spring cloud:Edgware.RELEASE版本中zuul回退方法的变化


public interface ZuulFallbackProvider {

	 * The route this fallback will be used for.
	 * @return The route the fallback will be used for.
	public String getRoute();

	 * Provides a fallback response.
	 * @return The fallback response.
	public ClientHttpResponse fallbackResponse();



public interface FallbackProvider extends ZuulFallbackProvider {

	 * Provides a fallback response based on the cause of the failed execution.
	 * @param cause cause of the main method failure
	 * @return the fallback response
	ClientHttpResponse fallbackResponse(Throwable cause);


if (cause != null && cause.getCause() != null) {
        String reason = cause.getCause().getMessage();
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