
# This test verifies whether the group_replication works fine when the server
# in a group goes down while there are dml operations running on it.
# Test:
# 0. The test requires three servers: M1,M2 and M3.
# 1. Start GR on all the servers.
# 2. CREATE TABLE ON M1 and CREATE a procedure to insert data
#    into the table
# 3. Call the procedure using send operation and sleep for some time.
# 4. Kill and restart the server M1.
# 5. Wait until there are two members in a group
# 6. Start GR on server M1.
# 7. Verify that table t1 has same data across all the members.
# 8. Clean up

# This test does crashes servers, thence we skip it on asan and valgrind.
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
--source ../inc/
--let $rpl_server_count= 3
--source ../inc/

--let $rpl_connection_name= server1
--source include/

set sql_log_bin=0;
call mtr.add_suppression("Error in Log_event::read_log_event()");
set sql_log_bin=1;

--let $group_replication_group_seeds= `SELECT @@GLOBAL.group_replication_group_seeds`
--let $group_replication_local_address= `SELECT @@GLOBAL.group_replication_local_address`

CREATE TABLE t1(a int auto_increment,  primary key(a));

# Create the procedure to perform the dml operations.
# delimiter $$;
# CREATE PROCEDURE dml_operations()
#      BEGIN
#      declare x INT;
#      set x=1;
#      while x<300 do
#      insert into t1 values (x);
#      update t1 set a=x+300 where a=x;
#      delete from t1 where a<310;
#      set x=x+1;
#      end  while;
#      end$$
# delimiter ;$$
# --echo
# --echo ----call procedure----
# --send call dml_operations()
# --echo
--let $i=30
	--dec $i

--let $rpl_connection_name= server1
--source include/

# Wait until some data is entered into table t1 to ensure that the server1
# will get killed while there are dml operations running on it
--let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) >20 FROM t1
--source include/

# Kill server1
--echo # killing
--let $restart_parameters=restart:--group_replication_local_address=$group_replication_local_address --group_replication_group_seeds=$group_replication_group_seeds --group_replication_group_name=$group_replication_group_name
--replace_result $group_replication_local_address GROUP_REPLICATION_LOCAL_ADDRESS $group_replication_group_seeds GROUP_REPLICATION_GROUP_SEEDS $group_replication_group_name GROUP_REPLICATION_GROUP_NAME

--source ../inc/
--echo # restarting

--exec date

# Needed as we are not using
--let $rpl_server_number= 1
--source include/

--let $rpl_connection_name= server2
--source include/
# Wait until group has only 2 members, that is, server1 death is detected by
# the group.
--echo # check that there are 2 members in the group
--let $group_replication_number_of_members= 2
--source ../inc/

# --let $rpl_server_number= 1
# --source include/
--let $rpl_connection_name= server2
--source include/

--let $_rpl_server_number = 2
while ($_rpl_server_number <= $rpl_server_count){
	--let $rpl_connection_name= server$_rpl_server_number
	--source include/
	--let $saved_read_only=`SELECT @@GLOBAL.super_read_only;`
	if (!$saved_read_only){
		--exec date;
	--inc $_rpl_server_number

--let $rpl_connection_name= server_1
--source include/
# START GR on server1
--source include/

# Sync all the servers.
--source include/

# Verify that all the tables have same data.
--let $diff_tables=server_1:t1, server2:t1, server3:t1
--source include/

drop table t1;

--source ../inc/


posted @ 2019-03-20 19:50  友哥  阅读(353)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报