product_list = [['Iphone7', 5800], ['Coffee', 30], ['疙瘩汤', 10], ['Python Book', 99], ['Bike', 199], ['ViVo X9', 2499], ] # 定义一个空字典用于存放商品 shopping_cart = {} # 定义一个空列表用于存放用户信息 current_userinfo = [] db_file = r'db.txt' while True: print(''' 1 登录 2 注册 3 购物 ''') shopping = input("请选择你的操作:") if shopping == '1': over = True count = 0 while over: if count == 3: print("错误次数过多退出") break username = input("请输入用户名:") userpasswd = input("请输入密码:") with open(db_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as user: for line in user: line = line.strip('\n') user_info = line.split(',') username_of_db = user_info[0] pwd_of_db = user_info[1] balance_of_db = int(user_info[2]) if username == username_of_db and userpasswd == pwd_of_db: print("登录成功") # 将用户名字和余额存入列表中 current_userinfo = [username_of_db, balance_of_db] print('用户信息为:', current_userinfo) over = False break else: print('用户或密码错误') count += 1 elif shopping == '2': #开始注册你的用户 username = input("请输入你的用户名:") while True: pwd1 = input("请输入你的密码:") pwd2 = input("请在此输入密码:") if pwd1 != pwd2: print('两次输入的不一致,请重新输入') else: break money = input("请输入你的余额:") with open(db_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % (username, pwd1, money)) elif shopping == '3': #开始选购 if len(current_userinfo)==0: print("请登录。。。。。") else: print("登录成功,开始购物") username_of_db=current_userinfo[0] balance_of_db=current_userinfo[1] print('尊敬的用户%s您的余额为%s祝您购物愉快'%(username_of_db,balance_of_db)) over=True while over: for index,product in enumerate(product_list): print(index,product) shopping=input("请输入商品编号,输入’q‘ 退出: ") if shopping.isdigit(): shopping=int(shopping) if shopping <0 or shopping>= len(product_list):continue pname=product_list[shopping][0] pprice=product_list[shopping][1] if balance_of_db >pprice: if pname in shopping_cart: #判断商品是否已经在购物车中 shopping_cart[pname]['count']+=1 else: shopping_cart[pname]={'pprice':pprice,'count':1} balance_of_db-=pprice # 扣钱 current_userinfo[1]=balance_of_db #更新用户余额 print("Added product" + pname + " into shopping_cart,\033[42;1myour current\033[0m balance " + str(balance_of_db)) else: print("余额不足,商品总额是{price},你还差{lack_price}".format(price=pprice,lack_price=(pprice-balance_of_db))) print(shopping_cart) elif shopping =='q': print(''' ---------------------------------已购买商品列表--------------------------------- id 商品 数量 单价 总价 ''') total_cost=0 for y,key in enumerate(shopping_cart): print('%22s%18s%18s%18s%18s' %( y, key, shopping_cart[key]['count'], shopping_cart[key]['pprice'], shopping_cart[key]['pprice'] * shopping_cart[key]['count'] )) total_cost+=shopping_cart[key]['pprice'] * shopping_cart[key]['count'] print(""" 您的总花费为:%s 您的余额为:%s """ %(total_cost,balance_of_db)) while over: inp=input("确认购买(yes/no): ") if inp not in ['Y','y','N','n','yes','no']:continue if inp in ['Y','y','yes']: src_file=db_file dst_filer=r'%s.swap' %db_file with open(src_file,'r',encoding='uft-8') as read_f,\ open(dst_filer,'w',encoding='utf-8') as write_f: for line in read_f: if line.startswith(username_of_db): l=line.strip('\n').split(',') l[-1]=str(balance_of_db) line=','.join(1)+'\n' write_f.write(line) os.remove(src_file) os.rename(dst_filer,src_file) print('购买成功,请耐心发货') shopping_cart={} current_userinfo={} over=False else: print('非法操作') else: print('非法输入')