python sys.argv 用法


#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
print sys.argv

root@devstack2019:/opt/stack/keystone/keystone/cmd# python --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf db_sync
['', '--config-file', '/etc/keystone/keystone.conf', 'db_sync']



root@devstack2019:~# cd /opt/stack/keystone/keystone/cmd/
root@devstack2019:/opt/stack/keystone/keystone/cmd# python
Python 2.7.16 (default, Apr 9 2019, 04:50:39)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os
>>> print os.path.abspath('')

>>> print os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''),os.pardir,os.pardir,os.pardir)

>>> print os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''),os.pardir,os.pardir,os.pardir))

/usr/local/bin/keystone-manage --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf db_sync

cli.main(argv=sys.argv, developer_config_file=developer_config)   //argv=['keystone-manage', '--config-file', '/etc/keystone/keystone.conf', 'db_sync']

root@devstack2019:/usr/local/bin# keystone-manage --help

usage: keystone-manage [bootstrap|credential_migrate|credential_rotate|credential_setup|db_sync|db_version|doctor|domain_config_upload|fernet_rotate|fernet_setup|create_jws_keypair|mapping_populate|mapping_purge|mapping_engine|receipt_rotate|receipt_setup|saml_idp_metadata|token_rotate|token_setup|trust_flush]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config-dir DIR Path to a config directory to pull `*.conf` files
from. This file set is sorted, so as to provide a
predictable parse order if individual options are
over-ridden. The set is parsed after the file(s)
specified via previous --config-file, arguments hence
over-ridden options in the directory take precedence.
This option must be set from the command-line.
--config-file PATH Path to a config file to use. Multiple config files
can be specified, with values in later files taking
precedence. Defaults to None. This option must be set
from the command-line.
--debug, -d If set to true, the logging level will be set to DEBUG
instead of the default INFO level.
--log-config-append PATH, --log-config PATH, --log_config PATH
The name of a logging configuration file. This file is
appended to any existing logging configuration files.
For details about logging configuration files, see the
Python logging module documentation. Note that when
logging configuration files are used then all logging
configuration is set in the configuration file and
other logging configuration options are ignored (for
example, log-date-format).
--log-date-format DATE_FORMAT
Defines the format string for %(asctime)s in log
records. Default: None . This option is ignored if
log_config_append is set.
--log-dir LOG_DIR, --logdir LOG_DIR
(Optional) The base directory used for relative
log_file paths. This option is ignored if
log_config_append is set.
--log-file PATH, --logfile PATH
(Optional) Name of log file to send logging output to.
If no default is set, logging will go to stderr as
defined by use_stderr. This option is ignored if
log_config_append is set.
--nodebug The inverse of --debug
--nostandard-threads The inverse of --standard-threads
--nouse-journal The inverse of --use-journal
--nouse-json The inverse of --use-json
--nouse-syslog The inverse of --use-syslog
--nowatch-log-file The inverse of --watch-log-file
--pydev-debug-host PYDEV_DEBUG_HOST
Host to connect to for remote debugger.
--pydev-debug-port PYDEV_DEBUG_PORT
Port to connect to for remote debugger.
--standard-threads Do not monkey-patch threading system modules.
--syslog-log-facility SYSLOG_LOG_FACILITY
Syslog facility to receive log lines. This option is
ignored if log_config_append is set.
--use-journal Enable journald for logging. If running in a systemd
environment you may wish to enable journal support.
Doing so will use the journal native protocol which
includes structured metadata in addition to log
messages.This option is ignored if log_config_append
is set.
--use-json Use JSON formatting for logging. This option is
ignored if log_config_append is set.
--use-syslog Use syslog for logging. Existing syslog format is
DEPRECATED and will be changed later to honor RFC5424.
This option is ignored if log_config_append is set.
--version show program's version number and exit
--watch-log-file Uses logging handler designed to watch file system.
When log file is moved or removed this handler will
open a new log file with specified path
instantaneously. It makes sense only if log_file
option is specified and Linux platform is used. This
option is ignored if log_config_append is set.

Available commands
bootstrap Perform the basic bootstrap process.
credential_migrate Provides the ability to encrypt credentials using a
new primary key. This assumes that there is already a
credential key repository in place and that the
database backend has been upgraded to at least the
Newton schema. If the credential repository doesn't
exist yet, you can use ``keystone-manage
credential_setup`` to create one.
credential_rotate Rotate Fernet encryption keys for credential
encryption. This assumes you have already run
`keystone-manage credential_setup`. A new primary key
is placed into rotation only if all credentials are
encrypted with the current primary key. If any
credentials are encrypted with a secondary key the
rotation will abort. This protects against removing a
key that is still required to decrypt credentials.
Once a key is removed from the repository, it is
impossible to recover the original data without
restoring from a backup external to keystone (more on
backups below). To make sure all credentials are
encrypted with the latest primary key, please see the
`keystone-manage credential_migrate` command. Since
the maximum number of keys in the credential
repository is 3, once all credentials are encrypted
with the latest primary key we can safely introduce a
new primary key. All credentials will still be
decryptable since they are all encrypted with the only
secondary key in the repository. It is imperitive to
understand the importance of backing up keys used to
encrypt credentials. In the event keys are
overrotated, applying a key repository from backup can
help recover otherwise useless credentials. Persisting
snapshots of the key repository in secure and
encrypted source control, or a dedicated key
management system are good examples of encryption key
backups. The `keystone-manage credential_rotate` and
`keystone-manage credential_migrate` commands are
intended to be done in sequence. After performing a
rotation, a migration must be done before performing
another rotation. This ensures we don't over-rotate
encryption keys.
credential_setup Setup a Fernet key repository for credential
encryption. The purpose of this command is very
similar to `keystone-manage fernet_setup` only the
keys included in this repository are for encrypting
and decrypting credential secrets instead of token
payloads. Keys can be rotated using `keystone-manage
db_sync Sync the database.
db_version Print the current migration version of the database.
doctor Diagnose common problems with keystone deployments.
Upload the domain specific configuration files to the
fernet_rotate Rotate Fernet encryption keys. This assumes you have
already run keystone-manage fernet_setup. A new
primary key is placed into rotation, which is used for
new tokens. The old primary key is demoted to
secondary, which can then still be used for validating
tokens. Excess secondary keys (beyond [fernet_tokens]
max_active_keys) are revoked. Revoked keys are
permanently deleted. A new staged key will be created
and used to validate tokens. The next time key
rotation takes place, the staged key will be put into
rotation as the primary key. Rotating keys too
frequently, or with [fernet_tokens] max_active_keys
set too low, will cause tokens to become invalid prior
to their expiration.
fernet_setup Setup key repositories for Fernet tokens and auth
receipts. This also creates a primary key used for
both creating and validating Fernet tokens and auth
receipts. To improve security, you should rotate your
keys (using keystone-manage fernet_rotate, for
create_jws_keypair Create a key pair for signing and validating JWS
tokens. This command creates a public and private key
pair to use for signing and validating JWS token
signatures. The key pair is written to the directory
where the command is invoked.
mapping_populate Pre-populate entries from domain-specific backends.
Running this command is not required. It should only
be run right after the LDAP was configured, when many
new users were added, or when "mapping_purge" is run.
This command will take a while to run. It is perfectly
fine for it to run more than several minutes.
mapping_purge Purge the mapping table.
mapping_engine Execute mapping engine locally.
receipt_rotate Rotate auth receipts encryption keys. This assumes you
have already run keystone-manage receipt_setup. A new
primary key is placed into rotation, which is used for
new receipts. The old primary key is demoted to
secondary, which can then still be used for validating
receipts. Excess secondary keys (beyond [receipt]
max_active_keys) are revoked. Revoked keys are
permanently deleted. A new staged key will be created
and used to validate receipts. The next time key
rotation takes place, the staged key will be put into
rotation as the primary key. Rotating keys too
frequently, or with [receipt] max_active_keys set too
low, will cause receipts to become invalid prior to
their expiration.
receipt_setup Setup a key repository for auth receipts. This also
creates a primary key used for both creating and
validating receipts. To improve security, you should
rotate your keys (using keystone-manage
receipt_rotate, for example).
saml_idp_metadata Generate Identity Provider metadata.
token_rotate Rotate token encryption keys. This assumes you have
already run keystone-manage token_setup. A new primary
key is placed into rotation, which is used for new
tokens. The old primary key is demoted to secondary,
which can then still be used for validating tokens.
Excess secondary keys (beyond [token] max_active_keys)
are revoked. Revoked keys are permanently deleted. A
new staged key will be created and used to validate
tokens. The next time key rotation takes place, the
staged key will be put into rotation as the primary
key. Rotating keys too frequently, or with [token]
max_active_keys set too low, will cause tokens to
become invalid prior to their expiration.
token_setup Setup a key repository for tokens. This also creates a
primary key used for both creating and validating
tokens. To improve security, you should rotate your
keys (using keystone-manage token_rotate, for
trust_flush Flush expired and non-expired soft deleted trusts from
the backend.

root@devstack2019:~# cd /opt/stack/keystone/keystone/cmd/
root@devstack2019:/opt/stack/keystone/keystone/cmd# python
Python 2.7.16 (default, Apr 9 2019, 04:50:39)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import os
>>> print os.path.abspath('')

>>> print os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''),os.pardir,os.pardir,os.pardir)

>>> print os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(''),os.pardir,os.pardir,os.pardir))

/usr/local/bin/keystone-manage --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf db_sync

cli.main(argv=sys.argv, developer_config_file=developer_config)

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
print sys.argv

root@devstack2019:/opt/stack/keystone/keystone/cmd# python --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf db_sync
['', '--config-file', '/etc/keystone/keystone.conf', 'db_sync']

/usr/local/bin/keystone-manage --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf fernet_setup

/usr/local/bin/keystone-manage --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf credential_setup

/usr/local/bin/uwsgi --procname-prefix keystone --ini /etc/keystone/keystone-uwsgi-public.ini


root@devstack2019:/usr/local/bin# more /etc/systemd/system/devstack@keystone.service

Description = Devstack devstack@keystone.service

RestartForceExitStatus = 100
NotifyAccess = all
Restart = always
KillMode = process
Type = notify
ExecReload = /bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
ExecStart = /usr/local/bin/uwsgi --procname-prefix keystone --ini /etc/keystone/keystone-uwsgi-public.ini
User = stack
SyslogIdentifier = devstack@keystone.service

WantedBy =

root@devstack2019:/usr/local/bin# more /etc/keystone/keystone-uwsgi-public.ini

chmod-socket = 666
socket = /var/run/uwsgi/keystone-wsgi-public.socket
lazy-apps = true
add-header = Connection: close
buffer-size = 65535
hook-master-start = unix_signal:15 gracefully_kill_them_all
thunder-lock = true
plugins = python
enable-threads = true
worker-reload-mercy = 90
exit-on-reload = false
die-on-term = true
master = true
processes = 2
wsgi-file = /usr/local/bin/keystone-wsgi-public

root@devstack2019:/usr/local/bin# more /usr/local/bin/keystone-wsgi-public
#PBR Generated from u'wsgi_scripts'

import threading

from keystone.server.wsgi import initialize_public_application

if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
import socket
import sys
import wsgiref.simple_server as wss

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
usage='%(prog)s [-h] [--port PORT] [--host IP] -- [passed options]')
parser.add_argument('--port', '-p', type=int, default=8000,
help='TCP port to listen on')
parser.add_argument('--host', '-b', default='',
help='IP to bind the server to')
metavar='-- [passed options]',
help="'--' is the separator of the arguments used "
"to start the WSGI server and the arguments passed "
"to the WSGI application.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.args:
if args.args[0] == '--':
parser.error("unrecognized arguments: %s" % ' '.join(args.args))
sys.argv[1:] = args.args
server = wss.make_server(, args.port, initialize_public_application())

print("*" * 80)
print("STARTING test server keystone.server.wsgi.initialize_public_application")
url = "http://%s:%d/" % (server.server_name, server.server_port)
print("Available at %s" % url)
print("DANGER! For testing only, do not use in production")
print("*" * 80)

application = None
app_lock = threading.Lock()

with app_lock:
if application is None:
application = initialize_public_application()


systemctl enable devstack@keystone.service

/bin/systemctl reload-or-restart devstack@keystone.service

root@devstack2019:/usr/local/bin# curl -g -k --noproxy '*' -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}'

/bin/systemctl restart memcached

/usr/local/bin/keystone-manage bootstrap --bootstrap-username admin --bootstrap-password cfca1234 --bootstrap-project-name admin --bootstrap-role-name admin --bootstrap-service-name keystone --bootstrap-region-id RegionOne --bootstrap-admin-url --bootstrap-public-url


posted @ 2019-11-20 17:29  yitongtianxia  阅读(192)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报