


基本 ROS 导航教程 

  1. 为你的机器人配置 tf 

    This tutorial provides a guide to set up your robot to start using tf.

  2. 在ROS上发布传感器数据流 

    这个教程提供发布两种类型的传感器数据的例子,即 sensor_msgs/LaserScan 消息和sensor_msgs/PointCloud 消息。

  3. 通过ROS发布里程计信息 

    这个教程提供为导航包发布里程计信息的例子。它覆盖了通过ROS发布nav_msgs/Odometry消息和通过TF发布"odom"坐标系到"base_link" 坐标系的变换。

  4. 在机器人上配置并使用导航功能包集 


  5. Using rviz with the Navigation Stack 

    This tutorial provides a guide to using rviz with the navigation stack to initialize the localization system, send goals to the robot, and view the many visualizations that the navigation stack publishes over ROS.

  6. Basic Navigation Tuning Guide

    This guide seeks to give some standard advice on how to tune the ROS Navigation Stack on a robot. This guide is in no way comprehensive, but should give some insight into the process. I'd also encourage folks to make sure they've read the ROS Navigation Tutorial before this post as it gives a good overview on setting the navigation stack up on a robot wheras this guide just gives advice on the process.

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