SkylineGlobe 如何使用二次开发接口创建粒子效果
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var rMode = 'IE5 Quirks Mode'; if (vMode == 8) { rMode = 'IE8 Standards Mode'; } else if (vMode == 7) { rMode = 'IE7 Strict Mode'; } else if (vMode == 9) { rMode = 'IE9 Strict Mode'; } //alert('Rendering in: ' + rMode); } DetectTEMode(); var inEdit = false; var gParticleLabel = null; var gMaxEmmiters = 5; var gCurrentShowIndex = 1; //-------------- // EditExisting function EditExisting(ObjectID) { //if (ObjectID === undefined) alert("EditExisting: undefined"); if (inEdit) Reset(false, false); else LoadExistingObject(ObjectID); } //-------------- // LoadExistingObject function LoadExistingObject(ObjectID) { var selectedItemID; //if (ObjectID == null) alert("LoadExistingObject: null"); if (ObjectID == null) selectedItemID = SGWorld.ProjectTree.GetNextItem("", 10); else selectedItemID = ObjectID; if (selectedItemID == "") { alert(SGLang.i18n("Text39")); return; } gParticleLabel = SGWorld.ProjectTree.GetObject(selectedItemID); var xml = gParticleLabel.EffectXML; if (!xml || xml.indexOf("$$PARTICLE$$UserDefine") != 0) { alert(SGLang.i18n("Text36")); Reset(false, false); return; } //inEdit = true; Moved to 2nd line from the end, otherwise many updates are sent to TE while loading the XML to the propery sheets in the HTML. $("#existingStartstopSpan").text(SGLang.i18n("Text12")); xml = xml.substring(xml.indexOf("<? xml version")); //was 27 then 23 xmlDoc = $.parseXML(xml); $xml = $(xmlDoc); //debugger; var frameNum = 1; $xml.find("Particle>ParticleEmitter").each(function () { document.getElementById("tabs-" + frameNum.toString()).contentWindow.LoadParticle($(this)); //$("#tabsCheck-" + frameNum).attr('checked', 'checked'); $("#tabsCheck-" + frameNum).prop('checked', true); $('#tabs').tabs("enable", frameNum-1); frameNum++; }); for (var i = frameNum; i <= 5; i++) { //$("#tabsCheck-" + i).removeAttr('checked'); $("#tabsCheck-" + i).prop('checked', false); $('#tabs').tabs("disable", i-1); } $('#tabs').tabs({ active: 0 }); inEdit = true; UpdateParticle(); } //-------------- // Init function Init() { $("#tabs").tabs(); $("#tabs").tabs("option", { //"selected": 0, "active":0, "disabled": [1, 2, 3, 4] }); $("input[type=checkbox]").click(function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { // $('#tabs').tabs("enable", $(this).val()); // $('#tabs').tabs("select", $(this).val()); $('#tabs').tabs("enable", $(this).val()); $('#tabs').tabs({ active: parseInt($(this).val()) - 1 }); } else { var checkedTabs = 0; for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { if ($("#tabsCheck-" + i).prop('checked')) checkedTabs++; } if (checkedTabs == 0) { $(this).prop('checked', true); return; } $('#tabs').tabs("disable", $(this).val()); //$(this).val()debugger; if ($("#tabs").tabs("option", "active") == ($(this).val() - 1)) { for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { if ($("#tabsCheck-" + i).prop('checked')) { $('#tabs').tabs("enable", i); $('#tabs').tabs({ active: i - 1 }); break; } } } } UpdateParticle(); }); rootId = GetParamValue("rootId", ""); groupID = -1; Reset(true, false); objectID = GetParamValue("ObjectID", ""); if (objectID != "") { document.getElementById("buttonsRow").style.display="none"; EditExisting(objectID); } } //------------------ // Reset //------------------ function Reset(FirstTime, FromMouseInputMode) { try { inEdit = false; gParticleLabel = null; $("#startstopSpan").text(SGLang.i18n("Text11")); $("#existingStartstopSpan").text(SGLang.i18n("Text34")); if (FirstTime != 1 && FromMouseInputMode == 0) { // alert("input"); SGWorld.Window.SetInputMode(0); } } catch (err) { isStart = false; } } //-------------------- // AddFinishObject function AddFinishObject() { if (inEdit) Reset(false, false); else AddNewObject(); } //-------------------- // AddNewObject function AddNewObject() { $('#tabs').tabs("refresh"); inEdit = true; $("#startstopSpan").text(SGLang.i18n("Text12")); //Create label style var centerPos = SGWorld.Window.CenterPixelToWorld(-1).Position; centerPos.Altitude += 100; var labelStyle = SGWorld.Creator.CreateLabelStyle(0); labelStyle.LockMode = 1; labelStyle.Scale = 0.3; gParticleLabel = SGWorld.Creator.CreateEffect(centerPos); document.getElementById("tabs-1").contentWindow.UpdateParticle(); UpdateParticle(); } //------------- //UpdateParticle function UpdateParticle() { if (!inEdit) return; var colorR ; var colorG ; var colorB ; var size; var sizeRatio; var sizeWithRatioX; var sizeWithRatioY; var particleSpeed; var speedX; var speedY; var speedZ; var imageName ; var shape; var speedShape; var rotationSpeed; var rotationTime; var rotationNodeConditional; var randomizeRotation; var render; var gravityX; var gravityY; var gravityZ; var force; var overrideRotation; var scaleX; var scaleY; var scaleZ; var drag; var maxParticles ; var rate ; var timeSpan ; var fadeIn ; var fadeOut ; var maxFade; var blend; var particleText = "$$PARTICLE$$UserDefine: \r\n <? xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> \r\n < Particle ID='Custom'>"; for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { if ($("#tabsCheck-" + i).prop('checked')) { //Set label style params colorR = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gColorR; colorG = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gColorG; colorB = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gColorB; scaleX = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gScaleX; scaleY = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gScaleY; scaleZ = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gScaleZ; size = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSize; sizeRatio = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSizeRatio; particleSpeed = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gParticleSpeed; speedX = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSpeedDirX; speedY = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSpeedDirY; speedZ = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSpeedDirZ; imageName = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gImageName; shape = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gShape; speedShape = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gSpeedShape; rotationSpeed = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gRotationSpeed; rotationTime = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gRotationTime; randomizeRotation = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gRandomizeRotation; render = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gRender; gravityX = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gGravityX; gravityY = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gGravityY; gravityZ = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gGravityZ; force = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gForce; overrideRotation = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gOverrideRotation; drag = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gDrag; maxParticles = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gMaxParticles; rate = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gRate; timeSpan = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gTimeSpan; fadeIn = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gFadeIn; fadeOut = document.getElementById("tabs-"+i).contentWindow.gFadeOut; maxFade = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gMaxFade; blend = document.getElementById("tabs-" + i).contentWindow.gBlend; rotationNodeConditional = (rotationSpeed == 0 || rotationTime == 0) ? "" : ("< Rotation Speed='" + rotationSpeed + "' Time='" + rotationTime + "' Initial='" + randomizeRotation + "' />" + "\r\n") sizeWithRatioX = (sizeRatio >= 1) ? size : size / sizeRatio; sizeWithRatioY = (sizeRatio > 1) ? size * sizeRatio : size; particleText += "< ParticleEmitter ID='ring' NumParticles='" + maxParticles + "' Texture='" + imageName + "'>" + "\r\n" + "< Emitter Rate='" + rate + "' Shape='" + shape + "' SpeedShape='" + speedShape + "' Scale='"+scaleX+","+scaleY+","+scaleZ+"' Speed='"+speedX+","+speedY+","+speedZ+"' />" + "\r\n" + // shape:(Cone, Sphere, ShellCone, ShellSphere, Ring, Disc, Cube), scale:the size of the shape in meters, speed:(X,Alt,Z) disform the shape like it is in radius=1. "< Cycle Value='1' />" + "\r\n" + // 0=one time , 1=loop "< Sort Value='1' />" + "\r\n" + rotationNodeConditional+ "< Render Value='" + render + "' />" + "\r\n" + "< Gravity Value='" + gravityX + ", " + gravityY + ", " + gravityZ + "' />" + "\r\n" + // Gravity in X, Altitude and Z directions "< Force Value='" + force + "' OverrideRotation='" + overrideRotation + "' />" + "\r\n" + // Gravity in X, Altitude and Z directions "< Position Value='0, 0, 0' />" + "\r\n" + // doesn;t work "< Life Value='" + timeSpan + "' />" + "\r\n" + // life of each particle in seconds "< Speed Value='" + particleSpeed + "' />" + "\r\n" + // this value multiply the Emitter speed values (x,y,z) "< Color Value='20," + colorR + "," + colorG + "," + colorB + "' />" + "\r\n" + "< Size Value='" + sizeWithRatioX /*size*/ + "," + sizeWithRatioY /*size * sizeRatio*/ + "' />" + "\r\n" + // size of the particle image 1=original image size. Format: SizeX, SizeY "< Drag Value='" + drag + "' />" + "\r\n" + // drag force (units like graviy) "< Blend Type='" + blend + "' />" + "\r\n" + //*** "< Rotation Speed='0' Time='1.7' />" + "\r\n" + // optional: should be in a checkbox "< Fade FadeIn='" + fadeIn + "' FadeOut='" + fadeOut + "' MaxFade='" + maxFade + "' />" + "\r\n" + // fade of each particle. FadeIn/fade out in seconds. Max fade - the maximum fade value (alpha 0-1) "</ ParticleEmitter >" + "\r\n"; } } particleText += "</ Particle >"; gParticleLabel.EffectXML = particleText; } </ script > </ body > </ html > <!--Sig:00000040PACTVv.HC6Si7Qa6ezNdgCsjOp1A3GSsG7PGgWx8Lk6TFiqoR8FrYSnASLeOSAllh3Z0FCCFgRBBg6LMEvQ4JmJJ--> |
, SkylineGlobe
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