What is balanced partition problem?

    the graph partition problem is defined on data represented in the form of a graph G = (V,E), with V vertices and E edges, such that it is possible to partition G into smaller components with specific properties. For instance, a k-way partition divides the vertex set into k smaller components. A good partition is defined as one in which the number of edges running between separated components is small.

    consider a graph G = (VE), where V denotes the set of n vertices and E the set of edges. For a (k,v) balanced partition problem, the objective is to partition G into components of at most size v·(n/k), while minimizing the capacity of the edges between separate components. Also, given G and an integer k > 1, partition V into k parts (subsets) V1V2, ..., Vk such that the parts are disjoint and have equal size, and the number of edges with endpoints in different parts is minimized. Such partition problems have been discussed in literature as bicriteria-approximation or resource augmentation approaches. A common extension is to hypergraphs, where an edge can connect more than two vertices. A hyperedge is not cut if all vertices are in one partition, and cut exactly once otherwise, no matter how many vertices are on each side.


(k,v)平衡分割问题是指把图G = (V, E) 分成大小为(n/k)的k份, 使得切除的边的数量最少

posted on 2012-08-22 17:19  york_hust  阅读(746)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报