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"[00:14.63]To the kid in the corner[00:17.28]Trapped in the shadows of doubt.[00:22.13]Passing time till it's over[00:24.39]Just hoping one day you'll be found.[00:28.92]Tell me who threw your chance away?[00:33.16]Did they even know your name?[00:37.18]If you live in the echo[00:39.34]your heart never beats as loud.[00:44.43]you're not invisible.[00:49.04]you're not alone[00:51.81]you worth more than they know.[00:55.32]but you've been running running running.[00:59.96]when you should have known.[01:03.05]you're not forgettable.[01:07.53]forgettable.[01:11.24]forgettable.[01:19.11]I've seen a feel of rejection inside your eyes[01:26.52]whisper of truth, lost in the quiet of nights[01:32.63]I know it's more than you can bear[01:36.92]It may seem like no one cares.[01:40.97]when your world is the darkest[01:43.32]remember the sun will rise.[01:48.14]you're not invisible.[01:52.82]you're not alone[01:55.56]you worth more than they know.[01:59.02]but you've been running running running.[02:03.73]when you should have known.[02:06.76]you're not forgettable.[02:11.23]forgettable.[02:14.93]forgettable.[02:21.89]you're not forgettable[02:24.12]you're not replaceable.[02:26.21]but you're perfect you[02:29.41]you're not invisible[02:31.46]you're not erasable, No.[02:37.80]you're not alone[02:40.59]you worth more than they know.[02:44.00]but you've been running running running.[02:47.85]but you've been running running running.[02:51.82]you're not forgettable.[02:56.34]forgettable.[03:00.02]forgettable.[03:06.91]you're not forgettable." ,
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