eclipse lua使用
2016-05-17 16:11 youxin 阅读(2685) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报首先安装lua eclipse,装插件或者独立版的都可以。但是在独立版的eclipse装subclipse会报错,Failed to prepare partial IU。解决办法:
work around:
go to Help -> Install New Software..., choose "The Eclipse Project Updates -" from the "Work with" list and then in the "Eclipse Tests, Examples, and Extras" category check "Eclipse 2.0 Style Plugin Support" and install it. After restarting Eclipse, install veloeclipse again and this time the installation will succeed.
如果把.txt形式的lua代码识别为lua文件并语法,outline有函数提示,设置content-type,在general->content-type下面的lua file增加一种文件格式.txt就可以。