之前整理的2015年科技阅读列表[600篇],有人觉得看不过来,我就把一些个人喜欢的重新列出来,再加到今年列表中,慢慢补充,加上分类标签,欢迎大家留言翻译。比如时间在几周内,站内联系。更新 2016/05/23
1. 技术架构
- Everyday Algorithms: Elevator Allocation 电梯算法调度
- Le Cloud Blog 系统设计系列 scalability入门
- Airbnb Shares The Keys To Its Infrastructure Airbnb基础架构 翻完
- Backend infrastructure at Spotify Spotify架构
- Jepsen: On the perils of network partitions 网络分割技术系列
- A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Scalable Web App on Amazon Web Services 在AWS上构建大型Web APP指南 进行中
- How Instacart Built Its On-Demand Grocery Delivery Service Instacart背后的技术
- Pinnability: Machine learning in the home feedPinterest主页的机器学习
- The Rise of the API-based SaaS API作为Saas兴起
- 5 AWS mistakes you should avoid 5个该避免的AWS错误
- The Art of the Commit 提交的艺术 进行中
- Stack Overflow: The ArchitectureStack Overflow 2016最新架构探秘
- Scaling Knowledge at Airbnb Airbnb的知识管理 已翻
- How Uber Thinks About Site Reliability Engineering Uber SRE怎么做
- basic infrastructure patterns 基础架构模式
- Designing Schemaless, Uber Engineering Uber无模式数据存储
- Data Architecture in an Anti-Fraud Architecture 反欺诈系统的数据架构 进行中
- The Epic Story of Dropbox’s Exodus From the Amazon Cloud Empire长夜读|Dropbox 出走亚马逊云服务帝国的壮丽史诗
- How Badoo saved one million dollars switching to PHP7 升级PHP7省了百万美金
- Engineers Shouldn't Write ETL: A Guide to Building a High Functioning Data Science Department 不要写ETL
- Jeff Dean on Large-Scale Deep Learning at Google 已翻
- Putting the Squeeze on Trip Data Uber技术
- 3 simple reasons why you need to learn Scala 学习Scala的原因
- P-values not quite considered harmful P值的作用
- 4 reasons why microservices resonate 微模式
- Object-oriented vs. functional programming 面向对象还是面向函数
- Why a pattern language for microservices? 微模式的设计语言
- Working at Netflix 在Netflix工作
- Managing Machines at Spotify Spotify如何管理机器
- Reclaiming Design Patterns (20 Years Later) ·设计模式20年后
- continuous-deployment-at-instagram
- Notes on Google's Site Reliability Engineering book
- Apache Spark as a Compiler: Joining a Billion Rows per Second on a Laptop
- Engineering Intelligence Through Data Visualization at Uber
- Distribunomicon
2. 大数据和数据科学系列
- Stream processing, Event sourcing, Reactive and making sense of it all 流处理,事件源,响应式
- Using logs to build a solid data infrastructure (or: why dual writes are a bad idea) 使用日志作为可靠数据架构
- Bottled Water: Real-time integration of PostgreSQL and Kafka 跟PostgreSQL,Kafka做实时集成
- Real-time full-text search with Luwak and Samza Luwak和Samza做实时全文检索
- Turning the database inside-out with Apache Samza Samza调优数据库
- Apache Kafka, Samza, and the Unix Philosophy of Distributed Data Kafka,Samza和Unix的分布式数据设计哲学
- The value of Apache Kafka in Big Data ecosystem Kafka在大数据生态系统中的价值 已翻
- Distributed Consensus Reloaded: Apache ZooKeeper and Replication in Apache Kafka 分布式重载:kafka中的zookeeper和复制
- Putting Apache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide to Building a Stream Data Platform (Part 1)使用Apache Kafka构建流式数据平台(1)
- Putting Apache Kafka To Use: A Practical Guide to Building a Stream Data Platform (Part 2)
- Announcing Kafka Connect: Building large-scale low-latency data pipelines Kafka连接:搭建大规模低延迟的数据管道
- Introducing Kafka Streams: Stream Processing Made Simple Kafka数据流:让流处理更轻松
- Building a high-throughput data science machine 搭建高吞吐的数据科学机器
- The Hadoop tipping point hadoop转折点
- Democratizing business analytics 民主化商业分析
- Why your next analytics project should be in procurement 分析项目采购
- Best practices for data lakes 数据湖的最佳实践
- Embeddable data transformation for real-time streams 实时流的数据处理
- Data, technology, and the future of play 数据,技术和未来游戏
- Learning in higher dimensions 在更高维度学习
- Hadoop in the cloud 云端的Hadoop
- Approaching big data from a business perspective 从商业角度看大数据
- Oil, Gas, and Data 石油,天然气,数据
- Designing great data products 设计伟大的数据产品
- Doing Data Science Right Your Most Common Questions Answered 做好数据科学的常见问题
- How BuzzFeed Thinks About Data Science Buzzfeed数据科学的思考,进行中
- What to look for in a data scientist 数据科学家需要的
- Statistics for Software
3. 招聘&面试
- What I Learned from Blowing An Interview 从一次失败的面试学到的东西
- The Trick Max Levchin Used to Hire the Best Engineers at PayPal Paypal CTO如何招聘最好工程师,完成
- How to Hire a Rock Star Engineer 如何招聘顶级工程师
- My favorite interview question 我最喜欢的面试题
- What-are-the-questions-that-can-be-asked-when-the-interviewer-asks-Any-questions 还有什么问题要问
- On Interviewing Software Engineers 怎么面试工程师
- Ace the coding interview, every time 攻克代码面试
- How Stack Overflow Does Technical Interviews Stack Overflow怎么做技术面试
- This Is How You Identify A-Players (In About 10 Minutes) During An Interview 在面试10分钟内找到最好的人
- Startup Interviewing is Fucked 创业公司面试
- How to Hire 怎么招聘
Firing People 如何开除
Layoffs 怎么知道会被解雇
Effective Code Reviews 高效代码审查
This Startup Has a Radical Way to Encourage Work-Life Balance For Its People
4. 管理&成长
- How to get rich in tech, guaranteed. 怎么通过技术变富 已翻
- Fail at Scale 快速变化中的可靠性
- When I Learned That Computers Have Soul 计算机有没有灵魂
- #define CTO 定义CTO
- Do the Right Thing 做正确的事情
- The Surprising Secret to Being a Good Boss 成为好老板的秘诀
- The Highest-Leverage Activities Aren't Always Deep Work 影响力大的工作不一定有多深
- The Secret to Growing Your Engineering Career If You Don't Want to Manage 不走管理路线你还能职业发展的秘密
- Calculating the Value of Time: How Much is Your Time Really Worth?过去的时间管理都弱爆了!看硅谷人如何为自己的一小时定价
- The software engineer’s guide to asserting dominance in the workplace 工程师一周应该怎么过
- Sleep deprivation is not a badge of honor 不要熬夜
- What is Craftsmanship and Why is it Important? 技术精益重要性
- Being data-driven: It‘s all about the culture 数据驱动
- Five principles for applying data science for social good
- Beyond the Venn diagram 超越Venn类型
- What I learned about software architecture from running a marathon 从马拉松想到软件架构
- Defining a reactive microservice 定义微服务
- Educating data 教育数据
- Make Money Need Practice 赚钱需要经验
- It's Okay Not To Lead 不当老大也没事
- Autobiography of Blind Programmer 盲人程序员自传
- Those entry level startup jobs they are now mostly dead ends 初级创业公司工作死路一条
- Everything is possible but nothing is free 一切皆有可能,但没有免费午餐
- Salary in my Startup: a Thought Experiment 创业公司薪水揭秘
- Coding Like a Girl 女孩怎么编程
- Art and Math and Science, Oh My! 艺术,数学和科学 已翻
- The Munger Operating System: A Life That Really Works
5. 创业分享
- my-y-combinator-experience我的Y COMBINATOR 之旅
- How to Design a Better Pitch Deck如何设计出更好的融资PPT?
- How to build a good onboarding process for new hires at a startup创业公司如何培训新员工
- How I validated my startup ideahttp://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/20695649?refer=donglaoshi
- After the Layoffs 裁员之后
- 156 Startup Failure Post-Mortems 156家创业失败启示,1/3完成
- 10 tips for moving from programmer to entrepreneur 从程序员进化到企业家 进行中
- When to join a startup 什么时候加入创业公司 译完
- Letter To A Young Programmer Considering A Startup 给想创业的年轻程序员的信
- How to Time TravelAirbnb CEO告诉你如何写一篇优秀的品牌(软)文
- Ten classic books that define tech 十本书推荐
- How do you validate your startup idea before quitting your current job 在你辞职前如何验证创业想法
- 6 questions every founder should ask before they raise capital 融资前要问的6个问题
- The Best Time to Invest Startup 投资创业公司最佳时候
- Ideas for Small Business 一个人的公司
- Instagram Investment Instagram早期投资人
- The New Rules of Startup Fundraising 创业融资的新规则
- From side project to 250 million daily requests 从兼职项目到2.5亿次日访问
- Up or Out: Solving the IT Turnover Crisis
- elevate-yourself-with-side-projects
6. 行业公司和人物采访
- Head of Amazon Web Services on Finding the Next Great Opportunity AWS主管寻找下一个伟大计划
- 10-lessons-from-10-years-of-awsAWS 运营 10 周年学到的 10 条经验教训
- Mark Zuckerberg tackles question on what he would do as Twitter CEO如果扎克伯格是Twitter的CEO,他会怎么做?
- How Zenefits Crashed Back Down To Earth谎言、酒宴:融资5.8亿美元的硅谷独角兽,疯狂失控中
- Why I left the best job in the world The Startup 为何我离开世界上最好的工作
- A Decade at Google 在Google工作十年的感悟
- Hadoop creator Doug Cutting on evolving and succeeding in open source Doug 谈Hadoop进化和开源
- Google and Facebook Team Up to Open Source the Gear Behind Their Empires Google 和FB谈数据中心的较量 进行中
- Facebook Doesn’t Make as Much Money as It Could Facebook钱还没赚够
- What My PhD Was Like 读博是怎么过的
- What Technology Will Look Like In Five Years 5年后技术什么样 翻译完
- Etsy CTO Q&A: We Need Software Engineers, Not Developers 我们要的是工程师,不是开发者
- Curation and Algorithms 人工挑选和算法
- 10X Durability 10倍可靠
- We’re in a brave, new post open source world 在开源世界中生存
- From fleeing Vietnam in a refugee boat to becoming Uber’s CTO从难民到Uber首席技术官:一个幸存者的故事
- What Will You Do After White-Collar Work? 白领工作后能做啥?
- Lyft To Uber: The Race Is On Lyft和Uber的战争
- How Jeff Bezos Became a Power Beyond Amazon突破Amazon,Jeff Bezos非凡影响力的崛起之路
- Searching For Google CEO Sundar Pichai, The Most Powerful Tech Giant You've Never Heard Of Google CEO你没听说过的超强巨人
- Why This Tech Bubble is Worse Than the Tech Bubble of 2000 现在科技泡沫比2000年还大?
- The sharing economy: A big step toward making Marshall McLuhan's Global Village a reality 共享经济
- Algorithms of the Mind 思想的算法
- The inside story of how Amazon created Echo, the next billion-dollar business no one saw coming亚马逊 Echo 诞生记:起初无人看好,如今它却拥有十亿美元的商机
- Three Lessons On Innovation I Learned During My 12 Years At Apple在苹果工作12年,职场老兵告诉你如何创新
- Linux at 25: Q&A With Linus TorvaldsLinux 25 岁了,我采访了大神 Linus
- Founder of Pandora on Lessons from Near Dot Com Bust to Billion Dollar IPO Pandora从破产到十亿俱乐部
- WeWork’s Radical Plan to Remake Real Estate With Code WeWork颠覆房地产
- The Story Behind Siri 听“Siri之父”讲述Siri背后的故事
- Building Internet Startup Chinese Style 互联网创业要像中国学习
- http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-amazon-echo/
- Inside Palantir, Silicon Valley's Most Secretive Company
- Inside OpenAI, Elon Musk’s Wild Plan to Set Artificial Intelligence Free
- interivew-with-shantanu-sinha
- Inside Evan Spiegel's very private Snapchat Story
- Andrew Ng: Why ‘Deep Learning’ Is a Mandate for Humans, Not Just Machines
- 'I was losing $1 million a day, every day for 18 months': Meet Chris Anderson, the man behind TED talks
7. 人工智能&机器学习
- How AI Is Feeding China s Internet Dragon AI是怎么适应中国互联网巨龙的(百度)
- Silicon Valley Looks to Artificial Intelligence for the Next Big Thing 硅谷把AI作为下一个大事
- Artificial Intelligence Finally Entered Our Everyday World AI最后进入我们每天的生活
- The Future of Chat Is not AI 聊天的未来不是AI
- AlphaGo and the Limits of Machine Intuition AlphaGo和机器觉醒
- The current state of machine intelligence 2.0重磅机器智能 2.0 生态图谱
- The future of machine intelligenceO’Reilly 报告:机器智能的未来
- Learning from Tay Tay学到的
- Learning from AlphaGo AlphaGo学习到的
- Risto Miikkulainen on evolutionary computation and making robots think for themselves 如何让机器人自我思考
- How to build and run your first deep learning network 怎么搭建第一个深度学习网络
- Predictive modeling: Striking a balance between accuracy and interpretability
- How human-machine collaboration has automated the data catalog 人工和机器如何合作生成数据目录
- Building a business that combines human experts and data science 把专家和数据科学结合
- Unsupervised learning, attention, and other mysteries 非监督学习,注意和其他神秘
- AI‘s dueling definitions AI的定义
- In search of a model for modeling intelligence 模型智能的搜索
- What is deep learning, and why should you care? 深度学习是啥
- Compressed representations in the age of big data 大数据时代的压缩表示
- Machine learning in the wild 机器学习野蛮生长
- Training and serving NLP models using Spark MLlib 通过spark库做自然语言处理
- Wouldn‘t it be fun to build your own Google? 能自己建个Google吗
- Small brains, big data 小大脑,大数据
- On the evolution of machine learning 机器学习的进化
- Evolutionary computation: Stepping stones and unexpected solutions 进化计算
- Data has a shape 数据有型
- Geoffrey Hinton, the 'godfather' of deep learning, on AlphaGo前沿 | 专访Geoffrey Hinton:人工智能会继续发展,请不要误用
- Million-dollar babies 硅谷为了抢人,做AI的学生有福了
- Uber CTO reveals how Travis Kalanick hired him and offers advice for entrepreneurs Uber CTO揭秘招聘和对企业家建议
- My path to OpenAI
8. 产品设计&用户增长
- How Slack Uses Slack Slack是如何使用Slack的
- The Design Sprint 设计的周期
- On building product at Medium Medium如何做产品的
- Duolinguo reach 110M Users 多邻国怎么把用户发展到上亿的 ,已翻
- Simple Design is What You Need, Not What You Want 简单设计你需要的,而不是想要的
- Growth is a system, not a bag of tricks 增长是一个系统
- Design, Process, and Collaboration at Stripe Stripe设计,流程和合作
- Product Hunt Rise Product Hunt 花了3年多成长故事
- The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Bitly: How a Free Link Shortener Became a Real Business Adventures in Consumer Technology 短链服务如何挣钱的
- How Apple Built 3D Touch 苹果手机的3D触摸怎么做的
- Hacking Word-of-Mouth: Making Referrals Work for Airbnb[Growth Hacking] Airbnb 邀请系统的实现过程
- How Pinterest increased MAUs with one simple trick Pinterest实现MAU增长的小技巧
- The vision, mission, and strategy for Coinbase Coinbase的使命和战略
- Mobile UX Design: What Makes a Good Notification? 手机UX设计:怎么做好通知
- Joel Marsh on the science of design 设计科学
- UX for beginners: Key ideas UX入门
- Prototyping for physical and digital products 物理数字产品的原型设计
- Snapchat's Ladder Snapchat的梯子
- Freemium Conversion Rate: Why Spotify Destroys Dropbox by 667% Spotify的转化率
- The Story of AdMob: How One MBA Dropout Sold His Business to Google for $750 million AdMob 卖给Google 7.5亿
- Why Facebook And Mark Zuckerberg Went All In On Live Video Facebook为何全力做视频直播
- Y Combinator and The One Metric that Matters 集中在一个指标上
- Instagram and Facebook are Dead Instagram和Facebook都死了
- Instagram is stupid Instagram太傻了
- The Scientific Marketing Strategy Behind Exponential Growth
9. 前沿技术(虚拟现实,实时计算)
- Timoni West on nailing the virtual reality user experience 虚拟现实体验
- The evolution of open source is a good thing 开源进化是好事
- A new infrastructure for biology 生物的新架构
- The IoT is a natural ecosystem for streaming analytics IOT是流分析的自然生态
- Stream processing and messaging systems for the IoT age IOT的实时消息处理
- Embeddable data transformation for real-time streams 实时流计算
- The big data market从Hadoop洞悉大数据市场:路漫漫其修远兮
- What‘ next for big data applications? 下一个大数据应用是什么
- Distributed systems performance solutions require real-time intelligence 分布式系统需要实时智能
10. 其他
- Chinese Scions’ Song: My Daddy’s Rich and My Lamborghini’s Good-Looking 老爸很有钱,兰博基尼很酷
- The long march from China to the Ivies 中国学生进入哈佛的长征之路
- Priscilla Chan, in rare interview, tells how her goals with Mark Zuckerberg are shaped by personal story她让扎克伯格死心塌地,原因就两个字
- Heavy Recruitment of Chinese Students Sows Discord on U.S. Campuses 美国大学招了太多中国学生
- The American Scholar: Saving the Self in the Age of the Selfie 不要再自拍了
- “I had so many advantages, and I barely made it”: Pinterest engineer on Silicon Valley
- How To Manage Developers When You're A Non-Tech Founder
- How to be the most productive person in your office — and still get home by 5:30 p.m.
最新 2016年科技阅读列表 - 董老师在硅谷 - 知乎专栏
回顾去年的一些科技媒体和博客,笔者希望做一些纪录和共享。下面就是从Firstround review,medium, waitbutwhy,growthhacker,quora,wired,recode,techcrunch,hackernews,fortune等精选了大概600篇文章,开源了自己英文阅读列表。涉及创业心得,企业文化,科技人物访谈,前沿技术,硅谷往事,程序员修养。如果大家感兴趣也可以留言翻译,校对后在知乎专栏和一些媒体平台(36氪,百度百家,创业邦,雷锋网等)中给大家推荐。翻译范例:为什么最近有很多名人,比如比尔盖茨,马斯克、霍金等,让人们警惕人工智能,Elon Musk:比宙斯还忙的人,之前翻译文章归档到从Firstround Review开始 我把内容放在github上,也有不少已经有翻译了,这些就直接让大家学习。
- Stop Dancing Around Criticism and Put It to Use with These Tips from Airbnb's Head of Experience Design
- One Rubric Changed Box's Engineering Performance
- What I Learned Scaling Engineering Teams Through Euphoria and Horror
- This Is What Impactful Engineering Leadership Looks Like,Dropbox 管理學:好的公司應該告訴員工「不當主管」也沒關係
- How Medium Is Building a New Kind of Company with No Managers
- An Inside Look at Facebook's Method for Hiring Designers创业公司如何才能招聘到优秀的产品设计师?看看Facebook是怎么做的
- This is Why People Leave Your Company
- The One Thing Every Leader Needs to Learn: How to Scale Change
- From 0 to $1B - Slack's Founder Shares Their Epic Launch Strategy从0到10亿美元
- Drew Houston’s Morph from Hacker to Hyper-Growth CEODropbox 创始人谈:如何从黑客成长为CEO?
- Employee Onboarding at Startups Is Broken
- Fixing Engineering's Loyalty and Longevity Problem
- Why Yammer Believes the Traditional Engineering Organizational Structure is Dead
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Rapid Scaling for Startups
- Simple Design is What You Need, Not What You Want
- Evernote’s CTO on Your Biggest Security Worries From 3 to 300 Employees
- How to Make Engineering Interns Effective for Your Startup
- Looking for Love in All The Wrong Places
- How Fast-Growing Startups Can Fix Internal Communication Before It Breaks
- Hyper-Growth Done Right企业超速发展中的时势与英雄:曾领导Facebook 和Dropbox 工程师团队扩张的Aditya分享经验教训
- How to Make OKRs Actually Work at Your Startup
- The Best Hires Are Right Under Your Nose
- What You Want in a VP Eng from the Recruiters Behind Twitter and Zappos
- Zach Sims of Codecademy on Lessons in Raising $12.5 Million for the First Time
- Head Designer of Mint on Why Great Design Isn’t About Making Things Pretty
- Asana’s Head of Talent on the Secrets to Finding a Great Startup Recruiter
- Here’s Why You’re Not Hiring the Best and the Brightest
- Facebook VP of Engineering on Solving Hard Things EarlyFacebook工程部副总裁Cory Ondrejka谈企业在早期所遇到的管理瓶颈
- Lessons from Pixar: Why Software Developers Should Be Storytellers
- Rap Genius Explains Why Worse is Better
- Software is Eating Hardware
- Mechanize Your Hiring Process to Make Better Decisions
- How to Engage Your Users to Build the Product They Actually Want
- How to Start a Growth Team, 怎样从无到有地打造一支增长团队?
- The Woman Behind the Netflix Culture Doc她缔造了 Netflix 的公司文化,最终却又被其所伤
- The Management Framework that Propelled LinkedIn to a $20 Billion Company
- How Modern Marketplaces Like Uber and Airbnb Build Trust to Achieve Liquidity解析Uber与Airbnb等新型Marketplace是如何建立信任、提高Liquidity
- What Founders Need to Know About Building Management Teams Before It’s Too Late
- 23 Tools to Make Your Feedback Meaningful
- The Trick Max Levchin Used to Hire the Best Engineers at PayPal
- How to Scale 10x as a CEO Built a Billion Dollar Business
- My Management Lessons from Three Failed Startups, Google, Apple, Dropbox, Twitter and Square:从Google、Apple、Dropbox、Twitter和Square学到的管理哲学
- Head of Amazon Web Services on Finding the Next Great Opportunity
- The Five Mistakes Startups Make When Building for Mobile
- The Brain Hacks Top Founders Use to Get the Job Done
- Shooting for an IPO? Take These Steps Now Before It's Too Late
- How Dropbox Sources, Scales and Ships Its Best Product Ideas
- This 90-Day Plan Turns Engineers into Remarkable Managers九十天:工程师到管理者养成计划
- Can you buy a Silicon Valley Maybe
- Let the other 95 of great programmers in
- Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas
- Sam on Startups Venture Capital and the Y Combinator
- How to Avoid the Biggest Mistake You Can Make as a New Software Engineer
- How a Scientifically Proven Technique Can Improve How Well You Learn and Remember
- The Deal With Solar太阳能-能源市场的搅局者
- The Deal With the Hyperloop[伊隆·马斯克公司系列]Hyperloop伟大设想
- How (and Why) SpaceX Will Colonize Mars移民火星 — SpaceX公司的方法和理由
- The Cook and the Chef: Musk's Secret Sauce 翻译15%
- unlimited-vacation-policy-really-means
- Survive and Thrive
- Lessons Learned After Shutting My Startup, Following A Six-Year Struggle,Geatwear之死:一个牛仔裤定制网站的自述
- First Round State of Startups
- Project Mezzanine: The Great Migration at Uber[硅谷热门公司技术巡礼2]:UBER数据大迁徙
- Deep Lessons from Google and eBay on Building Ecosystems of Microservices
- Working for yourself: The day I did something
- Hadoop creator Doug Cutting on evolving and succeeding in open source
- Getting Real: Be Yourself (by 37signals)
- Inside the clone factory: The Samwer brothers' story http://36kr.com/p/5040142.html
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- What I Learned in My First 120 Days at Uber
- “Too many people already do what I want to do.”
- When I Learned That Computers Have Soul
- Move Fast and Fix Things
- My Uber Intern Experience on the Supply Engine Team
- Going Against the Flow: Allen Blue, Cofounder of LinkedIn | Charu Sharma
- Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks for NLP,卷积神经网络在自然语言处理的应用
- Why Java? Tales from a Python Convert
- How To Become A Hacker
- How to Hire a Rock Star Engineer
- How We Partitioned Airbnb's Main Database in Two WeeksAirbnb是如何在两周内完成数据库切分的
- What Qualities Make a Good Startup Engineer?
- Pmarchive - Why not to do a startup
- How to Identify and Make Contributions with a Big Impact
- How learning data structures and algorithms make you a better developer,学习数据结构与算法分析如何帮助您成为更优秀的开发人员
- What Powers Instagram: Hundreds of Instances, Dozens of Technologies
- How to build a good onboarding process for new hires at a startup
- How I joined Google
- How Do You Know If You've Achieved Product/Market Fit?
- Big company vs. startup work and compensation不要搞创业崇拜,在大公司上班比在创业公司好太多了
- Niche to Win, Baby.
- I studied the Zappos CEO’s schedule for a year. Here’s what I learned.,从Zappos CEO一整年的时间安排中我们可以学到什么?(上篇:处理电子邮件
- How Facebook Keeps Scaling Its Culture
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