// -1.C# compilers ignore additional spacing in code, whether it
// -  results from spaces, carriage returns, or tab characters (collectively known as whitespace characters)
// -2.C# code is made up of a series of statements, each of which is terminated with a semicolon.
// -3.C# is a block-structured language, meaning statements are part of a block of code. These blocks, which are
// -  delimited with curly brackets ({ and }), may contain any number of statements, or none at all. Note that the
// -  curly bracket characters do not need accompanying semicolons.
// -4.Commenting C# code
// -  /* This is a comment */
// -  // This is a comment
// -  ///This is a comment
// -5.C# code is case sensitive
// -6.You can do this with the #region and #endregion keywords,
//    which defi ne the start and end of a region of code that can be expanded and collapsed


posted on 2014-10-21 17:29  yoghourt  阅读(131)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报