
在职3、4个月时间学习英语。雅思7分通过。听力7.5, 阅读6.5,写作6,口语7


  • Beijing is famous for its historical heritage
  • Likes and dislikes
  • what you can do there
  • changes
  • It's a vast (very large)city
  • in the north of .... China
  • in the center of China
  • Beijing is north of Henan
  • in the green belt


  • film soundtrack
  • theme music
  • orchestra
  • instruments
  • well-known
  • immediately recognizable


  • the plot
  • the genre. an action film, a drama
  • I was on the edge of my seat
  • it is not a patch on other series of fast and furious
  • a leading role drove a car into the outer space
  • some movie reviews said it is a terrible movie
  • rating score is awful


  • social networking website
  • keep in contact with friends
  • find people you've lost touch with
  • upload photos and videos
  • connect with like-minded people

Novel. Book

  • stoyline, plot
  • the author
  • I couldn't put it down
  • non-fiction book
  • inspiring
  • fascinating
  • informative (提供有用信息的)
  • it opened my mind to .... 



Sport events

  • athletes
  • players
  • every one strives for a win
  • stadium
  • track
  • commentors
  • the contest
  • the score
  • the winner
  • skiing
  • slalom
  • boots
  • ski goggles
  • helmet
  • anatomy (额 耐 特米)
  • slope
  • scuba diving (s 顾 把)
  • breathing cylinder(si 乐嗯 der )


  • band
  • group
  • orchestra is important
  • lighting
  • sound
  • stage
  • audience
  • instruments
  • voice
  • sone
  • piece of music

Hobby & free time

  • It is a nice way to relax
  • It is a nice way to socialize
  • It allows me to hang out with friends


  • place
  • bride
  • groom
  • guests
  • ceremony
  • marriage vows
  • speech
  • clothing
  • cake
  • wedding reception


  • I was the only child
  • I come from a small / big family
  • there are 3 of us in my family
  • extented family (relatives) ,,, nuclear family (wife ...)
  • we have our ups and downs
  • sometimes we fall out but sometimes we make up
  • My family is everything to me
  • partner
  • we've grown closer and closer over the year
  • a member of your family


  •  t-shirt
  • a piece of clothes


  • skinny
  • louse
  • dark blue
  • light blue
  • a pair of jeans
  • a pair of trousers

Climate change

  • carboon dioxide
  • carboon emissions
  • renewable resources
  • solar energy
  • wind energy

A person

  • He has a nice temper
  • He has a lovely temper
  • hard-working
  • energetic
  • persistent
  • motivated
  • genuinely friendly 
  • supportive
  • vanity
  • adventurous person
  • introvert
  • introverted 



  • an apron 围裙
  • a pot
  • a pan
  • a chopping knife
  • a chopping board
  • ingredients 食材
  • vinegar 醋
  • chop vetgetables
  • toss vegetables in a pan
  • a turner 锅铲
  •  stir it around 搅拌



  • what it is
  • where you got it
  • set me back a lot of money
  • versatile
  • function
  • synchronize with a smart iphone
  • receive notifications
  • search the web
  • it responds to voice commands
  • check calendar at a glance
  • it is inherited from my father
  • passed down to my by my grandpa
  • simple design
  • stylish
  • organize my life
  • practical
  • various features and functions
  • well-made, durable


  • what
  • it dragged up for a long time
  • we lost track of our time
  • where
  • who
  • a special event
  • beautifully decorated
  • a perfect location
  • memorable event
  • a once-in-a-lifetime event
  • a perfect location
  • decoration / lighting
  • romantic
  • we were impressed by


  • flavor (sour, strawberry, cholocate, salty, spicy, scrispy, juicy)
  • what it is
  • where you eat
  • how often
  • glutinous [glu 特 呢斯]。rice


  • which
  • where
  • what you can do
  • why you like 
  • is famous for
  • the time flew by
  • lively
  • multicultural
  • an unforgettable experience
  • it was over too quickly
  • nothing was too much to ask
  • an unforgettable evening
  • prepare /create/  a great atmosphere
  • make you fell a t home
  • we lost track of time because....
  • superized sb with sth
  • a firework show
  • the waiters made us fell at home


  • ski resorts
  • in north of China
  • coach
  • amateur
  • skiing
  • stunning 
  • ski goggles
  • boots
  • an avalance occurs from time to time
  • a disaster occurs
  • be well prepared and fully equipped
  • extremely dangerous
  • how to ski
  • wear skiing boots
  • in return,  steak. medieum well steak is my favourite.
  • The time flew by,  it has been 2 years since the last time we met
  • keep in contact with my friend


  • where work
  • dragged for a long time
  • 40 hours a week
  • in an urgent situation
  • I am stuck in a problem
  • I am eager to make a contribution
  • I could bring a lot to the job
  • I never shy away from fard work
  • I am responsible for operating system
  • I want to make a career change
  • It's time to move on // move on to a new challenge
  • conflict
  • different view.
  • teamwork is a nice way to overcome obstacles
  • teamwork combines different skillsets of differenct members
  • based on collective decision not an individual decision


The place you lost your self

  • population
  • where it is
  • sense of direction
  • Labyrinth   [læbərɪnθ]
  • we lost our way
  • everywhere is crowed
  • entrance and exit [eksɪt]
  • congqing is jam-packed with people.
  • excursion
  • ferry
  • internet famous


The noisy place 

  • where, when, why
  • a place with 
  • high pitch sound
  • everything was out of my imagination 
  • noise cancelling earphones


A place with lots of people

  • who you were with
  • when
  • what was happening in this place
  • why you visited here
  • why so many people
  • feelings
  • was frightened of the situation
  • internet famous

An ideal house

  • where
  • how special...
  • why it would be perfect
  • spacious
  • beautifully decorated.
  • balcony
  • professional grade appliances
  • versatile
  • shopping malls, restaurant

A new shop

  • where
  • what it sells
  • who goes shopping there
  • will it be successful in the future?

A disappointing film

  • what kind
  • what it was about
  • why you watch
  • why disappointing?
  • fantastic actions, special effects.
  • it's not a patch on other serises
  • run-of-the-mill
  • storyline incpherent
  • terrible


A time you had to give a talk to lots of people.

  • who what why (what i can contribute to his company, solution of our project) fell.
  • presentation (pri: z(ə)nˈteɪʃ(ə)n)
  • went over multiple times
  • fullfilled
  • teamwork, obstacles. 
  • when it comes to feelings. 
  • contributed to

Describe a car journey you remember well

  • I had never visited to such a city before last winter
  • there was a lack of water resource
  • when i saw shooting stars. I was over the moon
  • we were frightened of the environment
  • the Milky way was changing due to the rotation of the earth

Describe an actor

  • Who 
  • Leonardo (丽 那儿 豆,下降音 ) DiCaprio (die 开 普 瑞 哦, 上升)
  • where and when you watched this person 
  • He has a flair for acting.
  • He was humble at the beginning of his career
  • Titanic helped Leonardo Dicaprio to a new level.
  • a love story
  • the storyline and plots are excellent, second to none
  • In 2015, He won [one] his first Oscar for his film <The Revenant [ruai v饿 嫩 特]>
  • His films are second to none. The diamond [die 闷 德]
  • he vividly palyed this role
  • Choosing a life partner has nothing to do with income
  • It has a special place in my heart. I believe love does exist
  • Leonardo Dicaprio created a timeless classic.
  • Everytime I watch this film, I still cry, laugh, smile and feel. 


Describe a time when you heard good news about someone you know well

  • who the person is
  • what the good news was
  • when and how you heard the good news
  • and explain how you felt when you heard the good news about this person

Describe a city you would like to visit for only a short time

  • where the city is
  • who you would visit the city with
  • what you would like to do there
  • why you would like to visit this city for only a short time 


Describe a history you want to learn more about

  • late 18th century
  • I think this period plays a very important role in human history as it totally changed the face of international relations. 
  • george washington
  • he let the colonial [kəˈloʊniəl] forces to victory
  • write the consitution
  • foundation of America
  • In various areas, America takes the leading position. 
  • the development of america has somthing to do with the culture value created during that period .
  • it marked the rise of America


What kind of things do people prefer to remember 

  • trivial matters 
  • eating a healthy diet
  • getting enough sleep
  • significant events or milestones
  • foster a sense of cultrual identity
  • keep a balance between remembering and moving forward, so that we can focus on creatiing a better future.


Describe a time you were late for sth important

  • when and where
  • what you were late for.  We were late for out flights
  • everwhere was crowded, this city was jam packed with peole. At the same time, structure of this tourist attraction was complicated. It was like a labrinth. we lost our way to the exit. we were late for our flights.
  • feel.  we were really upset. coundn't get our head around the correct direction. 
  • we asked a cashier for help
  • we should not follow the trend. find a place with fewer people to visit.


Describe a place you went to where the air was not clean

  • where, when, why
  • the place was jam packed with tourists, so we saw a lot of household waste on the street. 
  • There were a lot of hot pot restaurants on the street. so it was smelly
  • when it comes to feelings . we were a little bit mad, because our clothes had hot-pot smell.
  • avoid the main trent, visit a city with fewer people
  • should be green consumer, cut 


 Describe an occasion when you got some incorrect information

  • at a weekend
  • implimented solutions
  • go back / is back to normal
  • make a decision
  • lose our customers
  • made a right decision
  • decision was important


A lot of people

  • I had never seen such a place. and every thing was out of imagination


Describe a time when you had an unsual meal

  • when you had this meal
  • who was with you
  • where had this meal
  • explain what was unusual about this meal 
  • chop up a cabbage
  • seasoning

You complained sth and were satisfied with the result

  • he acknowledged his mistake and made an apology


A bad custumer service.

  • it failed to meet my needs.
  • a negative attitude

P3 8.  

  • living on your won requires a bunch of skills
  • avoid financial trouble
  • home repair skills . save money. a leaky faucet
  • time management
  • encourage young people to make decisions, this can foster a sense of resposibility
  • to provide resources like time management, problem-sovling, budgeting, encourage them to attend activities, or social clubs.  build their confidence
  • develop their social skills


P3 9

  • colorful illustrations and engaging characters
  • themes like friendship, adventure, science fiction
  • they are interested in some themes
  • they do not read if books are overwhelming
  • have to repeat to learn the same thing
  • can not relate the studying materials to the real world

P3 19

  • are faced with dangers
  • important decisions young teenagers to make after graduation
  • location
  • city
  • career
  • to learn specialized knowledge
  • ai
  • recommendation system, big data, analize your behavior precisely

P3 20

  • cost-effective option
  • its ablibity to carry large quantities of goods
  • the demand for international shipping has increased
  • air transport


P3 22

  • a well-connected group

P3 23

  • attitude is gradually changing.
  • parents' expectation


P3 41

posted @ 2023-07-29 14:47  ylxn  阅读(30)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报