http://creativecommons.org/choose/?lang=enyou can choose any language you wantyou can copy this code and paste anywhere you want .As example ,i paste it to my cnblog 's footer .Though my blog is stupid ,i spent my passion and heart on it , i hope others can respect it,of cause ,i hope my little 阅读全文
I remember last time i saw the top corner is 140+,and after some blogs, it became 120+,which makes me surprised. The truth is 150+now, i add all the blogs together, is 154. How can it be like this , mypainstaking effort!2013.9.30: I realize that it's because I set one acticle to more than one cl 阅读全文
bolgsetting>setting>blogsignature(博客设置>设置>博客签名(在右侧栏)) ifyouwritecarriagereturnlinejustusethekeyboard,ituseless.ButIdeeplywantsomesentencesassignatureandwantthemlookgood.IthinkcnblogsupportcustomtheHTMLandCSS,maybeitworksinsignaturetoo.SoItry“<br/>”,itworks. ButIthinkforawhile,maybe 阅读全文
Today , i want to install ubuntu 12.04 64 bit . I haveinstalled 32 bit before ,it was verysmoothly. I downloadubuntu 12.0464 bit in the same file with 32 bit . I thought the wubi would ask me to choose which one to install . But failed , it installed 32 bit defaultly without asking . Then i inst... 阅读全文
Iwant to writeastaranimation,soitestfadeOutandfadeIn,butitdoesn’tworkifonlyuse<img>tag.function shining_stars(star) { $(".star").fadeOut(1000);};shining_stars(".star"); <img src="img/3.jpg" /> IamwonderingifthefadeOuthasanyproblem.butitesta<p>tag,itwor 阅读全文
function scroll(img_list, img_num) { var content = $(img_list); var w = content.find('li').outerWidth(true); content.animate({"margin-left": parseInt(-w*this_index)}); this_index++; if(this_index >= img_num) this_index = 0; consol... 阅读全文
Though i finish the lesson ,i should start Django next ~ 阅读全文
At first ,i change the language setting here ,but it doesn't work . Then i found it just change the interface of the index bloghere just change the language in the blog not the backstage . here change the backstage interface language 阅读全文
When I go to Tools->Import, and select the .XML file in question, I get the following error:Sorry, there has been an error.This does not appear to be a WXR file, missing/invalid WXR version number.Here is an answer i found ,though it doesn't work for me ,it truely help some people ,so i paste 阅读全文
Today ,i want move my blog to wordpress.com ,but it can not support the format .In the internet ,people said there was some plungins,but i can't find the install palace .Then i spent lots of time to search for the solution ,and found some bad news ,it can't support plungin in ".com &quo 阅读全文