895. Maximum Frequency Stack

895. Maximum Frequency Stack

Implement FreqStack, a class which simulates the operation of a stack-like data structure.

FreqStack has two functions:

  • push(int x), which pushes an integer x onto the stack.
  • pop(), which removes and returns the most frequent element in the stack.
    • If there is a tie for most frequent element, the element closest to the top of the stack is removed and returned.


Example 1:

Output: [null,null,null,null,null,null,null,5,7,5,4]
After making six .push operations, the stack is [5,7,5,7,4,5] from bottom to top.  Then:

pop() -> returns 5, as 5 is the most frequent.
The stack becomes [5,7,5,7,4].

pop() -> returns 7, as 5 and 7 is the most frequent, but 7 is closest to the top.
The stack becomes [5,7,5,4].

pop() -> returns 5.
The stack becomes [5,7,4].

pop() -> returns 4.
The stack becomes [5,7].


  • Calls to FreqStack.push(int x) will be such that 0 <= x <= 10^9.
  • It is guaranteed that FreqStack.pop() won't be called if the stack has zero elements.
  • The total number of FreqStack.push calls will not exceed 10000 in a single test case.
  • The total number of FreqStack.pop calls will not exceed 10000 in a single test case.
  • The total number of FreqStack.push and FreqStack.pop calls will not exceed 150000 across all test cases.


关键是想到用HashMap of Stacks的数据结构。


Output: [null,null,null,null,null,null,null,5,7,5,4]

stackMap: <freq, 这个freq的stack> 注意同一个数如果多次加会在多个freq的slot里出现
3: [5]
2: [5] [7]
1:  [5] [7] [4]

freqMap: <数,freq>
5: 3
7: 2
4: 1

 1 class FreqStack {
 2     HashMap<Integer, Integer> freqMap;
 3     HashMap<Integer, Stack<Integer>> stackMap;
 4     int maxFreq;
 5     public FreqStack() {
 6         freqMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
 7         stackMap = new HashMap<Integer, Stack<Integer>>();
 8         maxFreq = 0;
 9     }
11     public void push(int x) {
12         int newFreq = 1;
13         if (freqMap.containsKey(x)) {
14             newFreq = freqMap.get(x) + 1;
15         }
16         freqMap.put(x, newFreq);
17         if (!stackMap.containsKey(newFreq)) {
18             stackMap.put(newFreq, new Stack<Integer>()); 
19         }
20         stackMap.get(newFreq).push(x);
21         maxFreq = Math.max(maxFreq, newFreq);
23     }
25     public int pop() {
26         if (maxFreq == 0) {
27             return -1;
28         }
30         Integer toRemove = stackMap.get(maxFreq).pop();
31         int originalFreq = maxFreq; // maxFreq might be decreased, so keep an originalFreq to use
33         if (stackMap.get(maxFreq).isEmpty()) {
34             stackMap.remove(maxFreq);
35             maxFreq--;
36         }
38         if (originalFreq != 1) {
39             freqMap.put(toRemove, originalFreq - 1);
40         } else {
41             freqMap.remove(toRemove);
42         }
44         return toRemove;
45     }
46 }


posted @ 2019-04-15 05:05  衣领子  阅读(195)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报