DirectFB 之 字体显示(2)
/********************************************** * Author: * File name: dfbFont.c * Description: dfbFont * Version, Desc * 1.1 Created * 1.2 add config **********************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <directfb.h> #include "dfbFont.h" /* config information */ /********************************************************* * log flags and func of debug and error infor.[Begin] ********************************************************/ //#define DFB_SYS_LAYER //#define _DFB_DEBUG_ #define DFB_FONT_TYPE_1 "/home/liuyiy/DFB/Font/data/decker.ttf" #define WINDOW_TEXT_LEN_X_PER (0.5) #define WINDOW_TEXT_LEN_Y_PER (0.1) #define WINDOW_TEXT_OFFSET_X_PER (0.25) #define WINDOW_TEXT_OFFSET_Y_PER (0.75) #ifdef _DFB_DEBUG_ #define DFB_DEBUG(format, ...) do { \ printf("[BootAnimation:%4dL]DEBUG: "format, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #else #define DFB_DEBUG(format, ...) do {} while (0) #endif #define DFB_NOTICE(format, ...) do { \ printf("[BootAnimation:%4dL]INFO: "format, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #define DFB_ERROR(format, ...) do { \ printf("[BootAnimation:%4dL]ERROR: "format, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) /********************************************************* * log flags and func of debug and error infor.[End] ********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * Data structure and Global variants [Begin] ********************************************************/ /* 使用directFB画图所需的四个DFB资源 */ struct AnimationDsc { IDirectFB *dfb; IDirectFBDisplayLayer *layer; IDirectFBWindow *window; IDirectFBSurface *surface; IDirectFBFont *font; }; static struct AnimationDsc badsc; static char *testString = "Hello world! This is DirectFB!"; /********************************************************* * Data structure and Global variants [End] ********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * Some functions help animation [Begin] ********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * Some functions help animation [End] ********************************************************/ void freeResources() { /* Release the window's surface. */ if(badsc.surface) badsc.surface->Release(badsc.surface); /* Release the window. */ if (badsc.window) badsc.window->Release(badsc.window); /* Release the layer. */ if (badsc.layer) badsc.layer->Release(badsc.layer); badsc.dfb->Release(badsc.dfb); return ; } static void initResources(int argc, char **argv) { DFBResult ret; badsc.window = NULL; badsc.surface = NULL; badsc.dfb = NULL; IDirectFB *dfb = NULL; DFBWindowDescription desc; DFBDisplayLayerConfig config; /* 初始化DirectFB */ DirectFBInit(&argc, &argv); DirectFBCreate(&dfb); if (!dfb) { DFB_ERROR("directfb interface is NULL\n"); return ; } badsc.dfb = dfb; /* 初始化 display layer:其中DFB_LAYERID_USING设置为0.*/ ret = badsc.dfb->GetDisplayLayer(badsc.dfb, DFB_LAYERID_USING, &(badsc.layer)); if(ret != (DFBResult)DFB_OK) { DFB_ERROR("Get layer(%d) failed!\n", DFB_LAYERID_USING); goto fail; } else { DFB_DEBUG("Get layer(%d) independently.\n", DFB_LAYERID_USING); } /* 获取display layer的配置,. */ badsc.layer->GetConfiguration(badsc.layer, &config); /* 设置window参数,并创建Window */ desc.flags = (DFBWindowDescriptionFlags)(DWDESC_POSX | DWDESC_POSY | DWDESC_WIDTH | DWDESC_HEIGHT | DWDESC_CAPS | DWDESC_OPTIONS); DFB_NOTICE("Layer Screen width %d, height %d !\n", config.width, config.height); desc.posx = WINDOW_TEXT_OFFSET_X_PER * config.width; desc.posy = WINDOW_TEXT_OFFSET_Y_PER * config.height; desc.width = WINDOW_TEXT_LEN_X_PER * config.width; desc.height = WINDOW_TEXT_LEN_Y_PER * config.height; desc.caps = (DFBWindowCapabilities)(DWCAPS_NODECORATION); desc.options = (DFBWindowOptions) (DWOP_GHOST); ret = badsc.layer->CreateWindow(badsc.layer, &desc, &(badsc.window)); if(ret != (DFBResult)DFB_OK) { DFB_ERROR("Create window failed!\n"); goto fail; } /* 设置透明度 */ ret = badsc.window->SetOpacity(badsc.window, 0xFF); if(ret != (DFBResult)DFB_OK) { DFB_ERROR("SetOpacity failed!\n"); goto fail; } /* 获取window的surface. */ ret = badsc.window->GetSurface(badsc.window, &(badsc.surface)); if(ret != (DFBResult)DFB_OK) { DFB_ERROR("SetOpacity failed!\n"); goto fail; } return ; fail: freeResources(); return ; } /* font init */ static initFont() { DFBFontDescription font_desc; font_desc.flags = DFDESC_HEIGHT; font_desc.height = 30; badsc.dfb->CreateFont(badsc.dfb, DFB_FONT_TYPE_1, &font_desc, &badsc.font); return ; } static void flipText(IDirectFBFont* font, IDirectFBSurface* surface, char* str) { int w = 0, h = 0; surface->GetSize(surface, &w, &h); surface->Clear(surface, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff); surface->SetFont(surface, font); /* 设置前景颜色 */ surface->SetColor(surface, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF); surface->DrawString(surface, str, strlen(str), w / 2, h / 2, DSTF_CENTER); /* 变换、更新surface buffer */ surface->Flip(surface, NULL, DSFLIP_WAITFORSYNC); return ; } static void doMovie() { int ret = 0, i = 0; int width = 0, height = 0; struct timespec before_draw, after_draw; unsigned long elapsed_msec = 0, total_msec = 0; IDirectFBSurface *primary = badsc.surface; IDirectFBSurface *bg_sfc = NULL; DFB_NOTICE("Animation start ...\n"); flipText(badsc.font, primary, testString); usleep(2*1000*1000); out: primary->SetColor(primary, 0, 0, 0, 0); primary->Clear(primary, 0, 0, 0, 0); primary->Flip(primary, NULL, DSFLIP_WAITFORSYNC); DFB_NOTICE("Animation exit with black screen...\n"); return ; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { DFB_NOTICE("Animation entry.\n"); initResources(argc, argv); initFont(); doMovie(); freeResources(); DFB_NOTICE("Animation exit.\n"); return 0; }
作者:Younger Liu,
本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 3.0 未本地化版本许可协议进行许可。
posted on 2016-05-24 21:57 YoungerChina 阅读(573) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报