


Flying to the Mars

Time Limit: 5000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5486    Accepted Submission(s): 1809

Problem Description

In the year 8888, the Earth is ruled by the PPF Empire . As the population growing , PPF needs to find more land for the newborns . Finally , PPF decides to attack Kscinow who ruling the Mars . Here the problem comes! How can the soldiers reach the Mars ? PPF convokes his soldiers and asks for their suggestions . “Rush … ” one soldier answers. “Shut up ! Do I have to remind you that there isn’t any road to the Mars from here!” PPF replies. “Fly !” another answers. PPF smiles :“Clever guy ! Although we haven’t got wings , I can buy some magic broomsticks from HARRY POTTER to help you .” Now , it’s time to learn to fly on a broomstick ! we assume that one soldier has one level number indicating his degree. The soldier who has a higher level could teach the lower , that is to say the former’s level > the latter’s . But the lower can’t teach the higher. One soldier can have only one teacher at most , certainly , having no teacher is also legal. Similarly one soldier can have only one student at most while having no student is also possible. Teacher can teach his student on the same broomstick .Certainly , all the soldier must have practiced on the broomstick before they fly to the Mars! Magic broomstick is expensive !So , can you help PPF to calculate the minimum number of the broomstick needed .
For example : 
There are 5 soldiers (A B C D E)with level numbers : 2 4 5 6 4;
One method :
C could teach B; B could teach A; So , A B C are eligible to study on the same broomstick.
D could teach E;So D E are eligible to study on the same broomstick;
Using this method , we need 2 broomsticks.
Another method:
D could teach A; So A D are eligible to study on the same broomstick.
C could teach B; So B C are eligible to study on the same broomstick.
E with no teacher or student are eligible to study on one broomstick.
Using the method ,we need 3 broomsticks.

After checking up all possible method, we found that 2 is the minimum number of broomsticks needed. 

Input file contains multiple test cases. 
In a test case,the first line contains a single positive number N indicating the number of soldiers.(0<=N<=3000)
Next N lines :There is only one nonnegative integer on each line , indicating the level number for each soldier.( less than 30 digits);

For each case, output the minimum number of broomsticks on a single line.

Sample Input
4 10 20 30 04 5 2 3 4 3 4

Sample Output
1 2



本题自己写的时候,只是用了LONG ,结果WA了,看了半天也不知道哪里出错,经一大神修改后,可以AC了,究其原因,问题出在数据类型上面

以下是从网上搜来的64位信息,另外,HDU是不支持LONG LONG数据类型的

在C/C++中,64为整型一直是一种没有确定规范的数据类型。现今主流的编译器中,对64为整型的支持也是标准不一,形态各异。一般来说,64位整型的定义方式有long long和__int64两种(VC还支持_int64),而输出到标准输出方式有printf(“%lld”,a),printf(“%I64d”,a),和cout << a三种方式。

本文讨论的是五种常用的C/C++编译器对64位整型的支持,这五种编译器分别是gcc(mingw32),g++(mingw32),gcc(linux i386),g++(linux i386),Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0。可惜的是,没有一种定义和输出方式组合,同时兼容这五种编译器。为彻底弄清不同编译器对64位整型,我写了程序对它们进行了评测,结果如下表。

变量定义 输出方式 gcc(mingw32) g++(mingw32) gcc(linux i386) g++(linux i386) MicrosoftVisual C++ 6.0
long long “%lld” 错误 错误 正确 正确 无法编译
long long “%I64d” 正确 正确 错误 错误 无法编译
__int64 “lld” 错误 错误 无法编译 无法编译 错误
__int64 “%I64d” 正确 正确 无法编译 无法编译 正确
long long cout 非C++ 正确 非C++ 正确 无法编译
__int64 cout 非C++ 正确 非C++ 无法编译 无法编译
long long printint64() 正确 正确 正确 正确 无法编译


  1. long long定义方式可以用于gcc/g++,不受平台限制,但不能用于VC6.0。
  2. __int64是Win32平台编译器64位长整型的定义方式,不能用于Linux。
  3. “%lld”用于Linux i386平台编译器,”%I64d”用于Win32平台编译器。
  4. cout只能用于C++编译,在VC6.0中,cout不支持64位长整型。


void printint64(long long a)
	if (a<=100000000)


posted on 2012-04-29 17:33  梦,才是最真的现实  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报