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JSIntegration(JSPackager) 脚本管理框架,专注于无侵入的脚本管理。


HTTP 1.0 协议制定的时候,已经充分考虑了您的建议

在 web server 和 browser 之间可以通过压缩数据的方式进行通讯,例如给webserver发送一个这样的请求封包:

GET url HTTP/1.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

如果 web server 支持 gzip 压缩编码的话,就会将Http Response body 的内容进行压缩后返回给客户端,浏览器会自动解压还原内容,这个过程对web应用层面是透明的。web应用层面的开发人员不必关心这个过程。 IIS 和 apache 都支持这种方式。通过简单的配置就可以实现了。

附 RFC1945 3.5 节内容
3.5 内容译码(Content Codings)


content-coding = "x-gzip" | "x-compress" | token

注意:出于对未来兼容性的考虑,HTTP/1.0应用应将"gzip" 和"compress" 分别与 "x-gzip"和"x-compress"对应起来。




文件压缩程序"gzip" (GNU zip,由Jean-loup Gailly开发)的编码格式。该格式属于典型的带有32位CRC 校验的Lempel-Ziv译码 (LZ77)。




--- e文原文 ---

3.5 Content Codings

Content coding values are used to indicate an encoding transformation
that has been applied to a resource. Content codings are primarily
used to allow a document to be compressed or encrypted without losing
the identity of its underlying media type. Typically, the resource is
stored in this encoding and only decoded before rendering or
analogous usage.

content-coding = "x-gzip" | "x-compress" | token

Note: For future compatibility, HTTP/1.0 applications should
consider "gzip" and "compress" to be equivalent to "x-gzip"
and "x-compress", respectively.

All content-coding values are case-insensitive. HTTP/1.0 uses
content-coding values in the Content-Encoding (Section 10.3) header
field. Although the value describes the content-coding, what is more
important is that it indicates what decoding mechanism will be
required to remove the encoding. Note that a single program may be
capable of decoding multiple content-coding formats. Two values are
defined by this specification:

An encoding format produced by the file compression program
"gzip" (GNU zip) developed by Jean-loup Gailly. This format is
typically a Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77) with a 32 bit CRC.

The encoding format produced by the file compression program
"compress". This format is an adaptive Lempel-Ziv-Welch coding

Note: Use of program names for the identification of
encoding formats is not desirable and should be discouraged
for future encodings. Their use here is representative of
historical practice, not good design.




posted on 2010-09-14 16:12  挽星  阅读(4519)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报