 |               'Name': 'Makefile',          'Size': 174},
 |              {'Hash': 'QmeKozNssnkJ4NcyRidYgDY2jfRZqVEoRGfipkgath71bX',
 |               'Name': 'example',           'Size': 1474},
 |              {'Hash': 'QmZAL3oHMQYqsV61tGvoAVtQLs1WzRe1zkkamv9qxqnDuK',
 |               'Name': 'home',              'Size': 3947},
 |              {'Hash': 'QmZNPyKVriMsZwJSNXeQtVQSNU4v4KEKGUQaMT61LPahso',
 |               'Name': 'lib',               'Size': 268261},
 |              {'Hash': 'QmSY8RfVntt3VdxWppv9w5hWgNrE31uctgTiYwKir8eXJY',
 |               'Name': 'published-version', 'Size': 55}]}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          Key of the object to retrieve, in base58-encoded multihash format
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Object data and links
 # 获取指定object对象所指向的连接。  
 |  object_links(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Returns the links pointed to by the specified object.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_links('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDx … ca7D')
 |          {'Hash': 'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D',
 |           'Links': [
 |              {'Hash': 'Qmd2xkBfEwEs9oMTk77A6jrsgurpF3ugXSg7dtPNFkcNMV',
 |               'Name': 'Makefile',          'Size': 174},
 |              {'Hash': 'QmeKozNssnkJ4NcyRidYgDY2jfRZqVEoRGfipkgath71bX',
 |               'Name': 'example',           'Size': 1474},
 |              {'Hash': 'QmZAL3oHMQYqsV61tGvoAVtQLs1WzRe1zkkamv9qxqnDuK',
 |               'Name': 'home',              'Size': 3947},
 |              {'Hash': 'QmZNPyKVriMsZwJSNXeQtVQSNU4v4KEKGUQaMT61LPahso',
 |               'Name': 'lib',               'Size': 268261},
 |              {'Hash': 'QmSY8RfVntt3VdxWppv9w5hWgNrE31uctgTiYwKir8eXJY',
 |               'Name': 'published-version', 'Size': 55}]}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          Key of the object to retrieve, in base58-encoded multihash format
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Object hash and merkedag links
 # 从IPFS模版创建新的对象。  
 |  object_new(self, template=None, **kwargs)
 |      Creates a new object from an IPFS template.
 |      By default this creates and returns a new empty merkledag node, but you
 |      may pass an optional template argument to create a preformatted node.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_new()
 |          {'Hash': 'QmdfTbBqBPQ7VNxZEYEj14VmRuZBkqFbiwReogJgS1zR1n'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      template : str
 |          Blueprints from which to construct the new object. Possible values:
 |           * ``"unixfs-dir"``
 |           * ``None``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Object hash
 # 从已有的对象创建一个新的merkledag对象。  
 |  object_patch_add_link(self, root, name, ref, create=False, **kwargs)
 |      Creates a new merkledag object based on an existing one.
 |      The new object will have a link to the provided object.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_patch_add_link(
 |          ...     'QmR79zQQj2aDfnrNgczUhvf2qWapEfQ82YQRt3QjrbhSb2',
 |          ...     'Johnny',
 |          ...     'QmR79zQQj2aDfnrNgczUhvf2qWapEfQ82YQRt3QjrbhSb2'
 |          ... )
 |          {'Hash': 'QmNtXbF3AjAk59gQKRgEdVabHcSsiPUnJwHnZKyj2x8Z3k'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      root : str
 |          IPFS hash for the object being modified
 |      name : str
 |          name for the new link
 |      ref : str
 |          IPFS hash for the object being linked to
 |      create : bool
 |          Create intermediary nodes
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Hash of new object
 # 从已有的对象创建一个新的merkledag对象。   
 |  object_patch_append_data(self, multihash, new_data, **kwargs)
 |      Creates a new merkledag object based on an existing one.
 |      The new object will have the provided data appended to it,
 |      and will thus have a new Hash.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_patch_append_data("QmZZmY … fTqm", io.BytesIO(b"bla"))
 |          {'Hash': 'QmR79zQQj2aDfnrNgczUhvf2qWapEfQ82YQRt3QjrbhSb2'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          The hash of an ipfs object to modify
 |      new_data : io.RawIOBase
 |          The data to append to the object's data section
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Hash of new object
 # 从已有的对象创建一个新的merkledag对象。   
 |  object_patch_rm_link(self, root, link, **kwargs)
 |      Creates a new merkledag object based on an existing one.
 |      The new object will lack a link to the specified object.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_patch_rm_link(
 |          ...     'QmNtXbF3AjAk59gQKRgEdVabHcSsiPUnJwHnZKyj2x8Z3k',
 |          ...     'Johnny'
 |          ... )
 |          {'Hash': 'QmR79zQQj2aDfnrNgczUhvf2qWapEfQ82YQRt3QjrbhSb2'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      root : str
 |          IPFS hash of the object to modify
 |      link : str
 |          name of the link to remove
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Hash of new object
 |  object_patch_set_data(self, root, data, **kwargs)
 |      Creates a new merkledag object based on an existing one.
 |      The new object will have the same links as the old object but
 |      with the provided data instead of the old object's data contents.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_patch_set_data(
 |          ...     'QmNtXbF3AjAk59gQKRgEdVabHcSsiPUnJwHnZKyj2x8Z3k',
 |          ...     io.BytesIO(b'bla')
 |          ... )
 |          {'Hash': 'QmSw3k2qkv4ZPsbu9DVEJaTMszAQWNgM1FTFYpfZeNQWrd'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      root : str
 |          IPFS hash of the object to modify
 |      data : io.RawIOBase
 |          The new data to store in root
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Hash of new object
 # 存储DAG对象并返回key。   
 |  object_put(self, file, **kwargs)
 |      Stores input as a DAG object and returns its key.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_put(io.BytesIO(b'''
 |          ...       {
 |          ...           "Data": "another",
 |          ...           "Links": [ {
 |          ...               "Name": "some link",
 |          ...               "Hash": "QmXg9Pp2ytZ14xgmQjYEiHjVjMFXzCV … R39V",
 |          ...               "Size": 8
 |          ...           } ]
 |          ...       }'''))
 |          {'Hash': 'QmZZmY4KCu9r3e7M2Pcn46Fc5qbn6NpzaAGaYb22kbfTqm',
 |           'Links': [
 |              {'Hash': 'QmXg9Pp2ytZ14xgmQjYEiHjVjMFXzCVVEcRTWJBmLgR39V',
 |               'Size': 8, 'Name': 'some link'}
 |           ]
 |          }
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      file : io.RawIOBase
 |          (JSON) object from which the DAG object will be created
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Hash and links of the created DAG object
 |                 See :meth:`~ipfsapi.Object.object_links`
 # 获得DAG对象的统计信息。   
 |  object_stat(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Get stats for the DAG node named by multihash.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.object_stat('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D')
 |          {'LinksSize': 256, 'NumLinks': 5,
 |           'Hash': 'QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D',
 |           'BlockSize': 258, 'CumulativeSize': 274169, 'DataSize': 2}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          Key of the object to retrieve, in base58-encoded multihash format
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict

 # “钉住”对象到本地存储。   
 |  pin_add(self, path, *paths, **kwargs)
 |      Pins objects to local storage.
 |      Stores an IPFS object(s) from a given path locally to disk.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.pin_add("QmfZY61ukoQuCX8e5Pt7v8pRfhkyxwZKZMTodAtmvyGZ5d")
 |          {'Pins': ['QmfZY61ukoQuCX8e5Pt7v8pRfhkyxwZKZMTodAtmvyGZ5d']}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str
 |          Path to object(s) to be pinned
 |      recursive : bool
 |          Recursively unpin the object linked to by the specified object(s)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of IPFS objects that have been pinned
 # 列出本地“钉住”对象的列表。  
 |  pin_ls(self, type='all', **kwargs)
 |      Lists objects pinned to local storage.
 |      By default, all pinned objects are returned, but the ``type`` flag or
 |      arguments can restrict that to a specific pin type or to some specific
 |      objects respectively.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.pin_ls()
 |          {'Keys': {
 |              'QmNNPMA1eGUbKxeph6yqV8ZmRkdVat … YMuz': {'Type': 'recursive'},
 |              'QmNPZUCeSN5458Uwny8mXSWubjjr6J … kP5e': {'Type': 'recursive'},
 |              'QmNg5zWpRMxzRAVg7FTQ3tUxVbKj8E … gHPz': {'Type': 'indirect'},
 |              …
 |              'QmNiuVapnYCrLjxyweHeuk6Xdqfvts … wCCe': {'Type': 'indirect'}}}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      type : "str"
 |          The type of pinned keys to list. Can be:
 |           * ``"direct"``
 |           * ``"indirect"``
 |           * ``"recursive"``
 |           * ``"all"``
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Hashes of pinned IPFS objects and why they are pinned
 # 移除本地存储的“钉住”对象。  
 |  pin_rm(self, path, *paths, **kwargs)
 |      Removes a pinned object from local storage.
 |      Removes the pin from the given object allowing it to be garbage
 |      collected if needed.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.pin_rm('QmfZY61ukoQuCX8e5Pt7v8pRfhkyxwZKZMTodAtmvyGZ5d')
 |          {'Pins': ['QmfZY61ukoQuCX8e5Pt7v8pRfhkyxwZKZMTodAtmvyGZ5d']}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str
 |          Path to object(s) to be unpinned
 |      recursive : bool
 |          Recursively unpin the object linked to by the specified object(s)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of IPFS objects that have been unpinned
 # 更新本地存储的“钉住”对象。   
 |  pin_update(self, from_path, to_path, **kwargs)
 |      Replaces one pin with another.
 |      Updates one pin to another, making sure that all objects in the new pin
 |      are local. Then removes the old pin. This is an optimized version of
 |      using first using :meth:`~ipfsapi.Client.pin_add` to add a new pin
 |      for an object and then using :meth:`~ipfsapi.Client.pin_rm` to remove
 |      the pin for the old object.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.pin_update("QmXMqez83NU77ifmcPs5CkNRTMQksBLkyfBf4H5g1NZ52P",
 |          ...              "QmUykHAi1aSjMzHw3KmBoJjqRUQYNkFXm8K1y7ZsJxpfPH")
 |          {"Pins": ["/ipfs/QmXMqez83NU77ifmcPs5CkNRTMQksBLkyfBf4H5g1NZ52P",
 |                    "/ipfs/QmUykHAi1aSjMzHw3KmBoJjqRUQYNkFXm8K1y7ZsJxpfPH"]}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      from_path : str
 |          Path to the old object
 |      to_path : str
 |          Path to the new object to be pinned
 |      unpin : bool
 |          Should the pin of the old object be removed? (Default: ``True``)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of IPFS objects affected by the pinning operation
 # 校验本地存储的递归“钉住”对象是否完成。   
 |  pin_verify(self, path, *paths, **kwargs)
 |      Verify that recursive pins are complete.
 |      Scan the repo for pinned object graphs and check their integrity.
 |      Issues will be reported back with a helpful human-readable error
 |      message to aid in error recovery. This is useful to help recover
 |      from datastore corruptions (such as when accidentally deleting
 |      files added using the filestore backend).
 |      This function returns an iterator needs to be closed using a context
 |      manager (``with``-statement) or using the ``.close()`` method.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> with c.pin_verify("QmN…TTZ", verbose=True) as pin_verify_iter:
 |          ...     for item in pin_verify_iter:
 |          ...         print(item)
 |          ...
 |          {"Cid":"QmVkNdzCBukBRdpyFiKPyL2R15qPExMr9rV9RFV2kf9eeV","Ok":True}
 |          {"Cid":"QmbPzQruAEFjUU3gQfupns6b8USr8VrD9H71GrqGDXQSxm","Ok":True}
 |          {"Cid":"Qmcns1nUvbeWiecdGDPw8JxWeUfxCV8JKhTfgzs3F8JM4P","Ok":True}
 |          …
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str
 |          Path to object(s) to be checked
 |      verbose : bool
 |          Also report status of items that were OK? (Default: ``False``)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          iterable

 # 测试对端的连通性。   
 |  ping(self, peer, *peers, **kwargs)
 |      Provides round-trip latency information for the routing system.
 |      Finds nodes via the routing system, sends pings, waits for pongs,
 |      and prints out round-trip latency information.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.ping("QmTzQ1JRkWErjk39mryYw2WVaphAZNAREyMchXzYQ7c15n")
 |          [{'Success': True,  'Time': 0,
 |            'Text': 'Looking up peer QmTzQ1JRkWErjk39mryYw2WVaphAZN … c15n'},
 |           {'Success': False, 'Time': 0,
 |            'Text': 'Peer lookup error: routing: not found'}]
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      peer : str
 |          ID of peer to be pinged
 |      count : int
 |          Number of ping messages to send (Default: ``10``)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          list : Progress reports from the ping

 # 列出“出版-订阅”的主题名称。   
 |  pubsub_ls(self, **kwargs)
 |      Lists subscribed topics by name
 |      This method returns data that contains a list of
 |      all topics the user is subscribed to. In order
 |      to subscribe to a topic pubsub_sub must be called.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          # subscribe to a channel
 |          >>> with c.pubsub_sub("hello") as sub:
 |          ...     c.pubsub_ls()
 |          {
 |              'Strings' : ["hello"]
 |          }
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Dictionary with the key "Strings" who's value is an array of
 |                 topics we are subscribed to
 # 列出“出版-订阅”的对端。 
 |  pubsub_peers(self, topic=None, **kwargs)
 |      List the peers we are pubsubbing with.
 |      Lists the id's of other IPFS users who we
 |      are connected to via some topic. Without specifying
 |      a topic, IPFS peers from all subscribed topics
 |      will be returned in the data. If a topic is specified
 |      only the IPFS id's of the peers from the specified
 |      topic will be returned in the data.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.pubsub_peers()
 |          {'Strings':
 |                  [
 |                      'QmPbZ3SDgmTNEB1gNSE9DEf4xT8eag3AFn5uo7X39TbZM8',
 |                      'QmQKiXYzoFpiGZ93DaFBFDMDWDJCRjXDARu4wne2PRtSgA',
 |                      ...
 |                      'QmepgFW7BHEtU4pZJdxaNiv75mKLLRQnPi1KaaXmQN4V1a'
 |                  ]
 |          }
 |          ## with a topic
 |          # subscribe to a channel
 |          >>> with c.pubsub_sub('hello') as sub:
 |          ...     c.pubsub_peers(topic='hello')
 |          {'String':
 |                  [
 |                      'QmPbZ3SDgmTNEB1gNSE9DEf4xT8eag3AFn5uo7X39TbZM8',
 |                      ...
 |                      # other peers connected to the same channel
 |                  ]
 |          }
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      topic : str
 |          The topic to list connected peers of
 |          (defaults to None which lists peers for all topics)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Dictionary with the ke "Strings" who's value is id of IPFS
 |                 peers we're pubsubbing with
 # 向“出版-订阅”的主题发送消息。  
 |  pubsub_pub(self, topic, payload, **kwargs)
 |      Publish a message to a given pubsub topic
 |      Publishing will publish the given payload (string) to
 |      everyone currently subscribed to the given topic.
 |      All data (including the id of the publisher) is automatically
 |      base64 encoded when published.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          # publishes the message 'message' to the topic 'hello'
 |          >>> c.pubsub_pub('hello', 'message')
 |          []
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      topic : str
 |          Topic to publish to
 |      payload : Data to be published to the given topic
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          list : empty list
 # 订阅“出版-订阅”的给定主题。  
 |  pubsub_sub(self, topic, discover=False, **kwargs)
 |      Subscribe to mesages on a given topic
 |      Subscribing to a topic in IPFS means anytime
 |      a message is published to a topic, the subscribers
 |      will be notified of the publication.
 |      The connection with the pubsub topic is opened and read.
 |      The Subscription returned should be used inside a context
 |      manager to ensure that it is closed properly and not left
 |      hanging.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> sub = c.pubsub_sub('testing')
 |          >>> with c.pubsub_sub('testing') as sub:
 |          # publish a message 'hello' to the topic 'testing'
 |          ... c.pubsub_pub('testing', 'hello')
 |          ... for message in sub:
 |          ...     print(message)
 |          ...     # Stop reading the subscription after 
 |          ...     # we receive one publication
 |          ...     break
 |          {'from': '<base64encoded IPFS id>',
 |           'data': 'aGVsbG8=',
 |           'topicIDs': ['testing']}
 |          # NOTE: in order to receive published data
 |          # you must already be subscribed to the topic at publication
 |          # time.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      topic : str
 |          Name of a topic to subscribe to
 |      discover : bool
 |          Try to discover other peers subscibed to the same topic
 |          (defaults to False)
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          Generator wrapped in a context
 |          manager that maintains a connection
 |          stream to the given topic.

 # 返回给定Hash的引用对象的hash列表。
 |  refs(self, multihash, **kwargs)
 |      Returns a list of hashes of objects referenced by the given hash.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.refs('QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdwSNsNTn2aDxdXBFca7D')
 |          [{'Ref': 'Qmd2xkBfEwEs9oMTk77A6jrsgurpF3ugXSg7 … cNMV', 'Err': ''},
 |           …
 |           {'Ref': 'QmSY8RfVntt3VdxWppv9w5hWgNrE31uctgTi … eXJY', 'Err': ''}]
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      multihash : str
 |          Path to the object(s) to list refs from
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          list
 # 列出所有本地对象的hash。 
 |  refs_local(self, **kwargs)
 |      Displays the hashes of all local objects.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.refs_local()
 |          [{'Ref': 'Qmd2xkBfEwEs9oMTk77A6jrsgurpF3ugXSg7 … cNMV', 'Err': ''},
 |           …
 |           {'Ref': 'QmSY8RfVntt3VdxWppv9w5hWgNrE31uctgTi … eXJY', 'Err': ''}]
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          list

 # 从repo中移除所有未被“钉住”的对象。
 |  repo_gc(self, **kwargs)
 |      Removes stored objects that are not pinned from the repo.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.repo_gc()
 |          [{'Key': 'QmNPXDC6wTXVmZ9Uoc8X1oqxRRJr4f1sDuyQuwaHG2mpW2'},
 |           {'Key': 'QmNtXbF3AjAk59gQKRgEdVabHcSsiPUnJwHnZKyj2x8Z3k'},
 |           {'Key': 'QmRVBnxUCsD57ic5FksKYadtyUbMsyo9KYQKKELajqAp4q'},
 |           …
 |           {'Key': 'QmYp4TeCurXrhsxnzt5wqLqqUz8ZRg5zsc7GuUrUSDtwzP'}]
 |      Performs a garbage collection sweep of the local set of
 |      stored objects and remove ones that are not pinned in order
 |      to reclaim hard disk space. Returns the hashes of all collected
 |      objects.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of IPFS objects that have been removed
 # 显示repo的状态。  
 |  repo_stat(self, **kwargs)
 |      Displays the repo's status.
 |      Returns the number of objects in the repo and the repo's size,
 |      version, and path.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.repo_stat()
 |          {'NumObjects': 354,
 |           'RepoPath': '…/.local/share/ipfs',
 |           'Version': 'fs-repo@4',
 |           'RepoSize': 13789310}
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : General information about the IPFS file repository
 |      +------------+-------------------------------------------------+
 |      | NumObjects | Number of objects in the local repo.            |
 |      +------------+-------------------------------------------------+
 |      | RepoPath   | The path to the repo being currently used.      |
 |      +------------+-------------------------------------------------+
 |      | RepoSize   | Size in bytes that the repo is currently using. |
 |      +------------+-------------------------------------------------+
 |      | Version    | The repo version.                               |
 |      +------------+-------------------------------------------------+

 # 接受标识并解析到引用项。  
 |  resolve(self, name, recursive=False, **kwargs)
 |      Accepts an identifier and resolves it to the referenced item.
 |      There are a number of mutable name protocols that can link among
 |      themselves and into IPNS. For example IPNS references can (currently)
 |      point at an IPFS object, and DNS links can point at other DNS links,
 |      IPNS entries, or IPFS objects. This command accepts any of these
 |      identifiers.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.resolve("/ipfs/QmTkzDwWqPbnAh5YiV5VwcTLnGdw … ca7D/Makefile")
 |          {'Path': '/ipfs/Qmd2xkBfEwEs9oMTk77A6jrsgurpF3ugXSg7dtPNFkcNMV'}
 |          >>> c.resolve("/ipns/ipfs.io")
 |          {'Path': '/ipfs/QmTzQ1JRkWErjk39mryYw2WVaphAZNAREyMchXzYQ7c15n'}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      name : str
 |          The name to resolve
 |      recursive : bool
 |          Resolve until the result is an IPFS name
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : IPFS path of resource

 # 停止IPFS daemon服务。  
 |  shutdown(self)
 |      Stop the connected IPFS daemon instance.
 |      Sending any further requests after this will fail with
 |      ``ipfsapi.exceptions.ConnectionError``, until you start another IPFS
 |      daemon instance.
 |  swarm_addrs(self, **kwargs)
 |      Returns the addresses of currently connected peers by peer id.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> pprint(c.swarm_addrs())
 |          {'Addrs': {
 |              'QmNMVHJTSZHTWMWBbmBrQgkA1hZPWYuVJx2DpSGESWW6Kn': [
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip6/2001:41d0:b:587:3cae:6eff:fe40:94d8/tcp/4001',
 |                  '/ip6/2001:470:7812:1045::1/tcp/4001',
 |                  '/ip6/::1/tcp/4001',
 |                  '/ip6/fc02:2735:e595:bb70:8ffc:5293:8af8:c4b7/tcp/4001',
 |                  '/ip6/fd00:7374:6172:100::1/tcp/4001',
 |                  '/ip6/fd20:f8be:a41:0:c495:aff:fe7e:44ee/tcp/4001',
 |                  '/ip6/fd20:f8be:a41::953/tcp/4001'],
 |              'QmNQsK1Tnhe2Uh2t9s49MJjrz7wgPHj4VyrZzjRe8dj7KQ': [
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip4/',
 |                  '/ip6/::1/tcp/4001'],
 |              …
 |          }}
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Multiaddrs of peers by peer id
 # 连接到给定的地址。 
 |  swarm_connect(self, address, *addresses, **kwargs)
 |      Opens a connection to a given address.
 |      This will open a new direct connection to a peer address. The address
 |      format is an IPFS multiaddr::
 |          /ip4/
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.swarm_connect("/ip4/ … uvuJ")
 |          {'Strings': ['connect QmaCpDMGvV2BGHeYERUEnRQAwe3 … uvuJ success']}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      address : str
 |          Address of peer to connect to
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Textual connection status report
 # 断开给定地址的连接。  
 |  swarm_disconnect(self, address, *addresses, **kwargs)
 |      Closes the connection to a given address.
 |      This will close a connection to a peer address. The address format is
 |      an IPFS multiaddr::
 |          /ip4/
 |      The disconnect is not permanent; if IPFS needs to talk to that address
 |      later, it will reconnect.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.swarm_disconnect("/ip4/ … uJ")
 |          {'Strings': ['disconnect QmaCpDMGvV2BGHeYERUEnRQA … uvuJ success']}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      address : str
 |          Address of peer to disconnect from
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Textual connection status report
 # 添加地址过滤器到过滤器列表。  
 |  swarm_filters_add(self, address, *addresses, **kwargs)
 |      Adds a given multiaddr filter to the filter list.
 |      This will add an address filter to the daemons swarm. Filters applied
 |      this way will not persist daemon reboots, to achieve that, add your
 |      filters to the configuration file.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.swarm_filters_add("/ip4/")
 |          {'Strings': ['/ip4/']}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      address : str
 |          Multiaddr to filter
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of swarm filters added
 # 移除地址过滤器。  
 |  swarm_filters_rm(self, address, *addresses, **kwargs)
 |      Removes a given multiaddr filter from the filter list.
 |      This will remove an address filter from the daemons swarm. Filters
 |      removed this way will not persist daemon reboots, to achieve that,
 |      remove your filters from the configuration file.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.swarm_filters_rm("/ip4/")
 |          {'Strings': ['/ip4/']}
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      address : str
 |          Multiaddr filter to remove
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of swarm filters removed
 # 返回当前联机的对端地址和列表。  
 |  swarm_peers(self, **kwargs)
 |      Returns the addresses & IDs of currently connected peers.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.swarm_peers()
 |          {'Strings': [
 |              '/ip4/ … kPZc',
 |              '/ip4/ … uvuJ',
 |              '/ip4/ … 1jB6',
 |              …
 |              '/ip6/fce3: … :f140/tcp/43901/ipfs/QmSoLnSGccFuZQJzRa … ca9z']}
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : List of multiaddrs of currently connected peers

 # 返回当前连接的节点的IPFS版本号。  
 |  version(self, **kwargs)
 |      Returns the software version of the currently connected node.
 |      .. code-block:: python
 |          >>> c.version()
 |          {'Version': '0.4.3-rc2', 'Repo': '4', 'Commit': '',
 |           'System': 'amd64/linux', 'Golang': 'go1.6.2'}
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |          dict : Daemon and system version information
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors defined here:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)



