UEFI 笔记 002 —— PrintfLib.h + String OP
严谨性声明:行文随意使用 UEFI 或 EDK2。事实上,先有 EDK2 再有 UEFI;抠字眼,EDK2 只是 UEFI 的一种实现;实际上,本人没接触过 EDK2 以外的实现。
UEFI 的 PrintLib 只是 格式化字符串, 并不打印输出.
// MdePkg\Include\Library\PrintLib.h
// This function is similar as snprintf_s defined in C11.
UnicodeSPrint(OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *, ...);
UnicodeSPrintAsciiFormat(OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *, ...);
AsciiSPrint(OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *, ...);
AsciiSPrintUnicodeFormat(OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *, ...);
// Supporting variants
UnicodeVSPrint(OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *, IN VA_LIST);
UnicodeBSPrint(OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *, IN BASE_LIST);
UnicodeVSPrintAsciiFormat(OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *, IN VA_LIST);
UnicodeBSPrintAsciiFormat(OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *, IN BASE_LIST);
AsciiVSPrint(OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *, IN VA_LIST);
AsciiBSPrint(OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *, IN BASE_LIST);
AsciiVSPrintUnicodeFormat(OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *, IN VA_LIST);
AsciiBSPrintUnicodeFormat(OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *, IN BASE_LIST);
// Converts a decimal value to a Null-terminated Unicode string.
// Returns the number of characters that would be produced, not including the Null-terminator.
SPrintLength(IN const CHAR16 *, IN VA_LIST);
SPrintLengthAsciiFormat(IN const CHAR8 *, IN VA_LIST);
// MdePkg\Library\BasePrintLib\PrintLib.c
// 有趣的 “隐藏技能” (使用方式 见最后)
// MdePkg\Library\BasePrintLib\PrintLibInternal.h
// 将 Value 转换成, 任意基数表达的字符串. (基数 16 以内不会出错)
// Internal function that convert a number to a string in Buffer.
BasePrintLibValueToString(IN OUT CHAR8 *Buffer, IN INT64 Value, IN UINTN Radix);
// MdePkg\Include\Library\UefiLib.h
// MdePkg\Library\UefiLib\UefiLibPrint.c
// 貌似有意思, ***实际有毛病的***, 加强技能
// ———— 连续使用时, 必须清除 **每个** 中间产生的 String
// 1. 第一次用 NULL 当 String 传入, 产生第一个 结果;
// 2. 之后, 把返回的结果 继续喂入, 继续 Cat // 应该 FreePool ()
// 3. 以此类推 // 应该 FreePool ()
// 4. caller 需要 FreePool () 最后返回的 String
// 事实上, EDK2 自己 在 2-3 这里, 错的一塌糊涂!
// 典型错误 in EDK2
// ShellPkg\Library\UefiHandleParsingLib\UefiHandleParsingLib.c
// LoadedImageProtocolDumpInformation ()
// RetVal = CatSPrint (
// RetVal,
// 结论:这个 CatSPrint () 的本意是连续 Cat , 流畅使用
// 但这个 脑子不清楚 的实现, 全给搞砸了
// Appends a formatted Unicode string to a Null-terminated Unicode string
// The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string.
CatSPrint(IN CHAR16 *String, IN const CHAR16 *FormatString, ...);
CatVSPrint(IN CHAR16 *String, IN const CHAR16 *FormatString, IN VA_LIST);
// ShellPkg\Include\Library\ShellLib.h
// ShellPkg\Library\UefiShellLib\UefiShellLib.c
// 用法与 CatSPrint () 有得一拼, 但有点 傻了吧唧的实现 , 倒是没啥毛病.
// 内部用 StrSize () 算出当前尾巴, 然后用 StrnCatS () 进行 Cat // 好傻
// 若是 *CurrentSize == 0 则, 自动分配内存
// 若是 Size 不够,就会 ReallocatePool (), 不会错用内存泄漏 // 好傻, 实际每次都会 Reallocate
// caller 只要 FreePool () 最后的 String 就行 // 好棒!
StrnCatGrow(IN OUT CHAR16 **Destination, IN OUT UINTN *CurrentSize, IN const CHAR16 *Source, IN UINTN Count);
ShellCopySearchAndReplace(IN CHAR16 const *, IN OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *, IN const CHAR16 *, IN const BOOLEAN, IN const BOOLEAN);
ShellStrToUintn(IN const CHAR16 *);
ShellHexStrToUintn(IN const CHAR16 *);
ShellIsHexaDecimalDigitCharacter(IN CHAR16);
ShellIsDecimalDigitCharacter(IN CHAR16);
ShellIsHexOrDecimalNumber(IN const CHAR16 *, IN const BOOLEAN, IN const BOOLEAN);
ShellConvertStringToUint64(IN const CHAR16 *, OUT UINT64 *, IN const BOOLEAN, IN const BOOLEAN);
// MdePkg\Include\Library\BaseLib.h
StrnLenS(IN const CHAR16 *, IN UINTN)
StrnSizeS(IN const CHAR16 *, IN UINTN)
StrCpyS(OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *)
StrnCpyS(OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *, IN UINTN)
StrCatS(IN OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *)
StrnCatS(IN OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR16 *, IN UINTN)
StrDecimalToUintnS(IN const CHAR16 *, OUT CHAR16 **EndPointer, OUT UINTN *)
StrDecimalToUint64S(IN const CHAR16 *, OUT CHAR16 **EndPointer, OUT UINT64 *)
StrHexToUintnS(IN const CHAR16 *, OUT CHAR16 **EndPointer, OUT UINTN *)
StrHexToUint64S(IN const CHAR16 *, OUT CHAR16 **EndPointer, OUT UINT64 *)
AsciiStrnLenS(IN const CHAR8 *, IN UINTN)
AsciiStrnSizeS(IN const CHAR8 *, IN UINTN)
AsciiStrCpyS(OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrnCpyS(OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *, IN UINTN)
AsciiStrCatS(IN OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrnCatS(IN OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, IN const CHAR8 *, IN UINTN)
AsciiStrDecimalToUintnS(IN const CHAR8 *, OUT CHAR8 **EndPointer, OUT UINTN *)
AsciiStrDecimalToUint64S(IN const CHAR8 *, OUT CHAR8 **EndPointer, OUT UINT64 *)
AsciiStrHexToUintnS(IN const CHAR8 *, OUT CHAR8 **EndPointer, OUT UINTN *)
AsciiStrHexToUint64S(IN const CHAR8 *, OUT CHAR8 **EndPointer, OUT UINT64 *)
StrLen(IN const CHAR16 *)
StrSize(IN const CHAR16 *)
StrCmp(IN const CHAR16 *, IN const CHAR16 *)
StrnCmp(IN const CHAR16 *, IN const CHAR16 *, IN UINTN)
StrStr(IN const CHAR16 *, IN const CHAR16 *)
StrDecimalToUintn(IN const CHAR16 *)
StrDecimalToUint64(IN const CHAR16 *)
StrHexToUintn(IN const CHAR16 *)
StrHexToUint64(IN const CHAR16 *)
StrToIpv6Address(IN const CHAR16 *, OUT CHAR16 **EndPointer, OUT IPv6_ADDRESS *, OUT UINT8 *PrefixLength)
StrToIpv4Address(IN const CHAR16 *, OUT CHAR16 **EndPointer, OUT IPv4_ADDRESS *, OUT UINT8 *PrefixLength)
StrToGuid(IN const CHAR16 *, OUT GUID *)
StrHexToBytes(IN const CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, OUT UINT8 *, IN UINTN)
UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS(IN const CHAR16 *, OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN)
UnicodeStrnToAsciiStrS(IN const CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, OUT CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, OUT UINTN *)
AsciiStrLen(IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrSize(IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrCmp(IN const CHAR8 *, IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStriCmp(IN const CHAR8 *, IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrnCmp(IN const CHAR8 *, IN const CHAR8 *, IN UINTN)
AsciiStrStr(IN const CHAR8 *, IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrDecimalToUintn(IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrDecimalToUint64(IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrHexToUintn(IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrHexToUint64(IN const CHAR8 *)
AsciiStrToIpv6Address(IN const CHAR8 *, OUT CHAR8 **EndPointer, OUT IPv6_ADDRESS *, OUT UINT8 *PrefixLength)
AsciiStrToIpv4Address(IN const CHAR8 *, OUT CHAR8 **EndPointer, OUT IPv4_ADDRESS *, OUT UINT8 *PrefixLength)
AsciiStrToGuid(IN const CHAR8 *, OUT GUID *)
AsciiStrHexToBytes(IN const CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, OUT UINT8 *, IN UINTN)
AsciiStrToUnicodeStrS(IN const CHAR8 *, OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN)
AsciiStrnToUnicodeStrS(IN const CHAR8 *, IN UINTN, OUT CHAR16 *, IN UINTN, OUT UINTN *)
CharToUpper(IN CHAR16)
AsciiCharToUpper(IN CHAR8)
Base64Encode(IN const UINT8 *, IN UINTN, OUT CHAR8 *Destination, IN OUT UINTN *)
Base64Decode(IN const CHAR8 *Source, IN UINTN, OUT UINT8 *Destination, IN OUT UINTN *)
DecimalToBcd8(IN UINT8)
BcdToDecimal8(IN UINT8)
使用 隐藏技能:
- Copy function declaration to your C file, just build it.
- The linker will actually resolve the symbol - found the func impl from lib.
The function declaration is for compiling.
The linker will find the impl of the func.
The LibraryClass
of EDK2 building system is actually based-on C library.
Why++ ?
(1) If a function is not exposed by public header file of the LibraryClass
, we can use it by declaring it by ourselves.
(2) To prevent such dirty use for LibraryClass
, specify STATIC
on your function impl.
函数清单获取方式:安装 VSCode list-symbols 插件, 截取头文件,手工清理.
see also