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Supposed you are implemented done with all your codes(c is the alias for cleartool):

  • New version adds to exist file in VOB
  1.  kco -c "comments" file
  2.  cp file.updated file
  3.  kci -c "comments" file
  • Add new file element to VOB - also needs check out parent Dir
  1. kco -c "comments" dir-parent
  2. c mkelem -c "comments" filename
  3. kci -c "comments" filename
  4. kci -c "comments" dir-parent
  • Add new directory element  to VOB
  1. kco -c "comments" dir-parent(this is the exist one)
  2. c mkdir -c "comments" dir-name-new
  3. kci -c "comments" dir-name-new
  4. kci -c "comments" dir-parent
  • Create new symlink and add to VOB
  1. kco -c "comments" dir-parent(this is the exist one)
  2. c ls -s dirink-name dir-original
  3. kci -c "comments" dir-parent
  • Remove exist element from VOB
  1. kco -c "comments" dir-parent
  2. c rmname -c  "comments" element
  3. kci -c "comments" dir-parent
  • Change comments and attribute
  1. c chevent -replace -c "comment" filename 
  2. c mkattr -replace attr_name '"comment"' filename



posted on 2019-09-05 17:13  闭关49天  阅读(196)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报