python opencv 与PIL库对于semantic label的最近邻插值对比
事情是这样的:因为要做分割图的缩放,但是segmentation map中的label的id的数值没有数值意义,就是表示第几类,所以对于label缩放的时候都是要用最近邻插值的,这样才有意义,否则插出来一个不知道的类别也没啥用。比如advent中的数据读取链接就是用PIL,然后对于Image对象进行resize的,链接
- GT/LABELS: folder containing png files (one per image). Annotations are given in two channels. The first channel contains the class of that pixel (see the table below). The second channel contains the unique ID of the instance for those objects that are dynamic (cars, pedestrians, etc.).
是的,作者用了两个channel来表示图片的类别,一个是唯一的一个id,一个是instance id,对于semantic segmentation而言,第二个instance id没有啥用。但是PIL又取不出来两通道的png,所以只能借助opencv来取,如下所示:
label = cv2.imread(datafiles['label'], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)[:,:,2]
取出来对应的带有semantic label id的二维数组,理论上可以直接用opencv的cv2.resize直接进行缩放
cv2.resize(label_copy, (1212, 720), cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
image = cv2.imread(i, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
c3 = image[:,:,2]
label = c3
id_to_trainid = {2:0, 7:1, 9:2, 1:3, 10:4, 8:5}
label_copy = 255 * np.ones(label.shape, dtype=np.float32)
for k, v in id_to_trainid.items():
label_copy[label == k] = v
label_copy2 = Image.fromarray(label_copy)
label_copy2 = label_copy2.resize((1212, 720), Image.NEAREST)
label_copy3 = np.asarray(label_copy2)
之前的分割数据集的dataloader大都用PIL中的Image这个类也不是没有缘由的,所以为了安全起见,以后还是用PIL中的Image这个类来进行semantic label的缩放插值
posted on 2021-08-08 15:59 YongjieShi 阅读(163) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报