/************************************************************************* > File Name: binary_tree.cpp > Author: xinyang > Mail: xuechen.xy@gmail.com > Created Time: Fri 02 Oct 2015 05:24:25 PM CST ************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <stack> #include <queue> using namespace std; /* * 二叉树节点 */ struct Node { int value; Node *lchild, *rchild; Node *next; Node (int x) { value = x; lchild = NULL; rchild = NULL; next = NULL; } }; /* * 往二叉树中插入节点 */ Node *insert(Node *T, int x) { if (T == NULL) { T = new Node(x); } else if (T->value > x) { T->lchild = insert(T->lchild, x); } else if (T->value < x) { T->rchild = insert(T->rchild, x); } return T; } /* * 前序遍历(递归) */ void pre_order_recur(Node *T) { cout << T->value << ' '; if (T->lchild != NULL) { pre_order_recur(T->lchild); } if (T->rchild != NULL) { pre_order_recur(T->rchild); } } /* * 前序遍历(非递归) */ void pre_order_iter(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return; } Node *tmp = T; stack<Node *> S; while (tmp != NULL || !S.empty()) { while (tmp != NULL) { S.push(tmp); cout << tmp->value << ' '; tmp = tmp->lchild; } if (!S.empty()) { tmp = S.top(); S.pop(); tmp = tmp->rchild; } } } /* * 中序遍历(递归) */ void in_order_recur(Node *T) { if (T->lchild != NULL) { in_order_recur(T->lchild); } cout << T->value << ' '; if (T->rchild != NULL) { in_order_recur(T->rchild); } } /* * 中序遍历(非递归) */ void in_order_iter(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return ; } Node *tmp = T; stack<Node *> S; while (tmp != NULL || !S.empty()) { while (tmp != NULL) { S.push(tmp); tmp = tmp->lchild; } if (!S.empty()) { tmp = S.top(); S.pop(); cout << tmp->value << ' '; tmp = tmp->rchild; } } } /* * 后序遍历(递归) */ void post_order_recur(Node *T) { if (T->lchild != NULL) { post_order_recur(T->lchild); } if (T->rchild != NULL) { post_order_recur(T->rchild); } cout << T->value << ' '; } /* * 后序遍历(非递归) */ void post_order_iter(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return; } Node *pre = NULL, *cur = NULL; stack<Node *> S; S.push(T); while (!S.empty()) { cur = S.top(); if ((cur->lchild == NULL && cur->rchild == NULL) || (pre != NULL && (pre == cur->lchild || pre == cur->rchild))) { cout << cur->value << ' '; S.pop(); pre = cur; } else { if (cur->rchild != NULL) { S.push(cur->rchild); } if (cur->lchild != NULL) { S.push(cur->lchild); } } } } /* * 层次遍历 */ void level_order(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return; } Node *tmp = T; queue<Node *> Q; Q.push(tmp); while (!Q.empty()) { tmp = Q.front(); Q.pop(); cout << tmp->value << ' '; if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->lchild); } if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->rchild); } } } /* * 按行打印(换行) */ void level_order_line(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return; } int cur = 0, last = 0; Node *tmp = T; queue<Node *> Q; Q.push(tmp); cur = 1; while (!Q.empty()) { last = cur; while (last--) { tmp = Q.front(); Q.pop(); cout << tmp->value << ' '; if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->lchild); } if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->rchild); } } cur = Q.size(); cout << endl; } } /* * 按行打印(之字形) */ void level_order_s(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return; } stack<Node *> levels[2]; int current = 0, next = 1; Node *tmp = T; levels[current].push(tmp); while (!levels[current].empty() || !levels[next].empty()) { tmp = levels[current].top(); levels[current].pop(); cout << tmp->value << ' '; if (current == 0) { if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { levels[next].push(tmp->lchild); } if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { levels[next].push(tmp->rchild); } } else { if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { levels[next].push(tmp->rchild); } if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { levels[next].push(tmp->lchild); } } if (levels[current].empty()) { cout << endl; current = 1 - current; next = 1 - next; } } } /* * 高度(递归) */ int height_recur(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return 0; } int left = height_recur(T->lchild); int right = height_recur(T->rchild); return left > right ? (left + 1) : (right + 1); } /* * 高度(非递归) */ int height_iter(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return 0; } Node *tmp = T; queue<Node *> Q; Q.push(tmp); while (!Q.empty()) { tmp = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->lchild); } if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->rchild); } } Node *m = tmp, *n = T; int h = 0; while (m != n) { Q.push(n); while (!Q.empty()) { tmp = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if (tmp->lchild == m || tmp->rchild == m) { ++h; m = tmp; break; } if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->lchild); } if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->rchild); } } } return h + 1; } /* * 宽度 */ int width(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return 0; } Node *tmp = T; queue<Node *> Q; Q.push(tmp); int last_width = 1, last_width_tmp = 1; int width = 1, cur_width = 1; while (!Q.empty()) { last_width_tmp = last_width; while (last_width_tmp--) { tmp = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->lchild); } if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->rchild); } } cur_width = Q.size(); width = cur_width > width ? cur_width : width; last_width = cur_width; } return width; } /* * 平衡二叉树判断1 */ bool is_balanced1(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return true; } int left = height_recur(T->lchild); int right = height_recur(T->rchild); int diff = left - right; if (diff > 1 || diff < -1) { return false; } else { return is_balanced1(T->lchild) && is_balanced1(T->rchild); } } /* * 最小高度 */ int min_depth(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return 0; } return 1 + min(min_depth(T->lchild), min_depth(T->rchild)); } /* * 最大高度 */ int max_depth(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return 0; } return 1 + max(max_depth(T->lchild), max_depth(T->rchild)); } /* * 平衡二叉树判断2 */ bool is_balanced2(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return true; } int min_h = min_depth(T); int max_h = max_depth(T); return max_h - min_h <= 1; } /* * 判断两棵二叉树是否相等 */ bool is_equal(Node *T1, Node *T2) { if (T1 == NULL && T2 == NULL) { return true; } if (T1 == NULL || T2 == NULL) { return false; } if (T1->value == T2->value) { return is_equal(T1->lchild, T2->lchild) && is_equal(T1->rchild, T2->rchild); } else { return false; } } /* * 判断两棵二叉树是否对称 */ bool is_symmetrical(Node *T1, Node *T2) { if (T1 == NULL && T2 == NULL) { return true; } if (T1 == NULL || T2 == NULL) { return false; } if (T1->value == T2->value) { return is_symmetrical(T1->lchild, T2->rchild) && is_symmetrical(T1->rchild, T2->lchild); } else { return false; } } bool is_symmetrical(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return true; } return is_symmetrical(T, T); } /* * 求一棵二叉树的镜像 */ Node *mirror(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return NULL; } if (T->lchild == NULL && T->rchild == NULL) { return T; } Node *tmp = T->lchild; T->lchild = T->rchild; T->rchild = tmp; if (T->lchild != NULL) { T->lchild = mirror(T->lchild); } if (T->rchild != NULL) { T->rchild = mirror(T->rchild); } return T; } /* * 二叉树1与2有相同的根节点,判断1是否包含2 */ bool does_1_has_2(Node *T1, Node *T2) { if (T2 == NULL) { return true; } if (T1 == NULL) { return false; } if (T1->value == T2->value) { return does_1_has_2(T1->lchild, T2->lchild) && does_1_has_2(T1->rchild, T2->rchild); } else { return false; } } /* * 判断二叉树1中是否包含二叉树2 */ bool has_subtree(Node *T1, Node *T2) { bool result = false; if (T2 == NULL) { return true; } if (T1 == NULL) { return false; } if (T1->value == T2->value) { result = does_1_has_2(T1, T2); } if (false == result) { result = has_subtree(T1->lchild, T2); } if (false == result) { result = has_subtree(T1->rchild, T2); } return result; } /* * 判断一棵完美二叉树 */ bool is_perfect_tree(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return true; } queue<Node *> Q; Node *tmp = T; Q.push(tmp); while (!Q.empty()) { tmp = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if ((tmp->lchild != NULL && tmp->rchild == NULL) || (tmp->lchild == NULL && tmp->rchild != NULL)) { return false; } if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->lchild); } if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { Q.push(tmp->rchild); } } return true; } /* * 判断一棵完全二叉树 */ bool is_complete_tree(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return true; } queue<Node *> Q; Node *tmp = T; Q.push(tmp); while (!Q.empty()) { tmp = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if (tmp == NULL) { break; } Q.push(tmp->lchild); Q.push(tmp->rchild); } while (!Q.empty()) { tmp = Q.front(); Q.pop(); if (tmp != NULL) { return false; } } return true; } /* * 由前序遍历以及中序遍历序列构建二叉树 */ int pre[] = {3, 1, 2, 8, 7, 5, 4, 6, 9}; int in[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; Node *build_tree(int s1, int e1, int s2, int e2) { Node *ret = new Node(pre[s1]); int rootIdx; int i; for (i = s2; i <= e2; ++i) { if (in[i] == pre[s1]) { rootIdx = i; break; } } if (i == e2 + 1) { return NULL; } if (rootIdx != s2) { ret->lchild = build_tree(s1 + 1, s1 + rootIdx - s2, s2, rootIdx - 1); } if (rootIdx != e2) { ret->rchild = build_tree(s1 + rootIdx - s2 + 1, e1, rootIdx + 1, e2); } return ret; } /* * 判断是否是BST的后序序列 */ bool verify_sequence_of_BST(int A[], int n) { if (A == NULL || n <= 0) { return true; } int root = A[n - 1]; int i = 0; for (; i < n - 1; ++i) { if (A[i] > root) { break; } } int j = i; for (; j < n - 1; ++j) { if (A[j] < root) { return false; } } bool left = true; if (i > 0) { left = verify_sequence_of_BST(A, i); } bool right = true; if (i < n - 1) { right = verify_sequence_of_BST(A + i, n - i - 1); } return left && right; } /* * 从二叉树中查找和为定值的路径 */ void find_path(Node *T, int sum, vector<int> &path, int cur_sum) { cur_sum += T->value; path.push_back(T->value); bool is_leaf = T->lchild == NULL && T->rchild == NULL; if (is_leaf == true && cur_sum == sum) { for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) { cout << path[i] << ' '; } cout << endl; } if (T->lchild != NULL) { find_path(T->lchild, sum, path, cur_sum); } if (T->rchild != NULL) { find_path(T->rchild, sum, path, cur_sum); } path.pop_back(); } void find_path(Node *T, int sum) { if (T == NULL) { return; } int cur_sum = 0; vector<int> path; find_path(T, sum, path, cur_sum); } /* * 将二叉搜索树转换为双向链表 */ void convert_node(Node *T, Node **last_node) { if (T == NULL) { return ; } if (T->lchild != NULL) { convert_node(T->lchild, last_node); } T->lchild = *last_node; if (*last_node != NULL) { (*last_node)->rchild = T; } *last_node = T; if (T->rchild != NULL) { convert_node(T->rchild, last_node); } } Node *convert(Node *T) { Node *last_node = NULL; convert_node(T, &last_node); Node *head = last_node; while (head != NULL && head->lchild != NULL) { head = head->lchild; } return head; } /* * 找出BST中第k个节点 */ Node *kth_node_core(Node *T, int &k) { Node *target = NULL; if (T->lchild != NULL) { target = kth_node_core(T->lchild, k); } if (target == NULL) { if (k == 1) { target = T; } --k; } if (target == NULL && T->rchild != NULL) { target = kth_node_core(T->rchild, k); } return target; } Node *kth_node(Node *T, int k) { if (T == NULL || k <= 0) { return NULL; } return kth_node_core(T, k); } /* * 获取二叉树中两个节点的最大距离(边个数) */ struct RESULT { int max_distance; int max_depth; }; RESULT get_max_distance(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { RESULT empty = {0, -1}; return empty; } RESULT lhs = get_max_distance(T->lchild); RESULT rhs = get_max_distance(T->rchild); RESULT ret; ret.max_depth = max(lhs.max_depth + 1, rhs.max_depth + 1); ret.max_distance = max(max(lhs.max_distance, rhs.max_distance), lhs.max_depth + rhs.max_depth + 2); return ret; } /* * 获取两个节点的最低公共祖先(递归) */ Node *common_parent1(Node *T, Node *node1, Node *node2) { if (T == NULL) { return NULL; } if (node1 == T || node2 == T) { return T; } Node *left = common_parent1(T->lchild, node1, node2); Node *right = common_parent1(T->rchild, node1, node2); if (left == NULL) { return right; } else if (right == NULL) { return left; } else { return T; } } /* * 获取两个节点的最低公共祖先(迭代) */ bool find_node(Node *T, Node *node, vector<Node *> &path) { if (T == NULL) { return false; } path.push_back(T); if (T == node) { return true; } bool found = false; found = find_node(T->lchild, node, path); if (false == found) { found = find_node(T->rchild, node, path); } if (false == found) { path.pop_back(); } return found; } Node *common_parent2(Node *T, Node *node1, Node *node2) { Node *ret = NULL; vector<Node *> path1; vector<Node *> path2; bool has_node1 = find_node(T, node1, path1); bool has_node2 = find_node(T, node2, path2); if (false == has_node1 || false == has_node2) { return T; } int L1 = path1.size(); int L2 = path2.size(); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i != L1 && j != L2; ++i, ++j) { if (path1[i] != path2[j]) { break; } ret= path1[i]; } return ret; } /* * 判断一个节点是否是叶节点,如果是,求出根节点到该节点的路径 */ bool find_leaf_node(Node *T, Node *node, vector<Node *> &path) { if (T == NULL) { return false; } path.push_back(T); bool is_leaf = T->lchild == NULL && T->rchild == NULL; if (true == is_leaf && T == node) { return true; } bool found = false; found = find_leaf_node(T->lchild, node, path); if (false == found) { found = find_leaf_node(T->rchild, node, path); } if (false == found) { path.pop_back(); } return found; } /* * 在一棵完全二叉树中使用next指针链接旁边的节点 */ void connect_complete_tree(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return ; } Node *tmp = T; Node *first = NULL; while (tmp != NULL) { if (first == NULL) { first = tmp->lchild; } if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { tmp->lchild->next = tmp->rchild; } else { break; } if (tmp->next != NULL) { tmp->rchild->next = tmp->next->lchild; tmp = tmp->next; continue; } else { tmp = first; first = NULL; } } } /* * 在一棵普通二叉树中使用next指针链接旁边的节点 */ void connext_normal_tree(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return ; } Node *tmp = T; Node *first = NULL, *last = NULL; while (tmp != NULL) { if (first == NULL) { if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { first = tmp->lchild; } else if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { first = tmp->rchild; } if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { if (last != NULL) { last->next = tmp->lchild; } last = tmp->next; } if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { if (last != NULL) { last->next = tmp->rchild; } last = tmp->next; } if (tmp->next != NULL) { tmp = tmp->next; } else { tmp = first; first = NULL; last = NULL; } } } } /* * 将一个排过序的链表转成一棵BST */ struct ListNode { int value; ListNode *next; ListNode(int x) { value = x; next = NULL; } }; Node *build_from_list(ListNode *start, ListNode *end) { if (start == end) { return NULL; } ListNode *fast = start, *slow = start; while (fast != end && fast->next != end) { slow = slow->next; fast = fast->next->next; } Node *ret = new Node(slow->value); ret->lchild = build_from_list(start, slow); ret->rchild = build_from_list(slow->next, end); return ret; } Node *sorted_list_to_BST(ListNode *head) { return build_from_list(head, NULL); } /* * 将一个排过序的数组转换成一棵BST */ Node *build_from_array(const vector<int> &num, int start, int end) { if (start >= end) { return NULL; } int mid = (start + end) / 2; Node *ret = new Node(num[mid]); ret->lchild = build_from_array(num, start, mid); ret->rchild = build_from_array(num, mid + 1, end); return ret; } Node *sort_array_to_BST(const vector<int> &num) { return build_from_array(num, 0, num.size()); } /* * 将一颗二叉树磨平 */ void flatten(Node *T) { if (T == NULL) { return; } stack<Node *> S; Node *p = new Node (0); Node *ret = p; S.push(T); while (!S.empty()) { Node *tmp = S.top(); S.pop(); p->rchild = tmp; p = tmp; if (tmp->rchild != NULL) { S.push(tmp->rchild); tmp->rchild = NULL; } if (tmp->lchild != NULL) { S.push(tmp->lchild); tmp->lchild = NULL; } } } /* * 判断一棵二叉树是否是BST */ #define MIN 0x80000000 #define MAX 0x7fffffff bool is_valid_BST_core(Node *T, int min, int max) { if (T == NULL) { return true; } if (T->value < min || T->value > max) { return false; } return is_valid_BST_core(T->lchild, min, T->value) && is_valid_BST_core(T->rchild, T->value, max); } bool is_valid_BST(Node *T) { return is_valid_BST_core(T, MIN, MAX); } int main() { int A[] = {3, 8, 7, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4, 9}; Node *T = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { T = insert(T, A[i]); } cout << "pre_order_recur" << endl; pre_order_recur(T); cout << endl; cout << "pre_order_iter" << endl; pre_order_iter(T); cout << endl << endl; cout << "in_order_recur" << endl; in_order_recur(T); cout << endl; cout << "in_order_iter" << endl; in_order_iter(T); cout << endl << endl; cout << "post_order_recur" << endl; post_order_recur(T); cout << endl; cout << "post_order_iter" << endl; post_order_iter(T); cout << endl << endl; cout << "level_order" << endl; level_order(T); cout << endl << endl; cout << "level_order_line" << endl; level_order_line(T); cout << endl << endl; cout << "level_order_s" << endl; level_order_s(T); cout << endl << endl; cout << "height_recur" << endl; cout << height_recur(T) << endl; cout << "height_iter" << endl; cout << height_iter(T); cout << endl << endl; cout << "width" << endl; cout << width(T); cout << endl << endl; // if (true == is_balanced1(T)) { if (true == is_balanced2(T)) { cout << "is balanced" << endl << endl; } else { cout << "is not balanced" << endl << endl; } if (true == is_equal(T, T)) { cout << "is equal" << endl << endl; } else { cout << "is not equal" << endl << endl; } /* Node *T1 = mirror(T); // if (true == is_symmetrical(T)) { if (true == is_symmetrical(T, T1)) { cout << "is symmetrical" << endl << endl; } else { cout << "is not symmetrical" << endl << endl; } */ Node *T2 = T->lchild; if (true == has_subtree(T, T2)) { cout << "1 has 2" << endl << endl; } else { cout << "1 has no 2" << endl << endl; } if (true == is_perfect_tree(T)) { cout << "is pefect tree" << endl << endl; } else { cout << "is not perfect tree" << endl << endl; } if (true == is_complete_tree(T)) { cout << "is complete tree" << endl << endl; } else { cout << "is not complete tree" << endl << endl; } Node *post = build_tree(0, 8, 0, 8); post_order_iter(post); cout << endl << endl; int B[] = {2, 1, 4, 6, 5, 7, 9, 8, 3}; if (true == verify_sequence_of_BST(B, 9)) { cout << "is valid BST sequence" << endl << endl; } else { cout << "is not valid BST sequence" << endl << endl; } cout << "find path in a tree with confirmed sum" << endl; find_path(T, 27); cout << endl; /* cout << "convert a tree into a link list" << endl; Node *convert_ret = convert(T); while (convert_ret != NULL) { cout << convert_ret->value << ' '; convert_ret = convert_ret->rchild; } cout << endl << endl; */ cout << "2th node's value" << endl; Node *kth_ret = kth_node(T, 2); cout << kth_ret->value << endl << endl; cout << "max distance" << endl; RESULT max_ret = get_max_distance(T); cout << max_ret.max_distance << endl << endl; cout << "common parent of node1 and node2" << endl; Node *node1 = T->lchild, *node2 = T->rchild; cout << "node1: " << node1->value << ", node2: " << node2->value << endl; Node *common_ret = common_parent1(T, node1, node2); // Node *common_ret = common_parent2(T, node1, node2); cout << common_ret->value << endl << endl; cout << "find a path to leaf_node" << endl; Node *leaf = T->lchild->rchild; vector<Node *> path; if (true == find_leaf_node(T, leaf, path)) { cout << "path is" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i) { cout << path[i]->value << ' '; } cout << endl << endl; } else { cout << "no path" << endl << endl; } /* flatten(T); pre_order_recur(T); cout << endl; in_order_recur(T); cout << endl << endl; */ if (true == is_valid_BST(T)) { cout << "is valid bst" << endl << endl; } else { cout << "is not valid bst" << endl << endl; } return 0; }