
// 向 <div> 元素添加事件句柄
document.getElementById("myDIV").addEventListener("mousemove", myFunction);

// 移除 <div> 元素的事件句柄
document.getElementById("myDIV").removeEventListener("mousemove", myFunction);

addEventListener() 方法用于向指定元素添加事件句柄。

element.addEventListener(event, function, useCapture)  //语法


  • true - 事件句柄在捕获阶段执行
  • false- false- 默认。事件句柄在冒泡阶段执行

事件捕获阶段capture phase,传播顺序:window -> 事件源的父元素.  The event object must propagate through the target's ancestors from the Window to the target's parent.

事件冒泡阶段bubble phase,传播顺序:事件源父元素 -> window.  The event object propagates through the target’s ancestors in reverse, starting with the target's parent and ending with the Window. 

目标阶段target phase:事件对象到达事件源。The event object arrive at the event object's event target.




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posted @ 2017-04-08 19:37  jht_newbie  阅读(574)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报