代码写完后运行本地没问题,扔到服务器上开始报异常“无法加载sqlserverspatial.dll”,一时蛋疼菊紧。难道还得装个sql server的服务吗。。。显然不用- -留下点笔记以备后用。。
Any application that uses Entity Framework’s spatial data type support to target SQL Server requires the ‘CLR Types for SQL Server’ to be available on the machine the application runs on. This also applies to applications that use SQL Server spatial data types directly, without using Entity Framework.(就是说想用SQL Server的空间模块功能一般得装个CLR Types for SQL Server)
When developing your application the CLR Types for SQL Server are usually installed system-wide, since they are included in Visual Studio. Issues arise when you try to deploy to a machine that does not have the CLR Types for SQL Server installed. Initially you will get the following InvalidOperationException.
Spatial types and functions are not available for this provider because the assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types' version 10 or higher could not be found.
If you were to find and deploy the Microsoft.SqlServer.Types assembly you’ll then get the following DllNotFoundException.
Unable to load DLL 'SqlServerSpatial110.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) ()
安装 Microsoft.SqlServer.Types NuGet package.
<runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.SqlServer.Types" publicKeyToken="89845dcd8080cc91" culture="neutral" /> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> </dependentAssembly> </assemblyBinding> </runtime>