

应用实例1、去肯德基,汉堡、可乐、薯条、炸鸡翅等是不变的,而其组合是经常变化的,生成出所谓的"套餐"2、JAVA 中的 StringBuilder。
优点1、建造者独立,易扩展。 2、便于控制细节风险。
缺点1、产品必须有共同点,范围有限制。 2、如内部变化复杂,会有很多的建造类。
使用场景1、需要生成的对象具有复杂的内部结构。 2、需要生成的对象内部属性本身相互依赖。



public class Person {    
    private String name;    
    private int age;    
    private double height;    
    private double weight;       

实体类中包含了这个实体的各个属性,比如上面Person类就包含了name, age, height, weight等属性,像android的AlertDialog,可能还会有title, message, PositiveButtonListener, NegativeButtonListener, 这些都是这个实体类的组成部分。

其次要提供一个公共的静态内部类Builder 和 一个私有的构造方法。静态内部类Builder中包含有与这个实体类相同的成员变量,提供私有构造方法的目的是只允许外部通过Builder类来构造这个实体类,不能通过实体类默认的构造函数来构造。

public class Person {

    private String mName;
    private int mAge;
    private double mHeight;
    private double mWeight;

    private Person(Builder builder) {
        this.mName = builder.mName;
        this.mAge = builder.mAge;
        this.mHeight = builder.mHeight;
        this.mWeight = builder.mWeight;

    public static class Builder {

        private String mName;
        private int mAge;
        private double mHeight;
        private double mWeight;



public class Person {

    private String mName;
    private int mAge;
    private double mHeight;
    private double mWeight;

    private Person(Builder builder) {
        this.mName = builder.mName;
        this.mAge = builder.mAge;
        this.mHeight = builder.mHeight;
        this.mWeight = builder.mWeight;

    public static class Builder {

        private String mName;
        private int mAge;
        private double mHeight;
        private double mWeight;

        public Person build() {
            return new Person(this);


既然选择了使用Builder类来构造未来的实体对象Person,那还需要添加一些具体的setter()方法来帮助构建这个Person, 以前是在Person中写setter()方法,现在既然使用了Builder类来构建,那么这些方法理应移动中Builder中,而且每个setter的东西都是实体类的组成部分,本身并不相关,为了将来能够使用链式编程的写法,在返回时直接返回这个Builder类。

public class Person {

    private String mName;
    private int mAge;
    private double mHeight;
    private double mWeight;

    private Person(Builder builder) {
        this.mName = builder.mName;
        this.mAge = builder.mAge;
        this.mHeight = builder.mHeight;
        this.mWeight = builder.mWeight;

    public static class Builder {

        private String mName;
        private int mAge;
        private double mHeight;
        private double mWeight;

        public Builder setName(String name) {
            mName = name;
            return this;

        public Builder setAge(int age) {
            mAge = age;
            return this;

        public Builder setHeight(double height) {
            mHeight = height;
            return this;

        public Builder setWeight(double weight) {
            mWeight = weight;
            return this;

        public Person build() {
            return new Person(this);

这个地方有个小惊喜,我使用android studio 在Builder里创建setter()方法时,居然能自动return this, 只需要选择下拉列表中的“Builder”选项即可,看来Jetbrains的工程师已经考虑到这一点,果然是智能的Java IDE,JB大法好!


public class Person {

    private String mName;
    private int mAge;
    private double mHeight;
    private double mWeight;

    private Person(Builder builder) {
        this.mName = builder.mName;
        this.mAge = builder.mAge;
        this.mHeight = builder.mHeight;
        this.mWeight = builder.mWeight;

    public String getName() {
        return mName;

    public int getAge() {
        return mAge;

    public double getHeight() {
        return mHeight;

    public double getWeight() {
        return mWeight;

    public static class Builder {

        private String mName;
        private int mAge;
        private double mHeight;
        private double mWeight;

        public Builder setName(String name) {
            mName = name;
            return this;

        public Builder setAge(int age) {
            mAge = age;
            return this;

        public Builder setHeight(double height) {
            mHeight = height;
            return this;

        public Builder setWeight(double weight) {
            mWeight = weight;
            return this;

        public Person build() {
            return new Person(this);

如此这个使用建造者模式的Person类就写好,我们仿照之前调用Android 创建AlertDialog时的链式编程的方式测试一下:

 * This Demo is used to demonstrate the use of Builder Pattern
public class BuildPatternApiUseDemoActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    public static final String TAG = "xp.chen";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Person person = new Person.Builder()

        Log.i(TAG, "name: "+person.getName()+", age: "+person.getAge()+", height: "+person.getHeight()+", weight: "+person.getWeight());



I/xp.chen: name: ZhangSan, age: 11, height: 18.0, weight: 20.0


一. 作为筛选条件时


这是一个典型的过滤筛选界面,上面的界面是用于根据各个选项(设备名称、蓝牙地址、服务UUID、线损值)来筛选搜索到的蓝牙列表的。这个时候就很适合使用建造者模式来创建一个筛选类,在筛选类中定义各个筛选条件的成员变量,因为筛选条件的数量是不确定的,比如我只想根据设备名称搜索,我只想根据蓝牙地址搜索,或者我既想根据设备名称又想根据蓝牙地址来搜索,等等, 这个时候就可以通过给Builder设置不同的筛选条件来构造出一个符合预期的筛选对象,然后将筛选对象传过去即可。有个现成的例子就是Android本身定义了这样的一个筛选类,位于:android-sdk\sources\android-28\android\bluetooth\le\ScanFilter.java, 它里面就用到了建造者模式。

 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package android.bluetooth.le;

import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.ParcelUuid;
import android.os.Parcelable;

import com.android.internal.util.BitUtils;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;

 * Criteria for filtering result from Bluetooth LE scans. A {@link ScanFilter} allows clients to
 * restrict scan results to only those that are of interest to them.
 * <p>
 * Current filtering on the following fields are supported:
 * <li>Service UUIDs which identify the bluetooth gatt services running on the device.
 * <li>Name of remote Bluetooth LE device.
 * <li>Mac address of the remote device.
 * <li>Service data which is the data associated with a service.
 * <li>Manufacturer specific data which is the data associated with a particular manufacturer.
 * @see ScanResult
 * @see BluetoothLeScanner
public final class ScanFilter implements Parcelable {

    private final String mDeviceName;

    private final String mDeviceAddress;

    private final ParcelUuid mServiceUuid;
    private final ParcelUuid mServiceUuidMask;

    private final ParcelUuid mServiceDataUuid;
    private final byte[] mServiceData;
    private final byte[] mServiceDataMask;

    private final int mManufacturerId;
    private final byte[] mManufacturerData;
    private final byte[] mManufacturerDataMask;

    /** @hide */
    public static final ScanFilter EMPTY = new ScanFilter.Builder().build();

    private ScanFilter(String name, String deviceAddress, ParcelUuid uuid,
            ParcelUuid uuidMask, ParcelUuid serviceDataUuid,
            byte[] serviceData, byte[] serviceDataMask,
            int manufacturerId, byte[] manufacturerData, byte[] manufacturerDataMask) {
        mDeviceName = name;
        mServiceUuid = uuid;
        mServiceUuidMask = uuidMask;
        mDeviceAddress = deviceAddress;
        mServiceDataUuid = serviceDataUuid;
        mServiceData = serviceData;
        mServiceDataMask = serviceDataMask;
        mManufacturerId = manufacturerId;
        mManufacturerData = manufacturerData;
        mManufacturerDataMask = manufacturerDataMask;

    public int describeContents() {
        return 0;

    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
        dest.writeInt(mDeviceName == null ? 0 : 1);
        if (mDeviceName != null) {
        dest.writeInt(mDeviceAddress == null ? 0 : 1);
        if (mDeviceAddress != null) {
        dest.writeInt(mServiceUuid == null ? 0 : 1);
        if (mServiceUuid != null) {
            dest.writeParcelable(mServiceUuid, flags);
            dest.writeInt(mServiceUuidMask == null ? 0 : 1);
            if (mServiceUuidMask != null) {
                dest.writeParcelable(mServiceUuidMask, flags);
        dest.writeInt(mServiceDataUuid == null ? 0 : 1);
        if (mServiceDataUuid != null) {
            dest.writeParcelable(mServiceDataUuid, flags);
            dest.writeInt(mServiceData == null ? 0 : 1);
            if (mServiceData != null) {

                dest.writeInt(mServiceDataMask == null ? 0 : 1);
                if (mServiceDataMask != null) {
        dest.writeInt(mManufacturerData == null ? 0 : 1);
        if (mManufacturerData != null) {

            dest.writeInt(mManufacturerDataMask == null ? 0 : 1);
            if (mManufacturerDataMask != null) {

     * A {@link android.os.Parcelable.Creator} to create {@link ScanFilter} from parcel.
    public static final Creator<ScanFilter> CREATOR =
            new Creator<ScanFilter>() {

        public ScanFilter[] newArray(int size) {
            return new ScanFilter[size];

        public ScanFilter createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
            Builder builder = new Builder();
            if (in.readInt() == 1) {
            if (in.readInt() == 1) {
            if (in.readInt() == 1) {
                ParcelUuid uuid = in.readParcelable(ParcelUuid.class.getClassLoader());
                if (in.readInt() == 1) {
                    ParcelUuid uuidMask = in.readParcelable(
                    builder.setServiceUuid(uuid, uuidMask);
            if (in.readInt() == 1) {
                ParcelUuid servcieDataUuid =
                if (in.readInt() == 1) {
                    int serviceDataLength = in.readInt();
                    byte[] serviceData = new byte[serviceDataLength];
                    if (in.readInt() == 0) {
                        builder.setServiceData(servcieDataUuid, serviceData);
                    } else {
                        int serviceDataMaskLength = in.readInt();
                        byte[] serviceDataMask = new byte[serviceDataMaskLength];
                                servcieDataUuid, serviceData, serviceDataMask);

            int manufacturerId = in.readInt();
            if (in.readInt() == 1) {
                int manufacturerDataLength = in.readInt();
                byte[] manufacturerData = new byte[manufacturerDataLength];
                if (in.readInt() == 0) {
                    builder.setManufacturerData(manufacturerId, manufacturerData);
                } else {
                    int manufacturerDataMaskLength = in.readInt();
                    byte[] manufacturerDataMask = new byte[manufacturerDataMaskLength];
                    builder.setManufacturerData(manufacturerId, manufacturerData,

            return builder.build();

     * Returns the filter set the device name field of Bluetooth advertisement data.
    public String getDeviceName() {
        return mDeviceName;

     * Returns the filter set on the service uuid.
    public ParcelUuid getServiceUuid() {
        return mServiceUuid;

    public ParcelUuid getServiceUuidMask() {
        return mServiceUuidMask;

    public String getDeviceAddress() {
        return mDeviceAddress;

    public byte[] getServiceData() {
        return mServiceData;

    public byte[] getServiceDataMask() {
        return mServiceDataMask;

    public ParcelUuid getServiceDataUuid() {
        return mServiceDataUuid;

     * Returns the manufacturer id. -1 if the manufacturer filter is not set.
    public int getManufacturerId() {
        return mManufacturerId;

    public byte[] getManufacturerData() {
        return mManufacturerData;

    public byte[] getManufacturerDataMask() {
        return mManufacturerDataMask;

     * Check if the scan filter matches a {@code scanResult}. A scan result is considered as a match
     * if it matches all the field filters.
    public boolean matches(ScanResult scanResult) {
        if (scanResult == null) {
            return false;
        BluetoothDevice device = scanResult.getDevice();
        // Device match.
        if (mDeviceAddress != null
                && (device == null || !mDeviceAddress.equals(device.getAddress()))) {
            return false;

        ScanRecord scanRecord = scanResult.getScanRecord();

        // Scan record is null but there exist filters on it.
        if (scanRecord == null
                && (mDeviceName != null || mServiceUuid != null || mManufacturerData != null
                || mServiceData != null)) {
            return false;

        // Local name match.
        if (mDeviceName != null && !mDeviceName.equals(scanRecord.getDeviceName())) {
            return false;

        // UUID match.
        if (mServiceUuid != null && !matchesServiceUuids(mServiceUuid, mServiceUuidMask,
                scanRecord.getServiceUuids())) {
            return false;

        // Service data match
        if (mServiceDataUuid != null) {
            if (!matchesPartialData(mServiceData, mServiceDataMask,
                    scanRecord.getServiceData(mServiceDataUuid))) {
                return false;

        // Manufacturer data match.
        if (mManufacturerId >= 0) {
            if (!matchesPartialData(mManufacturerData, mManufacturerDataMask,
                    scanRecord.getManufacturerSpecificData(mManufacturerId))) {
                return false;
        // All filters match.
        return true;

     * Check if the uuid pattern is contained in a list of parcel uuids.
     * @hide
    public static boolean matchesServiceUuids(ParcelUuid uuid, ParcelUuid parcelUuidMask,
            List<ParcelUuid> uuids) {
        if (uuid == null) {
            return true;
        if (uuids == null) {
            return false;

        for (ParcelUuid parcelUuid : uuids) {
            UUID uuidMask = parcelUuidMask == null ? null : parcelUuidMask.getUuid();
            if (matchesServiceUuid(uuid.getUuid(), uuidMask, parcelUuid.getUuid())) {
                return true;
        return false;

    // Check if the uuid pattern matches the particular service uuid.
    private static boolean matchesServiceUuid(UUID uuid, UUID mask, UUID data) {
        return BitUtils.maskedEquals(data, uuid, mask);

    // Check whether the data pattern matches the parsed data.
    private boolean matchesPartialData(byte[] data, byte[] dataMask, byte[] parsedData) {
        if (parsedData == null || parsedData.length < data.length) {
            return false;
        if (dataMask == null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
                if (parsedData[i] != data[i]) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
            if ((dataMask[i] & parsedData[i]) != (dataMask[i] & data[i])) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public String toString() {
        return "BluetoothLeScanFilter [mDeviceName=" + mDeviceName + ", mDeviceAddress="
                + mDeviceAddress
                + ", mUuid=" + mServiceUuid + ", mUuidMask=" + mServiceUuidMask
                + ", mServiceDataUuid=" + Objects.toString(mServiceDataUuid) + ", mServiceData="
                + Arrays.toString(mServiceData) + ", mServiceDataMask="
                + Arrays.toString(mServiceDataMask) + ", mManufacturerId=" + mManufacturerId
                + ", mManufacturerData=" + Arrays.toString(mManufacturerData)
                + ", mManufacturerDataMask=" + Arrays.toString(mManufacturerDataMask) + "]";

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hash(mDeviceName, mDeviceAddress, mManufacturerId,
                mServiceUuid, mServiceUuidMask);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        ScanFilter other = (ScanFilter) obj;
        return Objects.equals(mDeviceName, other.mDeviceName)
                && Objects.equals(mDeviceAddress, other.mDeviceAddress)
                && mManufacturerId == other.mManufacturerId
                && Objects.deepEquals(mManufacturerData, other.mManufacturerData)
                && Objects.deepEquals(mManufacturerDataMask, other.mManufacturerDataMask)
                && Objects.equals(mServiceDataUuid, other.mServiceDataUuid)
                && Objects.deepEquals(mServiceData, other.mServiceData)
                && Objects.deepEquals(mServiceDataMask, other.mServiceDataMask)
                && Objects.equals(mServiceUuid, other.mServiceUuid)
                && Objects.equals(mServiceUuidMask, other.mServiceUuidMask);

     * Checks if the scanfilter is empty
     * @hide
    public boolean isAllFieldsEmpty() {
        return EMPTY.equals(this);

     * Builder class for {@link ScanFilter}.
    public static final class Builder {

        private String mDeviceName;
        private String mDeviceAddress;

        private ParcelUuid mServiceUuid;
        private ParcelUuid mUuidMask;

        private ParcelUuid mServiceDataUuid;
        private byte[] mServiceData;
        private byte[] mServiceDataMask;

        private int mManufacturerId = -1;
        private byte[] mManufacturerData;
        private byte[] mManufacturerDataMask;

         * Set filter on device name.
        public Builder setDeviceName(String deviceName) {
            mDeviceName = deviceName;
            return this;

         * Set filter on device address.
         * @param deviceAddress The device Bluetooth address for the filter. It needs to be in the
         * format of "01:02:03:AB:CD:EF". The device address can be validated using {@link
         * BluetoothAdapter#checkBluetoothAddress}.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the {@code deviceAddress} is invalid.
        public Builder setDeviceAddress(String deviceAddress) {
            if (deviceAddress != null && !BluetoothAdapter.checkBluetoothAddress(deviceAddress)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid device address " + deviceAddress);
            mDeviceAddress = deviceAddress;
            return this;

         * Set filter on service uuid.
        public Builder setServiceUuid(ParcelUuid serviceUuid) {
            mServiceUuid = serviceUuid;
            mUuidMask = null; // clear uuid mask
            return this;

         * Set filter on partial service uuid. The {@code uuidMask} is the bit mask for the
         * {@code serviceUuid}. Set any bit in the mask to 1 to indicate a match is needed for the
         * bit in {@code serviceUuid}, and 0 to ignore that bit.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code serviceUuid} is {@code null} but {@code
         * uuidMask} is not {@code null}.
        public Builder setServiceUuid(ParcelUuid serviceUuid, ParcelUuid uuidMask) {
            if (mUuidMask != null && mServiceUuid == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("uuid is null while uuidMask is not null!");
            mServiceUuid = serviceUuid;
            mUuidMask = uuidMask;
            return this;

         * Set filtering on service data.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code serviceDataUuid} is null.
        public Builder setServiceData(ParcelUuid serviceDataUuid, byte[] serviceData) {
            if (serviceDataUuid == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("serviceDataUuid is null");
            mServiceDataUuid = serviceDataUuid;
            mServiceData = serviceData;
            mServiceDataMask = null; // clear service data mask
            return this;

         * Set partial filter on service data. For any bit in the mask, set it to 1 if it needs to
         * match the one in service data, otherwise set it to 0 to ignore that bit.
         * <p>
         * The {@code serviceDataMask} must have the same length of the {@code serviceData}.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code serviceDataUuid} is null or {@code
         * serviceDataMask} is {@code null} while {@code serviceData} is not or {@code
         * serviceDataMask} and {@code serviceData} has different length.
        public Builder setServiceData(ParcelUuid serviceDataUuid,
                byte[] serviceData, byte[] serviceDataMask) {
            if (serviceDataUuid == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("serviceDataUuid is null");
            if (mServiceDataMask != null) {
                if (mServiceData == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "serviceData is null while serviceDataMask is not null");
                // Since the mServiceDataMask is a bit mask for mServiceData, the lengths of the two
                // byte array need to be the same.
                if (mServiceData.length != mServiceDataMask.length) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "size mismatch for service data and service data mask");
            mServiceDataUuid = serviceDataUuid;
            mServiceData = serviceData;
            mServiceDataMask = serviceDataMask;
            return this;

         * Set filter on on manufacturerData. A negative manufacturerId is considered as invalid id.
         * <p>
         * Note the first two bytes of the {@code manufacturerData} is the manufacturerId.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the {@code manufacturerId} is invalid.
        public Builder setManufacturerData(int manufacturerId, byte[] manufacturerData) {
            if (manufacturerData != null && manufacturerId < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid manufacture id");
            mManufacturerId = manufacturerId;
            mManufacturerData = manufacturerData;
            mManufacturerDataMask = null; // clear manufacturer data mask
            return this;

         * Set filter on partial manufacture data. For any bit in the mask, set it the 1 if it needs
         * to match the one in manufacturer data, otherwise set it to 0.
         * <p>
         * The {@code manufacturerDataMask} must have the same length of {@code manufacturerData}.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the {@code manufacturerId} is invalid, or {@code
         * manufacturerData} is null while {@code manufacturerDataMask} is not, or {@code
         * manufacturerData} and {@code manufacturerDataMask} have different length.
        public Builder setManufacturerData(int manufacturerId, byte[] manufacturerData,
                byte[] manufacturerDataMask) {
            if (manufacturerData != null && manufacturerId < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid manufacture id");
            if (mManufacturerDataMask != null) {
                if (mManufacturerData == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "manufacturerData is null while manufacturerDataMask is not null");
                // Since the mManufacturerDataMask is a bit mask for mManufacturerData, the lengths
                // of the two byte array need to be the same.
                if (mManufacturerData.length != mManufacturerDataMask.length) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "size mismatch for manufacturerData and manufacturerDataMask");
            mManufacturerId = manufacturerId;
            mManufacturerData = manufacturerData;
            mManufacturerDataMask = manufacturerDataMask;
            return this;

         * Build {@link ScanFilter}.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the filter cannot be built.
        public ScanFilter build() {
            return new ScanFilter(mDeviceName, mDeviceAddress,
                    mServiceUuid, mUuidMask,
                    mServiceDataUuid, mServiceData, mServiceDataMask,
                    mManufacturerId, mManufacturerData, mManufacturerDataMask);

二. 作为配置文件时

这样说的话比较抽象,还是看几个例子吧,比如之前经常使用的图片加载框架UniversalImageLoader,或者是现在大热的Glide 它们本身就包含了几个模块(磁盘缓存大小、下载时线程池的核心线程数大小、图片的缓存路径、默认的解码方式、内存的缓存策略....),这些东西本身就因人而异,要按实际情况去配置,而且每个人的偏好又不同,手机的物理环境也不同,所以使用建造者模式来构造这样一个配置类时,极大的增加了程序的灵活性,每个人都可以视自己的实际情况去配置和更改,使用起来更加舒服。

     * Init UIL
    private void initImageLoader() {
        photoCacheDir = new File(SystemUtil.getCacheDir(), "BreezeResources");
        int cacheSize = SystemUtil.getAppMaxRunningMemory() / 5; // set Image Cache Pool Size, Now I set it is 5;
        ImageLoaderConfiguration configuration = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(
                // set memory cache strategy
                .memoryCache(new LruMemoryCache(cacheSize))
//                .memoryCacheExtraOptions(480, 800)
                // default = device screen dimensions
                // set ThreadPool nums
                // set Thread priority
                .threadPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1)
                // set disk cache strategy
//                .diskCacheExtraOptions(480, 800, null)
                .diskCacheSize(50 * 1024 * 1024)
//                .diskCacheFileNameGenerator(new Md5FileNameGenerator())
                .diskCache(new UnlimitedDiskCache(photoCacheDir, null, new BaseFileNameGenerator()))
                .imageDownloader(new BaseImageDownloader(getApplicationContext()))
                .imageDecoder(new BaseImageDecoder(true))
//                .writeDebugLogs() // set is logcat debug info

又比如之前做的FFmpeg播放器,一个Player需要有解封装器、视频解码器、音频解码器、硬件解码器、OpenGL ES 渲染、libYUV 等等这些东西,我们可以做成建造者模式,在配置时指定哪些Feature开启,或者是使用哪些Feature, 这样通过一个配置类,播放器就能够及时的调整内部的功能模块,创建出一个符合要求的播放器。

三. 单纯的构造出一个东西

这种情况其实和上面的两种情况有些重复,最典型的莫过于android的AlertDialog了,AlertDialog本身具有title , message , contentView这些属性,这些属性不是全部必须的,比如你不设置title那显示出来的Dialog就没有title,你不更改Dialog上左右两个按钮的文字,那它显示时就显示默认文字,所以通过建造者模式,你可以构建出各种各样不同的Dialog, 这也算是建造者模式的应用场景之一吧。


1. Android中所涉及到设计模式


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