mysql 1205 lock wait timeout exceeded

最近网站经常报锁表的错误,系统用的是magento,innodb表,在事物在更新或插入后没有执行commit操作,并且超过了设置的最大等待时间(默认innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50),一旦超过就会报mysql 1205 lock wait timeout exceeded

在网上找了很多,解决的方案很少,大都都是show processlist,然后kill进程,但是这治标不治本


1) either contact your hosting provided and ask to increase the time out :


2) or you can try below trick buy running query in phpmyadmin :

create index core_session_index on core_session (session_id);
create index core_session_index_date on core_session (session_expires);
posted @ 2015-08-15 17:08  Forward1990  阅读(1618)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报