- wanted to
- taking on literature for children.
- factual given them information about the world(them 很轻)
- l they’re conveying (‘re 很轻)
- l at it (连读弱读, 最后一个t基本不发音) , niece
- l a module on(lang,连读) the pictures. And how they’re
- l . I’ve always enjoyed(比较弱, 基本没读) drawing.
- l visual input(没听出来连读,最后t不怎么发音) on tv video games
- l plenty of kids who wouldn’t (没听出来)even
- l comics can serve(没听出来)r a really useful purpose.
- It sounds though(不过听起来 不熟悉) you think it’s a good course
- l lots of children’s stories
- l I’ve gone(不熟悉发音,gaoen) as far back a there were (英音 theer wo)
- l So does that mean you’ve read (vr 连一起很弱) Swiss
- l sound as though(挨揍) Robinson is the family surname.
- l shipwrecked.(遭遇海难). In the novel of (听上去一般l都连读) a century earlier.
- l Nutcracker(坚果钳)
- l All time (欧l time) witty(巧妙地)
- l plays(啊ei)
- l And I gave up after one
- l Whereas (where s ) something
- l Horse
- castle(咔 sou, kai sou)
- a little information about castle and what our visit will include
- Danish
- ruled England (连读)
- conquered Normans, the land was given to a noble man
- however when queen elizbeth I announced she was going
- a bit run (软) down. out of wood next to the main hall
- and apparently luxurious
- made it(连读,租后t不咋读) more comfortable,
- it was eventually taken over(连读) by a company who owned a(who und a)number of amusement parkets.
- the original atmosphere of the castle
- state rooms(会议室) there are life-like moving wax models
- booklets(小册子) giving
- extensive. At one(最后t 不读) time sheep were kept an elephant.]
- in the conservatory(暖房)
- don't go on to the north gate as no way up from there.
- there'll shortly be a show in which you can see archers
- past the tower (在塔后面)
- at 3 pm, there is a short performance (t 不读) ten minutes walk or so (大约 ).
- souvenirs
- woolly mammoths
- then you're describing
- he picked it up from under a rock in the cave.
- been (beien) jawbone
- bears(拜 er zi) roam around
- escape.
- and his team (轻声)
- precise
- what had fallen in(塌陷, fao len nin) ove time
- bits of (少量的) plants valcanic ash (连读 cash)
- procedure
- what about the section with the initial questions asked (啊斯特) by researchers?
- add a bit of variety.
- analyzing the mud in the lake i wonder if we've got too much information here
- all a bit muddled at present
- chronological
- the findings and possible explanation section is just about ready.
- overrun
- laundry, cleanliness
- essential . cleasing properties
- rinsed mud off
- cylinders made of clay. inscription 刻字.
- apparently bathed for aesthetic
- scraped off
- credit with discovering how to make substance(sub t嗯s) soap
- tint their head red染发
- where animals were sacrifised leaving deposits of anmial fat
- bathing (贝). baths (爸)
- the baths luxurious
- medicinal (么dei 森 noul )
- much of the Europe filth(污秽)
- unsanitary (脏的)living
- nevertheless (never the less 然而), associations (联盟)
- occurred, patented (呸 ten ted), alkali (碱), inexpensive
- acids (爱sei z),
- attitude
- labored in appalling (a pao ling). conditions
- takint it to refe
- unacceptable
- superiority over incompatible
- habit of ( 连读 tev) optimism
- pessimistic.
- Not that justifies look down on behind-the-scens
- spiral out of control
- problematic. strategic
- autocratic(独裁的)
- a mouthpiece for the executives,
- professor
- sort those
- doubt you
- adaptation
- patriotism of government exactlly.
- throne
- feuding
- expect it (很像 expected 听好)
- interpretation .
- no substance.
- innovative
- animation
- a blend of
- natural dyes
- exhibition
- botanic specializes in plants used for dyes.
- cotton.
- comparison
- a matter of teaspoon
- took longer than i expected
- one possibility is to use food colorings
- a few washes
- chop up beet root to eat
- watery cream shade
- worn in an ancient times.
- fell out of use
- shade of purples (sedu)
- it's ingested.
- crush up
- but it cost a fortune.
- read (red) about oxide
- get a lot of wear out of fabrics treated in this way
- subtle (s啊 头). not everyone likes them.
- summarize
- increase in heavy traffic
- rise in the volume
- to date (到现在为止)
- fumes (黑烟)from trucks
- keep our proposals within budget
- ancient philosophy
- triumphs (try um f)
- founded
- practice.
- virtue
- the road to virtue (rou to)
- with regard to 关于
- perspective wholly negative
- initiation
- ardent 热心的
- referring
- console 安慰
- capitalism
- political
- minister
- mediations
- challenging
- irrational beliefs
- obstacle
- opportunity
- discipline
- resonate
- recruitment
- maintenance
- opportunities.
- juggle work with other responsibilities.
- guarantee
- than they used to be
- fresh food producer
- fast-paced
- agronomist
- advising
- against pests
- legislation (法规) on farming
- career ladder
- applicants.
- maternity(怀孕的) cover.
- ensure
- are maintained.
- technician
- appropriate
- crop snowing
- harvesting
- machine maintenance
- perks (补贴)
- renting a small cottage on the estate(ei state)
- tractor
- compensation
- convenient
- puts people on low incomes off
- reduce (re zh 由 s)
- state-of-the art
- loads of new bike
- using their cars
- has been spent on
- cycle lanes
- where previously there are hardly any
- it was more than ten times of the price of any other schemes
- organisers
- an instant success
- livestock (牲畜)
- up most of one night
- lamb stagger(蹒跚)
- got a vet in to set it
- a lowland breed
- in the past
- so were they bred with meet ?
- big and solid (连读 干)
- sought
- matter of routine
- dairy cows
- milk shed (棚).
- the whole lot
- short comments (t很轻)
- my heart sank when
- right at the begining
- domesticated
- country
- eradicating (根除)
- in oil spills (溢出)
- dissertation
- hi here w ? out of loads of kids
- so calm about it.
- fortunate
- gratitude 感激
- cricket (棒球)
- table tennis bats
- pimpled rubber
- rolls(卷) of the rubber in bulk (主体) for something like horse harness (马具) ?
- innovative changes
- pads
- wore it was booed and jeered(bu and 这 , 嘲笑)
- of original helmet
- bowl (b欧l)
- have large air vents (通风口)
- golf balls (狗浮 balls)
- weren''t beeing
- stitched together
- the ball was headed
- let in water
- hello professer,
- drawings
- competition
- pay a litter extra
- rock pools
- in place of water and detergent
- pressureise carbon dioxide
- fluid
- do away
- depressurised
- grease is separated
- waste system
- thoroughly
- about a grant
- well
- roaming vast sections of globe
- former hatbitat remain
- split off
- spread east through various countries
- roaming free 2000 years ago (到处游荡)
- steadily
- more or less the same
- long fold of skin on there undersides
- sancturay
- ever-present
- kill off
- vulnerable
- sense is
- vitality
- goats
- share for too
- cover quite large distances
- variations in salinity
- balloons
- beamed
- onshore
- machanics of the climate change
- ozone depletion (臭氧消耗)
- prevailing
- navy
- owe their lives
- fish stocks
- legislation
- appropriate grain varieties
- we ought to give some historical background
- we ought to say
- arcs topics got be covering
- media room
- the resources room
- the resources room
- we also need the statistics
- is a flavor enhancer
- incorporated 合并
- seaweed
- 1908 (nou) is produced commercial
- identifying insects
- over to you
- insect pests
- eradicated them
- microscopic creatures
- pollinate
- devastating effect
- are stung could be allergic
- skeleton
- pellet
- cough up
- feeding spots
- scrunched up
- straighten
- conduct
- throughout
- caters for
- symphony
- orchestra
- elected leadership positions
- put it down 放下
- definite
- expense
- timetabling
- install
- now what about the computers i think it might be a good idea to instore some new models
- that would take up a lot less room
- cramped 狭窄的
- see improved
- appropriate for
- dearly
- a bit out-of-date
- definitely
- need to be more current
- break up
- laminate 薄片
- invest in
- acre
- daughter
- miniature
- a theme park
- onto a winner
- extend
- stalwart
- mechanical
- souvenir
- geology
- landing 楼梯平台
- powder
- landing
- half a cup full
- hang
- lamps
- spare bulbs
- carboard boxes
- in the chest of the drawers
- enroll in
- pharmacy
- they credited me
- in 2 years which
- credits
- critical
- terrible
- altering your viewpoint towards academic study
- April 18th. (累)
- part of the package
- investment
- initiatives
- continent Antarctica
- hostile uninhabited 有敌意的 无人居住的
- contest
- intellectual
- wilderness of great beauty
- windiest
- ice-cap
- snowfall
- involved scientists
- a well-equipped
- a satellite link
- crushed
- architect
- extandable
- polar
- carbohydrate
- rations 配给量
- be compact in light 紧凑的清的
- saving in weight
- marine
- surveying
- ocean currents 洋流
- ultra-violet
- theatrical (戏剧的)
- journalism
- take up some job
- differ on that issue
- realistic 接受现实
- shopper
- appearance
- there is a gap in the market
- stocking
- fell apart in the wash
- garment 服装
- catastrophic
- volcano was
- terminology 术语..
- sfulphur-smelling
- blamed
- respiratory issues
- asthma
- ambassador 大使
- apparently
- enormous
- real eye-opener (乐)
- textie industry (乐)
- ultimately
- felt so threatened
- repetitive
- bit too
- gone up
- dictation
- than 0.2 (n 和 o 连读)
- bleak 暗淡的
- clerk
- verbal explanations
- clumsy
- engaing (有趣的)way of reinforcing children's knowledge of geomatric shapes
- fractions
- interested in
- coach 一车厢r
- hotel itself
- are included in the price
- whale watch cruise 巡航
- bushwalk
- accommodation package
- roaming 漫游
- possibility
- provision (规定) of emergency
- essential
- minor
- intervention
- abbreviated
- ascertain the envronment is safe
- once when the danger be eliminated, the distress call sent out
- hindered from
- blockages in the mouth
- slapped or
- spat out 吐
- irregular
- the first aid
- cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- medics,
- inspection 检查
- instill 灌输 reckless
- unconcious
- bleached 漂白
- dialect fangyan
- trade routes