public class Solution { /** * @param s: The first string * @param b: The second string * @return true or false */ public boolean anagram(String s, String t) { // write your code here Map<String , Integer> sMap = new HashMap<String , Integer>(); Map<String , Integer> tMap = new HashMap<String , Integer>(); if(s.length() != t.length()){ return false; } int i=0; int wCount=0; while(i<s.length()){ if(sMap.containsKey(s.substring(i,i+1))){ wCount=sMap.get(s.substring(i,i+1)).intValue(); wCount++; sMap.put(s.substring(i,i+1) , new Integer(wCount)); } else{ sMap.put(s.substring(i,i+1) , new Integer(1)); } i++; } i=0; while(i<t.length()){ if(tMap.containsKey(t.substring(i,i+1))){ wCount=tMap.get(t.substring(i,i+1)).intValue(); wCount++; tMap.put(t.substring(i,i+1) , new Integer(wCount)); } else{ tMap.put(t.substring(i,i+1) , new Integer(1)); } i++; } Set sEntrySet = sMap.entrySet(); Iterator sIterator = sEntrySet.iterator(); while(sIterator.hasNext()){ Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry); if(! tMap.containsKey(pair.getKey()) ){ return false; }else{ if(((Integer)tMap.get(pair.getKey())).intValue() != ((Integer)(pair.getValue())).intValue()){ return false; } } } return true; } }
public class Solution { /** * @param A : A string includes Upper Case letters * @param B : A string includes Upper Case letter * @return : if string A contains all of the characters in B return true else return false */ public boolean compareStrings(String A, String B) { // write your code here String strTemp; int i=0; while(i<B.length()){ if((( strTemp=A.replaceFirst(B.substring(i,i+1),"") ).compareTo(A)) ==0 ){ return false; } else{ A=strTemp; } i++; } return true; } }
class Solution { /** * Returns a index to the first occurrence of target in source, * or -1 if target is not part of source. * @param source string to be scanned. * @param target string containing the sequence of characters to match. */ public int strStr(String source, String target) { // write your code here int i=0; if((source==null)||(target==null)) return -1; while(i<(source.length()-target.length()+1)){ if(source.substring(i,i+target.length()).compareTo(target) == 0){ return i; } i++; } return -1; } }