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APDL Gateway Commands

When you need to determine the applicability of a command or a group of commands to a specific product, the following *GET functions will return a TRUE or a FALSE (a 1 or a 0) value to indicate if the command in question is valid for your ANSYS product.


Additional *get commands for a new entity=PRODUCT


Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Item2    It2num  Description
pname                                 -P option from Ansys command line
name                 start    1-n     Ansys product name.  A character string
                                      of 8 characters is returned starting at
                                      position It2num. Use *dim and *do to get
                                      all 32 characters.
Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
/aux12                  Check for Ansys gateway command/feature /AUX12
/config                  Check for Ansys gateway command/feature /CONFIG
/ucmd                   Check for Ansys gateway command/feature /UCMD
addam                  Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ADDAM
alphad                  Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ALPHAD
antype                  Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ANTYPE
antype   static       Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ANTYPE,STATIC
antype   buckle      Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ANTYPE,BUCKLE
antype   modal       Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ANTYPE,MODAL
antype   harmic      Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ANTYPE,HARMIC
antype   trans        Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ANTYPE,TRANS
antype   substr      Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ANTYPE,SUBSTR
antype   spectr      Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ANTYPE,SPECTR
arclen                   Check for Ansys gateway command/feature ARCLEN
betad                   Check for Ansys gateway command/feature BETAD
blc4                     Check for Ansys gateway command/feature BLC4
blc5                     Check for Ansys gateway command/feature BLC5
block                    Check for Ansys gateway command/feature BLOCK
cdread                  Check for Ansys gateway command/feature CDREAD
con4                    Check for Ansys gateway command/feature CON4
cone                    Check for Ansys gateway command/feature CONE
cqc                      Check for Ansys gateway command/feature CQC
cyl4                     Check for Ansys gateway command/feature CYL4
cyl5                     Check for Ansys gateway command/feature CYL5
cylind                  Check for Ansys gateway command/feature CYLIND

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
damorph              Check for Ansys gateway command/feature DAMORPH
demorph              Check for Ansys gateway command/feature DEMORPH
dsum                 Check for Ansys gateway command/feature DSUM
dvmorph              Check for Ansys gateway command/feature DVMORPH
edadapt              Check for Ansys gateway command/feature EDADAPT
edbvis               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDBVIS
eddc                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDDC
edcgen               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDCGEN
edclist              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDCLIST
edcontact            Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDCONTACT
edcpu                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDCPU
edcrb                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDCRB
edcsc                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDCSC
edcts                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDCTS
edcurve              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDCURVE
eddamp               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDDAMP
edenergy             Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDENERGY
edfplot              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDFPLOT
edhgls               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDHGLS
edhtime              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDHTIME
edhist               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDHIST
edint                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDINT
edvel                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDVEL
edlcs                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDLCS
edldplot             Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDLDPLOT

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
edload               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDLOAD
edmp                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDMP
ednb                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDNB
edndtsd              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDNDTSD
edout                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDOUT
edpart               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDPART
edread               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDREAD
eddrelax             Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDDRELAX
edrst                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDRST
edshell              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDSHELL
edsolve              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDSOLVE
edstart              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDSTART
edweld               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDWELD
edwrite              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EDWRITE
ekill                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EKILL
emis                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature EMIS
et                   Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature ET

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
etchg                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature ETCHG
fldata               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature FLDATA
flotest              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature FLOTEST
flread               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature FLREAD
fvmesh               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature FVMESH
grp                  Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature GRP
hropt                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature HROPT
hropt    full        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature HROPT,FULL
hropt    reduc       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature HROPT,REDUC
hropt    msup        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature HROPT,MSUP
igesin               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature IGESIN
igesout              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature IGESOUT
modopt               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MODOPT
modopt   reduc       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MODOPT,REDUC
modopt   subsp       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MODOPT,SUBSP
modopt   unsym       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MODOPT,UNSYM
modopt   damp        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MODOPT,DAMP
modopt   lanb        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MODOPT,LANB
modopt   qrdamp      Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MODOPT,QRDAMP
mooney               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MOONEY
mp                   Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP
mp       ex          Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,EX
mp       alpx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,ALPX
mp       reft        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,REFT
mp       prxy        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,PRXY

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
mp       nuxy        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,NUXY
mp       gxy         Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,GXY
mp       damp        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,DAMP
mp       mu          Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,MU
mp       dens        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,DENS
mp       c           Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,C
mp       enth        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,ENTH
mp       kxx         Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,KXX
mp       hf          Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,HF
mp       emis        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,EMIS
mp       qrate       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,QRATE
mp       visc        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,VISC
mp       sonc        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,SONC
mp       rsvx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,RSVX
mp       perx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,PERX
mp       murx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,MURX
mp       mgxx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,MGXX
mp       hgls        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,HGLS
mp       rigid       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,RIGID
mp       cable       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,CABLE
mp       ortho       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,ORTHO
mp       lsst        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MP,LSST
mpdata               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA
mpdata   ex          Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,EX
mpdata   alpx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,ALPX

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
mpdata   reft        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,REFT
mpdata   prxy        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,PRXY
mpdata   nuxy        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,NUXY
mpdata   gxy         Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,GXY
mpdata   damp        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,DAMP
mpdata   mu          Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,MU
mpdata   dens        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,DENS
mpdata   c           Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,C
mpdata   enth        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,ENTH
mpdata   kxx         Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,KXX
mpdata   hf          Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,HF
mpdata   emis        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,EMIS
mpdata   qrate       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,QRATE
mpdata   visc        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,VISC
mpdata   sonc        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,SONC
mpdata   rsvx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,RSVX
mpdata   perx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,PERX
mpdata   murx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,MURX
mpdata   mgxx        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,MGXX
mpdata   lsst        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MPDATA,LSST
mscap                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSCAP
msdata               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSDATA
msmeth               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSMETH
msnomf               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSNOMF
msprop               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSPROP

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
msquad               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSQUAD
msrelax              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSRELAX
mssolu               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSSOLU
msspec               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSSPEC
msvary               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature MSVARY
nlgeom               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature NLGEOM
nrlsum               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature NRLSUM
optyp                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPTYP
optyp    subp        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPTYP,SUBP
optyp    first       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPTYP,FIRST
optyp    rand        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPTYP,RAND
optyp    run         Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPTYP,RUN
optyp    fact        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPTYP,FACT
optyp    grad        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPTYP,GRAD
optyp    sweep       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPTYP,SWEEP
optyp    user        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPTYP,USER
opuser               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature OPUSER
pri2                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature PRI2
prism                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature PRISM
psdcom               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature PSDCOM
psdfrq               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature PSDFRQ
psolve               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature PSOLVE
rate                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature RATE
resume               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature RESUME
rpr4                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature RPR4

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
rprism               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature RPRISM
save                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SAVE
se                   Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SE
sesymm               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SESYMN
setran               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SETRAN
solve                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SOLVE
sph4                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SPH4
sph5                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SPH5
sphere               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SPHERE
spop                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SPOP
spop     sprs        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SPOP,SPRS
spop     mprs        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SPOP,MPRS
spop     ddam        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SPOP,DDAM
spop     psd         Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SPOP,PSD
srss                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature SRSS
tb                   Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB
tb       bkin        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,BKIN
tb       mkin        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,MKIN
tb       miso        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,MISO
tb       biso        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,BISO
tb       aniso       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,ANISO
tb       dp          Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,DP
tb       anand       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,ANAND
tb       melas       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,MELAS
tb       user        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,USER

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
tb       creep       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,CREEP
tb       swell       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,SWELL
tb       bh          Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,BH
tb       piez        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,PIEZ
tb       fail        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,FAIL
tb       mooney      Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,MOONEY
tb       water       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,WATER
tb       anel        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,ANEL
tb       concr       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,CONCR
tb       pflow       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,PFLOW
tb       evisc       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,EVISC
tb       plaw        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,PLAW
tb       foam        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,FOAM
tb       honey       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,HONEY
tb       comp        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,COMP
tb       nl          Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,NL
tb       nliso       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,NLISO
tb       chab        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,CHAB
tb       boyce       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,BOYCE
tb       eos         Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TB,EOS
torus                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TORUS
trnopt               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TRNOPT
trnopt   full        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TRNOPT,FULL
trnopt   reduc       Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TRNOPT,REDUC
trnopt   msup        Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature TRNOPT,MSUP

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
usrcal               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature USRCAL
v                    Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature V
va                   Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VA
vadd                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VADD
vcvfill              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VCVFILL
vdrag                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VDRAG
vext                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VEXT
vgen                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VGEN
vglue                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VGLUE
vinp                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VINP
vinv                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VINV
vlscale              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VLSCALE
vmesh                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VMESH
voffset              Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VOFFSET
vovlap               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VOVLAP
vptn                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VPTN
vrotat               Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VROTAT
vsba                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VSBA
vsbv                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VSBV
vsbw                 Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VSBW
vsymm                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VSYMM
vtran                Check for Ansys gateway commands/feature VTRAN

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
elem     i           Check to see if Ansys element type "i" is allowed.

Entity=PRODUCT,ENTNUM=0 (or blank)
Item1    It1num      Description (return values:  1=allowed,  0=not allowed)
limit       node         Get maximum allowed node number
limit       elem         Get maximum allowed element number
limit        kp           Get maximum allowed keypoint number
limit       line           Get maximum allowed line number
limit       area         Get maximum allowed area number
limit       vol           Get maximum allowed volume number
limit       dof           Get maximum allowed dof number
limitm    dof           Get maximum allowed master dof number


GET Function Summary

A "get function" is available for some items, and can be used instead of the *GET command. The function returns the value and uses it where the function is input (bypassing the need for storing the value with a parameter name and inputting the parameter name where the value is to be used). For example, assume the average X-location of two nodes is to be calculated. Using the *GET command, parameter L1 can be assigned the X location of node 1 (*GET, L1, NODE, 1, LOC, X), and parameter L2 can be assigned the X location of node 2, then the mid location can be computed from MID = (L1+L2)/2. However, using the node location "get function" NX(N), which returns the X location of node N, MID can be computed directly from MID = (NX(1)+NX(2))/2, without the need for intermediate parameters L1 and L2. Get functions return values in the active coordinate system unless stated otherwise.

Get function arguments may themselves be parameters or other get functions. The get function NELEM(ENUM,NPOS) returns the node number in position NPOS for element ENUM. Combining functions, NX(NELEM(ENUM,NPOS)) returns the X location of that node. Get functions (where available) are shown with the corresponding *GET items in the tables below and are summarized at the end of this command description

Get functions are described at the beginning of this command (see "Notes") and are shown as alternatives to the *GET items where they apply. They are summarized here (grouped by functionality) for convenience.

Table B.1  *GET - Get Function Summary

"Get Function" Summary
Entity Status Get FunctionDescription
NSEL(N) Status of node N: -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
ESEL(E) Status of element E: -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
KSEL(K) Status of keypoint K: -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
LSEL(L) Status of line L: -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
ASEL(A) Status of area A: -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
VSEL(V) Status of volume V: -1=unselected, 0=undefined, 1=selected.
Next Selected Entity
NDNEXT(N) Next selected node having a node number greater than N.
ELNEXT(E) Next selected element having an element number greater than E.
KPNEXT(K) Next selected keypoint having a keypoint number greater than K.
LSNEXT(L) Next selected line having a line number greater than L.
ARNEXT(A) Next selected area having an area number greater than A.
VLNEXT(V) Next selected volume having a volume number greater than V.
CENTRX(E) Centroid X-coordinate of element E in global Cartesian coordinate system. Centroid is determined from the selected nodes on the element.
CENTRY(E) Centroid Y-coordinate of element E in global Cartesian coordinate system. Centroid is determined from the selected nodes on the element.
CENTRZ(E) Centroid Z-coordinate of element E in global Cartesian coordinate system. Centroid is determined from the selected nodes on the element.
NX(N) X-coordinate of node N in the active coordinate system.
NY(N) Y-coordinate of node N in the active coordinate system.
NZ(N) Z-coordinate of node N in the active coordinate system.
KX(K) X-coordinate of keypoint K in the active coordinate system
KY(K) Y-coordinate of keypoint K in the active coordinate system
KZ(K) Z-coordinate of keypoint K in the active coordinate system
LX(L,LFRAC) X-coordinate of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LY(L,LFRAC) Y-coordinate of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LZ(L,LFRAC) Z-coordinate of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LSX(L,LFRAC) X slope of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LSY(L,LFRAC) Y slope of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
LSZ(L,LFRAC) Z slope of line L at length fraction LFRAC (0.0 to 1.0).
Nearest to Location
NODE(X,Y,Z) Number of the selected node nearest the X,Y,Z point (in the active coordinate system, lowest number for coincident nodes).
KP(X,Y,Z) Number of the selected keypoint nearest the X,Y,Z point (in the active coordinate system, lowest number for coincident nodes).
DISTND(N1,N2) Distance between nodes N1 and N2.
DISTKP(K1,K2) Distance between keypoints K1 and K2.
DISTEN(E,N) Distance between the centroid of element E and node N. Centroid is determined from the selected nodes on the element.
Angles (in radians by default -- see the *AFUN command)
ANGLEN(N1,N2,N3) Subtended angle between two lines (defined by three nodes where N1 is the vertex node). Default is in radians.
ANGLEK(K1,K2,K3) Subtended angle between two lines (defined by three keypoints where K1 is the vertex keypoint). Default is in radians.
Nearest to Entity
NNEAR(N) Selected node nearest node N.
KNEAR(K) Selected keypoint nearest keypoint K.
ENEARN(N) Selected element nearest node N. The element position is calculated from the selected nodes.
AREAND(N1,N2,N3) Area of the triangle with vertices at nodes N1, N2, and N3.
AREAKP(K1,K2,K3) Area of the triangle with vertices at keypoints K1, K2, and K3.
ARNODE(N) Area at node N apportioned from selected elements attached to node N. For 2-D planar solids, returns edge area associated with the node. For axisymmetric solids, returns edge surface area associated with the node. For 3-D volumetric solids, returns face area associated with the node. For 3–D, select all the nodes of the surface of interest before using ARNODE.
NORMNX(N1,N2,N3) X-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing nodes N1, N2, and N3.
NORMNY(N1,N2,N3) Y-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing nodes N1, N2, and N3.
NORMNZ(N1,N2,N3) Z-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing nodes N1, N2, and N3.
NORMKX(K1,K2,K3) X-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing keypoints K1, K2, and K3.
NORMKY(K1,K2,K3) Y-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing keypoints K1, K2, and K3.
NORMKZ(K1,K2,K3) Z-direction cosine of the normal to the plane containing keypoints K1, K2, and K3.
ENEXTN(N,LOC) Element connected to node N. LOC is the position in the resulting list when many elements share the node. A zero is returned at the end of the list.
NELEM(E,NPOS) Node number in position NPOS (1--20) of element E.
NODEDOF(N) Returns the bit pattern for the active DOFs at the specified node.
bit 0 is UX, bit 1 is UY,... bit 5 is ROTZ
bits 6,7,8 are AX,AY,AZ
bits 9,10,11 are VX,VY,VZ
bit 18 is PRES, bit 19 is TEMP, bit 20 is VOLT, bit 21 is MAG
bit 24 is EMF, bit 25 is CURR
For a node with UX,UY,UZ the return value will be 7 (bits 0,1,2)
For a node with UX,UY,UZ,ROTX,ROTY,ROTZ the return value will be 63 (bits 0,1,2,3,4,5)
ELADJ(E,FACE) For 2-D planar solids and 3-D volumetric solids, element adjacent to a face (FACE) of element E. The face number is the same as the surface load key number. Only elements of the same dimensionality and shape are considered. A -1 is returned if more than one is adjacent.
NDFACE(E,FACE,LOC) Node in position LOC of a face number FACE of element E. The face number is the same as the surface load key number. LOC is the nodal position on the face (for an IJLK face, LOC=1 is at node I, 2 is at node J, etc.)
NMFACE(E) Face number of element E containing the selected nodes. The face number output is the surface load key. If multiple load keys occur on a face (such as for line and area elements) the lowest load key for that face is output.
ARFACE(E) For 2-D planar solids and 3-D volumetric solids, returns the area of the face of element E containing the selected nodes. For axisymmetric elements, the area is the full (360 degree) area.
Degree of Freedom Results
UX(N) UX structural displacement at node N.
UY(N) UY structural displacement at node N.
UZ(N) UZ structural displacement at node N.
ROTX(N) ROTX structural rotation at node N.
ROTY(N) ROTY structural rotation at node N.
ROTZ(N) ROTZ structural rotation at node N.
TEMP(N) Temperature at node N. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use TBOT(N), TE2(N), TE3(N), . . ., TTOP(N) instead of TEMP(N).
PRES(N) Pressure at node N.
VX(N) VX fluid velocity at node N.
VY(N) VY fluid velocity at node N.
VZ(N) VZ fluid velocity at node N.
ENKE(N) Turbulent kinetic energy (FLOTRAN) at node N.
ENDS(N) Turbulent energy dissipation (FLOTRAN) at node N.
VOLT(N) Electric potential at node N.
MAG(N) Magnetic scalar potential at node N.
AX(N) AX magnetic vector potential at node N.
AY(N) AY magnetic vector potential at node N.
AZ(N) AZ magnetic vector potential at node N.
Returns information about the data base manager
VIRTINQR(1) Number of pages in core.
VIRTINQR(4) Page size in integer words.
VIRTINQR(7) Maximum number of pages allowed on disk.
VIRTINQR(8) Number of read/write operations on page.
VIRTINQR(9) Maximum record number on page.
VIRTINQR(11) Maximum pages touched.
Returns the current value of ANSYS filtering keywords.
KWGET(KEYWORD) Returns the current value the keyword specified by KEYWORD. See the ANSYS UIDL Programmer's Guide for a list of keywords and values.
Character String Functions Strings must be dimensioned (see *DIM) as a character parameter or enclosed in single apostrophes ('char').
Functions which return a double precision value of a numeric character string.
VALCHR(a8) a8 is a decimal value expressed in a string.
VALOCT (a8) a8 is an octal value expressed in a string.
VALHEX(a8) a8 is a hex value expressed in a string.
Functions which return an 8 character string of a numeric value.
CHRVAL (dp) dp is a double precision variable.
CHROCT (dp) dp is an integer value.
CHRHEX(dp) dp is an integer value.
Functions which manipulate strings: StrOut is the output string (or character parameter) Str1 and Str2 are input strings. Strings are a maximum of 128 characters. (see *DIM)
StrOut = STRSUB(Str1, nLoc,nChar) Get the nChar substring starting at character nLoc in Str1.
StrOut = STRCAT(Str1,Str2) Add Str2 at the end of Str1.
StrOut = STRFILL(Str1,Str2,nLoc) Add Str2 to Str1 starting at character nLoc.
StrOut = STRCOMP(Str1) Remove all blanks from Str1
StrOut = STRLEFT(Str1) Left-justify Str1
nLoc = STRPOS(Str1,Str2) Get starting location of Str2 in Str1.
nLoc = STRLENG(Str1) Location of last nonblank character
StrOut = UPCASE(Str1) Upper case of Str1
StrOut = LWCASE(Str1) Lower case of Str1
The following functions manipulate file names.
Path String = JOIN ('directory','filename','extension') Produces a contiguous pathstring. e.g. directory/filename.ext
Path String = JOIN ('directory','filename') Produces a contiguous pathstring. e.g. directory/filename
SPLIT('PathString', 'DIR') Produces a separate output of the directory from the pathstring.
SPLIT('PathString', 'FILE') Produces a separate output of the complete filename (with extension) from the pathstring.
SPLIT('PathString', 'NAME') Produces a separate output of the filename from the pathstring.
SPLIT('PathString', 'EXT') Produces a separate output of the file extension from the pathstring.
posted on 2009-12-03 10:26  ylclass  阅读(11079)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报