CVer Learns ML.

I am Shicai, interested in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Web Design. @Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, PR China

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The index h, defined as the number of papers with citation number higher or equal to h, as a useful index to characterize the scientific output of a researcher (by Hirsch2005).


139 Herbert A. Simon (CMU), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Nobel Laureate
129 Anil K. Jain (Michigan State U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
114 Terrence Sejnowski (UCSD), IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the Institute of Medicine
107 Scott Shenker (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
102 Ian Foster (Argonne National Laboratory & U Chicago), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow, BCS Fellow
102 Tomaso Poggio (MIT)
98 Sebastian Thrun (Stanford), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
97 Georgios Giannakis (U Minnesota), IEEE Fellow
94 Deborah Estrin (UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
94 Stephen Grossberg (Boston University)
94 Don Towsley (U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
94 Philip S. Yu (UIC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
93 Michael I. Jordan (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, AAAI Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
91 Steven Salzberg (Johns Hopkins U), AAAS Fellow
89 Hector Garcia-Molina (Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
89 Alex Pentland (MIT)
89 Jeffrey D. Ullman (Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
88 Wil van der Aalst (TU Eindhoven), Member of Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea), Member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities
87 Hari Balakrishnan (MIT), ACM Fellow
87 Nick Jennings (U Southampton), IEEE Fellow, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
87 John A. Stankovic (U Virginia), ACM Fellow
86 Randy H. Katz (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
86 Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (Berkeley), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
84 Jack Dongarra (U Tennessee), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, SIAM Fellow, AAAS Fellow
84 Henri Prade (CNRS Toulouse)
84 HongJiang Zhang (KingSoft, China), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
82 Mark Horowitz (Stanford), ACM Fellow
82 Robert Tarjan (Princeton), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
81 Rakesh Agrawal (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
81 Mario Gerla (UCLA), IEEE Fellow
81 Ben Shneiderman (U Maryland), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
80 Alon Halevy [Alon Levy] (Google), ACM Fellow
80 Daphne Koller (Stanford), MacArthur Fellow, AAAI Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, ACM Infosys Foundation Award
80 Martin Vetterli (EPFL), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
80 Jennifer Widom (Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
79 Bernhard Schölkopf (Max Planck)
79 Christos H. Papadimitriou (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
77 Thomas S. Huang (UIUC), IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
77 Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice U), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
76 Geoffrey E. Hinton (U Toronto), Fellow of the Royal Society, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
76 Richard Szeliski (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
75 Martin Abadi (UC Santa Cruz and Microsoft), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow
75 Ken Kennedy (Rice U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
75 Rajeev Motwani (Stanford), ACM Fellow
75 Lotfi Zadeh (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
74 W. Bruce Croft (U Mass, Amherst), ACM Fellow
74 Donald E. Knuth (Stanford), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences
73 Kalyanmoy Deb (IIT Kanpur), IEEE Fellow,
73 Tim Finin (UMBC)
73 Ian Horrocks (Oxford U)
73 Robert Kraut (CMU), ACM Fellow
73 Giovanni De Micheli (EPFL), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
73 Mihalis Yannakakis (Columbia), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
72 Nicholas Ayache (INRIA)
72 Mihir Bellare (UCSD)
72 Lixia Zhang (UCLA), ACM Fellow
72 Andrew Zisserman (University of Oxford)
71 Olivier Faugeras (INRIA), Member of the French Academy of Sciences
71 Jitendra Malik (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
71 Azriel Rosenfeld (U Maryland), ACM Fellow
71 Amit Sheth (Wright State U), IEEE Fellow
71 Ronald Yager (Iona College), IEEE Fellow
70 Rama Chellappa (U Maryland), IEEE Fellow, IAPR Fellow, OSA Fellow
70 David Culler (Berkeley), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
70 David Haussler (UC Santa Cruz)
70 Sushil Jajodia (George Mason U)
70 David Karger (MIT), ACM Fellow
70 H. Vincent Poor (Princeton)
70 Prabhakar Raghavan (Yahoo! Research), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
70 Kishor S. Trivedi (Duke U), IEEE Fellow
69 Thomas Anderson (U Washington), ACM Fellow
69 Judea Pearl (UCLA), Turing Award, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
68 Francisco Herrera (U Granada, Spain)
68 Eric Horvitz (Microsoft)
68 Takeo Kanade (CMU), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
68 Ronald L. Rivest (MIT), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, IACR Fellow
68 Kang G. Shin (U Michigan), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
68 Eduardo Sontag (Rutgers), IEEE Fellow
68 Mani B. Srivastava (UCLA), IEEE Fellow
68 John von Neumann (Princeton)
67 Anantha Chandrakasan (MIT)
67 Shih-Fu Chang (Columbia), IEEE Fellow
67 Marco Dorigo (U Libre de Bruxelles)
66 Andrew Blake (Microsoft)
66 Dan Boneh (Stanford)
66 William Dally (Stanford), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
66 John Mylopoulos (U Toronto)
66 Allen Newell (CMU), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences
66 Michael Wooldridge (U Liverpool), AAAI Fellow
65 Wolfram Burgard (U Freiburg)
65 Ronald Fagin (IBM Almaden), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award
65 Jose Joaquin Garcia-Luna-Aceves (UC Santa Cruz and PARC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
65 Anoop Gupta (Microsoft)
65 Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen)
65 Steffen Staab (U Koblenz-Landau)
65 Ion Stoica (Berkeley)
65 Katia Sycara (CMU)
65 Demetri Terzopoulos (UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the European Academy of Sciences
64 Luca Benini (U Bologna)
64 Larry Davis (U Maryland), IEEE Fellow
64 Joseph Y. Halpern (Cornell), ACM Fellow
64 James Hendler (RPI), IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow, BCS Fellow
64 Adrian Perrig (CMU)
64 Raghu Ramakrishnan (Yahoo! Research), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
63 Christophe Diot (Thomson Technology Paris Lab), ACM Fellow
63 David S. Johnson (AT&T Labs), ACM Fellow
63 Dinesh Manocha (UNC), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow
63 Andrew McCallum (U Mass, Amherst), AAAI Fellow
63 Daniel Thalmann (EPFL)
62 Richard Baraniuk (Rice U), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
62 Susan Dumais (Microsoft)
62 C. Lee Giles (Penn State), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
62 Larry Peterson (Princeton), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
62 Pavel Pevzner (UCSD), ACM Fellow
62 Douglas C. Schmidt (Vanderbilt University)
62 Michael Unser (EPFL)
61 Jon Crowcroft (U Cambridge), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
61 Srinivas Devadas (MIT), IEEE Fellow
61 Oren Etzioni (U Washington)
61 Dieter Fox (U Washington)
61 Michael Franklin (Berkeley), ACM Fellow
61 Saul Greenberg (University of Calgary), Member of the ACM CHI Academy
61 Pat Hanrahan (Stanford), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
61 Kai Li (Princeton), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
61 Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (U Geneva)
61 Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia)
61 Jeffrey Vitter (U Kansas), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
61 Moti Yung (Google)
60 Rajkumar Buyya (University of Melbourne, Australia), IEEE Medal for Excellence in Scalable Computing
60 David Dill (Stanford), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
60 Zohar Manna (Stanford), ACM Fellow
60 Dan Suciu (U Washington), ACM Fellow
59 Maurizio Lenzerini (Sapienza U di Roma), ACM Fellow
59 Henry Levy (U Washington), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
Silvio Micali (MIT), Member of the National Academy of Engineering, IACR Fellow
59 Thomas W. Reps (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow
59 David Tse (Berkeley)
59 George Varghese (UCSD), ACM Fellow
59 Manuela Veloso (CMU)
59 Philip Wadler (U Edinburgh), ACM Fellow
59 Daniel S. Weld (U Washington), ACM Fellow
58 Mostafa H. Ammar (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
58 Luca Cardelli (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
58 Mark D. Hill (U Wisconsin), ACM Fellow
58 Ramesh Jain (UC Irvine), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAI Fellow, IAPR Fellow, SPIE Fellow
58 Anupam Joshi (U Maryland, Baltimore County)
58 K. J. Ray Liu (U Maryland), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
58 Pattie Maes (MIT)
58 Shree Nayar (Columbia)
58 Noam Nisan (Hebrew U)
58 Jennifer Rexford (Princeton), ACM Fellow
58 Amin Vahdat (UCSD), ACM Fellow
58 David Wagner (Berkeley)
57 Norman I. Badler (U Penn)
57 Pierre Baldi (UC Irvine), AAAS Fellow, AAAI Fellow, IEEE Fellow
57 Michael J. Black (Brown U)
57 Jean-Yves Le Boudec (EPFL)
57 Andrew Campbell (Dartmouth)
57 Mark Handley (U College London)
57 Andrew B. Kahng (UCSD), IEEE Fellow
57 Leslie Lamport (Microsoft), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
57 Tom Leighton (MIT), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
57 Massoud Pedram (USC)
57 Rajeev Rastogi (Amazon)
57 Tuomas Sandholm (CMU), ACM Fellow
57 Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Vrije U, The Netherlands), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
56 Gregory D. Abowd (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow, ACM SIGCHI Academy
56 Stefano Ceri (Politecnico di Milano)
56 Bernard Chazelle (Princeton), ACM Fellow
56 Jason Cong (UCLA), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
56 Ingemar J. Cox (U College London), IEEE Fellow
56 Rachid Deriche (INRIA)
56 Dieter Fensel (Innsbruck U)
56 David Garlan (CMU)
56 Jean-Pierre Hubaux (EPFL)
56 Raymond Mooney (UT Austin), ACM Fellow
56 Brad Myers (CMU), ACM Fellow
56 Pietro Perona (Cal Tech)
56 Ravi Sandhu (UT San Antonio), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
56 Dennis Shasha (NYU)
56 Ian Witten (U Waikato), ACM Fellow
55 Elisa Bertino (Purdue U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
55 Pedro Domingos (U Washington)
55 Markus Gross (ETH Zurich)
55 Gabor Herman (City University of New York), IEEE Fellow
55 Tao Jiang (UC Riverside), ACM Fellow, AAAS Fellow
55 Jeff Kramer (Imperial College London), ACM Fellow
55 H. T. Kung (Harvard), Member of the National Academy of Engineering
55 Sharad Malik (Princeton)
55 Klara Nahrstedt (UIUC), IEEE Fellow
55 Gerard Salton (Cornell)
55 Barry Smith (SUNY Buffalo)
55 Vladimir Vapnik (Royal Holloway, U London) Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54 Ross Anderson (U Cambridge), Fellow of the Royal Society
54 David Blaauw (U Michigan)
54 Ran Canetti (Tel Aviv U)
54 John Canny (Berkeley)
54 Trevor Darrell (Berkeley)
54 David E. Goldberg (UIUC)
54 Luc Van Gool (ETH Zurich)
54 David Heckerman (Microsoft and UCLA), ACM Fellow
54 Arie Kaufman (SUNY Stony Brook), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
54 Kurt Keutzer (Berkeley), IEEE Fellow
54 Fernando C. N. Pereira (U Penn)
54 Amir Pnueli (Weizmann and New York University), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
54 Abraham Silberschatz (Yale), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
54 Lothar Thiele (ETH Zurich)
54 Gene Tsudik (UC Irvine)
53 Divyakant Agrawal (UC Santa Barbara), ACM Fellow
53 Ian F. Akyildiz (Georgia Tech), ACM Fellow
53 Shun-ichi Amari (Riken)
53 Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo! Research), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
53 Mark Crovella (Boston University), ACM Fellow
53 Sally Floyd (ICSI), ACM Fellow
53 Giuseppe De Giacomo (Sapienza U di Roma)
53 Georg Gottlob (University of Oxford), ACM Fellow, Fellow of the Royal Society
53 Frank van Harmelen (Vrije U, The Netherlands)
53 John Heidemann (USC/ISI)
53 Henry Kautz (Rochester)
53 Sara Kiesler (CMU), ACM Fellow
53 Ming C. Lin (UNC), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
53 Michael L. Littman (Rutgers)
53 Michael Pazzani (Rutgers)
53 Michael Reiter (UNC), ACM Fellow
53 Adi Shamir (Weizmann), Turing Award, IACR Fellow
53 Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Labs), ACM Fellow
53 Gaurav Sukhatme (USC)
53 Subhash Suri (UC Santa Barbara)
53 Michael P. Wellman (U Michigan), ACM Fellow
53 Jie Wu (Temple U), IEEE Fellow
53 Gio Wiederhold (Stanford), ACM Fellow
52 Roberto Cipolla (U Cambridge)
52 Johannes Gehrke (Cornell)
52 Phillip Gibbons (Intel), ACM Fellow
52 John Hennessy (Stanford), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
52 C.-C. Jay Kuo (USC), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, SPIE Fellow
52 Stanley Osher (UCLA), Member of the National Academy of Sciences
52 Theo Pavlidis (SUNY Stony Brook), IEEE Fellow
52 Gordon Plotkin (U Edinburgh)
52 Chunming Qiao (SUNY Buffalo), IEEE Fellow
52 Jan M. Rabaey (Berkeley)
52 Keith Ross (Polytechnic Institute of NYU), IEEE Fellow
52 Hans-Peter Seidel (Max Planck)
52 Salvatore Stolfo (Columbia)
51 Tarek Abdelzaher (UIUC)
51 Baruch Awerbuch (Johns Hopkins U)
51 Kevin Bowyer (U Notre Dame), IEEE Fellow
51 Peter Brusilovsky (U Pittsburgh and CMU)
51 Diego Calvanese (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
51 Stephanie Forrest (U New Mexico)
51 William Freeman (MIT)
51 Zoubin Ghahramani (U Cambridge / CMU)
51 Ron Graham (UCSD), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Sciences
51 Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL)
51 Jiawei Han (UIUC), ACM Fellow
51 Joseph M. Hellerstein (Berkeley), ACM Fellow
51 Richard Karp (Berkeley), Turing Award, ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, Member of the National Academy of Sciences
51 Kevin Knight (USC)
51 Wei-Ying Ma (Microsoft)
51 Christopher Manning (Stanford)
51 Badri Nath [B R Badrinath] (Rutgers)
51 Lionel M. Ni (Hong Kong U of Sci and Tech), IEEE Fellow
51 Dawn Song (Berkeley), MacArthur Fellow
51 Roberto Tamassia (Brown U)
51 Joachim Weickert (Saarland University)
51 Yiyu Yao (U Regina)
50 Steve Benford (U Nottingham)
50 Philip A. Bernstein (Microsoft), ACM Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
50 Aaron Bobick (Georgia Tech)
50 Lionel Briand (Carleton U)
50 Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft), ACM Fellow
50 Hsinchun Chen (U Arizona), IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow
50 Peter Druschel (Max Planck)
50 Michal Irani (Weizmann)
50 Christian S. Jensen (Aarhus U), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
50 Yann LeCun (NYU)
50 Songwu Lu (UCLA)
50 David Maier (Portland State U), ACM Fellow
50 Dimitris Metaxas (Rutgers)
50 Trevor Mudge (U Michigan), IEEE Fellow
50 S. Muthukrishnan (Rutgers), ACM Fellow
50 Rafail Ostrovsky (UCLA)
50 Frank Pfenning (CMU)
50 Benjamin Pierce (U Penn)
50 Philip Rogaway (UC Davis)
50 Kaushik Roy (Purdue U)
50 Joel Saltz (Emory University), American Medical Informatics Association Fellow
50 Douglas Stinson (U Waterloo)
50 Milind Tambe (USC), AAAI Fellow
50 Alan Yuille (UCLA)

posted on 2012-07-21 23:01  Shicai Yang  阅读(845)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报