DFS ,BFS Pseudocode


// Simple dfs
function dfs(node position)
    for each successor adjacent to node "position"
        if successor is colored, skip it
        if next is the goal node, stop the search
        else, dfs(successor)


// Simple bfs
structure node
    position pos
    node *parent

function bfs(node start_position)
    add start_position to the queue
    while the queue is not empty
        pop a node off the queue, call it "item"
        color item on the graph // make sure we don't search it again
        generate the 8 successors to item
        set the parent of each successor to "item" // this is so we can backtrack our final solution
        for each successor
            if the successor is the goal node, end the search
            else, push it to the back of the queue // So we can search this node
    if we have a goal node, look at its ancestry to find the path (node->parent->parent->parent..., etc)
    if not, the queue was empty and we didn't find a path :^\


posted on 2013-07-25 14:52  fishyk  阅读(356)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
