《The Google Resume》Gayle Laakmann McDowell


Chapter1 : Introduction

Chapter2: Advanced Preparation

Chapter3: Getting in the Door

  • Be Giving
  • Be Open
  • Be the Connector


Where to Network

  • Immerse yourself in Start-ups
  • social networking
  • contributing online (Creat a web site, start a blog, write guest blog posts, answer questions, get involved with github)

Chapter4: Resume

Six Hallmarks of a Powerful Resume

  • Accomplishment Oriented (highlight what you did, not what you were supposed to do)

  • Quantifiabble Results  (your resume impresses everyone)
  • Well Targeted  (discovering information about the company or position (From website). How would my role impact thouse.  what are the biggest issues)
  • Universally meaningful (Plain English. Help laypeople understand your value)
  • Clean. Rpofessional, concise (Check.  1) Conciseness.  2) Spelling.   3) Grammar.  4) Margins 1 inch.  5) Normal fonts Times new Roman don't smaller than 10pt.  6) Consistency in therms of bold, underline, italics, and the like )
  • White space. (Using ample white space )
  • No first person
  • Well structured and clear

The structure

  • The Objective (not necessary and should be used only if it adds important information)
  • Summary  (Summary and Key Accomplishments)
  • Work experience
  • How Far Back Should It Go? (A resume does not need to be a complete employment history)
  • Projects (with substantial nonwork experience should include a projects section)
  • Eduction (experience usually matters more than education)

Which Comes First

  • Work Experience is listed first


Awards and Honors

What Not to Include

How long is too long

  • less than 5 to 10 years of experience should stick to just 1 page (expectations vary by country)

How do I shorten my resume

  • give it to a friend
  • Do you have more than 3 prior jobs listed, or 15 years of experience
  • Do you need to talk so much about your older jobs
  • Can you cut some of your college experience ?
  • What does your objective / summary add ? 
  • Is everything relevant?
  • Is this the best resume format ? 


Deconstructing the resume

Parting words (A voiding doing following things)

  • Too big
  • Too bulky 
  • Too boring


Why a cover letter?

  • i have what you are looking for, now open my resume to see what I've accomplished

The three types of cover letter

  • solicited  cover letter 公开求职信
  • unsolicited cover letter / cold call letter
  • broadcast letter  (be as specific as possible)

The structure (a template in the book)

Five traits of a strong cover letter

  • tailored
  • supported with evidence (quantified)
  • structured and concise
  • Simple direct writing (short, familiar words, and get to the point)
  • professional 


Who makes a strong reference

  •  knowledge of your work
  • articulate
  • positive communicator
  • understands the desired position
  • available and eager

How to make good references great

  • ask permission
  • describe the position
  • refresh their memory
  • update them
  • suggest areas to emphasize
  • discuss the bad stuff
  • follow up


Problems with references: what can go wrong?

  • Do your references have any major black marks themselves ?
  • Are your references effective communicators ?
  • Do your references communicate in a positive way ?
  • Are they knowledgeable about your prior projects?
  • Are they familir with what you're doing now?

If you suspect a contact is offering a negative review, you may want to play it safe and remove him entirely


What if your bad reference is your former boss?













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