摘要:by Songchun Zhu, UCLA From a talk given at the Frontiers of Vision in 2011. Download the whole ppt. 1, How to reach the moon? Vision is arguably one of the most challenging, and potentially useful,...
CVer Learns ML.I am Shicai, interested in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Web Design. @Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, PR China |
12 2012 档案
摘要:by Songchun Zhu, UCLA From a talk given at the Frontiers of Vision in 2011. Download the whole ppt. 1, How to reach the moon? Vision is arguably one of the most challenging, and potentially useful,...
摘要:PCCS Munsell RGB10 RGB16 v1 10RP4/13.5 185, 31, 87 #b91f57 v2 4R 4.5/14 208, 47, 72 #d02f48 v3 7R 5/14 221, 68, 59 #dd443b v4 10R 5.5/14 233, 91, 35 #e95b23 v5 4YR 6/13.5 230, 120, 0 #e6...
摘要:选取论文的原则: (1)会议论文,主要来源于以下会议:CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, BMVC, FG, ICIP, ICPR, WACV, ICASSP, MM, IJCAI, UAI, AAAI…(其实后面的几个会议都是打酱油的,AI类的期刊也木有高引CV文章,事实也是如此,没有收录ICML和NIPS等,见谅) (2)发表在2000年以后,数据来源于微软学术搜索(http://acad...
摘要:W. Koolen, D. Adamskiy, M. WarmuthPutting Bayes to sleepSome signals look sort of jump Markov — the distribution of the data changes over time so that there are segments which have distribution A, th...
摘要:选取论文的原则: (1)期刊论文,主要来源于以下期刊:TPAMI,IJCV,TIP,CVIU,IVC,MVA,PR,JMIV,IJPRAI… (2)发表在2000年以后 (3)SCI检索次数大于1000,来源于Web of Science数据库,2012年12月初的检索结果 Top 20 榜单如下: [1] D. G. Lowe, “Distinctive image features ...