BB01 - A Lap Around the Azure Services Platform (John Shewchuk) PPTX
BB02 - Architecture of the .NET Services (Dennis Pilarinos, John Shewchuk) PPTX
BB03 - SQL Services : Under the Hood (Gopal Kakivaya, Tony Petrossian) PPTX
BB04 - Live Services: A Lap around the Live Framework and Mesh Services (Ori Amiga) PPTX
BB05 - Live Services: Building Applications with the Live Framework (Raymond Endres) PPTX
BB06 - Live Services: Mesh Services Architecture and Concepts (Abolade Gbadegesin) PPTX
BB07 - SQL Server 2008: Developing Large Scale Web Applications and Services (Hala Al-Adwan, Jose Blakeley) PPTX
BB08 - Microsoft Dynamics CRM: The Appealing Business Application (Humberto Lezama Guadarrama) PPTX
BB09 - Microsoft Office Communications Server and Exchange: Platform Futures (Chris Mayo, David Ollason) PPTX
BB10 - Live Services: Deep Dive on Microsoft Virtual Earth (Mark Brown) PPTX
BB11 - Identity Roadmap for Software + Services (Bertocci Vittorio, Kim Cameron) PPTX
BB12 - .NET Services: Messaging Services - Protocols, Protection, and How We Scale (Clemens Vasters) PPTX
BB13 - SharePoint 2007: Creating SharePoint Applications with Visual Studio 2008 (Chris Johnson)  
BB14 - SQL Services: Futures (Patric McElroy) PPTX
BB15 - SQL Server: Database to Data Platform - Road from Server to Devices to the Cloud (David Campbell, Zach Skyles Owens) PPTX
BB16 - SQL Server 2008: Beyond Relational (Michael Rys) PPTX
BB18 - "Dublin": Hosting and Managing Workflows and Services in Windows Application Server (Dan Eshner) PPTX
BB19 - Live Services: Live Framework Programming Model Architecture and Insights (Ori Amiga) PPTX
BB20 - Live Services: Making your Application More Social (Angus Logan) PPTX
BB22 - Identity: Live Identity Services Drilldown (Jorgen Thelin) PPTX
BB23 - A Lap around SQL Services (Soumitra Sengupta) PPTX
BB24 - SQL Server 2008: Deep Dive into Spatial Data (Isaac Kunen) PPTX
BB25 - SQL Server 2008: New and Future T-SQL Programmability (Michael Wang) PPTX
BB26 - SQL Server 2008: Business Intelligence and Data Visualization (Stella Chan) PPTX
BB27 - .NET Services: Orchestrating Services and Business Processes Using Cloud-Based Workflow (Moustafa Ahmed) PPTX
BB28 - .NET Services: Access Control Service Drilldown (Justin Smith) PPTX
BB29 - Identity: Connecting Active Directory to Microsoft Services (Lynn Ayres, Tore Sundelin) PPTX
BB30 - Live Services: Building Mesh-Enabled Web Applications Using the Live Framework (Arash Ghanaie-Sichanie) PPTX
BB31 - Live Services: FeedSync and Mesh Synchronization Services (Steven Lees) PPTX
BB32 - Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Building Line-of-Business Applications (Andrew Bybee) PPTX
BB33 - Dynamics Online: Building Business Applications with Commerce and Payment APIs (Adam Wilson) PPTX
BB34 - Live Services: Notifications, Awareness, and Communications (John Macintyre) PPTX
BB35 - Live Services: The Future of the Device Mesh (Jeremy Mazner) PPTX
BB36 - FAST: Building Search-Driven Portals with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Microsoft Silverlight (Jan Helge Sagefl�t, Stein Danielsen) PPTX
BB37 - SQL Server 2008: Developing Secure Applications (Il-Sung Lee) PPTX
BB38 - .NET Services: Connectivity, Messaging, Events, and Discovery with the Service Bus (Clemens Vasters) PPTX
BB39 - .NET Services: Logging, Diagnosing, and Troubleshooting Applications Running Live in the Cloud (Mark Gilbert, Steve Garrity)  
BB40 - Sync Framework: Enterprise Data in the Cloud and on Devices (Liam Cavanagh) PPTX
BB41 - Live Services: What I Learned Building My First Mesh Application (Don Gillett) PPTX
BB42 - Identity: "Geneva" Server and Framework Overview (Caleb Baker, Stuart Kwan) PPTX
BB43 - Identity: "Geneva" Deep Dive (Jan Alexander) PPTX
BB44 - Identity: Windows CardSpace "Geneva" Under the Hood (Rich Randall) PPTX
BB45 - Office Communications Server 2007 R2: Enabling Unified Communications (David Ollason, Oscar Newkerk) PPTX
BB46 - Exchange Web Services Managed API: Unified Communications Development for Exchange (Jason Henderson) PPTX
BB47 - SharePoint 2007: Advanced Asynchronous Workflow Messaging (Alex Malek) PPTX
BB48 - Microsoft Advertising Platform: A Lap Around (Erynn Petersen) PPTX
BB49 - Microsoft Advertising Platform: A Day in the Life of a Click (Robert Devine) PPTX
BB51 - Live Services: Programming Live Services Using Non-Microsoft Technologies (Nishant Gupta) PPTX
BB52 - SQL Services: Tips and Tricks for High-Throughput Data-Driven Applications (David Robinson) PPTX
BB53 - SharePoint Online: Extending Your Service (Troy Hopwood) PPTX
BB54 - Designing Your Application to Scale (Max Feingold) PPTX
BB55 - .NET Services: Access Control In Microsoft .NET Services (Justin Smith) PPTX
BB56 - Showcase: Industry Leaders Moving to the Cloud (Brandon Watson, Erik Johnson, Jitendra Thethi, Larry Beck) PPTX
BB57 - Microsoft Dynamics AX: Building Business Process into Your Application (Josh Honeyman) PPTX
BB58 - Case Study: Bridging On-Premises with the Cloud (David Shutt) PPTX
BB59 - Behind the Scenes: How We Built a Multi-Enterprise Supply Chain Application (Jack Greenfield, Wade Wegner) PPTX
ES01 - Developing and Deploying Your First Windows Azure Service (Steve Marx) PPTX
ES02 - Windows Azure: Architecting & Managing Cloud Services (Yousef Khalidi) PPTX
ES03 - Windows Azure: Cloud Service Development Best Practices (Sriram Krishnan) PPTX
ES04 - Windows Azure: Essential Cloud Storage Services (Brad Calder) PPTX
ES06 - Developing with Microsoft .NET and ASP.NET for Server Core (Andrew Mason, Ian Robinson) PPTX
ES07 - Windows Azure: Modeling Data for Efficient Access at Scale (Niranjan Nilakantan, Pablo Castro) PPTX
ES09 - Enabling Test Automation Using Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V (Taylor Brown) PPTX
ES10 - Developing Solutions for Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Using WMI (Nihar Shah) PPTX
ES11 - Developing Connected Home Applications and Services for Windows Home Server (CJ Saretto, Fabian Uhse) PPTX
ES12 - Exposing Connected Home Services to the Internet via Windows Home Server (Brendan Grant, CJ Saretto) PPTX
ES13 - How to Develop Supercomputer Applications (Jeff Baxter, Sean Mortazavi) PPTX
ES14 - IIS 7.0 and Beyond: The Microsoft Web Platform Roadmap (Vijay Sen) PPTX
ES15 - Web Application Packaging and Deployment (Saad Ladki) PPTX
ES16 - A Lap Around Windows Azure (Manuvir Das) PPTX
ES17 - Windows Azure: Programming in the Cloud (Daniel Wang, Stefan Schackow) PPTX
ES19 - Under the Hood: Inside the Windows Azure Hosting Environment (Chuck Lenzmeier, Frederick Smith) PPTX
ES20 - Developing Applications for More Than 64 Logical Processors in Windows Server 2008 R2 (Arie van der Hoeven) PPTX
ES21 - Windows 7 Presentation Virtualization: Graphics Remoting ( RDP) Today and Tomorrow (Gaurav Daga, Nadim Abdo) PPTX
ES22 - Extending Terminal Services and Hyper-V VDI in Windows 7 (Christa Anderson, Niraj Agarwala) PPTX
ES23 - Windows 7: Optimizing Applications for Remote File Services over the WAN (Mathew George) PPTX
ES24 - PowerShell: Creating Manageable Web Services (Jeffrey Snover) PPTX
ES25 - Showcase: Windows Azure Enables Live Meeting (John Shriver-Blake, Michael Conrad) PPTX
ES29 - Showcase: Windows Azure Enables /Nsoftware and Full Armor (Danny Kim, Gent Hito, Steve Marx) PPTX
ES30 - Datacenters and Resilient Services (Benjamin Ravani) PPTX
ES31 - Showcase: How HP Built their Magcloud Service on Windows Azure (Andrew E Fitzhugh, Steve Marx) PPTX
ES32 - Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.5 (Elsie Nallipogu, John Sheehan) PPTX
PC01 - Windows 7: Web Services in Native Code (Nikola Dudar) PPTX
PC02 - Windows 7: Extending Battery Life with Energy Efficient Applications (Pat Stemen) PPTX
PC03 - Windows 7: Developing Multi-touch Applications (Anson Tsao, Reed Townsend) PPTX
PC04 - Windows 7: Writing Your Application to Shine on Modern Graphics Hardware (Anantha Kancherla) PPTX
PC05 - Windows 7: Unlocking the GPU with Direct3D (Allison Klein) PPTX
PC06 - Deep Dive: Building an Optimized, Graphics-Intensive Application in Microsoft Silverlight (Seema Ramchandani) PPTX
PC07 - WPF: Extensible BitmapEffects, Pixel Shaders, and WPF Graphics Futures (David Teitlebaum) PPTX
PC10 - Microsoft Silverlight 2 for Mobile: Developing for Mobile Devices (Amit Chopra, Giorgio Sardo) PPTX
PC11 - Microsoft Silverlight Futures: Building Business Focused Applications (Jamie Cool) PPTX
PC12 - Deep Dive: The New Rendering Engine in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 (Alex Mogilevsky) PPTX
PC13 - Windows 7: Building Great Audio Communications Applications (Larry Osterman) PPTX
PC14 - Windows 7 Scenic Ribbon: The next generation user experience for presenting commands in Win32 applications. (Nicolas Brun) PPTX
PC15 - Windows 7: Benefiting from Documents and Printing Convergence (Adrian Ford) PPTX
PC16 - Windows 7: Empower users to find, visualize and organize their data with Libraries and the Explorer (David Washington) PPTX
PC17 - Developing for Microsoft Surface (Brad Carpenter, Robert Levy) PPTX
PC18 - Windows 7: Introducing Direct2D and DirectWrite (Kam VedBrat, Leonardo Blanco) PPTX
PC19 - Windows 7: Designing Efficient Background Processes (Vikram Singh) PPTX
PC20 - ASP.NET 4.0 Roadmap (Scott Hunter) PPTX
PC21 - ASP.NET MVC: A New Framework for Building Web Applications (Phil Haack) PPTX
PC22 - Windows 7: Design Principles for Windows 7 (Samuel Moreau) PPTX
PC23 - Windows 7: Integrate with the Windows 7 Desktop (Rob Jarrett) PPTX
PC24 - Windows 7: Welcome to the Windows 7 Desktop (Chaitanya Sareen) PPTX
PC25 - Windows 7: The Sensor and Location Platform: Building Context-Aware Applications (Dan Polivy) PPTX
PC26 - Microsoft Visual Studio: Building Applications with MFC (Damien Watkins) PPTX
PC27 - Microsoft Silverlight, WPF and the Microsoft .NET Framework: Sharing Skills and Code (Ian Ellison-Taylor) PPTX
PC29 - Microsoft Silverlight 2: Control Model (Karen Corby) PPTX
PC30 - ASP.NET Dynamic Data (Scott Hunter) PPTX
PC31 - ASP.NET and JQuery (Stephen Walther) PPTX
PC32 - ASP.NET AJAX Futures (Bertrand Le Roy) PPTX
PC33 - Microsoft Visual Studio: Easing ASP.NET Web Deployment (Vishal Joshi) PPTX
PC34 - Open XML Format SDK: Developing Open XML Solutions (Eric White, Zeyad Rajabi) PPTX
PC35 - Silverlight Controls Roadmap (Shawn Burke) PPTX
PC39 - Inside the Olympics: An Architecture and Development Review (Eric Schmidt, Jason Suess) PPTX
PC40 - SQL Server Compact: Embedding in Desktop and Device Applications (Steve Lasker) PPTX
PC41 - ASP.NET: Cache Extensibility (Stefan Schackow) PPTX
PC42 - Windows 7: Deploying Your Application with Windows Installer (MSI) and ClickOnce (Tyler Robinson) PPTX
PC43 - Deep Dive: What's New with user32 and comctl32 in Win32 (Raymond Chen) PPTX
PC44 - Windows 7: Programming Sync Providers That Work Great with Windows (Jason Roberts, Moe Khosravy) PPTX
PC45 - WPF: Data-centric Applications Using the DataGrid and Ribbon Controls (Mark Wilson-Thomas, Samantha Durante) PPTX
PC46 - WPF Roadmap (Anson Tsao, Kevin Gjerstad) PPTX
PC47 - Microsoft Expression Blend: Tips & Tricks (Douglas Olson, Peter Blois) PPTX
PC48 - Research: Designing the World Wide Telescope (Jonathan Fay)  
PC49 - Microsoft .NET Framework: CLR Futures (Ian Carmichael, Joshua Goodman) PPTX
PC50 - Windows 7: Using Instrumentation and Diagnostics to Develop High Quality Software (Kevin Woley, Ricky Buch) PPTX
PC51 - Windows 7: Best Practices for Developing for Windows Standard User (Crispin Cowan) PPTX
PC52 - Windows 7: Writing World-Ready Applications (Erik Fortune, Yaniv Feinberg) PPTX
PC53 - Building High Performance JScript Applications (Sameer Chabungbam) PPTX
PC54 - Mono and .NET (Miguel de Icaza) PPTX
PC55 - Oomph: A Microformat Toolkit (Karsten Januszewski) PPTX
PC56 - Windows Embedded "Quebec": Developing for Devices (Shabnam Erfani) PPTX
PC58 - Framework Design Guidelines (Brad Abrams, Krzysztof Cwalina) PPTX
PC59 - Commerce Server "Mojave": Overview (Kerry Havas, Tom Schultz) PPTX
PC60-V - Driving for software quality through customer feedback (Kevin Hill)  
PC61-V - Developing compatible applications for Windows (Uday Shivaswamy)  
PC62-V - Hands On Analysis with Windows Performance Toolkit (General) (Michael Milirud, Sharif Farag)  
PC63-V - Best practices for signing and verifying code on Windows 7 (Ben Nick)  
PC64-V - The New COM API for Accessibility and Automation in Windows 7 (Michael Bernstein) PPTX
SYMP01 - Parallel Symposium: Addressing the Hard Problems with Concurrency (David Callahan, Lynne Hill) PPTX
SYMP02 - Parallel Symposium: Application Opportunities and Architectures (Jerry Bautista, John Feo) PPTX
SYMP03 - Parallel Symposium: Future of Parallel Computing (David Detlefs, James Reinders, Niklas Gustafsson, Sean Nordberg, Selena Wilson)  
SYMP04 - Services Symposium: Expanding Applications to the Cloud (Gianpaolo Carraro, Simon Guest) PPTX
SYMP05 - Services Symposium: Enterprise Grade Cloud Applications (Eugenio Pace)  
SYMP06 - Services Symposium: Cloud or No Cloud, the Laws of Physics Still Apply (Gianpaolo Carraro) PPTX
TL01 - Office Business Applications: Enhanced Deployment (Andrew Whitechapel, Saurabh Bhatia) PPTX
TL02 - Under the Hood: Advances in the .NET Type System (Andrew Whitechapel, Misha Shneerson) PPTX
TL03 - Microsoft Visual Studio Team System: Software Diagnostics and Quality for Services (Habib Heydarian, Justin Marks) PPTX
TL04 - Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Team Foundation Server: How We Use It at Microsoft (Stephanie Saad) PPTX
TL06 - WCF 4.0: Building WCF Services with WF in Microsoft .NET 4.0 (Ed Pinto) PPTX
TL07 - Developing Applications Using Data Services (Mike Flasko) PPTX
TL08 - Offline-Enabled Data Services and Desktop Applications (Pablo Castro) PPTX
TL09 - Agile Development with Microsoft Visual Studio (Lori Lamkin, Sunder Raman) PPTX
TL10 - Deep Dive: Dynamic Languages in Microsoft .NET (Jim Hugunin) PPTX
TL11 - An Introduction to Microsoft F# (Luca Bolognese) PPTX
TL12 - Future Directions for Microsoft Visual Basic (Lucian Wischik, Paul Vick) PPTX
TL13 - Microsoft Visual C++: 10 Is the New 6 (Boris Jabes) PPTX
TL14 - Project "Velocity": A First Look (Murali Krishnaprasad) PPTX
TL15 - Architecture without Big Design Up Front (Peter Provost) PPTX
TL16 - The Future of C# (Anders Hejlsberg) PPTX
TL17 - WF 4.0: A First Look (Kenny Wolf) PPTX
TL18 - "Oslo": Customizing and Extending the Visual Design Experience (Don Box, Florian Voss) PPTX
TL19 - Microsoft Visual Studio: Bringing out the Best in Multicore Systems (Hazim Shafi) PPTX
TL20 - Entity Framework Futures (Tim Mallalieu) PPTX
TL21 - WF 4.0: Extending with Custom Activities (Matt Winkler) PPTX
TL22 - Concurrency Runtime Deep Dive: How to Harvest Multicore Computing Resources (Niklas Gustafsson) PPTX
TL23 - A Lap around "Oslo" (Douglas Purdy, Vijaye Raji) PPTX
TL24 - Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability (Ed Glas, Steve Carroll) PPTX
TL25 - Parallel Programming for C++ Developers in the Next Version of Microsoft Visual Studio (Rick Molloy) PPTX
TL26 - Parallel Programming for Managed Developers with the Next Version of Microsoft Visual Studio (Daniel Moth) PPTX
TL27 - "Oslo": The Language (David Langworthy, Don Box) PPTX
TL28 - "Oslo": Repository and Models (Chris Sells, Martin Gudgin) PPTX
TL29 - Live Labs Web Sandbox: Securing Mash-ups, Site Extensibility, and Gadgets (Dragos Manolescu, Scott Isaacs) PPTX
TL30 - Microsoft Sync Framework Advances (Lev Novik) PPTX
TL31 - "Oslo": Building Textual DSLs (Chris Anderson, Giovanni Della-Libera) PPTX
TL32 - Microsoft Visual Studio: Customizing and Extending the Development Environment (Tim Wagner) PPTX
TL33 - Managed Extensibility Framework: Overview (Glenn Block) PPTX
TL34 - Managed and Native Code Interoperability: Best Practices (Jesse Kaplan) PPTX
TL35 - WCF: Developing RESTful Services (Steve Maine) PPTX
TL36 - Microsoft .NET Framework: Declarative Programming Using XAML (Daniel Roth, Rob Relyea) PPTX
TL37 - Microsoft Visual Studio Team System: Leveraging Virtualization to Improve Code Quality with Team Lab (Ram Cherala) PPTX
TL38 - WCF: Zen of Performance and Scale (Nicholas Allen) PPTX
TL39 - Coding4Fun: Windows Presentation Foundation Animation, YouTube, iTunes, Twitter, and Nintendo's Wiimote (Brian Peek, Clint Rutkas, Dan Fernandez, Scott Hanselman) PPTX
TL40 - "Dublin" and .NET Services: Extending On-Premises Applications to the Cloud (Jacob Avital) PPTX
TL42 - Microsoft SQL Server 2008: Powering MSDN (Mark Johnston) PPTX
TL43 - Microsoft XNA Game Studio: An Overview (Frank Savage) PPTX
TL44 - IronRuby: The Right Language for the Right Job (John Lam) PPTX
TL45 - Microsoft Visual Studio Team System Database Edition: Overview (Gert Drapers) PPTX
TL46 - Microsoft Visual C# IDE: Tips and Tricks (Dustin Campbell) PPTX
TL47 - Microsoft Visual Studio Team System: A Lap Around VSTS 2010 (Cameron Skinner) PPTX
TL48 - Microsoft Visual Studio: Web Development Futures (Jeff King) PPTX
TL49 - Microsoft .NET Framework: Overview and Applications for Babies (Scott Hanselman) PPTX
TL50 - Research: BAM, AjaxScope, and Doloto (Emre Kiciman, Ethan Jackson) PPTX
TL51 - Research: Contract Checking and Automated Test Generation with Pex (Mike Barnett, Nikolai Tillmann) PPTX
TL52 - Team Foundation Server 2010: Cool New Features (Brian Harry) PPTX
TL54 - Natural Interop with Silverlight, Office, and Python in Microsoft Visual C# and Microsoft Visual Basic (Alex Turner) PPTX
TL55 - The Concurrency and Coordination Runtime and Decentralized Software Services Toolkit (George Chrysanthakopoulos) PPTX
TL56 - Project "Velocity": Under the Hood (Anil Nori) PPTX
TL57 - Panel: The Future of Programming Languages (Anders Hejlsberg, Douglas Crockford, Erik Meijer, Gilad Bracha, Jeremy Siek, Wolfram Schulte)  
TL58 - Research: Concurrency Analysis Platform and Tools for Finding Concurrency Bugs (Madan Musuvathi, Thomas Ball) PPTX
TL59 - Visual Studio Debugger Tips & Tricks (John Cunningham) PPTX
TL60 - Improving Code Quality with Code Analysis (Ravs Kaur) PPTX
posted @ 2009-01-31 22:10  Yonglun  阅读(622)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报