- 1.用户:查看图书信息、修改图书库存数量、查看订单信息、删除订单信息 - 2.管理员:添加图书信息、删除图书信息、修改图书信息、查看图书信息
# 变量名称 - 1.name ----> 用户名 - 2.pwd ----> 密码
public class User { //用户名 private String name; //密码 private String pwd; public User() { } public User(String name, String pwd) { this.name = name; this.pwd = pwd; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getPwd() { return pwd; } public void setPwd(String pwd) { this.pwd = pwd; } @Override public String toString() { return name + "\t" + pwd; } }
# 变量名称 - 1.ordName ----> 收货人 - 2.price ----> 总价
public class Orders extends Books { //收货人 private String ordName; //总价 private double price; public Orders() { } public Orders(String ordName, String bookName, double bookPrice, int inventory, double price) { super(bookName, bookPrice, inventory); this.ordName = ordName; this.price = price; } public String getOrdName() { return ordName; } public void setOrdName(String ordName) { this.ordName = ordName; } public double getPrice() { return price; } public void setPrice(double price) { price = price; } @Override public String toString() { return ordName + "\t" + getBookName() + "\t" + getBookPrice() + "\t" + getInventory() + "\t" + price; } }
# 变量名称 - 1.bookName ----> 图书名称 - 2.bookPrice ----> 图书价格 - 3.inventory ----> 图书库存
public class Books { //图书名称 private String bookName; //图书价格 private double bookPrice; //图书库存 private int inventory; public Books() { } public Books(String bookName, double bookPrice, int inventory) { this.bookName = bookName; this.bookPrice = bookPrice; this.inventory = inventory; } public String getBookName() { return bookName; } public void setBookName(String bookName) { this.bookName = bookName; } public double getBookPrice() { return bookPrice; } public void setBookPrice(double bookPrice) { this.bookPrice = bookPrice; } public int getInventory() { return inventory; } public void setInventory(int inventory) { this.inventory = inventory; } @Override public String toString() { return bookName + "\t" + bookPrice + "\t" + inventory; } }
# 说明 - 1.注册 ----> 可跳转至注册界面 - 2.登录 ----> 可跳转至登录界面 - 3.查看商店 ----> 可跳转至查看图书信息界面 - 4.我的订单 ----> 可跳转至订单信息界面(登录状态下) - 5.管理员登录 ----> 可跳转至管理员登录界面 - 6.退出系统 ----> 强行终止JVM虚拟机
public void menu() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { ... System.out.println("* * * * 欢迎进入基于控制台的图书商店 * * * *"); System.out.print("1.注册\t\t2.登录\t\n3.查看商店\t4.我的订单\n5.管理员登录\t6.退出系统\n"); System.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); ex(); int serial = input.nextInt(); loginOut(serial); switch (serial) { case 1: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于注册界面:"); System.out.println("1.注册\n2.返回"); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); ex(); serial = input.nextInt(); switch (serial) { case 1: enroll(); break; case 2: default: menu(); break; } break; case 2: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于登录界面:"); System.out.println("1.登录\n2.返回"); System.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); ex(); serial = input.nextInt(); switch (serial) { case 1: login(); userMenu(); break; case 2: default: menu(); break; } break; case 3: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于商店界面:"); showShop(); break; case 4: if (conversation == null || "logOut".equals(conversation)) { System.out.println("\n对不起您未登录,请先登录!"); login(); } userMenu(); break; case 5: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于管理员登录界面:"); System.out.println("1.登录\n2.返回"); System.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); ex(); serial = input.nextInt(); switch (serial) { case 1: adminLogin(); adminMenu(); break; case 2: default: menu(); break; } break; case 6: System.exit(1); break; default: menu(); break; } }
# 说明 - 1.查看订单 ----> 可查看当前登录用户的订单信息 - 2.删除订单 ----> 可输出当前登录替换的订单信息 - 3.返回 ----> 返回上一页
public void userMenu() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于订单界面;\t\t\t\t欢迎您:" + conversation); System.out.println("1.查看订单\n2.删除订单\n3.返回"); System.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); ex(); int serial = input.nextInt(); switch (serial) { case 1: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于查看订单界面:"); UserServiceImpl.showOrder(); break; case 2: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于删除订单界面:"); UserServiceImpl.delOrder(); break; case 3: menu(); break; default: userMenu(); break; } }
# 说明 - 1.添加图书信息 ----> 可添加新的图书信息 - 2.删除图书信息 ----> 可删除当前列表中存在的图书信息 - 3.查看图书信息 ----> 可查看当前列表中存在的图书信息 - 4.修改图书信息 ----> 可修改当前列表中存在的图书信息 - 5.返回上一页
public void adminMenu() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于管理员界面:\t\t\t\t欢迎您:" + conversation); System.out.println("1.添加图书信息\n2.删除图书信息\n3.查看图书信息\n4.修改图书信息\n5.返回"); System.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); ex(); int serial = input.nextInt(); switch (serial) { case 1: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于添加图书信息界面"); AdminsServiceImpl.addBooks(); break; case 2: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于删除图书信息界面"); AdminsServiceImpl.delBooks(); break; case 3: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于查看图书信息界面"); AdminsServiceImpl.showBooks(); break; case 4: System.out.println("\n- - - -> 当前处于修改图书信息界面"); AdminsServiceImpl.upBooks(); break; case 5: menu(); break; default: adminMenu(); break; } }
public void menu() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { //初始化数据 token = 0; if (userMap.size() == 0) { userMap.put((useNum++), new User("test1", "shopPwd")); userMap.put((useNum++), new User("test2", "shopPwd")); userMap.put((useNum++), new User("test3", "shopPwd")); userMap.put((useNum++), new User("test4", "shopPwd")); } if (ordersMap.size() == 0) { ordersMap.put((ordNum++), new Orders("test1", "Java入门到精通", 49, 1, 49)); ordersMap.put((ordNum++), new Orders("test2", "Java入门到精通", 49, 2, 98)); ordersMap.put((ordNum++), new Orders("test3", "HTML入门到精通", 39.1, 4, 156.4)); ordersMap.put((ordNum++), new Orders("test2", "MySQl入门到精通", 29.5, 1, 29.5)); } if (booksMap.size() == 0) { booksMap.put((booNum++), new Books("Java入门到精通", 49, 12)); booksMap.put((booNum++), new Books("PHP 入门到精通", 66.8, 34)); booksMap.put((booNum++), new Books("MySQl入门到精通", 29.5, 56)); booksMap.put((booNum++), new Books(".NET入门到精通", 39.1, 21)); booksMap.put((booNum++), new Books("HTML入门到精通", 89.9, 18)); } ... }
public interface ShopService { /** * 登录 */ void login(); /** * 退出登录 */ void loginOut(int serial) throws SerialException, InterruptedException; /** * 注册 */ void enroll() throws SerialException, InterruptedException; /** * 查看商店 */ void showShop() throws SerialException, InterruptedException; /** * 管理员登录 */ void adminLogin() throws SerialException, InterruptedException; }
# 说明 - 1.通过循环,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 2.通过遍历userMap查找用户名是否存在且密码是否正确 - 3.页面跳转
public void login() { String name = null, pwd = null; boolean flag = true; while (flag) { System.out.print("请输入用户名:"); name = input.next(); System.out.print("请输入密码:"); pwd = input.next(); if (name.length() < 3 || pwd.length() < 6) { System.out.println("\n用户名长度不能小于3,密码长度不能小于6!"); continue; } flag = false; } String finalName = name; String finalPwd = pwd; userMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { if (list.getName().equals(finalName) & list.getPwd().equals(finalPwd)) { conversation = finalName; try { if (token == 1) { showShop(); } else { userMenu(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("菜单项不存在!"); } } }); System.out.println("\n用户名或密码不正确!"); login(); }
# 说明 - 1.通过判断conversation的值确认系统是否为登录状态 - 1.通过判断用户输入的字段确认当前账户是管理员还是用户 - 2.通过询问用户是否退出登录实现loginOut - 3.页面跳转
public void loginOut(int serial) throws SerialException, InterruptedException { if (serial == 1 || serial == 2 || serial == 4 || serial == 5) { if (serial == 4) { if (!"admin".equals(conversation) & !"logOut".equals(conversation) & conversation != null) { userMenu(); } } if (serial == 5) { if ("admin".equals(conversation)) { adminMenu(); } } if (conversation != null & !"logOut".equals(conversation)) { System.out.println("\n当前系统已有用户登录<" + conversation + ">,请先退出登录!"); System.out.println("1.退出登录\n2.返回"); System.out.println("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); ex(); serial = input.nextInt(); switch (serial) { case 1: conversation = "logOut"; menu(); break; case 2: menu(); break; default: loginOut(serial); break; } } } }
# 说明 - 1.通过循环,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 2.通过遍历userMap查找用户名是否存在 - 3.通过创建带参数的User对象并添加到userMap - 4.页面跳转
public void enroll() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { String name = null, pwd = null, pwds = null; boolean flag = true; while (flag) { System.out.print("请输入用户名:"); name = input.next(); System.out.print("请输入密码:"); pwd = input.next(); if (name.length() < 3 || pwd.length() < 6) { System.out.println("\n用户名长度不能小于3,密码长度不能小于6!"); continue; } flag = false; } flag = true; while (flag) { System.out.print("请再次输入密码:"); pwds = input.next(); if (!pwds.equals(pwd)) { System.out.println("\n两次输入的密码不相同!"); continue; } flag = false; } String finalName = name; userMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { if (list.getName().equals(finalName)) { System.out.println("\n用户名已存在!"); //是否继续访问 System.out.println("1.继续注册\n2.返回"); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); try { ex(); int ren = ShopServiceImpl.input.nextInt(); switch (ren) { case 1: enroll(); break; case 2: default: menu(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("菜单项不存在!"); } } }); User user = new User(name, pwd); userMap.put((useNum++), user); System.out.println("注册成功!请牢记用户名和密码。"); menu(); }
# 说明 - 1.通过遍历booksMap - 2.判断图书库存是否存在为0的将其删除 - 3.通过switch询问用户操作 - 4.判断当前用户是否已登录 - 5.页面跳转
public void showShop() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("图书名称\t\t\t\t图书价格\t\t图书库存"); //遍历bookMap booksMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { //删除图书库存为0的图书信息 if (list.getInventory() == 0) { booksMap.remove(serial); } else { System.out.println(serial + ":" + list.getBookName() + "\t\t" + list.getBookPrice() + "\t\t" + list.getInventory()); } }); System.out.println("1.购买\n2.返回"); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); ex(); int serial = input.nextInt(); switch (serial) { case 1: if (conversation == null || "logOut".equals(conversation) || "admin".equals(conversation)) { System.out.println("\n对不起您未登录或当前用户权限无效,请先登录!"); token = 1; login(); } UserServiceImpl.payShop(); break; case 2: menu(); break; default: showShop(); break; } }
# 说明 - 1.通过循环,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 2.判断用户输入的用户名和密码是否正确 - 3.页面跳转
public void adminLogin() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { String name = null, pwd = null; String adminName = "admin", adminPwd = "adminPwd"; boolean flag = true; while (flag) { System.out.print("请输入用户名:"); name = input.next(); System.out.print("请输入密码:"); pwd = input.next(); if (name.length() < 3 || pwd.length() < 6) { System.out.println("\n用户名长度不能小于3,密码长度不能小于6!"); continue; } flag = false; } if (adminName.equals(name) & adminPwd.equals(pwd)) { conversation = name; adminMenu(); } System.out.println("\n用户名或密码不正确!"); adminLogin(); } }
# 说明 - 1.通过循环,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 2.判断用户输入的图书库存是否超过图书列表中的图书库存 - 3.通过创建带参数的Books对象并添加到bookMap - 4.页面跳转
public static void payShop() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { int bookserial, num; boolean flag = true; while (flag) { System.out.print("请输入图书序号:"); ex(); bookserial = ShopServiceImpl.input.nextInt(); System.out.print("请输入购买数量:"); ex(); num = ShopServiceImpl.input.nextInt(); int finalBookSerial = bookserial; int finalNum = num; //遍历bookMap booksMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { //查找图书序号是否存在并判断购买数量是否超过库存数量 if (serial == finalBookSerial & finalNum > list.getInventory()) { System.out.println("\n购买数量不能超过库存数量!"); try { payShop(); String mapName = list.getBookName(); double mapPrice = list.getBookPrice(); int temp = list.getInventory() - finalNum; Books newList = new Books(mapName, mapPrice, temp); booksMap.put(serial, newList); carOrder(list); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("菜单项不存在!"); } } }); flag = false; } System.out.println("\n图书序号不存在!"); shopServiceImpl.showShop(); }
# 说明 - 1.通过创建带参数的Orders对象将传入的list参数赋值并添加到ordersMap - 2.页面跳转
public static void carOrder(Books list) throws SerialException, InterruptedException { Orders orders = new Orders(conversation, list.getBookName(), list.getBookPrice(), list.getInventory(), list.getBookPrice() * list.getInventory()); ordersMap.put((ordNum++), orders); System.out.println("购买图书成功"); shopServiceImpl.showShop(); }
# 说明 - 1.通过遍历ordersMap显示当前登录用户的订单信息 - 2.页面跳转
public static void showOrder() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("图书名称\t\t\t\t图书价格\t\t购买数量\t\t总价"); //遍历ordersMap ordersMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { //仅查看当前登录用户的订单信息 if (list.getOrdName().equals(conversation)) { System.out.println(serial + ":" + list.getBookName() + "\t\t" + list.getBookPrice() + "\t\t" + list.getInventory() + "\t\t\t" + list.getPrice()); } }); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("输入任意数字返回:"); ex(); int serial = input.nextInt(); switch (serial) { default: shopServiceImpl.userMenu(); break; } }
# 说明 - 1.通过遍历ordersMap显示当前登录用户的订单信息 - 2.通过循环,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 3.判断订单序号是否存在 - 4.通过图书序号删除订单信息 - 5.页面跳转
public static void delOrder() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("图书名称\t\t\t\t图书价格\t\t购买数量\t\t总价"); //遍历ordersMap ordersMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { //仅查看当前登录用户的订单信息 if (list.getOrdName().equals(conversation)) { System.out.println(serial + ":" + list.getBookName() + "\t\t" + list.getBookPrice() + "\t\t" + list.getInventory() + "\t\t\t" + list.getPrice()); } }); int bookserial; boolean flag = true; while (flag) { System.out.print("请输入图书序号:"); ex(); bookserial = input.nextInt(); int finalBookSerial = bookserial; //遍历ordersMap ordersMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { //仅查看当前登录用户的订单信息并查找订单序号是否存在 if (list.getOrdName().equals(conversation) & serial == finalBookSerial) { ordersMap.remove(serial); System.out.println("删除订单成功"); //是否继续访问 System.out.println("1.继续删除订单信息\n2.返回"); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); try { ex(); int ren = input.nextInt(); switch (ren) { case 1: delOrder(); break; case 2: default: shopServiceImpl.userMenu(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("菜单项不存在!"); } } }); flag = false; } System.out.println("\n订单序号不存在!"); //是否继续访问 System.out.println("1.继续删除订单信息\n2.返回"); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); ex(); int ren = input.nextInt(); switch (ren) { case 1: delOrder(); break; case 2: default: shopServiceImpl.userMenu(); break; } } }
# 说明 - 1.通过循环,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 2.判断图书名称是否存在 - 3.通过创建带参数的Books对象添加图书信息 - 4.页面跳转
public static void addBooks() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { String bookName; double bookPrice; int bookInventory; boolean flag = true; while (flag) { System.out.print("请输入图书名称:"); bookName = input.next(); System.out.print("请输入图书价格:"); ex(); bookPrice = input.nextDouble(); System.out.print("请输入图书库存:"); ex(); bookInventory = input.nextInt(); String finalBookName = bookName; double finalBookPrice = bookPrice; int finalBookInventory = bookInventory; Books newList = new Books(finalBookName, finalBookPrice, finalBookInventory); booksMap.put((booNum++), newList); System.out.println("图书信息添加成功"); try { shopServiceImpl.adminMenu(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("菜单项不存在!"); } flag = false; } System.out.println("\n图书信息添加失败!"); addBooks(); }
# 说明 - 1.通过遍历booksMap显示图书信息 - 2.通过循环,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 3.判断图书序号是否存在 - 4.通过图书序号删除图书信息 - 5.页面跳转
public static void delBooks() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("图书名称\t\t\t\t图书价格\t\t图书库存"); //遍历bookMap booksMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { System.out.println(serial + ":" + list.getBookName() + "\t\t" + list.getBookPrice() + "\t\t" + list.getInventory()); }); int bookSerial; boolean flag = true; while (flag) { System.out.print("请输入图书序号:"); ex(); bookSerial = input.nextInt(); int finalBookSerial = bookSerial; //遍历bookMap booksMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { //查找图书序号是否存在 if (serial == finalBookSerial) { booksMap.remove(serial); System.out.println("删除图书信息成功"); //是否继续访问 System.out.println("1.继续删除图书信息\n2.返回"); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); try { ex(); int ren = input.nextInt(); switch (ren) { case 1: delBooks(); break; case 2: default: shopServiceImpl.adminMenu(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("菜单项不存在!"); } } }); flag = false; } System.out.println("\n图书序号不存在!"); delBooks(); }
# 说明 - 1.通过遍历booksMap显示图书信息 - 5.页面跳转
public static void showBooks() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("图书名称\t\t\t\t图书价格\t\t图书库存"); //遍历bookMap booksMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { System.out.println(serial + ":" + list.getBookName() + "\t\t" + list.getBookPrice() + "\t\t" + list.getInventory()); }); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("输入任意数字返回:"); ex(); int serial = input.nextInt(); switch (serial) { default: shopServiceImpl.adminMenu(); break; } }
# 说明 - 1.通过遍历booksMap显示图书信息 - 2.通过循环,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 3.判断图书序号是否存在 - 4.通过图书序号修改图书信息 - 5.页面跳转
public static void upBooks() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { System.out.println("图书名称\t\t\t\t图书价格\t\t图书库存"); //遍历bookMap booksMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { System.out.println(serial + ":" + list.getBookName() + "\t\t" + list.getBookPrice() + "\t\t" + list.getInventory()); }); final String[] bookName = {null}; final double[] bookPrice = {0}; int bookSerial; final int[] inventory = {0}; boolean flag = true; while (flag) { System.out.print("请输入图书序号:"); ex(); bookSerial = input.nextInt(); int finalBookSerial = bookSerial; //遍历bookMap booksMap.forEach((serial, list) -> { //查找图书序号是否存在 if (serial == finalBookSerial) { System.out.println("修改项:"); System.out.println("1.修改图书名称\n2.修改图书价格\n3.修改图书库存\n4.返回"); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择修改项:"); try { ex(); int ser = input.nextInt(); switch (ser) { case 1: System.out.print("请输入图书名称:"); bookName[0] = input.next(); break; case 2: System.out.print("请输入图书价格:"); ex(); bookPrice[0] = input.nextDouble(); break; case 3: System.out.print("请输入图书库存:"); ex(); inventory[0] = input.nextInt(); break; case 4: shopServiceImpl.adminMenu(); break; default: upBooks(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("菜单项不存在!"); } //判断当前的修改项 if (bookName[0] == null) { bookName[0] = list.getBookName(); } if (bookPrice[0] == 0) { bookPrice[0] = list.getBookPrice(); } if (inventory[0] == 0) { inventory[0] = list.getInventory(); } Books newList = new Books(bookName[0], bookPrice[0], inventory[0]); booksMap.put(serial, newList); System.out.println("修改图书信息成功"); //是否继续访问 System.out.println("1.继续修改图书信息\n2.返回"); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"); System.out.print("请选择菜单:"); try { ex(); int ren = input.nextInt(); switch (ren) { case 1: upBooks(); break; case 2: default: shopServiceImpl.adminMenu(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("菜单项不存在!"); } } }); flag = false; } System.out.println("\n图书序号不存在!"); upBooks(); } }
# 说明 - 1.通过继承Exception创建自定义异常 - 2.通过ex()方法,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 3.处理异常 - 4.休眠JVM虚拟机 - 5.页面跳转
public class SerialException extends Exception { /** * Constructs a new exception with {@code null} as its detail message. * The cause is not initialized, and may subsequently be initialized by a * call to {@link #initCause}. */ public SerialException() throws InterruptedException, SerialException { System.out.println("由于发生异常,系统将在3秒后回溯至主菜单..."); System.err.println("\t\t\t请合法操作"); Thread.sleep(100); System.out.println(" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n"); //睡眠3秒 Thread.sleep(3000); ShopBiz shopServiceImpl = new ShopBiz(); shopServiceImpl.menu(); } }
# 说明 - 1.通过ex()方法,判断用户输入的字段是否符合要求 - 2.判断用户输入的是否为int或double类型 - 3.清空input的值 - 4.处理异常 - 5.页面跳转
public static void ex() throws SerialException, InterruptedException { if (!input.hasNextInt()) { String dbug = input.next();//释放hanNextInt空间中的值 throw new SerialException(); } if (!input.hasNextDouble()) { String dbug = input.next();//释放hasNextDouble空间中的值 throw new SerialException(); } }
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