

2013-11-16 16:49  youxin  阅读(1771)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报





The MIT-Scheme can be installed by just downloading and executing the installer.

  1. Go to the homepage of MIT/GNU Scheme and download the Windows binary, mit-scheme-N.N.N-ix86-win32.exe.
  2. Double click the downloaded installer. The installer asks something and leave everything as default.
  3. After installation, four shortcuts are created, named SchemeCompilerEdwin, and DocumentationSchemeCompiler, and Edwin are shortcuts to the same program with different options. By using the Compiler, you can compile your program into a native code, which makes run-time shorter. On the other hand, Compiler consumes more memory. 
    Edwin is an Emacs like editor for editing Scheme programs. You can use this or your favorite editor.
  4. You can customize the MIT-Scheme by editing the configuration file scheme.ini.
    Create scheme.ini in a directory defined by the environmental variable HOMEPATH. You can check the value of HOMEPATH by giving
    >set HOMEPATH
    from a console (DOS window). In the case of WinXP, HOMEPATH is predefined as 
    \Document and Setting\username

    Following code shows an example of scheme.ini

    (cd "C:\\doc\\scheme")
    (define call/cc call-with-current-continuation)
    The first line means changing directory to C:\doc\scheme. By this code, the MIT-Scheme move to this directory and you don't have to give full path name to load Scheme programs. The second line defines abbreviation of call-with-current-continuation.



