
package producer_customer;  
public class ProducerCustomer1 {  
    public static int limit = 10;  
    public static int have = 0;  
    public static int start = 0;  
    Task[] tasklist = new Task[limit];  
    class Producer implements Runnable {  
        public void run() {  
            while (true) {  
                synchronized (tasklist) {  
                    if (ProducerCustomer1.have < ProducerCustomer1.limit) {  
                        Task temp = new Task(  
                                        + (ProducerCustomer1.start + ProducerCustomer1.have)  
                                        % ProducerCustomer1.limit+"\t"+Thread.currentThread().getId());  
                        tasklist[(ProducerCustomer1.start + ProducerCustomer1.have)  
                                % ProducerCustomer1.limit] = temp;  
                    } else {  
                        try {  
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
    class Customer implements Runnable {  
        public void run() {  
            while (true) {  
                Task temp = null;  
                synchronized (tasklist) {  
                    if (ProducerCustomer1.have > 0) {  
                        temp = tasklist[ProducerCustomer1.start];  
                        ProducerCustomer1.start = (ProducerCustomer1.start + 1)  
                                % ProducerCustomer1.limit;  
                        System.out.println(temp.taskname + ":"  
                                + Thread.currentThread().getId());  
                    } else {  
                        try {  
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
    class Task {  
        public String taskname;  
        public Task(String taskname) {  
            this.taskname = taskname;  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        ProducerCustomer1 p = new ProducerCustomer1();  
        Producer producer = p.new Producer();  
        Customer customer = p.new Customer();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(customer).start();  
        new Thread(customer).start();  
        new Thread(customer).start();  

[java] view plaincopy
package producer_customer;  
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;  
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;  
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;  
public class ProducerCustomer2 {  
    public static int limit = 10;  
    public static int have = 0;  
    public static int start = 0;  
    Task[] tasklist = new Task[limit];  
    private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();  
    private final Condition full = lock.newCondition();  
    private final Condition empty = lock.newCondition();  
    class Producer implements Runnable {  
        public void run() {  
            while (true) {  
                if (ProducerCustomer2.have < ProducerCustomer2.limit) {  
                    Task temp = new Task(  
                                    + (ProducerCustomer2.start + ProducerCustomer2.have)  
                                    % ProducerCustomer2.limit + "\t"  
                                    + Thread.currentThread().getId());  
                    tasklist[(ProducerCustomer2.start + ProducerCustomer2.have)  
                            % ProducerCustomer2.limit] = temp;  
                } else {  
                    try {  
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
    class Customer implements Runnable {  
        public void run() {  
            while (true) {  
                Task temp = null;  
                if (ProducerCustomer2.have > 0) {  
                    temp = tasklist[ProducerCustomer2.start];  
                    ProducerCustomer2.start = (ProducerCustomer2.start + 1)  
                            % ProducerCustomer2.limit;  
                    System.out.println(temp.taskname + ":"  
                            + Thread.currentThread().getId());  
                } else {  
                    try {  
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
    class Task {  
        public String taskname;  
        public Task(String taskname) {  
            this.taskname = taskname;  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        ProducerCustomer2 p = new ProducerCustomer2();  
        Producer producer = p.new Producer();  
        Customer customer = p.new Customer();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(customer).start();  
        new Thread(customer).start();  
        new Thread(customer).start();  

[java] view plaincopy
package producer_customer;  
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;  
public class ProducerCustomer3 {  
    public static int limit = 10;  
    public static int have = 0;  
    public static int start = 0;  
    LinkedBlockingQueue queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue(limit);  
    class Customer implements Runnable {  
        public void run() {  
            while (true) {  
                try {  
                    Tasks ss=queue.take();  
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
    class Producer implements Runnable {  
        public void run() {  
            while (true) {  
                Tasks o = new Tasks("test"+Thread.currentThread().getId());  
                 try {  
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
    class Tasks {  
        public String taskname;  
        public Tasks(String taskname) {  
            this.taskname = taskname;  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        ProducerCustomer3 p = new ProducerCustomer3();  
        Producer producer = p.new Producer();  
        Customer customer = p.new Customer();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(customer).start();  
        new Thread(customer).start();  
        new Thread(customer).start();  

[java] view plaincopy
package producer_customer;  
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;  
public class ProducerCustomer4 {  
    Semaphore mutex = new Semaphore(1);// 互斥量  
    Semaphore notfull = new Semaphore(10);  
    Semaphore notempty = new Semaphore(0);  
    String[] array = new String[10];  
    int putptr, takeptr, count = 0;  
    class Producer implements Runnable {  
        public void run() {  
            while (true) {  
                try {  
                    if (putptr == array.length)  
                        putptr = 0;  
                    String temp = new String("temp" + ":" + putptr + ":"  
                            + Thread.currentThread().getId());  
                    array[putptr] = temp;  
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
    class Consumer implements Runnable {  
        public void run() {  
            while (true) {  
                try {  
                    if (takeptr == array.length)  
                        takeptr = 0;  
                    System.out.println(array[takeptr] + ":" + takeptr + ":"  
                            + Thread.currentThread().getId());  
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        ProducerCustomer4 s = new ProducerCustomer4();  
        Producer producer = s.new Producer();  
        Consumer consumer = s.new Consumer();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(producer).start();  
        new Thread(consumer).start();  
        new Thread(consumer).start();  

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