深空原子钟(Deep Space Atomic Clock:): 飞行验证一个小型化的,极端精确的,水银离子原子钟,该原子钟能够减轻运行成本,能够发送跟多科学数据,能够进行自主深空无线电导航。百度了一下,咱们国家17年立项,说4年左右做出来。可见这个装置的重要性。6月底由Spacex公司的Falcon Heavy 火箭发射。
深空光学通讯(Deep Space Optical Communications:) 开发和实现前所未有的光通信技术,深空光通信将会发送一个能够发射的,深空光收发器以及地面系统。备注一下:老妈的Startlink前60可卫星已经上天。不知道和这个项目什么关系。
可发展的低温学(Evolvable Cryogenics: ) 可发展的低温学(eCryo) 将会开发,集成和验证低温液体管理技术,主要是用在SLS发射系统和其他太空探索任务。主要是太空中燃料和氧化剂的存储,运输和使用的方法。
绿色推进剂任务(Green Propellant Infusion Mission:)验证高效的燃料和推进系统,用以替换有毒的肼燃料,预期能够改善未来的卫星和航天任务。6月与原子钟一起发射。
太空机器制造和装配(In-space Robotic Manufacturing and Assembly: ) 有三个方案就太空中自动化制造,装配和维修大构件进行竞争,最终会合成一个方案,来融入到政府和商业航天计划中。
激光通信中继验证(Laser Communications Relay Demonstration:) 就我们如何接收发送数据做出突破性的变革,使用激光编码和传输数据比当前使用无线电传输快以10-100倍,并且质量更轻,耗电更少。话说老马的starlink的星间链路是否从这里搞技术了?
Low-Earth Orbit Flight Test of an Inflatable Decelerator: demonstrates a truly crosscutting technology for atmospheric entry. One of the challenges NASA faces is how to deliver heavy payloads (experiments, equipment, and/or people) to destinations with an atmosphere. This technology enables a variety of proposed NASA missions to destinations such as Mars, Venus, Titan, and return to Earth.
Mars 2020 Overview:
The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE), is an exploration technology demonstration that will produce oxygen from the carbon-dioxide-rich atmospheres of Mars; and Terrain-Relative Navigation is critical for Mars exploration. This innovative entry, descent and landing technology allows the rover to detect tricky terrain and divert itself to a safer landing area.
Satellite Servicing:
NASA’s Restore-L mission is an ambitious, technology-rich endeavor to launch a robotic spacecraft to refuel a live satellite, and NASA’s Robotic Refueling Mission 3 will demonstrate methods to store and transfer cryogenic liquid methane in space. This capability will benefit future long-duration missions to the Moon and beyond.
Solar Electric Propulsion: A highly efficient, solar-powered electric alternative to conventional chemical-propelled craft, potentially revolutionizing solar system exploration missions and commercial near-Earth applications.