深入理解JDBC设计模式: DriverManager 解析
JDBC 是java中的一个数据连接技术,它提供了统一的 API 允许用户访问任何形式的表格数据,尤其是存储在关系数据库中的数据。
JDBC 之所以能提供统一的API,是基于对所有数据库的抽象及合理的定义。但是每个数据库厂家毕竟是不一样的,JDBC自然要屏蔽这种不一样,它是如何做到的呢?这就是本文讨论的 DriverManager, 它是一个桥接模式的完美应用。其调用图可表示为如下:
0. JDBC的编程模型
public class JdbcDriverManagerTest { private static final String URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?characterEncoding=utf8"; private static final String USER = "root"; private static final String PASSWORD = "123456"; @Test public void testJdbcRaw() throws Exception { //1.加载驱动程序 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); //2. 获得数据库连接 Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USER, PASSWORD); //3.操作数据库,实现增删改查, 连接模式有2种: createStatement / prepareStatement Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // PreparedStatement ptmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); //预编译SQL,减少sql执行 //预编译 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT username, age FROM user"); //如果有数据,rs.next()返回true while(rs.next()){ System.out.println(rs.getString("username")+" 年龄:"+rs.getInt("age")); } // 4. 关闭连接 conn.close(); } }
1. 加载驱动程序;
2. 获得数据库连接;
3. 操作数据库,实现增删改查, 连接模式有2种: createStatement / prepareStatement;
4. 关闭数据库连接;
1. 驱动是如何加载的?
2. 连接是如何获取的?
3. 数据操作是如何传递给数据库的?
4. 连接是如何关闭的?
1. 驱动是如何加载的?
如果我们不考虑统一各数据库的统一性,比如需要创建一个 mysql 的连接,那么我们只需要将mysql 的连接工具类,new一个对象出来就可以了。然而,jdbc却是不可以这么干的,因为它要成为一种标准。实现很简单,直接通过一个反射方法,就可以加载驱动了,那么具体是如何加载的呢?
以mysql 为例,使用反射方法去找到 驱动类 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); 所以,如何驱动起来,也是这个驱动类应该做的事了。
// mysql 的驱动类如下 // 重点1: 该驱动类必须实现 java.sql.Driver 接口 public class Driver extends NonRegisteringDriver implements java.sql.Driver { // // Register ourselves with the DriverManager // static { try { // 重点2: 必须在加载时,就将自身注册到 DriverManager 中 java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver()); } catch (SQLException E) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't register driver!"); } } /** * Construct a new driver and register it with DriverManager * * @throws SQLException * if a database error occurs. */ public Driver() throws SQLException { // Required for Class.forName().newInstance() } } // java.sql.DriverManager#registerDriver /** * Registers the given driver with the {@code DriverManager}. * A newly-loaded driver class should call * the method {@code registerDriver} to make itself * known to the {@code DriverManager}. If the driver is currently * registered, no action is taken. * * @param driver the new JDBC Driver that is to be registered with the * {@code DriverManager} * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * @exception NullPointerException if {@code driver} is null */ public static synchronized void registerDriver(java.sql.Driver driver) throws SQLException { // driverAction 为null, 连接建立后不做任何事, 有的数据库需要进一步的操作 registerDriver(driver, null); } /** * Registers the given driver with the {@code DriverManager}. * A newly-loaded driver class should call * the method {@code registerDriver} to make itself * known to the {@code DriverManager}. If the driver is currently * registered, no action is taken. * * @param driver the new JDBC Driver that is to be registered with the * {@code DriverManager} * @param da the {@code DriverAction} implementation to be used when * {@code DriverManager#deregisterDriver} is called * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs * @exception NullPointerException if {@code driver} is null * @since 1.8 */ public static synchronized void registerDriver(java.sql.Driver driver, DriverAction da) throws SQLException { /* Register the driver if it has not already been added to our list */ if(driver != null) { // CopyOnWriteArrayList<DriverInfo> registeredDrivers // 使用线程安全的容器来存放驱动,对于读多写少的场景,CopyOnWriteArrayList 是比较擅长的 // 多次注册不影响结果 // 使用 DriverInfo 将 Driver 包装起来 registeredDrivers.addIfAbsent(new DriverInfo(driver, da)); } else { // This is for compatibility with the original DriverManager throw new NullPointerException(); } println("registerDriver: " + driver); }
这样,mysql 的驱动就注册到 DriverManager 中了,也就是可以接受 DriverManager 的管理了,需要注意的是,这里的类加载是特别的,它是违背“双亲委托加载模型”的一个案例,使用的是 contextClassLoader 进行加载驱动的。接下来我们要讲的统一的API获取数据库连接。
2. 如何获取数据库连接?
通过注册的方式,我已经将数据库的实例,交给了 DriverManager, 此时再要获取数据库连接,也就只需要问 DriverManager 要就行了。
// java.sql.DriverManager#getConnection(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) /** * Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL. * The <code>DriverManager</code> attempts to select an appropriate driver from * the set of registered JDBC drivers. *<p> * <B>Note:</B> If the {@code user} or {@code password} property are * also specified as part of the {@code url}, it is * implementation-defined as to which value will take precedence. * For maximum portability, an application should only specify a * property once. * * @param url a database url of the form * <code>jdbc:<em>subprotocol</em>:<em>subname</em></code> * @param user the database user on whose behalf the connection is being * made * @param password the user's password * @return a connection to the URL * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs or the url is * {@code null} * @throws SQLTimeoutException when the driver has determined that the * timeout value specified by the {@code setLoginTimeout} method * has been exceeded and has at least tried to cancel the * current database connection attempt */ // CallerSensitive 是为了避免获取反射获取实例时忽略该调用栈 @CallerSensitive public static Connection getConnection(String url, String user, String password) throws SQLException { java.util.Properties info = new java.util.Properties(); if (user != null) { info.put("user", user); } if (password != null) { info.put("password", password); } // 统一将必要信息封装到 Properties 中,方便各自的驱动按需获取 return (getConnection(url, info, Reflection.getCallerClass())); } // Worker method called by the public getConnection() methods. private static Connection getConnection( String url, java.util.Properties info, Class<?> caller) throws SQLException { /* * When callerCl is null, we should check the application's * (which is invoking this class indirectly) * classloader, so that the JDBC driver class outside rt.jar * can be loaded from here. */ // callerCL 可能为空,因为加载不到外部调用的类,此处违反了 双亲委派模型 ClassLoader callerCL = caller != null ? caller.getClassLoader() : null; synchronized(DriverManager.class) { // synchronize loading of the correct classloader. if (callerCL == null) { // 通过 ContextClassLoader 进行加载 callerCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } } if(url == null) { throw new SQLException("The url cannot be null", "08001"); } println("DriverManager.getConnection(\"" + url + "\")"); // Walk through the loaded registeredDrivers attempting to make a connection. // Remember the first exception that gets raised so we can reraise it. SQLException reason = null; for(DriverInfo aDriver : registeredDrivers) { // If the caller does not have permission to load the driver then // skip it. // 检查 classloader 是否相同,从而确认是否可以进行加载 if(isDriverAllowed(aDriver.driver, callerCL)) { try { println(" trying " + aDriver.driver.getClass().getName()); // 其实是一个个驱动地尝试连接,直到找到第1个可用的连接 // 其实一般是通过 连接协议来自行判定的,稍后我们以 mysql 的连接示例看一下 Connection con = aDriver.driver.connect(url, info); if (con != null) { // Success! println("getConnection returning " + aDriver.driver.getClass().getName()); return (con); } } catch (SQLException ex) { if (reason == null) { reason = ex; } } } else { println(" skipping: " + aDriver.getClass().getName()); } } // if we got here nobody could connect. if (reason != null) { println("getConnection failed: " + reason); throw reason; } println("getConnection: no suitable driver found for "+ url); throw new SQLException("No suitable driver found for "+ url, "08001"); } // 检查 driver 属于 classLoader 的管理范围 private static boolean isDriverAllowed(Driver driver, ClassLoader classLoader) { boolean result = false; if(driver != null) { Class<?> aClass = null; try { aClass = Class.forName(driver.getClass().getName(), true, classLoader); } catch (Exception ex) { result = false; } result = ( aClass == driver.getClass() ) ? true : false; } return result; }
DriverManager 通过遍历所有驱动列表的形式,查找是否是某种类型的数据库操作。虽然看起来好像有点费事,但是毕竟是做通用的框架,这样做可以保证正确性,况且几次调用对性能影响也不大。虽然各驱动可以自行处理或拒绝某协议请求,但是一般都是以url前缀作为判断接受与否的。我们来看下 mysql 如何处理?
// Mysql 的实现中是以 NonRegisteringDriver 作为实现类的 // com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver#connect // 根据 url 的和各属性配置信息,创建一个真实的连接到mysql的网络通道 // url格式如: jdbc:mysql://host:port/database public java.sql.Connection connect(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException { if (url != null) { // 负载均衡式访问mysql, jdbc:mysql:loadbalance:// if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, LOADBALANCE_URL_PREFIX)) { return connectLoadBalanced(url, info); } // 多副本式访问mysql, jdbc:mysql:replication:// else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, REPLICATION_URL_PREFIX)) { return connectReplicationConnection(url, info); } } Properties props = null; // 解析各属性,解析不正确,则说明不是标准的mysql协议请求 if ((props = parseURL(url, info)) == null) { return null; } // 以下处理只针对一个 mysql-host 的情况处理 if (!"1".equals(props.getProperty(NUM_HOSTS_PROPERTY_KEY))) { return connectFailover(url, info); } try { // 这个就是 mysql 的底层的连接的实现了 // 大概就是按照mysql的协议,打开一个socket连接之类的,我们可以稍微看看 Connection newConn = com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(host(props), port(props), props, database(props), url); return newConn; } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // Don't wrap SQLExceptions, throw // them un-changed. throw sqlEx; } catch (Exception ex) { SQLException sqlEx = SQLError.createSQLException( Messages.getString("NonRegisteringDriver.17") + ex.toString() + Messages.getString("NonRegisteringDriver.18"), SQLError.SQL_STATE_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_DATASOURCE, null); sqlEx.initCause(ex); throw sqlEx; } } // 解析 url 的各项参数,全组装到 urlProps 中返回 // 相比于普通的简单前缀判定多了些工作 public Properties parseURL(String url, Properties defaults) throws java.sql.SQLException { Properties urlProps = (defaults != null) ? new Properties(defaults) : new Properties(); if (url == null) { return null; } // 连接协议验证: if (!StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, URL_PREFIX) && !StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, MXJ_URL_PREFIX) && !StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, LOADBALANCE_URL_PREFIX) && !StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(url, REPLICATION_URL_PREFIX)) { return null; } // ... 解析各附加参数及配置文件参数 ... return urlProps; } // 创建连接到 mysql-server /** * Creates a connection instance -- We need to provide factory-style methods * so we can support both JDBC3 (and older) and JDBC4 runtimes, otherwise * the class verifier complains when it tries to load JDBC4-only interface * classes that are present in JDBC4 method signatures. */ protected static Connection getInstance(String hostToConnectTo, int portToConnectTo, Properties info, String databaseToConnectTo, String url) throws SQLException { // 此处会检测 java.sql.NClob if (!Util.isJdbc4()) { return new ConnectionImpl(hostToConnectTo, portToConnectTo, info, databaseToConnectTo, url); } // 所以我们分析这个创建方式 // 使用 com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection 新建一个实例返回 // JDBC_4_CONNECTION_CTOR 是 JDBC4Connection 的构造方法 return (Connection) Util.handleNewInstance(JDBC_4_CONNECTION_CTOR, new Object[] { hostToConnectTo, Integer.valueOf(portToConnectTo), info, databaseToConnectTo, url }, null); } // com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection#JDBC4Connection public JDBC4Connection(String hostToConnectTo, int portToConnectTo, Properties info, String databaseToConnectTo, String url) throws SQLException { // 父类将会创建到mysql-server 的连接 super(hostToConnectTo, portToConnectTo, info, databaseToConnectTo, url); }
JDBC4Connection 类继承图如下:
// com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl /** * Creates a connection to a MySQL Server. * * @param hostToConnectTo * the hostname of the database server * @param portToConnectTo * the port number the server is listening on * @param info * a Properties[] list holding the user and password * @param databaseToConnectTo * the database to connect to * @param url * the URL of the connection * @param d * the Driver instantation of the connection * @exception SQLException * if a database access error occurs */ public ConnectionImpl(String hostToConnectTo, int portToConnectTo, Properties info, String databaseToConnectTo, String url) throws SQLException { this.connectionCreationTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); ... try { // 元数据信息初始化 this.dbmd = getMetaData(false, false); initializeSafeStatementInterceptors(); // 创建io到mysql createNewIO(false); unSafeStatementInterceptors(); } catch (SQLException ex) { cleanup(ex); // don't clobber SQL exceptions throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { cleanup(ex); ... 封装错误信息 ... throw sqlEx; } NonRegisteringDriver.trackConnection(this); } // com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl#createNewIO /** * Creates an IO channel to the server * * @param isForReconnect * is this request for a re-connect * @return a new MysqlIO instance connected to a server * @throws SQLException * if a database access error occurs * @throws CommunicationsException */ public void createNewIO(boolean isForReconnect) throws SQLException { synchronized (getConnectionMutex()) { // Synchronization Not needed for *new* connections, but defintely for connections going through fail-over, since we might get the new connection up // and running *enough* to start sending cached or still-open server-side prepared statements over to the backend before we get a chance to // re-prepare them... Properties mergedProps = exposeAsProperties(this.props); // 非高可用状态,只连接一次,失败即失败 if (!getHighAvailability()) { connectOneTryOnly(isForReconnect, mergedProps); return; } connectWithRetries(isForReconnect, mergedProps); } } // 连接到mysql-server, 不重试 private void connectOneTryOnly(boolean isForReconnect, Properties mergedProps) throws SQLException { Exception connectionNotEstablishedBecause = null; try { // 核心连接操作,实例放到 this.io 中 coreConnect(mergedProps); this.connectionId = this.io.getThreadId(); this.isClosed = false; ... this.io.setStatementInterceptors(this.statementInterceptors); // Server properties might be different from previous connection, so initialize again... initializePropsFromServer(); ... return; } catch (Exception EEE) { ... 异常资源处理 throw chainedEx; } } // 真正的连接动作,将连接实例体现到 this.io 中 private void coreConnect(Properties mergedProps) throws SQLException, IOException { int newPort = 3306; String newHost = "localhost"; String protocol = mergedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PROTOCOL_PROPERTY_KEY); // 通常protocol 为空 if (protocol != null) { // "new" style URL if ("tcp".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol)) { newHost = normalizeHost(mergedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY)); newPort = parsePortNumber(mergedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306")); } else if ("pipe".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol)) { setSocketFactoryClassName(NamedPipeSocketFactory.class.getName()); String path = mergedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PATH_PROPERTY_KEY); if (path != null) { mergedProps.setProperty(NamedPipeSocketFactory.NAMED_PIPE_PROP_NAME, path); } } else { // normalize for all unknown protocols newHost = normalizeHost(mergedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY)); newPort = parsePortNumber(mergedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306")); } } else { String[] parsedHostPortPair = NonRegisteringDriver.parseHostPortPair(this.hostPortPair); newHost = parsedHostPortPair[NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_NAME_INDEX]; newHost = normalizeHost(newHost); if (parsedHostPortPair[NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_NUMBER_INDEX] != null) { newPort = parsePortNumber(parsedHostPortPair[NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_NUMBER_INDEX]); } } this.port = newPort; this.host = newHost; // reset max-rows to default value this.sessionMaxRows = -1; // MysqlIO 承载连接 this.io = new MysqlIO(newHost, newPort, mergedProps, getSocketFactoryClassName(), getProxy(), getSocketTimeout(), this.largeRowSizeThreshold.getValueAsInt()); // 连接到数据库,以测试连接的有效性 this.io.doHandshake(this.user, this.password, this.database); if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 5, 0)) { // error messages are returned according to character_set_results which, at this point, is set from the response packet this.errorMessageEncoding = this.io.getEncodingForHandshake(); } }
MysqlIO 类是专门负责与mysql-server 进行网络交互的一个工具类,它基于Socket的长链接进行交互,绑定输入输出流等。其构造方法如下:
/** * Constructor: Connect to the MySQL server and setup a stream connection. * * @param host * the hostname to connect to * @param port * the port number that the server is listening on * @param props * the Properties from DriverManager.getConnection() * @param socketFactoryClassName * the socket factory to use * @param conn * the Connection that is creating us * @param socketTimeout * the timeout to set for the socket (0 means no * timeout) * * @throws IOException * if an IOException occurs during connect. * @throws SQLException * if a database access error occurs. */ public MysqlIO(String host, int port, Properties props, String socketFactoryClassName, MySQLConnection conn, int socketTimeout, int useBufferRowSizeThreshold) throws IOException, SQLException { // JDBC4Connection this.connection = conn; if (this.connection.getEnablePacketDebug()) { this.packetDebugRingBuffer = new LinkedList<StringBuffer>(); } this.traceProtocol = this.connection.getTraceProtocol(); this.useAutoSlowLog = this.connection.getAutoSlowLog(); this.useBufferRowSizeThreshold = useBufferRowSizeThreshold; this.useDirectRowUnpack = this.connection.getUseDirectRowUnpack(); this.logSlowQueries = this.connection.getLogSlowQueries(); this.reusablePacket = new Buffer(INITIAL_PACKET_SIZE); this.sendPacket = new Buffer(INITIAL_PACKET_SIZE); this.port = port; this.host = host; // com.mysql.jdbc.StandardSocketFactory this.socketFactoryClassName = socketFactoryClassName; // 创建socketFactory 实例 this.socketFactory = createSocketFactory(); this.exceptionInterceptor = this.connection.getExceptionInterceptor(); try { // 创建真实的socket连接到 mysql-server, 与远程进行网络IO通信 this.mysqlConnection = this.socketFactory.connect(this.host, this.port, props); if (socketTimeout != 0) { try { this.mysqlConnection.setSoTimeout(socketTimeout); } catch (Exception ex) { /* Ignore if the platform does not support it */ } } this.mysqlConnection = this.socketFactory.beforeHandshake(); // 转换输入流到 this.mysqlInput 中 if (this.connection.getUseReadAheadInput()) { this.mysqlInput = new ReadAheadInputStream(this.mysqlConnection.getInputStream(), 16384, this.connection.getTraceProtocol(), this.connection.getLog()); } else if (this.connection.useUnbufferedInput()) { this.mysqlInput = this.mysqlConnection.getInputStream(); } else { this.mysqlInput = new BufferedInputStream(this.mysqlConnection.getInputStream(), 16384); } // 转换输出流到 this.mysqlOutput 中 this.mysqlOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(this.mysqlConnection.getOutputStream(), 16384); this.isInteractiveClient = this.connection.getInteractiveClient(); this.profileSql = this.connection.getProfileSql(); this.autoGenerateTestcaseScript = this.connection.getAutoGenerateTestcaseScript(); this.needToGrabQueryFromPacket = (this.profileSql || this.logSlowQueries || this.autoGenerateTestcaseScript); if (this.connection.getUseNanosForElapsedTime() && Util.nanoTimeAvailable()) { this.useNanosForElapsedTime = true; this.queryTimingUnits = Messages.getString("Nanoseconds"); } else { this.queryTimingUnits = Messages.getString("Milliseconds"); } if (this.connection.getLogSlowQueries()) { calculateSlowQueryThreshold(); } } catch (IOException ioEx) { throw SQLError.createCommunicationsException(this.connection, 0, 0, ioEx, getExceptionInterceptor()); } }
3. 如何执行sql操作
主要有两种方式, statement 和 prepareStatement. PreparedStatement继承自Statement,两者都是接口。区别是:PreparedStatement是预编译的(mysql提供的能力),比Statement效率高,可以使用占位符,可防止SQL注入。
//获取预处理对象 statement = getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); statement.executeUpdate(sql); // com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl#prepareStatement(java.lang.String) /** * A SQL statement with or without IN parameters can be pre-compiled and * stored in a PreparedStatement object. This object can then be used to * efficiently execute this statement multiple times. * <p> * <B>Note:</B> This method is optimized for handling parametric SQL statements that benefit from precompilation if the driver supports precompilation. In * this case, the statement is not sent to the database until the PreparedStatement is executed. This has no direct effect on users; however it does affect * which method throws certain java.sql.SQLExceptions * </p> * <p> * MySQL does not support precompilation of statements, so they are handled by the driver. * </p> * * @param sql * a SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter * placeholders * @return a new PreparedStatement object containing the pre-compiled * statement. * @exception SQLException * if a database access error occurs. */ public java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException { return prepareStatement(sql, DEFAULT_RESULT_SET_TYPE, DEFAULT_RESULT_SET_CONCURRENCY); } // com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl#prepareStatement(java.lang.String, int, int) /** * JDBC 2.0 Same as prepareStatement() above, but allows the default result * set type and result set concurrency type to be overridden. * * @param sql * the SQL query containing place holders * @param resultSetType * a result set type, see ResultSet.TYPE_XXX * @param resultSetConcurrency * a concurrency type, see ResultSet.CONCUR_XXX * @return a new PreparedStatement object containing the pre-compiled SQL * statement * @exception SQLException * if a database-access error occurs. */ public java.sql.PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException { synchronized (getConnectionMutex()) { // 检查连接是否已关闭 checkClosed(); // // FIXME: Create warnings if can't create results of the given type or concurrency // PreparedStatement pStmt = null; boolean canServerPrepare = true; // 解析 ? 处理 String nativeSql = getProcessEscapeCodesForPrepStmts() ? nativeSQL(sql) : sql; if (this.useServerPreparedStmts && getEmulateUnsupportedPstmts()) { canServerPrepare = canHandleAsServerPreparedStatement(nativeSql); } if (this.useServerPreparedStmts && canServerPrepare) { if (this.getCachePreparedStatements()) { synchronized (this.serverSideStatementCache) { pStmt = (com.mysql.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement) this.serverSideStatementCache.remove(sql); if (pStmt != null) { ((com.mysql.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement) pStmt).setClosed(false); pStmt.clearParameters(); } if (pStmt == null) { try { pStmt = ServerPreparedStatement.getInstance(getLoadBalanceSafeProxy(), nativeSql, this.database, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency); if (sql.length() < getPreparedStatementCacheSqlLimit()) { ((com.mysql.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement) pStmt).isCached = true; } pStmt.setResultSetType(resultSetType); pStmt.setResultSetConcurrency(resultSetConcurrency); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // Punt, if necessary if (getEmulateUnsupportedPstmts()) { pStmt = (PreparedStatement) clientPrepareStatement(nativeSql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, false); if (sql.length() < getPreparedStatementCacheSqlLimit()) { this.serverSideStatementCheckCache.put(sql, Boolean.FALSE); } } else { throw sqlEx; } } } } } else { try { pStmt = ServerPreparedStatement.getInstance(getLoadBalanceSafeProxy(), nativeSql, this.database, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency); pStmt.setResultSetType(resultSetType); pStmt.setResultSetConcurrency(resultSetConcurrency); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { // Punt, if necessary if (getEmulateUnsupportedPstmts()) { pStmt = (PreparedStatement) clientPrepareStatement(nativeSql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, false); } else { throw sqlEx; } } } } else { // 生成 PreparedStatement pStmt = (PreparedStatement) clientPrepareStatement(nativeSql, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, false); } return pStmt; } }
// com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement#executeUpdate() /** * Execute a SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement. In addition, SQL * statements that return nothing such as SQL DDL statements can be * executed. * * @return either the row count for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or 0 for SQL * statements that return nothing. * * @exception SQLException * if a database access error occurs */ public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException { return executeUpdate(true, false); } /* * We need this variant, because ServerPreparedStatement calls this for * batched updates, which will end up clobbering the warnings and generated * keys we need to gather for the batch. */ protected int executeUpdate(boolean clearBatchedGeneratedKeysAndWarnings, boolean isBatch) throws SQLException { synchronized (checkClosed().getConnectionMutex()) { if (clearBatchedGeneratedKeysAndWarnings) { clearWarnings(); this.batchedGeneratedKeys = null; } // 代入参数执行 return executeUpdate(this.parameterValues, this.parameterStreams, this.isStream, this.streamLengths, this.isNull, isBatch); } } // com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement#executeUpdate(byte[][], java.io.InputStream[], boolean[], int[], boolean[], boolean) /** * Added to allow batch-updates * * @param batchedParameterStrings * string values used in single statement * @param batchedParameterStreams * stream values used in single statement * @param batchedIsStream * flags for streams used in single statement * @param batchedStreamLengths * lengths of streams to be read. * @param batchedIsNull * flags for parameters that are null * * @return the update count * * @throws SQLException * if a database error occurs */ protected int executeUpdate(byte[][] batchedParameterStrings, InputStream[] batchedParameterStreams, boolean[] batchedIsStream, int[] batchedStreamLengths, boolean[] batchedIsNull, boolean isReallyBatch) throws SQLException { synchronized (checkClosed().getConnectionMutex()) { MySQLConnection locallyScopedConn = this.connection; if (locallyScopedConn.isReadOnly()) { throw SQLError.createSQLException(Messages.getString("PreparedStatement.34") + Messages.getString("PreparedStatement.35"), SQLError.SQL_STATE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, getExceptionInterceptor()); } if ((this.firstCharOfStmt == 'S') && isSelectQuery()) { throw SQLError.createSQLException(Messages.getString("PreparedStatement.37"), "01S03", getExceptionInterceptor()); } implicitlyCloseAllOpenResults(); ResultSetInternalMethods rs = null; // 转换参数为 Buffer 形式 Buffer sendPacket = fillSendPacket(batchedParameterStrings, batchedParameterStreams, batchedIsStream, batchedStreamLengths); String oldCatalog = null; if (!locallyScopedConn.getCatalog().equals(this.currentCatalog)) { oldCatalog = locallyScopedConn.getCatalog(); locallyScopedConn.setCatalog(this.currentCatalog); } // // Only apply max_rows to selects // locallyScopedConn.setSessionMaxRows(-1); boolean oldInfoMsgState = false; if (this.retrieveGeneratedKeys) { oldInfoMsgState = locallyScopedConn.isReadInfoMsgEnabled(); locallyScopedConn.setReadInfoMsgEnabled(true); } // 执行更新 rs = executeInternal(-1, sendPacket, false, false, null, isReallyBatch); if (this.retrieveGeneratedKeys) { locallyScopedConn.setReadInfoMsgEnabled(oldInfoMsgState); rs.setFirstCharOfQuery(this.firstCharOfStmt); } if (oldCatalog != null) { locallyScopedConn.setCatalog(oldCatalog); } this.results = rs; this.updateCount = rs.getUpdateCount(); if (containsOnDuplicateKeyUpdateInSQL() && this.compensateForOnDuplicateKeyUpdate) { if (this.updateCount == 2 || this.updateCount == 0) { this.updateCount = 1; } } int truncatedUpdateCount = 0; if (this.updateCount > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { truncatedUpdateCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { truncatedUpdateCount = (int) this.updateCount; } this.lastInsertId = rs.getUpdateID(); return truncatedUpdateCount; } }
4. 如何获取查询结果?
ResultSet 的处理。
// com.mysql.jdbc.StatementImpl#executeQuery /** * Execute a SQL statement that returns a single ResultSet * * @param sql * typically a static SQL SELECT statement * * @return a ResulSet that contains the data produced by the query * * @exception SQLException * if a database access error occurs */ public java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException { synchronized (checkClosed().getConnectionMutex()) { MySQLConnection locallyScopedConn = this.connection; this.retrieveGeneratedKeys = false; resetCancelledState(); checkNullOrEmptyQuery(sql); boolean doStreaming = createStreamingResultSet(); // Adjust net_write_timeout to a higher value if we're streaming result sets. More often than not, someone runs into an issue where they blow // net_write_timeout when using this feature, and if they're willing to hold a result set open for 30 seconds or more, one more round-trip isn't // going to hurt // // This is reset by RowDataDynamic.close(). if (doStreaming && this.connection.getNetTimeoutForStreamingResults() > 0) { executeSimpleNonQuery(locallyScopedConn, "SET net_write_timeout=" + this.connection.getNetTimeoutForStreamingResults()); } if (this.doEscapeProcessing) { // 避免sql注入 Object escapedSqlResult = EscapeProcessor.escapeSQL(sql, locallyScopedConn.serverSupportsConvertFn(), this.connection); if (escapedSqlResult instanceof String) { sql = (String) escapedSqlResult; } else { sql = ((EscapeProcessorResult) escapedSqlResult).escapedSql; } } char firstStatementChar = StringUtils.firstAlphaCharUc(sql, findStartOfStatement(sql)); if (sql.charAt(0) == '/') { if (sql.startsWith(PING_MARKER)) { doPingInstead(); return this.results; } } checkForDml(sql, firstStatementChar); implicitlyCloseAllOpenResults(); CachedResultSetMetaData cachedMetaData = null; if (useServerFetch()) { this.results = createResultSetUsingServerFetch(sql); return this.results; } CancelTask timeoutTask = null; String oldCatalog = null; try { if (locallyScopedConn.getEnableQueryTimeouts() && this.timeoutInMillis != 0 && locallyScopedConn.versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0, 0)) { timeoutTask = new CancelTask(this); locallyScopedConn.getCancelTimer().schedule(timeoutTask, this.timeoutInMillis); } if (!locallyScopedConn.getCatalog().equals(this.currentCatalog)) { oldCatalog = locallyScopedConn.getCatalog(); locallyScopedConn.setCatalog(this.currentCatalog); } // // Check if we have cached metadata for this query... // Field[] cachedFields = null; if (locallyScopedConn.getCacheResultSetMetadata()) { cachedMetaData = locallyScopedConn.getCachedMetaData(sql); if (cachedMetaData != null) { cachedFields = cachedMetaData.fields; } } locallyScopedConn.setSessionMaxRows(this.maxRows); statementBegins(); this.results = locallyScopedConn.execSQL(this, sql, this.maxRows, null, this.resultSetType, this.resultSetConcurrency, doStreaming, this.currentCatalog, cachedFields); if (timeoutTask != null) { if (timeoutTask.caughtWhileCancelling != null) { throw timeoutTask.caughtWhileCancelling; } timeoutTask.cancel(); locallyScopedConn.getCancelTimer().purge(); timeoutTask = null; } synchronized (this.cancelTimeoutMutex) { if (this.wasCancelled) { SQLException cause = null; if (this.wasCancelledByTimeout) { cause = new MySQLTimeoutException(); } else { cause = new MySQLStatementCancelledException(); } resetCancelledState(); throw cause; } } } finally { this.statementExecuting.set(false); if (timeoutTask != null) { timeoutTask.cancel(); locallyScopedConn.getCancelTimer().purge(); } if (oldCatalog != null) { locallyScopedConn.setCatalog(oldCatalog); } } // lastInsertId this.lastInsertId = this.results.getUpdateID(); if (cachedMetaData != null) { locallyScopedConn.initializeResultsMetadataFromCache(sql, cachedMetaData, this.results); } else { if (this.connection.getCacheResultSetMetadata()) { locallyScopedConn.initializeResultsMetadataFromCache(sql, null /* will be created */, this.results); } } return this.results; } } // 获取结果通过 ResulSet.next() /** * A ResultSet is initially positioned before its first row, the first call * to next makes the first row the current row; the second call makes the * second row the current row, etc. * * <p> * If an input stream from the previous row is open, it is implicitly closed. The ResultSet's warning chain is cleared when a new row is read * </p> * * @return true if the new current is valid; false if there are no more rows * * @exception SQLException * if a database access error occurs */ public boolean next() throws SQLException { synchronized (checkClosed().getConnectionMutex()) { if (this.onInsertRow) { this.onInsertRow = false; } if (this.doingUpdates) { this.doingUpdates = false; } boolean b; // 是否有数据 if (!reallyResult()) { throw SQLError.createSQLException(Messages.getString("ResultSet.ResultSet_is_from_UPDATE._No_Data_115"), SQLError.SQL_STATE_GENERAL_ERROR, getExceptionInterceptor()); } // 可以在数据不使用前触发 closeOpenStreams() // BufferRow 会处理事务,ByteArrayRow 则会空处理 if (this.thisRow != null) { this.thisRow.closeOpenStreams(); } if (this.rowData.size() == 0) { b = false; } else { // 通过 RowDataStatic 进行数据迭代 this.thisRow = this.rowData.next(); // 没有数据了,返回false if (this.thisRow == null) { b = false; } else { clearWarnings(); b = true; } } // 设置位置描述信息 setRowPositionValidity(); return b; } } // com.mysql.jdbc.RowDataStatic#next public ResultSetRow next() throws SQLException { // 移动到下一个数据点即可 this.index++; if (this.index < this.rows.size()) { ResultSetRow row = this.rows.get(this.index); return row.setMetadata(this.metadata); } return null; }
5. 如何关闭数据库连接?
// com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl#close /** * In some cases, it is desirable to immediately release a Connection's * database and JDBC resources instead of waiting for them to be * automatically released (cant think why off the top of my head) <B>Note:</B> * A Connection is automatically closed when it is garbage collected. * Certain fatal errors also result in a closed connection. * * @exception SQLException * if a database access error occurs */ public void close() throws SQLException { synchronized (getConnectionMutex()) { // 关闭前如果有拦截器,先调用拦截器处理 if (this.connectionLifecycleInterceptors != null) { new IterateBlock<Extension>(this.connectionLifecycleInterceptors.iterator()) { @Override void forEach(Extension each) throws SQLException { ((ConnectionLifecycleInterceptor) each).close(); } }.doForAll(); } realClose(true, true, false, null); } } // com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl#realClose /** * Closes connection and frees resources. * * @param calledExplicitly * is this being called from close() * @param issueRollback * should a rollback() be issued? * @throws SQLException * if an error occurs */ public void realClose(boolean calledExplicitly, boolean issueRollback, boolean skipLocalTeardown, Throwable reason) throws SQLException { SQLException sqlEx = null; if (this.isClosed()) { return; } this.forceClosedReason = reason; try { if (!skipLocalTeardown) { if (!getAutoCommit() && issueRollback) { try { rollback(); } catch (SQLException ex) { sqlEx = ex; } } // 埋点上报 reportMetrics(); if (getUseUsageAdvisor()) { if (!calledExplicitly) { String message = "Connection implicitly closed by Driver. You should call Connection.close() from your code to free resources more efficiently and avoid resource leaks."; this.eventSink.consumeEvent(new ProfilerEvent(ProfilerEvent.TYPE_WARN, "", this.getCatalog(), this.getId(), -1, -1, System .currentTimeMillis(), 0, Constants.MILLIS_I18N, null, this.pointOfOrigin, message)); } long connectionLifeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.connectionCreationTimeMillis; if (connectionLifeTime < 500) { String message = "Connection lifetime of < .5 seconds. You might be un-necessarily creating short-lived connections and should investigate connection pooling to be more efficient."; this.eventSink.consumeEvent(new ProfilerEvent(ProfilerEvent.TYPE_WARN, "", this.getCatalog(), this.getId(), -1, -1, System .currentTimeMillis(), 0, Constants.MILLIS_I18N, null, this.pointOfOrigin, message)); } } try { // 关闭所有 statement closeAllOpenStatements(); } catch (SQLException ex) { sqlEx = ex; } if (this.io != null) { try { // 关闭io流,断开与远程的连接 this.io.quit(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } else { this.io.forceClose(); } if (this.statementInterceptors != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.statementInterceptors.size(); i++) { this.statementInterceptors.get(i).destroy(); } } if (this.exceptionInterceptor != null) { this.exceptionInterceptor.destroy(); } } finally { this.openStatements = null; if (this.io != null) { this.io.releaseResources(); this.io = null; } this.statementInterceptors = null; this.exceptionInterceptor = null; ProfilerEventHandlerFactory.removeInstance(this); synchronized (getConnectionMutex()) { if (this.cancelTimer != null) { this.cancelTimer.cancel(); } } this.isClosed = true; } if (sqlEx != null) { throw sqlEx; } } // /** * Closes this statement, and frees resources. * * @param calledExplicitly * was this called from close()? * * @throws SQLException * if an error occurs */ protected void realClose(boolean calledExplicitly, boolean closeOpenResults) throws SQLException { MySQLConnection locallyScopedConn = this.connection; if (locallyScopedConn == null) { return; // already closed } synchronized (locallyScopedConn.getConnectionMutex()) { // additional check in case Statement was closed while current thread was waiting for lock if (this.isClosed) { return; } if (this.useUsageAdvisor) { if (!calledExplicitly) { String message = Messages.getString("Statement.63") + Messages.getString("Statement.64"); this.eventSink.consumeEvent(new ProfilerEvent(ProfilerEvent.TYPE_WARN, "", this.currentCatalog, this.connectionId, this.getId(), -1, System .currentTimeMillis(), 0, Constants.MILLIS_I18N, null, this.pointOfOrigin, message)); } } if (closeOpenResults) { closeOpenResults = !(this.holdResultsOpenOverClose || this.connection.getDontTrackOpenResources()); } if (closeOpenResults) { if (this.results != null) { try { this.results.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (this.generatedKeysResults != null) { try { this.generatedKeysResults.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } closeAllOpenResults(); } if (this.connection != null) { if (!this.connection.getDontTrackOpenResources()) { this.connection.unregisterStatement(this); } } this.isClosed = true; this.results = null; this.generatedKeysResults = null; this.connection = null; this.warningChain = null; this.openResults = null; this.batchedGeneratedKeys = null; this.localInfileInputStream = null; this.pingTarget = null; } } // com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO#quit /** * Log-off of the MySQL server and close the socket. * * @throws SQLException */ final void quit() throws SQLException { try { // we're not going to read the response, fixes BUG#56979 Improper connection closing logic leads to TIME_WAIT sockets on server try { if (!this.mysqlConnection.isClosed()) { try { // socket 输入流关闭 this.mysqlConnection.shutdownInput(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { // ignore, some sockets do not support this method } } } catch (IOException ioEx) { this.connection.getLog().logWarn("Caught while disconnecting...", ioEx); } Buffer packet = new Buffer(6); this.packetSequence = -1; this.compressedPacketSequence = -1; packet.writeByte((byte) MysqlDefs.QUIT); // 向远程写入退出标识后 send(packet, packet.getPosition()); } finally { // 强制关闭本地连接 forceClose(); } } // com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO#forceClose /** * Forcibly closes the underlying socket to MySQL. */ protected final void forceClose() { try { // 将所有socket资源放到 NetworkResources, 统一释放 getNetworkResources().forceClose(); } finally { this.mysqlConnection = null; this.mysqlInput = null; this.mysqlOutput = null; } } // com.mysql.jdbc.NetworkResources#forceClose /** * Forcibly closes the underlying socket to MySQL. */ protected final void forceClose() { // 依次调用 close() 方法关闭流 try { try { if (this.mysqlInput != null) { this.mysqlInput.close(); } } finally { if (this.mysqlConnection != null && !this.mysqlConnection.isClosed() && !this.mysqlConnection.isInputShutdown()) { try { this.mysqlConnection.shutdownInput(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { // ignore, some sockets do not support this method } } } } catch (IOException ioEx) { // we can't do anything constructive about this } try { try { if (this.mysqlOutput != null) { this.mysqlOutput.close(); } } finally { if (this.mysqlConnection != null && !this.mysqlConnection.isClosed() && !this.mysqlConnection.isOutputShutdown()) { try { this.mysqlConnection.shutdownOutput(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { // ignore, some sockets do not support this method } } } } catch (IOException ioEx) { // we can't do anything constructive about this } try { if (this.mysqlConnection != null) { this.mysqlConnection.close(); } } catch (IOException ioEx) { // we can't do anything constructive about this } }
6. 其他数据库驱动的注册
sqlite 驱动类: org.sqlite.JDBC,协议前缀: jdbc:sqlite:
public class JDBC implements Driver { public static final String PREFIX = "jdbc:sqlite:"; static { try { // 注册驱动 DriverManager.registerDriver(new JDBC()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // 检测是不是sqlite支持的协议,前缀验证即可 /** * Validates a URL * @param url * @return true if the URL is valid, false otherwise */ public static boolean isValidURL(String url) { return url != null && url.toLowerCase().startsWith(PREFIX); } /** * @see java.sql.Driver#connect(java.lang.String, java.util.Properties) */ public Connection connect(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException { return createConnection(url, info); } /** * Creates a new database connection to a given URL. * @param url the URL * @param prop the properties * @return a Connection object that represents a connection to the URL * @throws SQLException * @see java.sql.Driver#connect(java.lang.String, java.util.Properties) */ public static Connection createConnection(String url, Properties prop) throws SQLException { if (!isValidURL(url)) return null; url = url.trim(); return new SQLiteConnection(url, extractAddress(url), prop); } }
Hive 驱动类: org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver,协议前缀: jdbc:hive2://
public class HiveDriver implements Driver { static { try { java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver(new HiveDriver()); } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // 验证是否是支持的协议,判断前缀即可 /** * Checks whether a given url is in a valid format. * * The current uri format is: jdbc:hive://[host[:port]] * * jdbc:hive:// - run in embedded mode jdbc:hive://localhost - connect to * localhost default port (10000) jdbc:hive://localhost:5050 - connect to * localhost port 5050 * * TODO: - write a better regex. - decide on uri format */ public boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException { return Pattern.matches(Utils.URL_PREFIX + ".*", url); } /* * As per JDBC 3.0 Spec (section 9.2) * "If the Driver implementation understands the URL, it will return a Connection object; * otherwise it returns null" */ public Connection connect(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException { return acceptsURL(url) ? new HiveConnection(url, info) : null; } }
DB2 驱动类: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver, 协议前缀: jdbc:db2:// ;
Oracle 驱动类: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver, 协议前缀: jdbc:oracle:thin: ;
7. jdbc 之后
然而,jdbc这样的操作毕竟太过于模板化,如果在每个项目里反复写这些模板代码,那就是太伤了。所以,涌现出大量的orm框架,如: hibernates, mybatis. 将我们从模板代码中解放出来。底层受益出jdbc的设计,高层高效服务于开发人员。
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