
找到JBuilder2006安装目录下面的BIN 目录 然后更该jbuilder.config这个文件
我的是这样的 (共你复制用)
# +-----------------------------------------------------+
# | |
# | This is the configuration file for the JBuilder IDE |
# | |
# | Do NOT make modifications without maintaining a |
# | backup copy. See config_readme.html for a |
# | description of the recognized directives. |
# | |
# +-----------------------------------------------------+

# Add any configuration files located in the patch directory
includedir ../patch

# Enable peer to peer debugging
addpath ../lib/jdi-extension.jar

# Enable HotSpot Serviceablity Agent
include sa.config

# Read the shared JDK definition
include jdk.config

# Tune this VM to provide enough headroom to work on large
# applications
vmmemmin 32m
vmmemmax 75%
vmparam -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

# Sample Login Configuration for Peer to Peer subsystem
vmparam -Djava.security.auth.login.config=$var(installRoot)$var(fileSep)bin$var(fileSep)PeerToPeer.conf

# Make sure that DLL's in the lib directory also get picked up
addlibpath ../lib

# Put the Light AWT wrapper and various JDK fixes on the boot path
addbootpath ../lib/javac.jar
addbootpath ../lib/lawt.jar
addbootpath ../lib/DesignerSwingFixes.jar
addbootpath ../lib/TabbedPaneFix.jar
addbootpath ../lib/SequencedEventFix.jar
addbootpath ../lib/PopupFixes.jar
addbootpath ../lib/AntiAliasSupport.jar

# Make sure to skip the sanctuary.jar
addskippath ../lib/sanctuary.jar

# Add all JAR files located in the patch, lib and lib/ext directory
addjars ../patch
addjars ../lib
addjars ../lib/bes
addjars ../lib/servers
addjars ../lib/p2p
addjars ../lib/ext

# Include the Servlet 2.4 API from Tomcat 5 in the IDE classpath
addpath ../thirdparty/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/common/lib/servlet-api.jar

# Activate the shell integration
socket 8888

# If the JBuilder exits with a status code 22, then restart
restartonexit 22

# Add all the configuration files located in the lib/ext directory
includedir ../lib/ext

# JBuilder needs to have access to the environment

# JBuilder needs to have a splash screen
splash jbuilder_2006

# Start JBuilder using the main class
mainclass com.borland.jbuilder.JBuilder


看到上面的没有 ??


# Tune this VM to provide enough headroom to work on large
# applications
vmmemmin 32m
vmmemmax 75%
vmparam -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

/把原来的 vmmemmax 50% 改成了 vmmemmax 75% 就OK 了 

posted @ 2009-03-11 18:47  yaolifei  阅读(257)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报